Chapter 227 Win-win

Xu Shuhua stared at Si Ningning with wide eyes, and shook her head in shock and surprise, "No, not at all! Just, how do you say it?"

Xu Shuhua scratched her head hard and thought for a long time before saying: "This is exactly the same as the Chinese language teacher at my previous school."

"But having said that..." Xu Shuhua looked at Si Ningning seriously, "I understand all these principles, but when it comes to teaching, the team members are all seven or eight-year-old children. I thought I only need to teach them to recognize one, two and three Fourth, just get rid of the embarrassment of being illiterate..."

To be honest, Xu Shuhua understands patriotism and remembering the deeds of revolutionary veterans, but she has never thought of this aspect...

Upon hearing that there was no big problem, Si Ningning breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time explained his point of view in a gentle and gentle tone, "People often say that you see age at the age of three. Many people use this sentence in a derogatory sense, but I don't think so. think."

“The emphasis of this sentence should be on emphasizing the importance of children at a young age.”


Not to mention Xu Shuhua, Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun on the opposite bed were also a little confused, "But what does this have to do with the revolutionary seniors?"

"It's not directly related." Si Ningning nodded, "But what I mean is that this age group is the easiest and best time to establish patriotism and shape the three major perspectives of worldview, values, and outlook on life."

“A teacher’s task is not that simple. In addition to teaching how to read and write, he also needs to do his best to set a correct benchmark for those who are coming up behind him.”

 Xu Shuhua and others were momentarily speechless.

What Si Ningning said makes sense, but in the understanding of Xu Shuhua and others, things like benchmarking, social values, philosophy of life, etc. should be higher-level and deeper things. It shouldn’t be them, but at least a high school teacher or even a higher-level person who can explain and guide...

 They are not qualified yet…

Although these words are a bit difficult to say, it is undeniable that Si Ningning's remarks made Jiang Yue understand his own shortcomings, and also allowed Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun to indirectly understand the reasons for their defeat.

 There are really differences between people from different family backgrounds.

Si Ningning is an example. Her gaze and vision are forever ahead of them...

 Be convinced even if you are not convinced.

Xu Shuhua pushed the footbath into the bottom of the bed with her heel. She slapped her feet twice to remove the excess water, "This paragraph you wrote is so like when you are reading. Fuck." I don’t even want to go to work, I just want to go to class with you!”

Si Ningning closed the book and pressed it with a book. She smiled and shook her head. "It's better to pack up and go to bed. It's a rare holiday. It's more practical and comfortable to arrange your own time to rest than to do anything else."

 As he spoke, he opened the mosquito net and climbed into bed.

Si Ningning closed the mosquito net and lay down. Jiang Yue, who was lying on the bed opposite her, echoed: "I think so. Every job has its own pressure. Anyway, I decided that before facing new pressure, I have to have a good rest on the first day no matter what, no one can come and order me around!"

His fair and casual witticisms successfully made several other girls in the room laugh. The kerosene lamp was quickly extinguished. With the rustling sound of turning over in the darkness, everyone chatted a few more casually, and then involuntarily fell silent and began to feel sleepy. .

Si Ningning said, I don’t plan to enter the space again tonight. I have a troublesome problem. I will go to the town tomorrow to see if I can find a solution.

Thinking about the worries in his heart, Si Ningning took a corner of the thin blanket to cover his lower abdomen, turned over and fell into a deep sleep.

After finishing breakfast at the educated youth spot early the next morning, Si Ningning put the books and pens on the small table into a green cross-body school bag, and walked out with the bag on his back, saying: "I'm going out. I'll be in the brigade or in Go around the town and see if you can find examples that can be used as teaching materials. If nothing else happens, I won’t come back for lunch. You don’t have to wait for me to come back.”

"Okay." Jiang Yue responded and asked: "What about your lunch? You didn't tell me earlier, otherwise I would have prepared it for you in the morning."

"It's okay." Si Ningning smiled and tugged on the strap of the military kettle, "I brought biscuits and water. If you can't find a place to eat, you can use these as a cushion."

 “Then you go early and come back early, and go to less crowded places.”


He smiled and walked out of the gate of Educated Youth Point. When he walked around the corner of the old house, he was stopped by a young man who had woken up early in the morning and was joking. Si Ningning didn't feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. He was just happy as usual. After chatting for a few words, they set off again.

All the way out of the production team area and into the mountain forest road, before walking out of the forest road, he turned behind a big tree on one side and entered the space for correction. When he came out of the space, Si Ningning was holding a backpack in his hand and looked like a handsome young man again. dress up.

 After entering the town, Si Ningning encountered two groups of people checking the baskets on their backs.

Si Ningning had anticipated this situation, so she usually didn't put anything in her backpack before entering the town.

Seeing that the basket on Si Ningning's back was empty, and hearing that she was going to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things, the people didn't feel embarrassed and waved their hands impatiently, letting Si Ningning go.

Si Ningning didn’t know why people wearing epaulettes suddenly started patrolling strictly, but this incident undoubtedly disrupted her original plan.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, Si Ningning found a place to transfer two handfuls of seasonal vegetables and a decent piece of pork belly into the basket on his back, and then turned around and went to the family building behind the town health center.

Going up to the second floor and knocking on one of the slightly old doors, I thought the person who opened the door would be Zhang Yuemei, but unexpectedly the face of a middle-aged man poked his head out, it was Fu Hongshu.


Fu Hongshu and Si Ningning were stunned at the same time. In the end, Si Ningning reacted first. He glanced at the woman holding a child in the corridor from the corner of his eye. Si Ningning grinned and shouted, "Uncle."

Fu Hongshu understood immediately, raised his voice deliberately, and said cheerfully: "You boy, I discussed with your aunt last night to take a day during the holidays to visit your mother! Come on, come in the house!"

Once he heard this, Si Ningning remembered the double festival incident. It was not difficult to understand why Fu Hongshu was at home at this point.

As soon as Si Ningning entered Fu's house, Fu Hongshu locked the door neatly. Si Ningning walked around the clutter before entering the living room, straightened the messy tables and chairs, and pushed the small objects for children to play on the table. aside.

Fu Hongshu laughed and said: "Haha, it's a joke. It's rare to have a day off, and the house has not been tidied up yet... Sit, sit casually, sit anywhere."

Si Ningning nodded, put down the basket from his shoulder and walked to the living room. Zhang Yuemei poked her head out of the kitchen, "Who are you talking to? Have you cleared the table? You need to find separate boxes to put those small parts, otherwise I can't find it, and Ni'er is going to cry again..." Halfway through her words, Zhang Yuemei got stuck, and hurriedly came out of the kitchen, quickly wiping the table and pouring water for Si Ningning.

 A few minutes later, Si Ningning and Fu Hongshu sat face to face at the table. Both of them had a steaming enamel vat in front of them. The difference was that the one in front of Si Ningning was brown sugar water, while the one in Fu Hongshu's hand was boiled water.

The little granddaughter of the Fu family, Nini, was awake. She was afraid that the little girl would hear something she shouldn't and would learn from others, so Zhang Yuemei took her downstairs to wander around.

Only Fu Hongshu and Si Ningning were left in the room. They each took a sip of water. Fu Hongshu chuckled and spoke a few words first, "Little brother, I have read all the things you sent last time. They are all good." Things, and the big half of watermelon you gave me, it’s so sweet that it can’t even be compared to sugar water!”

"But having said that..." Fu Hongshu glanced at the basket beside Si Ningning's legs and cut to the chase and asked, "What's in store this time?"

When Si Ningning entered the house just now, Fu Hongshu noticed that the basket looked light and did not look like it contained anything.

"There aren't many things this time, and I'm not here to take action." Si Ningning put down the enamel jar, uncovered the cloth on the basket, took out the seasonal vegetables and the piece of meat, and placed them on the corner of the table.

 After taking it, put the basket back to its original place.

There were not many things, but there were hard goods inside. Fu Hongshu was quite satisfied, and the smile on his face became more sincere, "How do you say this?"

Si Ningning knew a little about Fu Hongshu's situation. He came here for a purpose, so he didn't hide it. He said calmly: "I came here this time because I actually want to ask Director Fu for help. If Director Fu is interested, I would like to ask him for help." Go on, no matter whether things work out in the end, these things today count as my sincerity in coming to the door, but if it works out, I will send another twenty pounds of pork of the same quality, or even better."

“Tell me about it?” Fu Hongshu’s thick eyebrows were furrowed, and his expression could not help but look serious.

The business of being a trespasser is very risky. If you are involved with a trespasser, you may be imprisoned if you are found out, let alone a more in-depth human relationship...

If it were just a few vegetables and a thin strip of pork on the table, Fu Hongshu would definitely be determined and refuse to take big risks, but Si Ningning just added "Twenty kilograms of pork will be given after the matter is completed."

Although he didn’t lack the money to buy meat, pork resources were hard to come by on the market. After hesitating for a while, Fu Hongshu muttered “Hmm”, but he was still excited, “Tell me about it?”

“I need a vacant house. It’s best not to have too many people around the house. If the house is in a suburb outside the town, that’s fine.”

  In other words, that’s better.

Si Ningning lowered her eyebrows and took another sip of sugar water, "I will use this house for about a month, and I will return it in its original condition after one month."

Si Ningning thought that this request would be difficult to satisfy, but unexpectedly, Fu Hongshu across from him frowned like a subway man looking at his cell phone. He stared at her for a long time without words, and suddenly said, "That's all?"

“…” Si Ningning was a little speechless, and nodded slightly at the same time, confirming: “That’s all.”

"It's... hahaha." Fu Hongshu shook his head and burst into laughter, "What a coincidence. I happen to have one of the vacant rooms here. I usually use it to stock up on rubber raw materials. I worked overtime before the holiday. The first two raw materials in it happened to be used up. The next batch It will be delivered on the 9th of next month.”

Fu Hongshu explained, then gave the address, and then asked Si Ningning, "If you think it's okay, I'll get you the key, but no matter what you do, be cautious! The transaction between us is a win-win situation, can you You can’t give me any trouble.”

Si Ningning nodded and said, "Don't worry, Director Fu. I understand this."

Seeing this, Fu Hongshu went back to the room to get the key, and then handed the key to Si Ningning. Before sending Si Ningning out, Fu Hongshu told him: "Just call me uncle when you come back next time. There are many residents in the building, so who are you afraid of?" We should be careful if we hear something we shouldn’t hear when passing by the door.”

Si Ningning saw Fu Hongshu's smiling face and suspected that Fu Hongshu just wanted to take advantage of her "uncle", but when she thought that this was indeed safer, she did not protest.

Out of the door, Si Ningning turned around and waved her hand, "Uncle, I'm going back now, you don't have to send me away."

Fu Hongshu nodded with a smile, "Okay, you go back and tell your mother that if there is anything difficult to deal with next time, I will ask you to come over here and let me know, and your aunt and I will help take care of it." "


Farewell to Fu Hongshu, Si Ningning was afraid of attracting attention, so she went to a state-owned restaurant to drink a bowl of porridge first. It was almost noon before she got up and walked slowly to the scrap station.

As soon as I turned out of the alley, I saw a monkey head with its neck stretched out like a giraffe in the door of the scrapyard.

As soon as he saw Si Ningning, the monkey head withdrew his gaze, pretending that nothing happened, wandered around the front room, and then suddenly walked to the inner compartment.

Si Ningning was like an ordinary shopper, squatting and rummaging in the front room for a while with a heavy basket on his back before going to the back.

Si Ningning entered the cubicle and saw the monkey jumping three feet high, "Why are you here! I thought you weren't coming!"

  Indeed it is.

The time for coming back this time was much later than originally promised. When Si Ningning came, she was prepared to make another trip tomorrow.

“I caught up with a patrolman on the road, so I was delayed for a while.”

"I think so, so I waited a little longer." After learning the reason, the monkey head exhaled and showed a smile.

The cubicle was a little different from before. The floor was deliberately tidied up, and two straw dumplings were placed on the cushions. Si Ningning asked Si Ningning to make the monkey head first, while he listened to the noise outside the door, and then fumbled out a small one from the corner. He came out of his pocket, "A total of eighteen and a half dollars, and they're all here."

The monkey head handed the pocket to Si Ningning. Si Ningning moved his position and counted the rays of sunlight coming in from the vent. After making sure that the money was OK, Si Ningning rolled up the money and put it in his pants pocket, then opened his shirt. When he lifted his clothes, he intentionally or unintentionally exposed the gun case on his waist.

Si Ningning noticed from the corner of his eye that the monkey head opposite seemed not to see clearly. He blinked and frowned, and stretched his neck forward. It seemed that it was indeed the gun case. The monkey head swallowed a mouthful of saliva and sat upright.

Si Ningning was about to speak, but before he could speak, Heitou said dryly: "Brother Yang said that rice, meat, and cloth are all easy to sell. If there is sufficient supply, any of these three items can be enlarged." Just enough, he can eat it."

 (End of this chapter)

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