Chapter 228 Long-term

Si Ningning nodded to show that he understood, and then said something that almost made the monkey's eyes pop out, "Can you eat a pig?"

 “Huh? What?”

As if this wasn’t exciting enough, Si Ningning continued to add, “Live pig.”

“…” The monkey fell down on the straw mat with a confused look on his face, “A whole live pig?”

“Do you dare to ask for half a live pig?”

“Half, half, half, half a live pig, half a live pig, let’s forget about it!” said the monkey head, knocking his head.

Si Ningning glanced at him speechlessly, "I have a lot of time today. If Gu Yang and the others are in town, I can meet with them, or you can transfer the message. I'll wait for your reply here."

Houtou hesitated for a moment, nodded and said firmly: "Then I'll go and send the message. There are many people over there, and I don't think it's appropriate for you to go it alone."

Si Ningning nodded, "That's okay."

I have to say that Houtou, the middleman, still fulfilled his duties. Between Si Ningning and Gu Yang, I couldn't tell which side he preferred.

Houtou tidied up and left quickly through the back door to find Gu Yang and the others.

Si Ningning stayed at the scrap station like an ordinary shopper, rummaging around and trying to find things he needed or could use. Occasionally, he would help Old Man Cheng lift the pole and weigh other customers.

Houtou had been gone for more than forty minutes, and he came back through the back door. The difference was that the three brothers from the Gu family came back with him.

There happened to be no one at the scrapyard. Old Cheng glanced out the door and waved to them with his hands behind his back, "You go in and tell me, I'll be watching from the outside. If you hear me cough three times, don't say anything."

The group of people nodded in response. After entering the compartment, they waited for the monkey head to close the door. Gu Yang, whose arms were shiny and had a shaved head, was the first to introduce: "My surname is Gu and my name is Gu Yang. My friends in the black market call me Brother Yang."

As he spoke, his shiny arms moved towards the two young men behind him, "This is my brother Achao, and this is my brother Xihe."

Si Ningning knew Gu Yang’s name, but the names of Achao and Xihe had just been learned.

His two younger brothers are both tall and tall, but the difference is that the boy named Ah Chao has a tough appearance. After two years of losing all his childishness, he should become a person who feels like a boss.

As for the boy named Xihe, his complexion is the same as that of many country boys, a dark wheat color. He seems to be the youngest of the three brothers. Therefore, his face is more immature and his expression is full of vigor, completely unlike the other two. Like my elder brother, although he has a good and upright appearance, his eyes hide the vicissitudes of history.

When Gu Yang introduced him, he even grinned, narrowed his eyes and playfully waved hello to Si Ningning.

This scene was indeed something Si Ningning did not expect, so she felt her attention was diverted.

Si Ningning calmed down, knowing that this was Gu Yang's formal introduction, so he became more serious, "My name is Chen Jidong, and Hericium calls me Dongdong."

  The three parties each looked at each other and nodded at the same time as if in tacit understanding. Then they picked up old newspapers, kicked up the straw cushions, and after more than ten seconds, everyone sat down one after another.

 Gu Yang was thinking about opening his mouth, but he saw Si Ningning slowly lowering the basket on his back and pulling out a large watermelon with green and black skin.

Si Ningning moved very carefully until the watermelon completely rolled out of the basket, then she clenched her fist and hit the melon. With a "pop", a big watermelon instantly split into three spider web-like openings.

 “Talk while eating.”




 Houtou, Gu Yang and Gu Chao were a little stuck for a while.

On the other hand, Gu Xihe was careless and never thought about where Si Ningning got the big watermelon.

Since the last cooperation, Gu Xihe has regarded Si Ningning as one of his own. Si Ningning talked while eating. He didn't hesitate at all. He flexed his shoulder muscles to open the watermelon and took a big bite in his mouth. Muttering "It's so sweet", he broke half of the watermelon in his hand into two halves and handed it to Gu Yang, "Brother, try it!"

Gu Yang frowned and glanced at him. Gu Xihe seemed to be aware of his untimely uprightness. He laughed twice as he begged for mercy and handed the watermelon that Gu Yang didn't take to Gu Chao.

The situation was serious at the moment. Gu Chao straightened his back and concentrated on encouraging himself to be Brother Yang's right-hand man. Gu Xihe handed over the watermelon. He didn't want to accept it at first, but he thought that Gu Xihe had already been rejected once, and he was afraid that Gu Xihe would not accept it on the way home. He wanted to wilt all the way, so he picked it up anyway.

 “Let’s go and eat.” Gu Yang sighed.


Gu Chao had no choice but to glare at Gu Xihe, and the two of them moved to a corner to eat watermelon.

 Witnessing the subtle emotional changes between the three brothers, Si Ningning curled her lips and suddenly found it quite amusing.

However, since a lot of time has been wasted, Si Ningning took the initiative to get to the point and said: "The monkey head should have conveyed my words well. Is there anything vague that you need to understand?"

If you don’t plan to take this trip, just ask the monkey head to explain it.

 But since he will come in person, it means he plans to do something.

"The monkey head said you have a live pig in your hand." Gu Yang nodded, "A live pig is no better than a dead one. It may make noise at any time, so the risk is greater. How big is your pig? How much does it weigh? Where is it?"

 “The pig is not big, about 200 pounds.”

 The food usually fed is pig grass and some vegetables, pumpkins, etc. There is no real food at all, so it is not considered fattening.

 However, in the context of the 1970s, this weight was acceptable.

Si Ningning has made a comparison. Even if the pigs in the space are not fat, they are still much stronger than the pigs in the production team's pig pen.

Si Ningning let out a long "hmm" and continued following the route provided by Fu Hongshu: "Do you know that there is a human-shaped fork in the road between Bahe Town and the commune? Follow the fork for half an hour and walk there. There is a brick house with a red star sign, right there.”

Originally, I was worried that Gu Yang and the others didn't know the exact location, but unexpectedly, after Si Ningning finished speaking, Gu Yang nodded and said, "I know, that place used to be the commune primary school. After the school was suspended, it was requisitioned by the rubber factory."

Having said this, Gu Yang raised his eyes and glanced at Si Ningning. It was obvious that he had guessed that Si Ningning had something to do with the people in the rubber factory, otherwise he would not have been able to get there.

But I guessed it, Gu Yang is a smart man and knows that there are some things that are not appropriate to break the window paper.

Si Ningning smiled and did not bother to explain. He explained his arrangement straightforwardly, "The pigs have to be killed immediately, and it's up to you. I plan to do it tomorrow afternoon or evening. The price of pork on the black market is graded from two yuan to two yuan." There are ones priced at two yuan, and there are also higher ones, but how much you sell depends on your own ability.”

"You won't participate?" Gu Yang asked, looking quite surprised.

"I'm very busy over there and can't spare time at night, so I'll leave this to you." Si Ningning shook his head, "The pork is my supply, and I'll give you one dollar and ninety-five cents per catty, and the water will be the extra for killing the pig. You can eat it yourself or do whatever you want with it." Pork at this price is considered cheap on the black market, but from the perspective of the supplier, it is not considered a cheap sale.

And the reason why Si Ningning is so anxious to deal with the pigs in the space is because several pigs have grown up. Two of the four sows have been killed by black male pigs without her knowledge. When the pig was bred, it was discovered that its belly was already sagging.

These are nothing. What troubles Si Ningning the most is that the black boar seems to be in estrus every day after he reaches adulthood. Not only is he always thinking about riding other sows, but his destructive power is more than twice as big as before. .

Twice, Si Ningning went to feed the pigs. The pigs were impatient and bumped into the pig pens in an attempt to escape. In the end, Si Ningning gave him two sticks and finally became more honest.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning asked with a headache: "Under normal circumstances, what should I do if I don't want to breed a breeding pig again?"

Si Ningning has heard that because the reproductive organs of breeding pigs are retained, the pork will have a fishy smell and should not be eaten under normal circumstances.


Si Ningning's topic change span was too big, and Gu Yang felt that he had not turned a corner for a while.

The monkey on the side reacted first and asked: "How big is the breeding pig? Why don't you want it? Is it incapable of breeding?"

That’s not impossible, that’s great.

“That’s not the case.” Si Ningning shook her head and coughed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Calculating the time, Si Ningning added: "It's about one year old and has already kicked two litters. I don't plan to keep it. I just want to ask you, how should this situation be handled?"

"A year and a half ago...have the hair grown all the way before letting the sow carry her cubs?" The monkey head was surprised for a while, and said after a while: "You are not a big pig. You don't want it to be a breeding pig. Pick it up as early as possible and raise it for a while. I can still eat normally.”

As he spoke, Monkeyhead suddenly leaned back and glared at Si Ningning: "Why, why are you looking at me like that? I can run errands, but I can't cut a pig's balls!"

 “Okay.” Si Ningning sighed and looked back.

At this moment, Gu Yang suddenly said, "I can try."

 “You know how?” Si Ningning asked.

Gu Yang nodded and shook his head, "I've done it on little pigs, but I haven't tried it on big pigs."

Although Gu Yang had never treated a big pig before, Si Ningning was still very confident after hearing his words.

 Let’s try it and see if it works. If the problem cannot be solved and it is destroyed in space in the future, the losses will be even greater.

"Then give it a try!" Si Ningning decided, "I will transport the pigs in advance, and I will hide the key at the door. You can kill them there later or transport them to other safe places. But be careful, I borrowed the place. , don’t get blood and dirt everywhere, it’s hard to clean up.”

Gu Yang nodded, paused for a long time, and asked, "A pig is not a small number, are you afraid that we will run away?"

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Gu Yang would ask such a question.

However, after thinking about the problem for a moment, Si Ningning shook his head with a confident smile on his face, "You often hang out here, which means that the commune and brigade you belong to are not far from here. I want to find you. It takes a lot of effort.”

This era is different from later generations. You can travel everywhere by high-speed trains and airplanes. There are many restrictions in this era. To go to a slightly distant place, you need a letter of introduction. Even if you run away with something rolled up, you can run for a day or a week. A month?

Compared with the long-term benefits, this small profit at the moment is nothing.

Si Ningning looked up at Gu Yang with a smile, and asked as if knocking: "You shouldn't be."

This question was difficult to answer, so Gu Yang remained silent.

Si Ningning felt that he had said enough, so he pushed the half piece of watermelon forward, lifted the rope on his back and stood up: "You can eat the watermelon, and give me an account later based on the supply price. I want to see it." of."

Gu Yang nodded, then stood up and asked, "Do I need to save some pork for you?"

"No need." Si Ningning uttered two words lightly. She stood by the door and listened to the noise outside to make sure no one opened the door and left.

 Gu Xihe moved to Gu Yang in the compartment, "Brother, this watermelon is really sweet. Don't you want to eat it? If you don't eat it, I will dress it up and take it back to my sister-in-law."

 “Yeah.” Gu Yang nodded.

While Gu Xihe was filling the watermelons, Gu Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the monkey head seriously, "Do you think it's reliable?"

Hou Tou nodded, "The person who can get live pigs at this time cannot be an ordinary person, and he has a gun."

According to the information provided by Houtou, Gu Yang thought about it quickly and finally decided that this trip could be done. However, because the number of shipments and the quality of their goods have improved a lot recently, some people on the black market have smelled the fishy smell and secretly paid attention to it. Their group.

After thinking for a while, Gu Yang said: "I'll be there on time at seven o'clock tomorrow night. After marinating the breeding pigs, I'll transport the pigs to be killed to another mountain while it's dark."

The monkey head asked in confusion: "Brother Yang, since Dongdong put the pig there, it means that the place is trustworthy. Do we still need to transport it back and forth?"

“It’s not that I can’t trust him, it’s that I can’t trust the people in the rubber factory.” Concern flashed across Gu Yang’s eyebrows, and he said in a deep voice: “After all, other people’s territory is not as practical as one’s own.”

Gu Yang's worries were justified. The monkey head no longer had any doubts, and nodded and said "ok" neatly.

 Gu Yang’s concerns were actually shared by Si Ningning.

 This is why she agreed to a one-month deadline when borrowing a house from Fu Hongshu.

If Fu Hongshu rebelled and wanted to take the opportunity to stay there and analyze it according to normal people's thinking and logic, Fu Hongshu would not have thought that she would transfer important things into the warehouse in such a short period of time.

It had to wait a few days anyway. If that were the case, she would have already finished it by the time Fu Hongshu went over to stay.

Despite this worry, Si Ningning subconsciously predicted that it was more likely that Fu Hongshu would not betray him.

Si Ningning once experienced twenty years of affluent life. Those twenty years of affluent life not only cultivated all kinds of outstanding and dazzling highlights in her, but also made her understand the psychology of rich and powerful people. , possessing certain speculation and insight.

 These people are very smart, and they are born with a scale in their hearts that weighs the pros and cons. Maybe they focus on benefits, but they focus more on long-term benefits.

In general, characters in novels and TV series who come from a noble family or who are obviously at a certain height will ruin their long-term interests because of a little profit, or just because of "jealousy and jealousy", or even hook up with the entire family. In real life, There are really not many of them.


Ah Yao thought about it after a long absence:

 Dear friends, if you see this, if you think it’s good and you like to read it, can you give it a five-star rating in the comment area? Five stars five stars! Don't swipe for four stars... Although I know some cuties didn't mean it, the rating has dropped a lot, which is a bit heartbreaking QWQ

 (End of this chapter)

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