Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 229: Good things and bad things

Chapter 229 Good things and bad things

 If so, he was probably beaten to death by his parents before going out.

Si Ningning left the town, paid attention to the time when walking back, and then entered the space in the mountain road and forest.

I took off my wig and put on loose and rough clothes. Thinking that I had to work and I would definitely take a shower later, I didn’t take off my makeup. I picked up an ax and a hammer and continued to expand the pig pen.

 Doubling the size of the pig pen was not enough, so we used the few remaining fence boards to choose another place and built a separate small pig pen.

 The big ones are given to the big pigs, and the small ones are kept for separate isolation when the sows give birth.

After everything was arranged, Si Ningning threw a large bundle of pigweed into the pig pen, put aside the ax and hammer, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his elbow, and went into the villa to wash up. When he came out of the room, he was as fresh as when he left. dress up.

On the way back to the educated youth spot, Si Ningning passed by the corner of the old house. He smiled and nodded in response to everyone's greetings. He looked around and saw that there were more than a dozen people working on the scene, but Huo Lang was not there.

 She should have gone to other brigades to help.

“You guys go get busy, I’m going back to the educated youth center too.” Si Ningning waved to everyone, looked back with a smile, and returned to the educated youth center under the watchful eyes of all the young men.

Si Ningning went into the house to fetch water and washed her face. She took out her pocket watch and looked at the time. She didn't know the time, but she was shocked to see that it was already three-thirty in the afternoon.

I didn't feel hungry at first, but after knowing the time, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't eaten at noon. Almost instantly, my body seemed to realize something. Strong heart palpitations came as soon as it happened. Si Ningning swayed a bit, endured the dizziness and sat down at the table. .

Although the diet and nutrition have been improved, because the meal times are not so regular, the blood sugar in the body is low. Usually, if you sit or squat for a long time, you will feel a little dizzy when you stand up suddenly, but nothing else.

I may have traveled too many places today. On the one hand, I am tired from working. On the other hand, I have been under the sun for a long time and have been very hot. Some minor symptoms are superimposed on each other, which makes my body unable to bear it.

Si Ningning leaned on the edge of the table in the hall for a while before he recovered. As soon as he raised his head, he caught up with Xu Shuhua coming out of the room.

Seeing that Si Ningning's face was as white as paper, Xu Shuhua was startled, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Why is his face so ugly?"

This voice alerted Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun in the room.

 For a while, the three people gathered around Si Ningning to keep warm from the cold.

Si Ningning waved her hand and raised her bloodless lips slightly, "It's okay, please stand aside...sit down and let me breathe fresh air. I'll be fine after sitting for a while."

In fact, most of the palpitations have gone away. After Si Ningning finished speaking, he sat down for a while and felt much better.

 I stood up and made a cup of malted milk and drank it sip by sip. By the time I finished drinking it, my physical discomfort had completely subsided.

Seeing that Si Ningning's face slowly turned around, Xu Shuhua breathed a sigh of relief. She glared at Si Ningning disapprovingly for a while and said, "As soon as I saw you like this, I knew you didn't eat well at noon!"

"Hehe." Si Ningning smiled awkwardly and lied casually, "I wanted to come back early, but I didn't have time to eat."

 “Didn’t you bring biscuits? Can’t you eat them while walking?”

"You, you, are so smart in thinking about big things, why are you so sloppy in small things?" Xu Shuhua continued to nag. Seeing that the cup in Si Ningning's hand was empty, she stretched out her hand and said, "Give me the cup, and I will give it to you again." Pour some water."

 “Thank you.” Si Ningning obediently handed over the cup.

 Across the table, Jiang Yueren was kneeling on a long bench, half of his body resting on the table, "How is it going? Is there any progress?"


“What else could it be! It’s about compiling teaching materials!” Jiang Yue stared at Si Ningning and pouted speechlessly.

"No progress." Si Ningning said "hmm" and said, "But I have an idea."

Jiang Yue immediately became serious, "What do you think?"

Si Ningning took the cup handed over by Xu Shuhua, curved her lips and said thank you before continuing to look at Jiang Yue: "Teach gradually in terms of simplicity. If you are worried that the children will not understand, give more practical examples. ,Um…"

Si Ningning tilted her head and thought for a moment, then continued: "If the example sounds interesting, it will make the teaching process smoother, and the results should also have unexpected gains."

  How do you say something? interest is the best teacher.

 Children cannot be allowed to regard learning as "interest", but they can be made interested in learning, right?

"Alas!" Jiang Yue curled her lips and said: "I can understand what you say, but how can it be so simple to be 'interesting'?"

As she spoke, Jiang Yue became even more worried, "What if the students don't listen when I give my lecture?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yue's eyes widened and she covered her face with her hands, feeling that the sky was about to fall.

"It's not so easy to get work points." Si Ningning shook her head and sighed softly for a while: "But you don't have to worry so much. After all, you are not a professional teacher. Just do your best."

 Jiang Yue nodded slightly, "Yeah."

It can only be the.

Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua secretly looked at each other, feeling more and more that being a teacher was not as simple as they imagined.

 At first glance, it seems like a good job, but if you can't handle it, it will become a troublesome thing that can ruin the goodwill of all members of the production team.

Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua suddenly felt that losing the election might not be a bad thing.

After thinking about this clearly, Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua's mentality returned to normal, and the atmosphere in the room that had been deadlocked for a day gradually became more lively.

In the afternoon, Si Ningning sat at the table in the main room and sorted out her notes. Jiang Yue bought a grid arithmetic book from her for two cents. She also sat at the table and listed the basic courses. Occasionally when she was unsure about something, she would push the notebook away. Go to Si Ningning and ask if it's okay.

The male educated youths went out to collect firewood during the holidays. In the main room, Si Ningning and Jiang Yue exchanged words in low voices from time to time. Outside the door, Xu Shuhua was weeding her own land. Song Xiaoyun dug up earthworms half a bamboo tube from somewhere and came back, shouting "pecking, pecking, pecking".

Oddly enough, some of the hens from the educated youth spot were really called back by Song Xiaoyun, and they ran up to them and began to "cuck" and compete for earthworms.

A group of people were doing their own duties, and time passed quickly. In the evening, the sky darkened. Si Ningning gathered her things and prepared to help them finish the meal, when Zhao Hongbing suddenly visited.

Zhao Hongbing came over to ask Si Ningning about mushrooms and whether they were available.

Si Ningning then remembered that half a month had passed since she last returned from searching for wooden stakes in the corner of the old house, and the mushrooms she had planted before had actually been harvested.

It’s just that the experiment was carried out in three places. In the end, only the few wooden piles near the well grew mushrooms, the ones planted next to the swing and in the bamboo forest behind the house. I don’t know whether it was because the soil was not permeable or because of excessive watering. , the mushrooms wilted, curled up and died as soon as they sprouted some spores.

Si Ningning later tried planting a batch again. This time, he mixed more dead branches and dry bamboo leaves into the soil to increase the air permeability of the soil. He not only planted them in front and behind the Zhiqingdian gate, but also planted them in the soil. Some are also planted in the space land.

Calculating that the time is almost there, the results will come out, but because of the holidays these two days, Si Ningning has been busy dealing with the pigs, and the mushrooms have basically been forgotten.

Now that Zhao Hongbing asked, Si Ningning thought about it seriously and said, "Uncle, I am still experimenting with mushrooms. It is confirmed that they can be grown on rotten wood piles, um..."

After a pause, Si Ningning considered and continued: "It doesn't have to be rotten wood. Our production team is surrounded by mountains. Some dead and dead trees in dark and humid places are also acceptable. Other ways, such as growing crops, I’m still experimenting with land cultivation, and I won’t know if it works in a few days.”

 “Oh, oh!” Zhao Hongbing nodded, a look of surprise flashed across his rough black face.

Si Ningning didn't know if he understood clearly. Thinking that there were unused bacteria bags in the educated youth spot, she said, "Uncle, I still have a surplus of bacteria bags here. Let me get one for you. This bacteria I’ll take it back and dig two holes to put it in a ventilated and cool place. Just put two drops of water on it every day to keep it moist, and mushrooms will grow in a few days.”

“If you want to try to grow something, that’s fine. If it is successfully implemented in the future, I can be a technician and lead everyone.”

"Okay, okay, that's okay!" When Zhao Hongbing heard this, he thought it was feasible and nodded quickly. But after thinking about it carefully, he was embarrassed and scratched his head and laughed, "Technical, technical personnel, haha, forget about the technical personnel, I'm At most, it’s just a stupid bird flying first, and then it won’t be embarrassing in front of the club members and young students, then that’s fine, hahaha.”

As Zhao Hongbing spoke, he followed Si Ningning to the well to look at the wooden piles.

Si Ningning explained to him one by one: "There are no special requirements for the fungi on the wooden piles. You can use a hatchet or an ax to split the gaps or make a shallow pit, and then stuff the straw with mycelium in it." "

"If the bacteria pack is left at home and cannot absorb the morning dew, it needs to be watered appropriately to control the temperature and humidity. This is generally not necessary in the wild, but there are too many uncertain factors in the wild, such as being eaten by wild animals when growing, or being eaten by uninformed animals. If a member of the club picks it off, you may need to inform the team members in advance to explain that it is an experimental product and ask everyone not to pick it. In addition, you need to go there regularly to take a look. "

"Hmm..." After talking for a long time, Si Ningning said "Hmm" and took a breath. "The reason is actually very simple. Different planting conditions require different things to pay attention to."

Zhao Hongbing nodded in understanding, and then asked: "Si Zhiqing, is it better to grow this kind of mushrooms inside the house, or outside the house?"

"Each has its own advantages." Si Ningning thought for a while and analyzed, "If we look at this issue from the perspective of large-scale mushroom cultivation, the first thing to consider is the temperature issue here. The southern climate is actually very unique. …”

 Halfway through speaking, Si Ningning noticed Zhao Hongbing's expression.

 A man who was usually rough and shrewd was now wrinkling his eyebrows. Although his face was serious, he could still see the confusion and confusion in it.

Si Ningning was stuck for a moment, reflecting on himself that maybe he was speaking too officially, which was not easy for Zhao Hongbing to understand.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning reorganized his words, "In addition to humidity, mushrooms also have requirements for temperature. The seasonal climate here is much better than that in the north. Generally, the spring breeze is warm, and before the frost in late autumn, we can Plant outside.”

“For example, after the frost in late autumn, it is too cold outside and the temperature cannot meet the growth needs of mushrooms. Even if there are mushroom probes, they will grow diseased and crooked, and the final harvest will not be proportional to the investment. At that time, you can consider growing indoors.”

Of course, you can also cultivate mushrooms indoors from the beginning. The reason why Si Ningning said that is because he feels that the humid and rainy climate in the south has an advantage, and if you can directly use it, you can use it directly.

After all, it’s hard to say what the exact situation is. Whatever you plant in the forest will be an unexpected harvest. If you really want to free up the house and make a lot of efforts, then some step will not be controlled well, resulting in unsatisfactory harvest, and good things will change. If something bad happens, Si Ningning and Zhao Hongbing are likely to be criticized.

 After all, one is the proposer and the other is the implementer.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning said to Zhao Hongbing very seriously: "Uncle, even if I research this thing, since everyone has no experience, it is not suitable to do it on a large scale right away. Let's set a goal to satisfy the production team. The daily needs of the members are enough, and we can wait until the technology is stable before we talk about side jobs. "

Although I started studying mushroom cultivation with the intention of starting a side business, I can’t just do it right away, right? Always test the depth of the water first.

Zhao Hongbing was stunned for a moment. Realizing what Si Ningning was worried about, he laughed and shook his head, "You kid, don't you know this?"

Si Ningning smiled "hehe" and said, "I am just doing my own thing and forget that my uncle is a good hand at farming."

  "Okay! It's getting dark too, I won't disturb your rest." Zhao Hongbing picked up the mushroom bag and stood up. After taking two steps, he suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, Si Zhiqing,"

 “Huh?” Si Ningning raised her head in confusion.

"That's it. The literacy class will be completed in a few days, and then we can officially start the class after letting it dry for a while." Zhao Hongbing thought about it for a while and carefully instructed: "Our classroom is newly built. Because of this, the course progress will be affected. Many other production teams have fallen behind, you have to find a way to catch up on this progress!"

"I will try my best." Si Ningning nodded in agreement.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing. It's the song you taught the second son of the Chen family before. Do you still remember it? How did you sing it?" Zhao Hongbing thought about it for a while, and used a very strange intonation for a long time, that is, the dialect is not like the dialect. , singing in a different Mandarin-like tone:

 Not afraid of wind and snow

I, the Chinese people, bleed but do not shed tears

 Never regret

 Enter China


 After singing two lines, Zhao Hongbing stopped.

Probably because he knew that his Mandarin was not standard, Zhao Hongbing wiped his face in embarrassment and said with a smile: "This is the song, it has a good meaning! All the children in our team must learn it!"

 (End of this chapter)

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