Chapter 230 Movie

Si Ningning saw that Zhao Hongbing had a simple and honest face, just like his old father who had taken great care, and his heart seemed to be touched by something. Si Ningning's face softened and she sighed helplessly, "I understand, uncle, please go back quickly. After a while it got dark and I couldn’t see the road.”

"What are you afraid of? I've been walking on this road for most of my life, and I can touch it back with my eyes closed!" Zhao Hongbing laughed and muttered, waving to Si Ningning to hurry into the house, and then put his hands behind his back , bowed his back slightly and went home.

Si Ningning felt a little ripple in her heart.

In this special era, passionate and selfless sincerity seems to be everywhere.

 Once you meet or come into contact with someone, it’s really hard not to be moved.

Si Ningning thought: Her power is meager and she may not be able to make any big contribution to this era, but can she do her best to influence and inspire a group of people as much as possible?

Zhao Hongbing walked around the side of the house at the educated youth spot. Si Ningning let out a breath, averted his gaze and slowly returned to the house.

 After dinner, it was a peaceful and dreamless night.

Early the next morning, Si Ningning got up and solved the problem of breakfast. Then she made a cup of malted milk and drank it. She sat at the table in the main room and sorted out her notes. After lunch at the educated youth point, Si Ningning saw that it was almost time. Carrying a school bag, planning to go out.

Yesterday, it was this dress that came out. At that time, I was talking about going out to find inspiration to write teaching materials. Today, it is this dress again. Si Ningning hasn't even spoken yet. Xu Shuhua and the others will feel sorry for it. In addition to telling Si Ningning to go home early in the afternoon. , nothing else was said.

The excuses prepared in advance were not used. Si Ningning was a little short of words for a moment, but she thought about it carefully so that she would not have to make excuses every time.

 How do you say something?

 Telling one lie requires countless lies to cover it up.

The car hasn’t rolled over now, so I can’t see anything. If the car rolls over one day in the future, even if the car is covered with mouths, it may not be explained.

After sighing in his heart, Si Ningning shook his head and muttered silently that he would never let the day of "overturning" come.

 After leaving the boundary of the third team, Si Ningning went into the space behind the trees on the side of the forest road to change clothes and wigs. Si Ningning set off again and arrived at the agreed rubber factory warehouse at 4:20 pm.

This warehouse is larger than the houses in the commune. There is a wall on the outside. The gate connected to the wall is an iron gate. There is a round wooden sign about the size of a pot lid on the door, with a corner painted with red paint. Upright red five-pointed star.

 When he saw the red five-pointed star, Si Ningning knew that he was looking for the right place.

Opening the lock on the fence door, Si Ningning entered, pulled the chain on the fence door with his backhand, and locked the door from the inside. Pulling the chain to make sure it would not be easily pulled open, Si Ningning stepped on the fallen leaves and continued walking inside. .

He glanced around randomly and saw that the walls he could see were weathered and dilapidated. The tops of the walls were covered with green and black moss. Some of the walls had obvious cracks. Traces of repairs could be faintly seen on the edges, but the traces only lasted for a short section. Stopped abruptly.

It should be that this area is usually only used for stacking materials, and few people stay there, so the problems on the fence cannot be discovered in time. When they are discovered later, the period of repair has been missed. If the repair is not good, we can only let it go. Continue to be dilapidated.

 The surrounding area is very quiet, except for the occasional "squeaking" sound from stepping on short branches, there is basically no other sound.

Si Ningning walked for a while and felt a little panicked. Inexplicably, she remembered what Gu Yang said before:

 “There used to be a primary school…”

Perhaps it was psychological effects, or maybe she was affected by some stories she had heard before, but Si Ningning felt an inexplicable chill down her spine.


 It is undoubtedly a very popular place during the opening period, but there is another saying that most schools are built on cemeteries or execution grounds, especially the old campuses...

It's okay not to think about it. Thinking about it, Si Ningning put on a mask of pain on her face.

So what if there is really a cemetery underneath this place?

After a hundred years of death, a person will be nothing more than a handful of loess.


Even though we know this truth and know that there is no such unreasonable ‘thing’ in the world, we still feel suspicious in our hearts due to subconscious psychology.

After scaring herself three times, Si Ningning was so irritated by her lack of hope that she turned her hand over and pulled out an ax in her hand. She cursed with a stern face: "You have the ability." Just come out and see if I kill you with a knife."

After the words fell, Si Ningning was like a person in a deep fog who suddenly shattered the transparent mirror blocking his progress. His mind was trembling, and his thinking suddenly became clear.

Looking down at the ax held tightly in both hands, the corner of Si Ningning's mouth twitched incomprehensibly, "Si Ningning, you are out! All those years of realism and atheism have been in vain? Are you really giving twenty Shame on my first century compatriots!”

It's normal to feel scared in a strange place, but because of unrealistic things like "ghosts and gods", Si Ningning has trapped herself in misunderstandings and suspicions. Si Ningning really doesn't know where she went wrong just now.

With the ax retracted into the space, Si Ningning stopped paying attention to the surroundings and walked straight towards the row of connected empty houses.

There were three empty rooms in total. Si Ningning was not in a hurry, so she didn't just put down her things and leave. She looked around the window and made sure that they were all empty and no one was hiding. Only then did she feel relieved.

 Took out the key and tried the locks on each door, and only opened the door after trying the third one.

An hour has passed for this ink mark, and it seems to be almost done. If you continue to wait, it will be dark when you get home soon. Si Ningning no longer hesitates, spreads a few snakeskin bags on the ground, and then walks into the space , brought out two wooden boxes with obvious ventilation gaps in front and back.

 The position where the wooden box landed is directly opposite the snakeskin bag that has been laid out in advance.

Si Ningning was worried that if the pigs were released directly, they would run around and pull around, so she tried to drive the pigs into the box.

The box was used to hold the little pigs when I bought them. One box can hold two little pigs, and there is plenty of room for movement. But after the big pig gets in, there is basically no room to turn around due to the huge difference in size. No.

 From a pig’s perspective, this must be very frustrating.

 But from Si Ningning's point of view, there is nothing we can do about it. Special situations can only be treated specially.

Si Ningning wiped her sweat and took a breath. She patted the two big boxes to appease the two pigs. Then she locked the classroom door and returned to the fence door.

Si Ningning opened the fence door and locked the door again after going out. There was no obstruction in the area. Si Ningning glanced around to make sure there was no one around, so she picked up a piece of rotten brick and pressed it against the corner of the door to press the key.

Gu Yang and the others will come over at night. Regardless of whether they are killing pigs here, they will eventually transport the pork away. She only needs to come over early tomorrow morning to collect the black-haired boar and clean the place.

Slapping the dirt off his palms, Si Ningning pressed his face against the fence door and glanced sideways in several times to make sure that no one who had not received the hint would easily find out. Then he turned around and retreated with satisfaction.

The next day, I counted the time and heard the first crowing of the production team's rooster, so I got up from the bed and washed up. When I went out, a layer of fish belly white appeared on the eastern sky. I waited until I was halfway into the space to prepare myself before I came out. The sky was getting brighter outside. stand up.

The Mid-Autumn Festival has just passed, and in the second half of the month, the autumnal equinox will enter the alternation of day and night. If you still go out at the same time at that time, you will probably be in trouble.

Thinking aimlessly, Si Ningning's pace became faster and faster. Outside the iron gate of the rubber factory warehouse, Si Ningning touched the key.

The broken bricks were placed at exactly the same angle as yesterday. Si Ningning couldn't help but worry that Gu Yang and the others didn't find the key when they came last night.

Hauntedly, Si Ningning walked in, opened the door of the third classroom and saw that there was only a big box left inside. Si Ningning finally felt relieved.

 One of the pigs has taken away...

 Except for a little blood seeping out of the corner of the existing wooden box, the room was still the same as before. From this, it can be seen that Gu Yang and others did take the pigs away and kill them.

Si Ningning took a look at the black pig in the wooden box. The black pig had been pickled, and the buttocks were smeared with plant ash. The dried blood was mixed with the plant ash, and it was already a bit scabbed.

Without saying a word, Si Ningning put her hand on the box and disappeared into the house together with the box.

Si Ningning moved the box containing the black pig to the newly enclosed small pig pen and isolated it under the control of her mind. She didn't know if just applying a little plant ash to the wound would do the trick. After thinking about it, He dug out two bottles of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory tablets for human consumption from the pile of medical supplies.

Si Ningning went into the kitchen and put some fragrant rice, rice, millet and whole grains into the inner pot of the rice cooker. He turned on the water and pressed the steam button to start cooking. When it was cooked, he mixed two tablets each of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Go in and mix.

Although it is a medicine for people to take, Si Ningning feels that it should also have some effect when taken by animals. It is just that the ratio of weight and shape will affect the amount of medicine.

 The dosage for an adult to take one tablet should be about the same as the two tablets for a pig weighing more than 200 kilograms.

Si Ningning put some water in the black pig, then fetched a bucket of water from the creek and brought it out of the space. She packed up all the snakeskin bags in the classroom and rolled them up into the space, and sprinkled the little blood that seeped onto the ground. After washing it with a little water, Si Ningning checked everywhere to make sure that there was no blood left in other places and no strange smell could be smelled in the room, then he entered the space again.

When the space rice is steamed, Si Ningning pours the rice into a 40cm diameter basin, adds chopped vegetable segments, drops a little sesame oil, and finally pinches open the capsule of medicine, adds the medicine, and mixes well. After mixing a large basin, The temperature of the scalding rice in the basin gradually cooled down.

Si Ningning looked at it and felt that it was about the same. He put the basin under the pig pen. Seeing that the black pig, which was wilting a second ago, suddenly became energetic, he came closer to the basin and began to eat. Si Ningning's worried heart returned again. lay down.

 Eating with energy means that there is no big problem.

Si Ningning would really feel distressed if the whole pig died due to cutting off the eggs.

Leaving aside the question of meat and meat, she has been feeding him since he was a child. If he died because of this, it would be too frustrating.

Si Ningning did not stay in the space for long. She packed up some small things and put them in her bag. She took off her men's clothing before walking out of the space and carefully locked the doors inside and outside the rubber factory warehouse.

On the way back to the production team, Si Ningning met many familiar faces carrying burdens before even setting foot on the mountain trail.

Si Ningning nodded and greeted a dozen uncles on the roadside, and asked: "Uncle, where are you going with your load so early?"

“Go to the grain station to hand over the public rations! The captain said, try to deal with the public rations in the morning, go home and prepare in the afternoon, and go to the brigade to watch a movie in the evening!”

Upon hearing this, Si Ningning understood in her heart, "Is it our team's turn to show a movie?"

The load-bearers were all thirty-four-year-old uncles. While talking to Si Ningning, they all bent down and put down the load. They took a short rest and said cheerfully: "Hey, it started in the first few days! The captain's It means that if there are too many people, we will arrange to separate them and let the two production teams take turns. Isn't it the turn of our third and fourth teams? Hehe... Si Zhiqing, where are you going when you come back from outside so early? Did you go to town early?"

"Yes, uncle!" Si Ningning also laughed, "The educated youth spot is finally scheduled for the holidays, so I just wanted to go to the town to buy some daily necessities."

“Haha, it’s not easy for you educated youth comrades to come all the way here... But then again, why have you been here for so long? Are you used to the life in the countryside?”

"I'm used to it. Our third team is a good place, we don't have to work in the city!" Si Ningning tightened the straps of his backpack and said with a smile: "Uncle, you are in a hurry, I won't delay your work. When you finish your work, Let’s go down and watch a movie together!”

  "Haha, okay, if you want it, you must get it, you should go back quickly!"

The two groups separated and set off in opposite directions.

Si Ningning continued to walk back and met two groups of young men of the same age who were carrying loads of food. They both stopped for a moment, nodded and exchanged greetings, and then separated again.

When he returned to the production team, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, and the sun was getting brighter. Si Ningning stepped into the production team, wiped his sweat and stepped forward. Before he stepped into the shade, he was greeted by a familiar rough voice. Shocked:

“The matter of handing over public rations has been arranged. Let’s talk about two more things! One of them is the brigade’s movie screening. It was around this time in previous years, and everyone should have heard some rumors this year!”

 It is Zhao Hongbing.

The voice came from Zhao Hongbing's home.

You must know that the entrance to the village is quite far from Zhao Hongbing's home. It is unknown whether Zhao Hongbing found something to use as a "loudspeaker", and his voice was deafening, making Si Ningning's heart tremble.

Si Ningning wiped the sweat off his forehead and followed the sound towards Zhao Hongbing's house, intending to see what was going on.

During this period, Zhao Hongbing’s voice never stopped:

"Watch a movie tonight. Do you remember the filming of Hanako in the commune next door two years ago? Everyone should be aware of self-prevention. Those who want to take care of their children should take care of their own children! We are all children of a big family. If you don't take care of your children, Please be more careful and help your neighbors keep an eye on them!”

 (End of this chapter)

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