Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 231: What did you want to say just now?

Chapter 231 What did you want to say just now?

“Besides this matter, there is one more thing! This matter is more important, please **** up your ears and listen! Ahem—”

On the other side of the voice, Zhao Hongbing coughed twice seriously, and then continued: "The small woods at the foot of the south mountain next to the drainage ditch are now designated as experimental fields!"

Just as she was walking near the door of Zhao Hongbing, Si Ningning frowned slightly when she heard the word "experimental field". Could it be... the experimental field she was thinking of?

There were already many people gathered in front of Zhao Hongbing's house, and it was difficult to get closer. Si Ningning thought that he could still hear clearly at this distance, so he simply stopped at the entrance of the alley and listened silently, and did not approach the door any further. .

 In the crowd, someone soon made a confused voice: "Captain, what is an experimental field? Is it the same as the previous satellite that said the yield of three thousand kilograms of wheat per acre is the same?"

“Oh, go, go! Have you never planted any land before? Or what? The yield of three thousand kilograms per mu is just to fool fools! Now the commune won’t let you mention this!” Someone answered quickly on Zhao Hongbing’s behalf.

In the courtyard, Zhao Hongbing stood on the raised wellhead covered with stone slabs, frowning with a black face and waving his hands impatiently, "Don't mention the past! We won't do those fancy things. Let's just say that this time The enclosed land is used to grow mushrooms! Our production team is at a disadvantage and cannot grow things like ducks, fish, and sheep, but mushrooms are different!"

"In previous years during the rainy season, the women on our team took the time to go up the mountain, not to mention going further in, but even at the foot of the mountain, wouldn't they be able to bring back a lot of fungi? Tell me, the environment in our land is so suitable for growing fungi, then if we can do it ourselves You’ve mastered the method of growing fungi, but are you still worried that you won’t be able to start a side business?”

This statement sounds reasonable at first, but...

The crowd was silent for a moment, and soon someone shouted questioning voices: "But captain, it doesn't matter if you raise sheep or fish or ducks, they are all meat and fish! And I heard that the hair of sheep can be made into textiles by scraping it off, so that's not a good idea." They all take the bulk. Not to mention, our mushrooms are vegetarian, and they are grown in the mountains. Does anyone want them? Can they be sold at a high price?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a "buzzing" sound, and the members who gathered at the door of Zhao's house turned their heads and muttered softly.


Although getting rich through a side job can help everyone improve their lives, if they are like those production teams that raise fish and ducks, everyone does the same level of work, but their income is half or even more than half of others, what do you think? Neither can be balanced.

 Once you feel unbalanced, can you still work hard?

The reason why Zhao Hongbing mentioned the "experimental field" was because he felt that what Si Ningning said two nights ago was right.

Mushrooms are still in the experimental stage and are not suitable for large-scale promotion. Expanding the scope of experiments will help to put the side business on the schedule as soon as possible. Zhao Hongbing will talk about the matter and also refer to Si Ningning's opinions, fearing that the experimental products will be grown by then. Before I saw the effect, I was sent home by others.

Now that Zhao Hongbing has talked about this matter, it means that he has thought it over deeply.

Seeing that the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, Zhao Hongbing coughed loudly and said seriously: "We haven't started this side business yet, and you're only looking at profits? You people just look at the huge profits from raising livestock and livestock, and you don't think so." Have you ever thought about how much hardship it took?”

As he spoke, Zhao Hongbing counted them one by one with his fingers, "Fish and ducks must be raised from young, right? The water level must be paid attention to at all times, right? The ducks have laid eggs in the water, do you have to go into the water to pick them up? Poultry We are worried about it getting sick if we breed it in large quantities. Does it require investing manpower and financial resources to feed it with body-enhancing feed? "

Zhao Hongbing raised his left hand, pinched the first three fingers together and rubbed them together, which meant money, "How long do you have to raise fish and ducks before you can salvage them, catch them and sell them for work points? If they are a little bigger, do you have to arrange for several people to take turns guarding them at night?" Was it stolen?"

A series of rhetorical questions were thrown out, and the crowd was speechless. Zhao Hongbing continued to say firmly at this time: "I will leave it here. Our fungus is still in the experimental stage. If it really becomes successful in the future, the profit head may not be as high as that." It’s worse than people raising fish and ducks!”

 “Ah, ah, this, how do you say this?”

 The members were dizzy and couldn't think straight.

Zhao Hongbing snorted and said with a smile: "Fish and duck are harvested once every year and a half. How many crops can fungi harvest in a year?"

Mushrooms in the wild all grow on rotten wooden piles. They can grow well in messy and poor environments without anyone taking care of them. If they find out the fungi's preferences through human intervention, wouldn't they be able to get twice the result with half the effort when planting them?


The crowd was silent again, but for just a moment, a deafening discussion suddenly broke out:

"Yes, yes! After the captain said this, I think it is feasible!"

 “Then this is really going to happen!”

“But captain, how do you grow this fungus? We don’t know how to grow it!”

 “Yes, yes! Then how can we fix this?”

Facing the questions from the members, Zhao Hongbing waved his hands and reassured: "Although it is still in the experimental stage, there is a planting method that has been approved. It will take a few days to know more details. Anyway, I will tell you, Nanshan If you want to see the feet, you can go and take a look. Just be careful not to touch or damage the things! These are experimental items, so don’t pick them if there are fungi growing on them!”

  "Go back and let me know who secretly broke off the test fungus, and see if I don't punish him for a hundred and ten work points and a year's worth of excrement!"

After saying this, Zhao Hongbing's tone became rough. The members laughed and rubbed the backs of their heads, and quickly said no, and they must supervise each other.

After listening to this paragraph, Si Ningning roughly understood what was going on. He straightened the strap of his backpack with his slender thumbs and planned to go to the foot of Nanshan Mountain. As a result, as soon as he turned around, he plunged into a strong and hot chest that smelled of sweat.


His nose hurt from the bump, Si Ningning covered the tip of her nose, bowed and took a few steps back in pain.

Holang followed her movements for two steps, grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away, and looked at the tip of her red nose, "How do you say you turn around? Does it hurt?"

Si Ningning opened Huo Lang's hand and glanced at the people outside the alley. She walked into the alley in two steps and stared angrily at Huo Lang with wide-open eyes. "The bridge of my nose is almost broken! Do you think it hurts?" ?”

After whistling for a while, Si Ningning let out a sigh of relief and said dissatisfiedly: "It's okay to be invisible. You can stand behind people and not make a sound. Do you want to scare me to death?"

“Seeing that you listened carefully, I didn’t bother you.”

Si Ningning’s cheeks turned red, and she looked like she was really angry.

Huo Lang Nana explained. Seeing that Si Ningning was still puffing out his cheeks and not showing any signs of losing his temper, he raised his eyebrows and continued to ask in a hoarse and coaxing voice: "Would you like to go to the foot of the mountain? Let's go for a walk in the mountains on the way. One lap? This is the last crop of Sichuan Paoer. After these few days, I won’t be able to eat it again this year.”

Si Ningning did not ignore the teasing in Huo Lang's eyes. Although she was still a little angry in her heart, she pursed her red lips. Si Ningning rolled her eyes at Huo Lang, twisted her neck and raised her chin, pretending to be generous and said: "Tsk , since you are so sincere, then I will forgive you."

Haughty for one second, and the next second seeing no one paying attention outside the alley, Si Ningning grabbed Huo Lang's wrist and happily drove Huo Lang to run, "Why are you standing there? Hurry up!"

 Working in the production team is not tiring, but I always feel that life is a bit rigid and boring. Only in the mountains can Si Ningning feel briefly relaxed and happy.

 Si Ningning felt happy from the bottom of her heart to go up the mountain again after such a long time.

"Ha ha-"

Si Ningning's eyes were curved, her lips were slightly pursed, her soft hair on her forehead was blown up by the wind as she ran, her smile was bright and cheerful, no matter from her appearance, manners, voice or eyes, everything was different. One step shows the vitality and vitality of youth.

 Very healing…

 That joyful joy is hard not to be felt by those around you.

Huo Lang's eyebrows were slightly raised, and his gaze fell on Si Ningning's hand that grabbed his wrist.

  Although the two of them had held hands several times before, this was the first time that Si Ningning took the initiative to hold him up. how to say?

It feels even more amazing.

 My heart felt numb, and I had an inexplicable urge to raise the corners of my lips and smile.

The heartbeat is also "thumping", and it seems to be even more vigorous than when I was a teenager when I first boarded a fighter jet for training.

 It would be great if it could continue like this.


Horang couldn't help but let out a sigh, and he was stunned when he realized what he was thinking.

 Because he suddenly discovered that what he expected was not just to maintain the scene in front of him.

 A heart has changed without even realizing it.

For Si Ningning, Huo Lang went from initial alienation to appreciation, then from appreciation to subconscious support, and now his little thoughts and emotions can no longer satisfy his inner expectations. After all, Huo Lang suddenly felt that he very scary.

 Because he... seems to have become possessive of Si Ningning.

He didn't want to let go of Si Ningning, nor did he want others to get close to him.

 But, can these words be said?

 Si Ningning, are you willing to listen?

 Will she be angry? Think he interferes too much? Are you unwilling to associate with him from now on?


After thinking about it, the reaction was that Huo Lang had already spoken, but before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Si Ningning's sudden turn of head.

“The captain said he would organize everyone to go to the brigade after work in the afternoon. You want to maintain order. Do you want to go there in advance?”

The words were interrupted, and Huo Lang's Adam's apple twitched. He calmed down before nodding, "Yes, but you don't need to advance too long. The nearby production teams are all familiar with each other, and they are too embarrassed to make a fuss."

Si Ningning heard the implication, rolled her eyes, and asked, "You went to another brigade to help, but the members there didn't cooperate?"

“It’s not uncooperative, but there is some friction.” Holang said matter-of-factly.

Si Ningning said "Oh", lowered his eyelids and nodded clearly.

 There will be small friction...that means there will still be people who will not cooperate.

 Speaking of which, in addition to bullying the weak, some people also bully the ugly.

Horang is the security captain, and he has an imposing manner. It is impossible to bully him, but if you really encounter one or two unreasonable and messy people, it is possible that the work process will not be so smooth.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning tilted her head and smiled lightly at Huo Lang, "Thank you for your hard work."

Horang was stunned for a moment, and realized what the phrase "hard work" meant. He shook his head indulgently and helplessly, "It's not your place to say this."

“Everyone says the same thing. At least it proves that someone knows and sees your hard work.” Si Ningning’s lips curved slightly.

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived at the foot of Nanshan Mountain where Zhao Hongbing circled the experimental field. Si Ningning let go of Huo Lang's hand, looked at the so-called "experimental field", and asked sideways, "You just wanted to talk, right?" I interrupted...what did you want to say at that time?"

"I would have forgotten about it if you didn't tell me." Huo Lang leaned under the tree and stroked his forehead with his big palm. He pretended that it was nothing important and said, "I wanted to speak just now, but you interrupted me. After a while, I forgot what to say.”

 “Can’t remember now?” Si Ningning frowned in suspicion.

Horang nodded calmly.

 “Okay.” Si Ningning sighed.

 It shouldn't really be an important thing, otherwise I wouldn't have forgotten it so completely.

Si Ningning thought about it but didn't take it seriously. She bent over and looked at the "experimental field" carefully.

 In fact, Holang has not forgotten, he just doesn’t know how to speak.

Holang had a clear crush on Si Ningning, but upon closer inspection, he found that the two had not known each other for long. If he said those words now, Si Ningning would be troubled, right?

 Huo Lang arched his eyebrows and stared at Si Ning Ningying's white profile for a while with his deep peach blossom eyes, and finally chose to hide his thoughts for the time being.

 Emotional matters cannot be rushed.

And Holang has a clear goal in his heart.

 He does not force Si Ningning to like him or respond to his feelings.

 But what is certain is that he never wants Si Ningning to dislike him.

After thinking about this clearly, his mood briefly became brighter. Huo Lang's slightly frowned eyebrows slightly relaxed, and he stretched out his hand towards Si Ningning, who was carefully looking at the wood. "Are you tired of carrying the bag? Pass it over and I'll get it for you."

Si Ningning did not hesitate, and seemed to be at ease with Huo Lang. She took off the bag without looking at Huo Lang's exact range, and handed it behind her. She didn't care whether Huo Lang took it or not, and already let go, "I I really underestimated the captain, I thought he didn’t understand anything, but...did you see that these pieces of wood have been soaked in water?”

The so-called "test field" is not actually a field, but two rows of shelves made of two to four meters of wood set up in a tic-tac-shape.

The wood is solid wood, not fluffy wood like rotten wood. Therefore, even if it has been soaked in water, its water absorption is very limited. In this way, not only can it ensure the "humid" conditions for the growth of fungi, but it will also not be affected by excessive moisture. large, and the bacteria become moldy and rotten.

Moreover, the wood is erected in a tic-shaped shape, which allows the bacteria to be concentrated for cultivation as much as possible, while maximizing ventilation conditions without taking up more space.

Huo Lang narrowly caught Si Ningning’s backpack. Hearing what Si Ningning said, he glanced back and forth. He didn’t know much about growing mushrooms, so he asked, “Is this possible?”


 I mentioned purslane in the previous chapter, but now I know that it is called purslane (xian), and we all call it jian here. . .


 (End of this chapter)

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