Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 232: Don't lose your temper

Chapter 232 Don’t lose your temper

Si Ningning nodded: "The initial cultivation is feasible, but if mycelium is implanted in large quantities, the nutrients required by the mycelium in the wood will be consumed quickly. If you want to cultivate mushrooms in the future, you will have to rest for a while. , wait for a period of natural fermentation before continuing to use it.”

Holang nodded, "Then talk to the captain later."

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded again and suddenly laughed after a while: "I really didn't expect it."


“It’s about growing mushrooms. The captain will tell the members in the past two days. I actually thought of this, but what I didn’t expect was that the captain would use such good wood to grow mushrooms.”

Huo Lang explained calmly: "Although the wood is not allowed to be cut down at will, it follows the boundaries of the mountain forest after all, and it is not a precious thing."

This is in the south. Like the north, many plain areas have no mountains and forests. When building a new house, you have to plan carefully. Most people plant trees in front of and behind the house a few years ago, for fear that when the time comes for their son to marry a wife, There is no room for main beams when building a new house.

Of course Si Ningning understands this.

 The production team is close to the mountains, so good wood is easy to obtain. Thinking from another angle, it is not difficult to find rotten wood.

Based on his understanding of people of this era, Si Ningning thought that Zhao Hongbing would choose "waste utilization" and collect rotten wood. As for the intact wood, he would probably choose to keep it to prevent it from being used elsewhere in the future.

However, the wooden shelves have been erected, and many small holes have been drilled on them to implant bacteria. There is no point in worrying about the good and rotten wood now.

 Zhao Hongbing can handle this matter smoothly now, Si Ningning believes that he must have his own considerations in using materials.

Not far away, in the direction of Tianqiaozi, there was a faint hum of conversation. It must have been that Zhao Hongbing had finished speaking, and the members came here to watch the fun.

Si Ningning stood up before the members came over, grabbed the strap of the backpack in Huo Lang's hand, and pulled Huo Lang up the path up the mountain. "Let's go first. It will be bad if we are seen later."

It's okay to be bumped together to see the experimental field. It can be understood as a coincidence. However, Si Ningning and Huo Lang have to go up the mountain together. If someone sees this, it is easy for people to think too much about a single thing, let alone the two things before and after. together.

Huo Lang nodded lightly, and the two of them were like children participating in hide-and-seek. They jumped across the bushes and quickly plunged into the forest, heading deep into the mountains.

There was no weight on my body and I had walked the road several times, so it only took more than thirty minutes to reach the valley and lake this time.

"'s so hot, take a rest, take a rest!"

Si Ningning lay paralyzed in the shade of the trees on the hillside, not wanting to move.

During this section of the run, Si Ningning's blue sleeveless shirt was smudged with a circle of dark blue. Her back was already wet with sweat. She casually stretched out her hand to wipe away the sweat. Her thin bangs were staggered by her, and she wore Her cheeks, which were red from the heat, were particularly cute and cute.

Huo Lang sat on the ground on one side and put his broad palms together to serve as a fan to fan Si Ningning.

Si Ningning brought a kettle. Huo Lang glanced at it and said, "Is there any water in the kettle? Unscrew it and drink slowly."

Si Ningning gasped for breath, nodded hurriedly, unscrewed the military kettle and took a few sips. After a while, he wiped the water stains on his lips. Si Ningning didn't even twist the lid, so he took off the kettle and handed it over. Huo Lang rarely said, "You didn't bring water, drink mine!"

Horang didn’t hesitate and took the kettle directly.

  Sensing that there was not much water left in the kettle, Huo Lang was worried that Si Ningning would be thirsty and would not drink, so he only raised his neck and drank two small sips from the air, and then stopped drinking.

Taken the lid from Si Ningning's hand and tightened the kettle tightly. Huo Lang straightened the kettle strap and hung it around his neck. He stared at Si Ningning's red face and muttered casually: "Lack of exercise."

"Who lacks exercise?" Almost instantly, Si Ningning retorted: "I'm almost exhausted recently!"

The work in the team is pretty easy, so let’s not talk about it for now, but she still has to go to town to handle transactions, doesn’t she? In addition, there is also farm work waiting for people to do in the space.

A batch of soybeans planted earlier had been harvested. Si Ningning used snakeskin bags to spread out in the open space, uprooted the bean straw, beat and threshed some of the soybeans and sown them again, and most of the remaining parts were still in the snakeskin. There are piles on the bag!

Si Ningning was thinking sadly, but Huo Lang didn't know about these things.

  Holang asked funnyly: "What are you tired of? Just the pig pen thing?"

 “Uh…” Si Ningning got stuck.

  I can’t talk about the black market and space, but Huo Lang’s teasing words seemed to mean that she usually had nothing to do.

Si Ningning's face was sullen, and she was a little unhappy: "What do you mean by that? The work in the pig pen is lighter than other tasks, but I didn't treat it perfunctorily. I cleaned it very seriously!"

Those aunts who used to work in the pig pen, occasionally took the time to go over to see her, and they all said that she did a good job and that she worked carefully.

  Yes, her workload cannot be compared to others, but she also does a lot of other things, big and small.

Has she been keeping an eye on Hegu Sanae's learning progress?

 She is also in charge of a series of trivial matters at the educated youth spot and raising rabbits, right?

There is also the recent work of cultivating mycelium and growing mushrooms...

You can't think about these things in detail. Once you think about it, Si Ningning feels aggrieved by Huo Lang's light and inconsiderate words.

 Those things she did were completely out of Si Ningning's own will. She had never thought about making meritorious deeds or performing deliberately to attract the attention of others.

 Sinning Ning’s intentions were good, and he also believed that those things were meaningful and valuable, but Huo Lang’s words denied those meanings and values.

 It’s a little hurtful.


 Big pig's hooves.

Si Ningning cursed secretly, stood up, turned around and left, "I'm tired, let's go back!"

“Why are you so angry all of a sudden?” Huo Lang stood up and followed behind. “I’m not blaming you. I just see that you don’t move much. If something happens in the future, you won’t have the energy to run.”

Si Ningning puffed out her cheeks and rushed forward with no intention of stopping.

Huo Lang changed his hand to carry the bag, reached out and subconsciously wanted to pluck the tail of Si Ningning's hair. He also thought that Si Ningning was still angry, and was afraid of adding fuel to the fire. So he turned his big hand and grabbed Si Ningning's wrist and led him away. He had to turn 180 degrees, "Si Ningning."

Si Ningning opened her eyes wide and glared at Huo Lang. She turned her chin to one side and said softly, "What are you doing!"

Huo Lang felt helpless when he saw her stern face looking annoyed.

The little girl doesn’t know what’s going on today, so she can’t do anything at all. Huo Lang sighed softly, and his hoarse voice suddenly softened, "Did you hear my explanation just now?"

Si Ningning’s lips twitched, wanting to answer, but in the end she stubbornly chose to remain silent.

  Holang was silent and his expression became serious, "Don't lose your temper."

Losing his temper?

Si Ningning became even more angry and turned around to argue. Before he could speak, he heard Huo Lang continue: "If I said something wrong that makes you unhappy, you should tell me or reveal a little bit. That way I can formally apologize to you and make you happy."


Si Ning shook his head, suddenly stunned, and swallowed the words that came to his mouth with a "gulp".

For a moment, she was even a little confused, because she had a strange feeling in her heart.

It was as if anger was rising in his heart. It had obviously risen to his throat and was about to spurt out in the next second. But at the moment when it spurted out, someone suddenly fed him a mouthful of refreshing and sweet honey ice lemonade.

How should I say it?

 A man who is handsome, has a nice voice, and has a good attitude speaks very convincingly?

Or is she just a soft-spoken person?

 But if you think about it carefully, what is the difference between the former and the former?

Si Ningning always succumbs to gentleness, always accepts softness rather than hardness, and always likes someone who can still guide her rationally and talk to her well when she is irrational.

 After all, no one can resist being treated patiently and tenderly.

Si Ningning wriggled her lips and bulged her cheeks. Recalling what Huo Lang explained just now, she also knew that she was the one who got into trouble at that time.

Horang is not an educated youth and does not live in an educated youth area. His daily contact is not that intensive. It is normal not to know what she does every day. That sentence is indeed a bit over-interpreted by her...

Although he was a little embarrassed, after a long silence, Si Ningning calmed down and solemnly apologized to Huo Lang: "I didn't lose my temper. I just felt that you don't have to support or participate in what I did, but you can't deny it. Their value…”

“This is what I thought just now, but I know now that I was too sensitive and misunderstood you. I’m sorry!”

Si Ningning bowed and apologized to Huo Lang sincerely and softly, but less than two seconds after her words fell, she straightened up, her pink face faded away from humility, and a trace of pampering appeared again, "I'm sorry for what I just said. I just explained it on impulse, not for you to coax!"

Si Ningning apologized seriously, and Huo Lang hesitated for a moment about what to say and how to face it, but hearing the emphasis in the second half of Si Ningning's words, Huo Lang couldn't help but curve his lips and smile. "Okay, you didn't let me coax you."

Si Ningning glared at Huo Lang. Huo Lang looked at her resentful and arrogant little eyes and couldn't help but "haha" and smiled even more heartily.

"It's past the season in the mountains and there are no flowers for you to pick." Huo Lang took Si Ningning's wrist and turned to walk forward. "It's still early. When you finish picking the thorns, will I take you to the seventh brigade next door?"

Si Ningning was impressed by the 7th Brigade next door.

Horang went there to hunt wild boars before, and he said that there was a side business of growing lotus roots and raising fish, and it was said that lotus pods and other things could be picked at will.

Si Ningning let Huo Lang lead her away. When it came to the lotus pods, she was still a little curious, "It's already autumn, are there any lotus pods in the lake?"

“There are many old lotus pods, but few young lotus pods. If there are any, they are probably gone.”

Si Ningning nodded, "It doesn't matter if you use old lotus pods. The young ones are eaten fresh, and the old ones can be dried and made into lotus seeds. You can use them in soups and porridge in the future."

The seventh brigade of Hongqi Commune is seven or eight miles away from the third brigade. It takes more than ten kilometers to walk back and forth. Si Ningning’s legs are not as strong as Huo Lang’s. He thinks that a lot of time will be wasted on the way and he will have to stay for a while when he gets there. , Worried that it would delay Huo Lang's meeting with the brigade in the afternoon, Si Ningning paused and moved back even more by the wrist held by Huo Lang.

 “What’s wrong?” Holang turned around and asked.

Si Ningning shook his head, his eyes twinkling and his face full of seriousness, "Let's go directly to the 7th Brigade before the sun gets too bright."

Horang was silent for a moment, as if thinking, and finally nodded without hesitation, "Okay."

 “Walking on a mountain road? It’ll be cooler.”


 “Hold on to me, huh?”


Si Ningning went from having his wrist held by Huo Lang to actively placing his hand on Huo Lang's palm.

Two hands, one big and one small, with distinct black and white complexion, were clasped together. One after another, the two people crossed the mountain stream and climbed the steep hillside. Along the way, they blew the breeze in the forest and smelled the unique smell of the mountains. The other end of the mountain sprang out and stood under the sun again. Si Ningning put her hand on her forehead in discomfort.

Si Ningning withdrew her hand from Huo Lang. After her eyes gradually adapted to the light, she took out her pocket watch from her collar and took a look. The time happened to be twelve o'clock.

Horang wanted to use his height advantage to shield Si Ningning from the sun. When he saw that the sun had turned overhead and Si Ningning was looking at the time, he asked casually: "Is it noon? Are you hungry?"

"It's exactly twelve o'clock." Si Ningning answered, shook his head again, and said with a smile: "I'm not too hungry. We can walk pretty fast. It only takes an hour to get here from the team after traveling seven or eight miles. "

“Although the mountain road is rugged, it is also a shortcut.” Huo Lang waved and turned to walk ahead. “Follow me and go say hello to the captain of the team here first.”

 “Oh, okay!” Si Ningning responded and trotted after him.

On the way, Huo Lang introduced that the production captain and the brigade captain of the seventh brigade were both from the same village, so they were both a production brigade and a brigade.

After coming out of the forest and walking along the field ridge for a while into the village, Si Ningning followed Huo Lang into a farmyard. While paying attention to the situation in front of Huo Lang, she couldn't help but look at the yard with her peripheral vision.

Farmhouses in the countryside are basically the same. The courtyard walls are either made of adobe bricks or pieced together with large and small stones. A few people have wells in their yards, but basically every household will plant a plant in a corner of the yard. Two fruit trees, the common ones are jujube trees, orange trees, apricot trees and loquat trees.

The main house of the small courtyard house in front of us is five brick houses of different sizes. The courtyard walls are made of stones. There is a pressurized water well on the left hand side of the entrance door. A little further away, on the corner of the wall, there is a flower hanging full of flowers. Orange-yellow fruit of the loquat tree.

Three or two old hens huddled under the loquat tree, rolling around and digging in the soil, and from time to time they took a bite of the fruit that fell from the tree.

Si Ningning quickly glanced around, and saw that everything in the courtyard was very clean. Looking around, you could not only see the diligent care of the owner of the house, but also his different status and relative wealth. family background.

 (End of this chapter)

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