Chapter 233 Russian

At this time, the master of the house was having lunch in the main room. Hearing the commotion in the courtyard, the middle-aged man sitting in the main room craned his neck to take a look, saw the person clearly, put down the bowl and chopsticks, stood up and walked towards the courtyard happily. .

 “Oh, Alang!”

"Uncle." Huo Lang greeted Si Ningning with a nod and a smile, waved his hand on his lower back as if to remind Si Ningning, and then took a step away to introduce to Si Ningning: "This is the captain of the seventh brigade, Comrade Gu Sande "

After saying that, he introduced to Gu Sande: "Uncle, this is Comrade Si Ningning, an educated youth comrade in our team."

"Oh, it turns out he's a comrade from the educated youth..." Gu Sande responded dryly and glanced at Si Ningning for a long time.

Si Ningning put on her friendly smile and politely called "Captain".

 “Alas!” Gu Sande responded with a smile and nodded.

Although he didn’t know Huo Lang’s intention of bringing the educated youth to their brigade, in line with the principle that guests should not be turned away when they come to the door, Gu Sande politely invited the guest into the house, “You haven’t eaten yet? Sit down and eat something together!”


You said you were having dinner at someone else's house. It would be better if you came a little earlier and they could steam more rations. Now that you have already caught up with them and sat down at the table, if you stayed to eat, wouldn't the master of the house not have anything to eat?

Si Ningning is standing on the table, neither sitting nor standing.

  While hesitating, Huo Lang, with a slight smile on his face, nodded first, "I'd like to trouble the captain and aunt."

Gu Sande's mother-in-law Huang Chunxiang is a middle-aged woman with long hair and a round face. After listening to Huo Lang's words, she waved her hands kindly and said with a smile: "You two sit down first, I will go and serve you some." !”

As if sensing Si Ningning's discomfort, Huang Chunxiang smiled reassuringly at her, then turned and went to the kitchen.

 Huang Chunxiang quickly served two bowls of rice. It was said to be two bowls, but it was actually two and a half bowls of sorghum rice and two sweet potatoes.

 Unexpectedly, there will be guests at home. These were originally eaten by the Gu family for lunch.

Two bowls of rice were delivered to Si Ningning and Huo Lang. Thinking that Huo Lang came over because he had something to tell Gu Sande, Huang Chunxiang took her own rice bowl and went to the kitchen to eat.

As soon as Huang Chunxiang left, Si Ningning became even more uncomfortable.

This kind of scene atmosphere always makes her feel a little embarrassed.

At the dinner table, Huo Lang couldn't comfort Si Ningning, so he turned his head and confessed to Gu Sande the purpose of coming here: "Si Zhiqing is the literacy class teacher in our team. The literacy class will start soon, and there are still a few textbooks left. , I thought there was a lake and side business here in Team 7, which might help her find some inspiration, so I brought her over to have a look."

As he spoke, he paused and glanced at Si Ningning. Huo Lang continued to smile and said, "I'll pick some lotus pods back by the way."

"It's easy to talk about lotus pods. Have you brought them with you? If not, I will pack a snakeskin bag for you later!" Gu Sande waved his hands indifferently and looked at Si Ningning for a while, with a more serious look on his face. "But this literacy class doesn't lead everyone to popularize common sense and just teach a few common big words. Why does it need to compile teaching materials?"

Si Ningning didn't know whether she should say it or not. She glanced sideways at Huo Lang. Seeing Huo Lang nod, she put down her chopsticks, straightened her back, and explained: "Captain, I don't know much about the situation in your brigade, but our production What the captain means is that the main purpose of literacy classes is not for adults, but for younger children.”

Afraid that it would be bad to go into too much detail, Si Ningning just picked out a few important points.

I thought Gu Sande would ask again, but he didn't.

Gu Sande let out a "hiss" and took a breath, his rough eyebrows furrowed and fell into deep thought. After a long while, he slowly said "oh" twice, "So that's what it looks like..."

"Haha." As he spoke, Gu Sande laughed twice without embarrassment, "We did receive news that a literacy class was going to be held, but there were no educated youths who jumped in the queue, so the news may not be that comprehensive. . But listening to what you said, I think your production team leader’s idea is very good, and we should follow suit.”

Si Ningning couldn't help but be slightly startled when she saw the serious expression gradually appearing on Gu Sande's dark face.

Si Ningning always felt that the look on his face seemed a bit familiar. When he thought about it carefully, he immediately exclaimed in his heart: "What a good guy!"

At this time, doesn't Gu Sande's face completely overlap with Zhao Hongbing's face?

In just a moment, Si Ningning understood instantly:

It turns out that this is another enthusiastic "parent official" who has to worry about everything.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning turned her head and looked at Huo Lang inquiringly, but she saw that Huo Lang was also looking at her with his head tilted, the corners of his thin lips were slightly hooked, and his peach blossom eyes narrowed into a crescent arc with a smile. Don't make fun of Frank at all.

What opinions you have, they are all written on your face.

 After finishing lunch and leaving the corresponding food stamps for the Gu family, Huo Lang took Si Ningning's water bottle and filled it with a cold bottle at the Gu family before leaving with Si Ningning and the snakeskin bag.

When they left, Gu Sande stood at the door and shouted at them, "Don't leave after picking the lotus pods, and come back to my place again."

"Come on, captain, let's go back to the house for a lunch break." Huo Lang waved his hand in response and led Si Ningning to take a path and step onto the field ridge.

  Following Huo Lang in small steps, when there was no one else around him, Si Ningning asked: "Did you have any intention of revealing this when you came here?"

 “In what way?” Holland asked.

Si Ningning snorted softly, "You're still pretending to me, you know what you're asking, right?"

Hourang turned sideways and let Si Ningning walk in front. He shook out the snakeskin bag and held it up in the air. The snakeskin bag blocked the sun and cast a shadow that fell right on top of Si Ningning's head. "Go to the end and turn left."


The two walked in silence. Huo Lang thought about his words and explained: "He is the father of my comrade. Like Uncle Hong Bing in our team, he is a hard-working man."

 The father of a comrade…

Si Ningning paused for a moment and tilted his head back, "Well, then his son..."

 Halfway through the words, Si Ningning did not continue.

 It doesn’t need to be stated clearly what it means.

Huo Lang glared at Si Ningning angrily, stretched out his hand and flicked the back of her head, "Whatever you were thinking, everything is fine."

Si Ningning let out a "tsk" sound, covering the back of her head and mouthing, "I didn't say anything!"

"Talking as we walk." Huo Lang said calmly, and then briefly summarized to Si Ningning how he and Gu Sande got acquainted, "Gu Bin and I are comrades in arms. I changed jobs and came here, and he was assigned We went to the border area, which is a vast land, and many compatriots went there in order to solve the food ration problem for the people across the country. "

Si Ningning is aware of the military reclamation in the 60s and 70s.

It is also a red story of passionate loyalty.

"Gu Bin knew that I was about to be transferred here, and he asked me to help him keep an eye on his home when we were separated, so I will come over occasionally."

Si Ningning nodded, understanding Huo Lang's attitude.

But at the same time, Si Ningning also caught some key words, "You changed jobs and came here, so you and Hegu and Sanae are not blood relatives."

Holang paused and said seriously: "Most of them are children of a large family. It doesn't matter whether they are blood relatives or not."

After a long silence, Huo Lang let out an inaudible sigh, "Many of the compatriots participating in the battlefield are eldest sons, and many are only sons... Once someone cannot come back, what will their family do?"

"At this time, someone needs to stand up and take the lead. Who will this person be?" Huo Lang did not clearly say that he must be the one to step forward, but nodded slightly and looked at Si Ningning with a smile.

 Who is the person taking the lead?

Of course they are comrades on the battlefield, brothers in private, family members and children of a big family...

Si Ningning felt heavy because of the faint sadness in Huo Lang's eyes, "Everyone in the production team knows, right? Only Sanae and Hegu don't know, right?"

 “Hmm.” Huo Lang nodded.

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.     In this case, everything will make sense.

 Why is Huo Lang's surname Huo, and Sanmiao and Hegu's surname Chen?

 Sanae and Hegu are still small now and haven’t fully awakened yet. It’s normal not to know. What if they get a little bigger later?

 You must have noticed the clues.

 In other words, Horang not only has to bear the pain of losing his teammates and bear the pressure of supporting his family, he also has to be mentally prepared at all times to deal with the day when Sanae and Hegu know the truth...

Suddenly, at that moment, Si Ningning felt as if something had pricked her heart.

 She felt a little sorry for Huo Lang.

In addition to feeling distressed about such a heavy topic and event, Si Ningning can also understand Huo Lang's emotions, but Si Ningning cannot empathize with Huo Lang's experiences and pressure.

Hence, words of comfort and comfort are all superfluous.

Si Ningning lowered her long eyelashes and remained silent, but her fair and slender little hands reached out and pinched the corner of Huolang's sleeve.

 Silent comfort…

As if aware of Si Ningning's emotional change, Huo Lang raised his eyebrows and comforted Si Ningning with a gentle smile, "Don't be sad. Although there are sacrifices, it is worth being happy to be able to complete the task successfully."


Si Ningning openly agreed, but in fact he had different ideas in his heart.

She came from the later generations, and although she thought about giving, to be fair, if she had to experience what happened to Huo Lang, Si Ningning was sure that she would not be able to persist.

Even if the body can resist it, the mental consciousness cannot.

This has nothing to do with gender or physical fitness. On a broader level, it is not just Si Ningning who cannot do it, but also many people in later generations who cannot persist...

Of course, this does not mean that people in later generations are no good or incompetent, but it is closely related to the characteristics of the times.

For example, in this era, people with a spirit of selfless dedication and a sense of steely tenacity can be seen everywhere.

Another example is that in later generations, people are smart, develop science and technology rapidly, and control the information age...

 Different eras have different merits.

 “Stop talking about this, talk about something else.”

Not wanting the atmosphere to continue to be gloomy, and not wanting Huo Lang to recall those heavy memories again, Si Ningning cleared her throat and her tone suddenly became lighter, "Do you want to listen to some music?"

  Holang raised his eyebrows, "Can you sing?"

"Of course." Si Ningning puffed up her chest and nodded seriously, with a rather shy look on her face, "I will have more, you will know later, hehe~"

After speaking, his expression became serious, and he continued to ask: "I'm asking you, do you want to listen? Others don't have this honor, and this is what you have to say!"

"Of course." Holang nodded. He was silent for a while, as if he had thought about it, and then asked, "Do you know Russian?"

 “It’s in Russian...” Si Ningning stuttered.

When Huo Lang saw Si Ningning's pupils wavering hesitantly, he thought that Si Ningning must have just entered high school when he went to the countryside and had not yet had access to Russian. His request was somewhat difficult.

Holang smiled with a hoarse voice, and changed his tone and said: "It doesn't have to be Russian, you can sing anything."

"I can, but I have to wait until there is no one around before I sing." Si Ningning raised her chin slightly and motioned for Huo Lang to look ahead.

It turned out that the two of them had been talking all the way to the end of the field and were passing a house leaning against a bamboo forest.


Si Ningning excused herself that she didn’t want to sing in the presence of others. After Huo Lang nodded in agreement, she took this opportunity to think.

Si Ningning knows some Russian songs, but she has to think about which song is suitable for the current situation.

Holang has been on the battlefield, and now that he mentions Russian, it can be basically inferred that he should have dealt with people from the Soviet Union before, and he must have a certain understanding of Russian. In this way, those Russians who love love in later generations will Songs definitely won’t work.

 Thinking about it, I have already walked around the entrance of the farmhouse and turned into the bamboo forest path.

Along the way, even with the shade provided by Huo Lang, Si Ningning still felt very hot. Only now did he really walk under the thick shadow of a large bamboo. With the gentle breeze blowing, the bamboos "rustled" After shaking, Si Ningning felt a bit of coolness and comfort.

It was also at this time that Si Ningning cleared her throat with a cough, ahem, and opened and closed her lips to spit out the syllables:








 Strange and full of mystery


After the monotonous single syllables passed, Si Ningning sang the first Russian lyrics. Huo Lang was listening attentively. When he heard Si Ningning actually singing standard Russian, he turned his head unconsciously. , the deep eyebrows were lowered, and the peach blossom eyes were looking at Si Ningning intently.

Si Ningning didn't know it. Her face was hazy and fair, and her dark round eyes under her beautiful curved eyebrows looked forward with a strange look, and she continued to sing:


Pagoda made of red gold


 Cold as ice




Comrades, for the sake of life


To health, brothers, cheers




 throw the wine glass against the wall


 Russia is a beautiful country



 In eternity


Still standing there


"How about it?"

 After the song ended, Si Ningning took a deep breath to calm down and looked sideways at Huo Lang.

It was obviously a soft and melodious female voice, but it sang with a sonorous and powerful sense of prosperity. Huo Lang's eyes met Si Ningning in mid-air, and he couldn't help being slightly stunned, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.


ˆSong title: moskau

  The political commissar dance that is very popular on Douyin, if you are interested, you can search it!

 (End of this chapter)

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