Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 235: Be obedient and wait for your kiss

Chapter 235 Be obedient and wait for marriage

"Hahaha, uncle, it was an accident. It was really an accident. I tripped over the grass. Don't worry, I won't scare the ducks!" The young man smiled heartily and dived as he spoke, like a happy fish. Take a dip in the water.

The movement on both sides gradually subsided, and Si Ningning came back to his senses. He sat sideways and rubbed his eyes, "What happened? Did I sleep for a long time?"

"No." Huo Lang shook his head, looked at the direction and started rowing the boat again, "Uncle Sande sent people to catch fish. I guess there are guests at home."

Si Ningning took out her pocket watch and took a look at it. Huo Lang was right. She had not slept for long, about half an hour.

But after hearing Huo Lang's words of explanation, there was a "ding" sound in Si Ningning's head. His pupils swayed, and he opened his eyes wide and turned his head to look at Huo Lang, "What kind of guest? Is this guest talking about you?" "

Horang had never thought of this aspect, but when Si Ningning said this, he thought it might really be the case.

It's okay to pick some lotus pods that are not rare to others. For fish that require work points, Huo Lang will definitely not take it, but he is afraid of self-defeating. If the Gu Sande family really has guests, he will just catch the fish back. For the guests, then intervening would miss Gu Sande's business.

Huo Lang frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Pick the lotus pods first, and we will talk about other things later."

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded, and the boat moved forward slowly. Passing by a place with lotus pods, she would occasionally stretch out her hand to pick one or two, but more often she would sit on the bow of the boat and pick out lotus seeds. He ate on the ground, not talking about eating himself, but from time to time he would reach out and stuff one in front of Huo Lang.

“When will you gather in the afternoon? Let’s go back early and reserve more time.”

 Looking at my pocket watch just now, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s getting dark now, and the movie doesn’t start until eight o’clock in the evening. I can just arrive half an hour early.”

"Then you have to go back early. You have to make time to rest no matter what. How can you go to work non-stop as soon as you get back?" Si Ningning said seriously, almost referring to "going to work" as "going to work" just now.

Holang sighed softly and smiled hoarsely, "Okay."

Horang is both rowing a boat and picking lotus pods. If the snakeskin bag is too full, he will pull out some lotus pods from it, remove the base and put it back into the bag again.

 Actually, I saw that Si Ningning liked to eat, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to catch up after this time this year, so I stuffed it again and again, filling as much as I could.

Compared to how busy Huo Lang was, Si Ningning was lying on the side of the boat having a great time, just like a paddler.

After stuffing the lotus seeds into his mouth again, Si Ningning was lying on the side of the boat, chewing the lotus seeds and playing with splashes of water. However, at this moment, a series of dense bubbles suddenly appeared in the water about half a meter in front of him. , and it’s getting bigger and bigger.

Si Ningning narrowed her eyes slightly, stood up and leaned down to see what was going on, but the next second there was another "crash" sound, and someone burst out of the water, twisting his head and splashing the water on Si Ningning's face. .


Si Ningning was so startled that she shivered and subconsciously moved back.

Huo Lang also reacted, stood up and walked directly over Si Ningning with his long legs, protecting Si Ningning behind him.

Before the two of them could say anything, the boy who emerged from the water held a lively fish with one hand and wiped the water on his face with the other. He opened his eyes that were red from diving and said fiercely: "What are you doing! Is that so? Want to steal from our team..."

However, before he finished speaking, the young man's voice stopped suddenly and his breath became weaker, "Huo, Captain Huo..."

“Hehehe, it’s you, Captain Huo.” The young man smiled and scratched his head, his voice became honest and sincere, “I, I thought someone came to take advantage of the uncles’ break...”

Si Ningning felt something familiar when she heard the voice. She tilted her head slightly and poked half of her head out from behind Huo Lang. As soon as she took a look, she was startled.

 It’s Gu Xihe!

Si Ningning did not expect to meet Gu Xihe in this way here. Although he was not dressed in men's clothing, he was afraid that Gu Xihe would notice the clues.

After reflecting, Si Ningning was about to turn her head away, but Huo Lang was one step faster than her, picked a lotus leaf and covered her face directly. This was not enough, Huo Lang took another step away and paddled the oar to change the direction. , completely blocking Gu Xihe's sight, "Didn't the captain ask you to catch fish?"

“You asked me to catch the fish, and I’ve already caught it!” Gu Xihe grinned heartily and honestly, and raised the lively fish in his hand to show Huo Lang.

“Then why don’t you go back quickly?” Huo Lang asked, frowning.

Gu Xihe was a simple and honest boy, and he didn't notice Huo Lang's frowning expression of impatience at all. He turned his head to look at the girl who was hiding behind Huo Lang.

He took a look just now. The girl was as fair and beautiful as a lotus flower. There was no such beautiful girl in the countryside.

Thinking about it, Gu Xihe stretched his neck even longer, "Captain Huo, you have an educated youth target!"

"Pfft..." Si Ningning almost spit out the lotus seeds she had just swallowed.

Huo Lang was also a little embarrassed. He pushed the shirtless Gu Xihe with his oar and backed away, "What did you say? I know there are lesbians here, look at you naked, why don't you run away quickly?"

"Hehe, what are you afraid of?" Gu Xihe smiled "hehe" and wiped his hands on the smooth dark wheat chest, "It's not me looking at her, but she looking at me makes me suffer!"

Seeing Huo Lang's face darken, Gu Xihe also knew that the fuss was over. If the fuss continued, Huo Lang's temper dictated that he would get angry.

Gu Xihe said no more, stretched his neck and glanced at Si Ningning's back again. He smiled "hehe" and dived to swim towards the shore.

Si Ningning knelt and stood up, stretched her neck and looked in the direction where the blisters disappeared, "Are you leaving?"

"Hmm." Huo Lang turned around to look at her, "Are you scared?"

Si Ningning shook his head.

 Other than being shocked at the beginning, there was really nothing else going on.

But when he thought of something, Si Ningning tilted his head to one side, rolled his eyes and said with a teasing smile: "And I think what he just said makes sense. It's not like he's looking at me, so I won't suffer."

“…” For a moment, Huo Lang was shocked by Si Ningning’s thoughts, and he couldn’t help but recall the scene just now in his mind.

Gu Xihe is pretty strong-looking, but he is also a silly boy, and his hair has not even grown yet.

He is usually taken care of by his two brothers. Although he lives in adversity, he has not experienced any heavy winds and rains. Therefore, although he is tall and strong, his arm muscles are not strong and he cannot sink into a hole when poked. Is it better than him?

The more Huo Lang thought about it, the more he felt a little unfair. He pursed his thin lips slightly, looked at Si Ningning seriously and asked, "Do you like to watch it?"


 Si Ningning comes from a later generation and is an avant-garde thinker. It is not surprising that he would agree with what Gu Xihe said. However, the question that Huo Lang asked in return was really embarrassing for a moment, or in other words, it shocked Si Ningning.

 What does  mean?

If she said she liked watching it, could it be possible that Huo Lang would perform a live performance and take it off for her to watch?

Si Ningning frowned and looked confused, while Huo Lang kept a straight face and said nothing.

While they were in a stalemate, suddenly there was a "boom", and the bow of the boat seemed to hit something. The hull swayed, and Si Ningning stumbled forward.

The boat was only so big, and even though Huo Lang was sulking, he was worried that Si Ningning would fall into the water, so he stretched out his long arms and caught Si Ningning in time. With the impact of Si Ningning's forward thrust, Huo Lang lay down towards the bow of the ship with inertia. For a moment, Si Ningning's whole body was pressed against him.

The girl's body was soft, with bursts of refreshing fragrance coming into her nostrils, her soft lips brushed against her ears, and in a short moment...

 Just for that moment...

Holang felt that all the senses of his body were infinitely magnified, and his whole person seemed to be trapped in fantasy.

The sound of the wind passing by, the sound of dragonflies spreading their wings, the fish swimming under the water inadvertently swaying their tails, causing bubbles, and as the bubbles surfaced, they exploded with a "pop" sound, and the large lotus leaves in front of me faded away, white. The day was replaced by night, and the bright moon hung in the sky, and Huo Lang himself seemed to be on a small boat under the bright moon.

The succubus in the water transformed into the appearance of the girl he liked, touched him, came close to him, and tried to lure him to roll over into the water and sink forever...

Huo Lang closed his eyes and lay down in a daze. He slowly clenched his two big hands into fists, unclenching and then clenching. He repeated the process for two rounds. He quickly raised his hands to tighten the slender waist of the **** his body. limb.

"You..." Si Ningning had already half stood up. She felt the heat and strength from the man's palm on her waist. Her eyes widened slightly and she lowered her head to see Huo Lang.


The hull of the boat trembled violently again, and with two "plops" of falling into the water, Si Ningning fell onto the boat, raised her forearms to protect her face, and closed her eyes due to the splash of water.

 When he opened his eyes again after a while, there were only huge splashes of water and floating snakeskin bags on the water, and Huo Lang was nowhere to be seen.

Si Ningning's lips twitched and she looked dazed. After about a while, she gently raised her hand and touched her lips with her index finger. She seemed to understand something. She put her fist to her lips and laughed softly.

 It turns out that a calm veteran cadre can also have a shy side? They actually hid in the water?

"Comrade Huo Lang." Si Ningning lay on the side of the ship, across the rippled water, lowered his voice, opened and closed his lips slightly, and smiled at Huo Lang with narrowed eyes, "So you are also shy?"

In the water, Huo Lang raised his head and looked at Si Ningning. He didn't know if he understood the words on Si Ningning's lips. His eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and his expression was a bit protesting.

 “Haha~” Si Ningning smiled even more happily.

The contrast between Huo Lang's before and after was so great that it aroused Si Ningning's teasing thoughts.

"Come on, don't hold yourself back, I won't laugh at you." Si Ningning leaned over the boat and waved to Huo Lang. She said she didn't know how to laugh, but in fact, her eyebrows were crooked and her lips were raised.

Horang leaned out half of his body from the bottom of the water. The thin fabric was wet and stuck to his body, vaguely outlining the smooth muscle texture on his chest. He put his big hands on the side of the boat and tilted the hull a little.

Seeing Si Ningning's body swaying helplessly, Huo Lang suppressed the urge in his heart to help and comfort, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Are you laughing at me?"

Si Ningning knew that he was trying to scare her, and there was no way she would really fall into the water. So after she stabilized her body, she put her hands on the side of the boat and defended herself like a ghost, "I'm not laughing at you. If you think I If I’m laughing at you, it must be because you have something in your heart~”

 After saying that, he put his hand on his chin and smiled again, his eyebrows creasing.

After staring at Si Ningning's red and curved lips for a long time, Huo Lang suddenly raised his hand and put it on Si Ningning's neck from behind. Before Si Ning's smile had time to subside, he used his arms forcefully and domineeringly. He took Si Ningning and leaned toward the water.

At the same time, Huo Lang raised his lower jaw slightly and captured the lips that he had been talking about for a long time, but he could never speak.


The man was soaking in the water, and the big hand pressing on Si Ningning's neck felt slightly cool, but the breath that hit his face was very hot and burning.

 The entangled breath, a slightly coercive, overbearing and lingering kiss...

Mobilizing and ridicule, but really caught up with the actual action, Si Ningning only felt that the brain seemed to suddenly tighten a string, his eyes could not help opening, and his pretty little face was like burning by the flames, and he quickly smoked.

 After a long time, under Si Ningning's surprised gaze, Huo Lang slowly let go of her.

 “Do you still dare?”

Horang’s eyes were deep in the water, and his breath was burning.

Si Ningning's pupils trembled slightly, she leaned back to support the bottom of the cabin, and shook her head in confusion.

With his heart pounding so fast that it was about to jump out of his chest, Si Ningning slowly held his hands uncontrollably and swallowed nervously and helplessly.


This man's flirtation is invisible, and she may be a little overwhelmed.

 Will take into account the feelings of girls, be calm where he should be calm, be gentle where he should be gentle, and he will also show a careful and domineering side inadvertently. It is really hard not to be moved.

what to do? what to do? What to do now? ?

Si Ningning bit her lower lip, as if frozen, her body kept kneeling and leaning to one side. At the same time, Xiao Ning's face turned red in her heart, and her orifices were filled with smoke from the sudden collision of the deer.

Compared to Si Ningning's panic, Huo Lang was not much better at this moment.

Horang was indeed a little impulsive just now, but after thinking about it carefully, he did not regret it.

But in terms of relationships between men and women, Huo Lang really had little experience. Now that he had finished kissing someone, he wiped the water from his face, turned his back to the side of the ship, and quickly thought about how to face Si Ningning.

 And what about Si Ningning?

After a period of inner roaring, reason finally prevailed. As soon as Huo Lang turned around, she slapped him on his back, shocking him.

Huo Lang turned around and saw Si Ningning, who was shy just now, staring at him with a shy and angry look on her pretty face, "Who, who allowed you to kiss me? Shameless!"

Horang's nervous expression cracked. After holding it in for a long time, he stretched out his hand to scratch his chin, rolled his throat and asked seriously, "Well, how about you kiss me back again?"

Just like what Gu Xihe said just now, you are looking at others anyway, not others looking at you, so you won't suffer.

 The same goes for kissing him?

  Holang said, feeling that it was very feasible.

Si Ningning's lips were unexpectedly soft, and he felt that he could do it again, or a few more times.

 Very good!

Thinking about it, Huo Lang raised his chin and waited obediently for the kiss.

 (End of this chapter)

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