Chapter 236 Gu Xihe

Si Ningning was angry. Looking at Huo Lang's expression of "Come on, kiss me", his face turned even redder. He grabbed a lotus pod and said directly to Huo Lang's face, "Kiss you." Big-headed ghost! Not serious!”

 Where is this calm veteran cadre?

This is obviously an old fool, using her words to trick her, and there are more tricks than she does!

Si Ningning scolded her, but she wasn't really angry, but her shyness and embarrassment were real.

 This is her first time to advance to this level with the opposite sex.

Although it doesn’t feel bad…

Si Ningning shook his head and stared at Huo Lang with wide eyes, "Next time you do this, I won't come out with you!"

Huo Lang was nervous at first, but when he saw that Si Ningning was not really angry, he slowly let go of his nervousness.

Picked up the lotus pod that fell into the water and placed it next to Si Ningning's legs. Huo Lang pushed the bulging snakeskin bag onto the boat and climbed aboard himself.

The previous tyranny disappeared. There was teasing in Huo Lang's eyes, and he tried to calm down the little girl's anger with a soft tone, "If you insist on playing with fire, I will tell you clearly, but you won't listen..."

Before he finished speaking, Huo Lang was silent for a moment after receiving a warning from Si Ningning. After a while, he opened the topic and looked to one side, "There is a lotus there, do you want to pick it?"

"Yes!" Si Ningning said fiercely, looking into Huo Lang's smiling peach blossom eyes, she tilted her head, her chin tensed up with peach pit lines, and gave a sonorous "hum".

Huo Lang reminded himself not to act too hastily, and secretly laughed at Si Ningning's temper, but he obediently found all Si Ningning wanted.

After picking a large bag full of lotus pods, more than a dozen lotus flowers and lotus leaves, Huo Lang tied Si Ningning with a lotus leaf hat and a lotus leaf cloud shoulder. Then the two tied the boat to the reeds and followed the uncles watching the ducks. Said hello and walked back.

Si Ningning’s family is not perfect, and in terms of personal relationships, there is actually nothing. Except for chicken soup jokes that she has seen on the Internet and in books, there is actually nothing.

At first, she felt embarrassed and didn't know what to do, but under Huo Lang's indulgent and gentle attack, Si Ningning gradually relaxed.

As soon as he relaxed, Si Ningning remembered something that he had not had time to ask just now:

“Do you know the young... **** man you met just now?”

“I know you.” Huo Lang nodded and glanced sideways at Si Ningning while picking up the snakeskin bag.

Although Si Ningning did not continue to ask, the look on her face showed that she was curious, so he picked up some information and said a few words:

"You know, Mrs. Hu on our team, right? They are in the same situation."

"But because all the things have been handed over and there are two older brothers taking charge, the boy has grown up in a stable manner. He is honest and upright, and is not a bad person." Huo Lang said, "Hmm", paused, and continued to add: "It's just that sometimes I'm short of words."

These words sounded vague at first, but Si Ningning figured it out after thinking about it.

 It’s the same as Mrs. Hu’s family, which means there is something wrong with the family structure. There are two brothers above, and they should be Gu Yang and Gu Chao.

 No wonder the monkey head said before that the three Gu Yang brothers were all miserable people, surviving in desperate situations.

 That’s it.

Si Ningning narrowed her eyes and asked, "Do you think they are bad people?"

"The good or bad of a person cannot be defined based on one-sided contact." Huo Lang said lightly, turning his head and looking at Si Ningning seriously, "But I know that among the group, there must be innocent people who are implicated. people."

Si Ningning smiled brightly and nodded slightly, "I think so too."

 “Go to the captain’s house first, and then return to the production team?”


The sun was still very bright at three or four o'clock. By the time he arrived at Gu Sande's house, Huo Lang's clothes were basically dry, except for the snakeskin bag on his shoulder that occasionally dripped a drop or two of water.

Having picked so many lotus pods, it was of course impossible to take them all away. Out of common sense, Si Ningning told Huo Lang in advance that he would leave some for the Gu family.

Huo Lang poured a quarter of the lotus pods out, tied the mouth of the snakeskin bag tightly and put the bag on his shoulder again. He greeted Gu Sande and was about to take Si Ningning back, but Gu Sande was here. At this time, they stopped the two of them, "Alas, alas! We'll be waiting for you later. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I asked your aunt to beat some loquats and take them back to eat! These loquats are sour. Your aunt and I have bad teeth and can't eat them." As he spoke, Gu Sande turned around. .

Not only was he holding a basket full of loquats, but he also had a large crucian carp with scales dripping from it. "Haha, the fish is the same. They were just caught from the lake. You are busy at this time, so come here." We don’t have much time, so take this fish back and cook it for your brothers and sisters to eat together.”

 “That’s okay, uncle.” Huo Lang nodded and took the fish under Si Ningning’s surprised gaze.

Since Huo Lang was still carrying something on his shoulder, he couldn't take the bamboo basket, so Si Ningning carried the basket full of loquats.

Si Ningning nodded and said a few polite words such as thank you. When she followed Huo Lang out, she looked at him doubtfully.

According to Si Ningning’s understanding of Huo Lang, it is impossible for Huo Lang to take this fish.

As Si Ningning expected, at the moment of leaving the hospital, Huo Lang suddenly uttered one word in a low voice, "Run."


Si Ningning didn’t understand why she wanted to run, but if Huo Lang said to run, then she would run.

Si Ningning retreated and started running, but Huo Lang stopped on the spot for a moment, and then he started running as fast as he could with the snakeskin bag on his shoulders.

 “Go left,” Horan instructed.

Si Ningning immediately turned to the left.

As soon as I turned into the alley, I heard a middle-aged man’s high-pitched voice coming from behind, “Oh, why are you running away! Fish, fish!”

  When we got here, Si Ningning basically recognized the road she had taken. As she ran along the road back to the mountain, she took a moment to look at Huo Lang's hand. Sure enough, the fish was gone.

 “Where’s the fish?” Si Ningning asked.

Huo Lang replied calmly: "It's hung on the courtyard door."

Si Ningning was speechless for a while, holding back a few words for a while, "I really belong to you."

  "If you don't take something, you have to find a way, otherwise you will have to pull it back and forth for a long time."

"Has this happened before?" Si Ningning heard Huo Lang's helplessness and asked curiously.

  Holang nodded, "It's like this every time."

At first, Huo Lang refused directly. Later, he was dragged from the Gu family to the entrance of the village and was forced to fight several times. Huo Lang gradually learned to be smart. If he encounters this kind of situation, he will put the things away first and take advantage of Gu Sande's attention. Sometimes, he hangs it at the door and runs away.

Because of this incident, Gu Sande had to remove the latch on the door of Gu's courtyard several times, but when Huo Lang came over later, he pressed it on.

When Si Ningning heard him talking about the past, he put his fist to his lips and laughed softly, "Although I know your helplessness, it sounds quite interesting." "Let's go first, I will catch up in a while."

Si Ningning immediately became serious, quickened his pace and nodded vigorously, "Yeah!"

Si Ningning and Huo Lang rushed back non-stop. On the other side, everyone at the educated youth spot of the third production team of Jiling Brigade was also preparing to watch a movie in the evening.

There is also a theater in the city. Although Xu Shuhua and the others have not gone in to watch operas or movies, they know that in the theater building, they can buy melon seeds and popsicles.

Xu Shuhua has learned from others. You can’t get old popsicles now, but you can get melon seeds.

I had always kept the pumpkins I bought in the town, as well as the various melons given by the aunts in the team. The educated youths had always kept the seeds in those melons. Xu Shuhua and the other female educated youths took out the melon seeds and picked them out as soon as they were put together. Pick out some plump melon seeds and save them for next year's planting. Sun-dry the rest to remove impurities and pour them directly into the pot to fry.

It is easy to burn when fried alone. I originally wanted to look for sand to stir-fry together, but I couldn't find it. Later, after Song Xiaoyun suggested, I shoveled some plant ash into the pot and stir-fried together.

The female educated youth were busy in the kitchen. The male educated youth Song Shuhan and Li Lingyuan went out to collect firewood. Mo Bei carried the bucket he usually used to fetch water, opened the fence of the private plot, and was feeding radishes and several newly planted vegetables. Water.

Si Ningning usually takes care of his private plot very carefully, and Mo Bei is also careful when watering, trying to water all the places properly without drowning the vegetables.

While he was busy, a woman carrying a basket came around from the side of the house and said, "Hey, Comrade Educated Youth, you are watering the vegetables."

"Sister-in-law." Mo Bei straightened up with a calm look on his face and recognized the person as Sister-in-law Tuesday from the team.

“Haha, is Si Zhiqing in the house?” Sister-in-law Zhou asked with a smile.

"Si Zhiqing went out this morning and hasn't come back yet." Mo Bei replied calmly, and then asked after a while, "What's the matter with sister-in-law? We can also help with it."

"It's nothing. It doesn't matter if Si Zhiqing is not here. I'll give you the same things." Sister-in-law Zhou smiled and waved her hands, pushing her hips forward to push the basket hanging on her elbow, "We have an orange tree planted in our yard. Tree, isn’t it the ripe season? I thought you educated youth comrades would have nothing to eat here, so I picked some for you to try.”

Sister-in-law brought oranges on Tuesday to thank Si Ningning for teaching Zhou Xiaocui how to read and write.

Now that Si Ningning is not here, she is too embarrassed to take this thing back, so she simply distributes it to the educated youths, thinking of looking for an opportunity to thank Si Ningning later.

In the team, uncles and sisters-in-law often gave educated youths a handful of vegetables and a few peppers. Mo Bei didn't think much about it. Before putting down the bucket and picking up the oranges, he bent over and looked around the ground where the radishes were planted, picking out the outcrops. , I pulled out two radishes that looked quite big, "Thank you, sister-in-law. There is nothing good about the educated youth. You can take these radishes back and eat them."

The radishes have entered the mature stage. Si Ningning usually takes care of them very carefully, so they are quite large. The two radishes Mo Beiba cut out are more than enough for a plate.

There are only a few vegetables that are commonly grown in the countryside. Sister-in-law Zhou also grows radishes at her house. She even picked a few of them to eat a few days ago. But looking at the white radish that Mo Bei handed over, Sister-in-law Tuesday was still a little surprised, "Oh, this You have to cook the radish carefully! It’s such a big root!”

 Mo Bei’s lips curved, and he explained rather proudly: “Si Zhiqing usually takes care of things, and Si Zhiqing is very attentive.”

Hearing that Si Ningning took care of the radish, Sister-in-law Zhou smiled and suddenly she was no longer surprised.

I don’t know why, but Sister-in-law Zhou has a strong feeling in her heart, as if things raised or grown by Si Ningning’s hands should be better than others.

Although radishes are not worth anything, human relations are about coming and going. After getting two radishes in return, Sister-in-law Tuesday felt that the children in the educated youth area were of good character and could get along well, so the smile on her face couldn't help but become more sincere. After a while, he said, "Okay! Share the oranges among yourselves. My sister-in-law won't disturb you anymore."

 After Mo Bei vacated the basket, Tuesday's sister-in-law waved her hands and left with a smile.

 “Sister-in-law, walk slowly.”

Watching Sister-in-law leave on Tuesday, Mo Bei stood under the sunbeams diagonally tilting down among the leaves. He glanced up at the sky to estimate the time. He looked to the side of the house again, as if expecting a certain figure to appear.

 It was getting late. Si Ningning had gone out early in the morning, so he should be back soon.

 Have you encountered any situation?

Mo Bei's eyebrows gradually raised, he thought for a while, and decided to wait and see.

 If Si Ningning hasn't come back yet, he must go out to look for someone.

 Mo Bei returned to the house after watering the plot, just in time to catch up with Xu Shuhua and the others who had fried the melon seeds and dried off the excess plant ash. Song Shuhan and Li Lingyuan also came back.

Seeing the oranges on the table, Li Lingyuan took one directly with his dirty and black hands, "Where did you get the oranges? Can you eat them?"

Xu Shuhua and the others also had question marks on their faces. You look at me and I look at you, but you don’t know where the oranges come from.

But at this moment, Mo Bei had already stretched out his hand, picked up the oranges and divided them into small portions. "It was sent by my sister-in-law on Tuesday last week. She said that everyone should share it."

  After a pause, Mo Bei added: "I pulled out two radishes as a gift in return."

Xu Shuhua nodded in approval, "We have planted a lot of radishes. If we don't have enough time to eat them, they will become hollow."

I can’t eat that much anyway, so I can just use it as a return gift. It’s not fun to always receive help from my uncles and sisters-in-law in the team for free.

There were twenty-three oranges in total. Seven educated youths were divided into three, and there were two more. Mo Bei pressed the two extra oranges, glanced at everyone and asked, "Si Ningning, do you have any comments?" ?”

 Everyone shook their heads in unison.

So, among the many piles of three small piles of oranges, the only pile of five oranges stood out.

Everyone put away their own oranges, and Xu Shuhua helped put away Si Ningning’s oranges. In the blink of an eye, Li Lingyuan had already finished the three oranges he was assigned in one go.

 After finishing the meal, he still felt that it was not enough. He rested his chin with his hands and stared at Jiang Yue who was slowly eating oranges across the table.

"What are you looking at? It's not like you don't have one!" Jiang Yue glared at him.

Li Lingyuan’s face wrinkled, he scratched his head in embarrassment and laughed, “It’s too sweet, I couldn’t hold it back, I ate it all.”

"Who do you blame for eating all the food? I didn't eat all the food. Don't look at me! You still look at it!"

After being scolded several times by Jiang Yue, Li Lingyuan sat sideways in embarrassment, but his eyes couldn't stop glancing at the orange in front of Jiang Yue.

It’s sweet and sour, so delicious. Why did he eat it so fast just now? You should be like Jiang Yue and eat slowly!

Li Lingyuan was thinking in pieces, his face was wrinkled in embarrassment, and he was about to cry.

Jiang Yue was so shocked by him that she bared her teeth in disgust, but her fingertips curled up and flicked an orange towards Li Lingyuan opposite him like a marble.


 Please vote for encouragement! !

 (End of this chapter)

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