Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 237: Song Shuhan, matchmaker?

Chapter 237 Song Shuhan, matchmaker?

Although he was given the orange, Jiang Yue put on a fierce look and said, "Give me one, don't let me see your dead look, it'll bore you to death!"

 Li Lingyuan nodded as if pounding garlic, happily peeling off the orange peel, sitting across the table and imitating Jiang Yue to eat slowly.

Seeing this, Jiang Yue's raised eyebrows gradually lowered, her lips curled up, and she softly cursed "idiot".

It can be seen that after Li Lingyuan ate half of the orange, he glanced at her again. Jiang Yue's smile fell, and the veins on her forehead popped up. She couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the table and shouted: "Still watching! Forget it all!" "

Li Lingyuan shivered and was immediately frightened. How could he dare to ask for Jiang Yue's oranges? Hehe giggled and ran away while touching his nose.

Jiang Yue rolled her eyes with a "humph", finished eating the orange in her hand, and put the last orange into her pocket.

Si Ningning hurried back before everyone set off, and Huo Lang, who returned to the educated youth point with her, was carrying a snakeskin bag.

Hourang was in a hurry and put down his snakeskin bag and was about to leave. Si Ningning followed a few steps behind, "Are you going directly to the brigade, or are you going back home first?"

Holang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Go directly to the brigade."

 Go directly to the brigade…

Si Ningning's lips twitched, "Are you thirsty? How about I get you a glass of water and you drink it before you leave?"

"We can't make it in time. Let's wait until we get to the brigade." Huo Lang waved his hand and asked Si Ningning to enter the room. "You should also go and get ready. I guess the captain is calling people to gather and get ready to go."


As he spoke, Huo Lang turned around and took a few steps into the shadow of the trees. Si Ningning couldn't catch up even if he wanted to.

 Normally, you can definitely get water in the brigade, but today when the movie was on, every household locked their doors and went out to watch the fun. Where can I get water?

Si Ningning shook her head and went into the house to fill the kettle. Thinking that it would be inconvenient for Huo Lang to drink water, she packed up the bamboo basket and washed a bamboo cup and took it with her.

While I was busy, I saw the basket of loquats on the corner of the table. Gu Sande picked the loquats for Huo Lang, but Huo Lang didn't take any of them and gave them all to her...

Si Ningning paused for a moment, then grabbed a dozen, washed them, put them into a basket and took them with him. The others were placed in a cool and ventilated place in the room to prevent the temperature from being too high and causing them to ripen and rot quickly.

On the other side, Mo Bei heard the female educated youth calling Si Ningning's name in the room where the male educated youth were. He followed and came out of the room, but as soon as his long legs took a step beyond the threshold, he took them back.

It wasn't until Si Ningning and Huo Lang finished talking in low voices and turned around to enter the house that he pursed his lips, exhaled a deep breath, pretended to be nonchalant and walked out, pretending to wait for everyone to set off together.

As for the female educated youth in the main room, Jiang Yue and the others circled around the snakeskin bag in the main room, "Si Ningning, what is in here?"

"Ah? That..." Si Ningning looked at Jiang Yue the same way, tightened the cap of the water bottle and walked over, unsealing the bag directly, "It's the lotus pod, um... I walked a little far today, and the production team over there heard that I am an educated youth and I am going to compile teaching materials, so I was given some lotus pods.”

Thinking that Huo Lang helped bring it back, Si Ningning was silent and continued: "This is very heavy and difficult to carry. Fortunately, I met Comrade Huo Lang on the way and he helped me carry it back."

“Oh!” Jiang Yue nodded seriously, “No wonder he came back with you just now.”

Jiang Yue believed it to be true, and held up a black lotus pod as big as the mouth of a bowl with a smile, "Can I eat it? Just one!"

"Eat whatever you want." Si Ningning smiled hoarsely, bent down and pinched the corners of the snakeskin bag, and asked Jiang Yue to join hands and pour out the lotus pods.

Si Ningning dug through the pile of lotus pods and took out a green-skinned lotus pod and explained, "Eat this kind, it's sweet. The black-shelled one is old and not delicious when eaten raw. I'll pick it out to dry later." Let’s go back and dry it to make porridge.”

“This is too much!” Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun exclaimed as they looked at the lotus pods all over the hall.

Si Ningning had a drop of cold sweat on the back of his head, it seemed like it was a bit much.

 Most of them were taken to the construction site, and it should have been peeled off by Huo Lang while she was sleeping...

Si Ningning smiled, did not answer the question, picked up the lotus leaves and flowers on the side, "Are you about to set off?"

After saying that, he looked at Jiang Yue and asked, "Can you help me take these to the well to get a bucket of water to soak them in? I'll change my clothes."

"Okay." Jiang Yue nodded while pecking at the rice, then walked to the well holding a large bunch of lotus flowers.

She sweated a lot in the afternoon, and her body was sticky and uncomfortable. Si Ningning originally wanted to get some water to wipe it off, but when she saw that everyone was getting ready to leave, she was too embarrassed to drag a group of people to accompany her, so she just After the heat faded from his body, he quickly took off his long-sleeved shirt behind the room door and put on the half-sleeved shirt he had made before.

Before going out with a kettle and a bamboo basket on her back, Jiang Yue saw it, her eyes sparkling and she praised, "Is this the one that Rang Hui used to press the dye with a bamboo tube? It's so beautiful!"

Si Ningning nodded with a smile, "Didn't you get it too?"

Jiang Yue waved her hands with a wilted look on her face, "I dyed it, but I never had time to do it. I have only done half of it now. I'm afraid I won't be able to wear it until next year."

“That’s not necessarily true, it’s also very hot in autumn.”

 Seeing everyone gathered at the door, Xu Shuhua closed the door, raised her hand and shouted: "Everyone is here, let's go!"

 “Let’s go watch a movie~”

 “What are you carrying in those bulging pockets?”

“While you’re not here in the afternoon, we fried the melon seeds we saved earlier and have a try!”

 “Have the seeds been left?”


  “Like this, um…it tastes quite delicious.”

  “Yeah, right! We all think so!”


The sun is leaning to the west, and a large orange halo shines diagonally through the mountains on the villages and fields in the mountains. The young boys and girls are walking along the mountain road in the setting sun, happily following the uncles in the team and setting off towards the brigade.

The girls were chatting all the way, so they lagged behind the large army. In order to ensure the safety of the girls, the male educated youth also slowed down.

“The oranges were delicious this afternoon. Have you eaten them?”

"Three for each person, have you eaten yet?" Song Shuhan gave Li Lingyuan a disgusted look. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Mo Bei looked back frequently. Song Shuhan pushed up his glasses and turned to look back.

The dazzling girl at the back stands in the middle, surrounded by two or three people. She already looks like someone who is loved and sought after.

 Excellent people are charming.

Song Shuhan's slender eyebrows were gently pressed down, and his eyes under the lenses were slightly curved, "Oh, this riddle of mine is so difficult. Can any female educated youth comrades come over to help me with this?"

Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua, who were chatting and laughing with Si Ningning with their heads tilted, instantly turned their heads and asked, "What's the riddle?"

Jiang Yue didn't care about riddles at all. She followed Si Ningning and wanted to discuss the course. When Song Shuhan saw that she was still clinging to Si Ningning, he thought about what was going on. He raised his lips and said: " Jiang Yue, this riddle is related to mathematics, are you sure you don’t want to participate?”

"What? Mathematics?" Jiang Yue was startled and immediately turned around, "Participate!"

As the three girls trotted over, Song Shuhan winked at Li Lingyuan and said, "My enemy, Jiang Zhiqing will be left to you. I will share an orange with you when I go back in the evening." "Okay!"

Song Shuhan laughed and shook his head.

Jiang Yue was deceived by Li Lingyuan once more, while Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun had already approached Song Shuhan, "What riddle? Is it so difficult?"

"A riddle... Haha, let's talk as we walk." Song Shuhan said haha, and after giving Mo Beidi a look beside him, he waved his hand to invite Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua to walk forward together.

Although Song Shuhan didn't say anything, Mo Bei understood the meaning of that look.

 —Work harder, brother.

Mo Bei subconsciously slowed down. Si Ningning walked past him and turned his head curiously, "Let's go and guess the riddle! Why aren't you leaving?"


There was no riddle, it was just something Song Shuhan came up with on the spur of the moment to help him get rid of others.

Although he knew this, Mo Bei also knew that it was rare to be alone. Strangely enough, inspiration was born in an instant. Mo Beiling opened and closed his lips, "I also know that riddle."

"You know?" Si Ningning tilted her head and said "Hmm". She glanced forward from the corner of her eye and saw Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua surrounding Song Shuhan on the left and right, talking so fast that Song Shuhan could hardly catch up with the words.

Si Ningning simply gave up and went to join in the fun, slowed down and chatted with Mo Bei, "What is the riddle?"

Ever since Mo Bei's family sent a book, Song Shuhan would always be holding a book in his hand whenever he was free.

Si Ningning felt that if Song Shuhan could solve the riddle, it must not be an ordinary riddle, so he felt even more curious.

"I heard it from my uncle on the team when I was working in the past. Well..." Mo Bei thought about it for a moment and said, "Wear clothes during the day and shell shells at night; ring bells on the trees, play drums in the pond, and light up the lamp at night... and I forgot two sentences.”

Si Ningning nodded and rolled her eyes without having any clue. She tilted her head and asked seriously: "Do you only want to guess one answer?"

"No, except for the first sentence 'dress during the day and shell at night' which is an answer, every subsequent sentence has a corresponding answer." Mo Beidao.

“Wear clothes during the day and shell at night...what’s your guess?”


Seeing that Si Ningning was in trouble, Mo Bei was about to tell him the answer, but was interrupted by Si Ningning jumping up and raising his hands: "Hey, don't tell me, let me think for myself!"

"It's called guessing if it's difficult. If it's not difficult or you tell me the answer directly, then what else should I guess? That's boring!" Si Ningning's cheeks bulged, she tilted her head as she spoke, scratched her forehead and started to think seriously. .

“Wear clothes during the day, shell them at night...sleep? It’s daytime when you wake up, so you put on clothes, and take off clothes when you go to sleep, and it’s night, so clothes can be compared to ‘shells’, right?” Si Ningning asked tentatively.

Mo Bei shook his head, "No."

Si Ningning hissed, a little surprised, but if Mo Bei said it wasn't, then it really shouldn't be, so Si Ningning continued to think seriously.

"Although it's wrong, it's very close." Mo Bei provided clues at the right time. "Well... the answer is actually very vague. There are two guesses. One is daily necessities and the other is limbs. Either one is correct."

 In fact, there is only one answer, but after thinking about it carefully, Mo Bei felt that two answers were more reasonable.

With Mo Bei's reminder, the range of answers was much narrowed. Si Ningning thought for a moment and quickly came to the conclusion, "It's feet and shoes, right?"

Although the human body's organs are very complex and there are many types, there are only a few that meet the requirements of "day and night". If I had to guess, clothes and the body also meet the requirements. However, because the clothes are relatively large and soft, they can only be considered abstract. A shell in the sense of the word.

 But the shoes are different.

The shoes are small and relatively hard because of the soles, and the shape is somewhat similar to melon seeds. Combined with the "shell" in the second half of the sentence, it is indeed more suitable as an answer.

Si Ningning carefully explained the basis of his guess to Mo Bei. Mo Bei nodded without hesitation, "The answer is correct."

 “As expected of me!”

 The girl clenched her fists happily, and the evening wind carried her clear laughter away.

The young man beside him stood tall and tall, and his handsome face with sharp edges under the black hair that contrasted with the sunset light suddenly softened.

 “The others, do you want to guess?”

Mo Beiling opened and closed his lips, and his voice was like a dripping spring in a mountain stream, "ding-dong, ding-dong". It was less cold than usual and had a touch of warmth and gentleness, which made people feel at ease listening to it.

Si Ningning folded his hands and stretched above his head. He slightly raised his crescent eyebrows and nodded with a smile, "Of course!"

 Compared with the first sentence, the following sentences are much easier to guess. After Mo Bei explained that "tang" means pond, Si Ningning gave the answer instantly:

“The bell is ringing on the tree. The ‘bell’ is related to the sound, so it means cicada.”

“It’s the same as playing drums in the pond, so it refers to frogs.”

“Do you keep a light on at night...” Si Ningning chuckled, thinking of the previous metaphors, she quickly gave the answer: “Of course they are fireflies!”

Mo Bei's words "all correct" only increased Si Ningning's pride.

Si Ningning became interested and asked if Mo Bei had done it yet. After Mo Bei asked a few more ordinary riddles, she felt a little boring, so she waved her hand and said, "I also have a few riddles, do you want to guess them?" Guess?"

Mo Bei was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly, "Okay."

Si Ningning's pupils dangled, the corners of his lips curved, and he opened his mouth: "Both brothers are the same length, and they always come in and out as pairs. Accompanying relatives and enjoying all the blessings, he will taste the big fish and meat first."

 “Chopsticks.” Mo Bei said without thinking.

"Don't think it's all that simple. This is my test for you." Si Ningning smiled and continued: "A bird in the sky can be held tightly by a thread. It is not afraid of the wind blowing, but is afraid of the raindrops drifting away."

Mo Bei was misled by the "thread", and with clues such as wind and rain, he tentatively answered: "Spider?"

"No, guess again!" Si Ningning shook her head, her eyes bright, waiting for Mo Bei to ask her for the answer if he couldn't guess.

But Mo Bei didn't go as she expected. After pondering for a moment, he gave the correct answer, "It's a kite."

 A spider web is made up of multiple “threads”, and a kite is one piece of thread.

 You guessed it so quickly?

Si Ningning puffed up her cheeks and said a little unconvinced, "I'll test you again!"

After Mo Bei nodded, she moved her lips and said: "I am dressed in pure white, but when I meet my enemy with a dark face, I would rather be shattered into pieces if I have exhausted all my intelligence and talent."


Happy Children's Day! Another update on the 9th!

 (End of this chapter)

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