Chapter 238 Share

Mo Bei was silent for a long time this time. Si Ningning knew that he couldn't think of it for a while, so he smiled and said, "Think about it slowly and tell me when you think of it."

As he spoke, he quickened his pace and was about to go ahead to find Xu Shuhua and the others to continue guessing riddles. Mo Bei subconsciously reached out and stopped her, "Wait a minute!"

Si Ningning turned around in confusion, "Have you guessed the answer?"

So fast? Can't?

Si Ningning was suspicious.

Mo Bei shook his head, lowered his eyes and rubbed the back of his head. After thinking for a long time, he looked up at Si Ningning again and said, "I, I am wearing the clothes you made for me today."

Si Ningning's attention then fell on Mo Bei. Mo Bei was tall and tall with broad shoulders and narrow waist. Although he didn't have a powerful physique like Huo Lang, he did look thin when dressed and had more flesh when undressed.

The two shirts produced by Si Ningning's sewing machine were neatly trimmed and the sizes were strictly controlled. Mo Bei put them on and they fit perfectly, perfectly showing off the advantages of his figure.

Si Ningning thought that she was indeed in good shape for clothes, but she nodded and complimented casually: "It fits very well. I was originally worried that you would get cramped if you wore it."

Mo Bei opened and closed his lips and wanted to speak, but Si Ningning had already retracted his gaze and continued to walk forward.

Mo Bei clenched his fists, his Adam's apple rolled and shouted again: "Si Ningning!"

"Huh? Is there anything else?" Si Ningning stopped and turned to look at Mo Bei. She always felt that Mo Bei was a little strange today. He always spoke in half words, which was a bit uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's just..." Mo Bei held on to his strap and took out a military green backpack from behind that was the same as Si Ningning's before. He fumbled through it and took out three oranges.

Mo Bei took a few steps forward and handed the orange to Si Ningning.

As if he knew what Si Ningning would say, before Si Ningning could say anything, Mo Bei said, "This is a gift from my sister-in-law on the team. I picked up two radishes from the door as a gift in return."

 “I know they left it for you, but it’s theirs and it’s mine.”

Si Ningning looked up at Mo Bei, wanting to say something, but Mo Bei seemed extremely afraid that she would refuse, so he didn't give her a chance to speak: "It's just three oranges. We are friends, right? Friends share with each other." , it’s normal, isn’t it?”

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take the orange."

Mo Bei said this, and Si Ningning couldn't refuse.

Moreover, Si Ningning felt that it was just three oranges, so it would be nothing if they were collected.

What Si Ningning didn’t know was that the oranges were oranges, but they were all oranges owned by Mo Bei.

"I brought some loquats, but not many. Let me give you a few to try." Thinking of the loquats in the basket, Si Ningning raised her head and grabbed a few and handed them to Mo Bei, "Let's go quickly. Otherwise, we will really fall behind.”

Mo Bei stared at the loquat in his hand and responded slowly. He curled his lips for a while and nodded vigorously, "Yeah!"

 The young man seems to be in a good mood.

 The usually cold-looking face has an obviously gentle smile on it...

 Is it because you like to eat oranges, so you feel happy after sharing them with your friends?

Si Ningning withdrew her gaze and thought to herself.

As she thought about it, Si Ningning couldn’t help but sigh:

Although it is sometimes hard to figure out the thoughts of adolescent boys and girls, Mo Bei's thoughts seem to have always been simple and pure?

For example, I like to weave baskets, and I will smile knowingly after sharing oranges with friends.

Si Ningning unconsciously flashed back to the image of educated youths asking Mo Bei to borrow books or help, but Mo Bei never refused.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that apart from his cold expression, Mo Bei is usually quite friendly and generous to everyone.

Thinking about it, the tutoring of the children of high-ranking cadres must be stricter than that of ordinary people. It is also a special era like the 1970s. No matter how cold the appearance is, it cannot block the physical character of being united, friendly and helpful deep down.

Si Ningning's deer-like eyes curled up, she put her fist to her lips and laughed softly, silently giving a thumbs up to Comrade Mo Bei, who had a good foundation and a bright future.

"Why are you walking so slowly?" Someone in front turned around and said, "Hurry up, Ning Ning!"

"Oh, here we come!" Si Ningning winked at Mo Bei and ran towards Xu Shuhua and the others, "How did you do with the riddle?"

"I haven't guessed it yet." Song Xiaoyun said, "Why can't you see the sun on a sunny day? Ning Ning, can you guess it?"

As he spoke, Song Xiaoyun glanced at Song Shuhan resentfully.

If even Si Ningning couldn't guess the answer, Song Xiaoyun felt that it was really necessary for her to wonder whether Song Shuhan had made up the riddle.

The riddle that Song Shuhan came up with was different from the one that Mo Bei came up with. Si Ningning was dazed for a moment, but he didn't think much about it.

 After thinking about the title that Song Xiaoyun read out, Si Ningning said: "At night, on a sunny night."

Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun both looked at Si Ningning in shock, unable to believe that Si Ningning had come up with the answer in such a short period of time.

 And if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is really the case. There is only the moon at night, but of course the sun cannot be seen!

Xu Shuhua's eyes changed. Just as she gave Si Ningning a thumbs up, Song Shuhan laughed and said, "Si Zhiqing's brain is really bright."

Si Ningning smiled and said, "It's just a coincidence~"

 There were riddles and gossip along the way, so the journey was quite relaxed and enjoyable.

 When they got to the brigade, the educated youths didn’t know where the brigade was set up, so they just wanted to follow the people in front.

As soon as he entered the brigade, he was stopped by Zhao Hongbing who was waiting on the roadside, "That Si Zhiqing, and Jiang Zhiqing, you two come with me to the brigade leader's house, while the others continue to follow the people in front."

Si Ningning and Jiang Yue looked at each other and followed Zhao Hongbing.

Jiang Yue was very nervous on the way, and Si Ningning couldn't bear it, so she took the initiative to ask Zhao Hongbing to talk, "Uncle, what's going on?"

Actually, Si Ningning had a guess in her mind, but she knew it was useless. She had to tell it from Zhao Hongbing's mouth so that Jiang Yue could feel at ease.

"Harm, it's not a big deal, don't be afraid." Zhao Hongbing laughed, "Isn't the literacy class almost finished? The team leader said before that when I am free, let me take you to the team to talk about it. The details of literacy classes.”

After that, he explained, "My idea is to teach the children to read more and understand the truth. I don't know what else... The captain is very literate. He must have regulations. After a while, you listen to what he says. Just answer normally, don’t worry if you are normal.”

Si Ningning nodded, and Jiang Yue breathed a sigh of relief and nodded accordingly.

Si Ningning lowered her voice in a funny tone and asked, "What are you afraid of?"

"What else could it be?" Jiang Yue tightened her grip on Si Ningning's arm and replied in a low voice, "It's not about my family..."

Si Ningning understood immediately, patted Jiang Yue's hand and comforted her softly: "Don't worry, no one will cause trouble for you."

Jiang Yue hesitated for a moment and sighed: "I hope so..." Jiang Yue didn't know, but Si Ningning knew. In this era, telephones were not yet popular, let alone computer entry equipment, so the population and household registration information had to be changed. Very troublesome.

Even if the government agency changed the composition of Jiang Yue's household registration, the news couldn't reach here at all due to the distance.

 And the country is not busy?

How could it be possible to pay so much attention to Jiang Yue's whereabouts? If he really wanted to pay attention, there would be so many people involved, would he be able to find her?

Si Ningning nodded and said "Yeah" and said no more.

Jiang Yue was worried for a while, and after she calmed down, she took out an orange from her pocket and gave it to Si Ningning like a treasure, and said with a smile: "Xu Shuhua and the others didn't have time to give you your share, did they? Eat this, I ate one before , so sweet!”

Si Ningning looked at the oranges that Jiang Yue handed to her and was slightly stunned.

Recalling what Mo Bei said before, "Sharing between friends should be done", Si Ningning fruited the orange without hesitation, "Then I must try it."

Si Ningning peeled off the orange peel, stuffed half of it into his mouth in an inconspicuous manner, chewed it gently, and the sweet and sour juice instantly filled his mouth.

 It's really sweet.

Si Ningning finished eating the oranges and shared a loquat with Jiang Yue.

The two girls were laughing and joking all the way until Zhao Hongbing said "We're here". Si Ningning and Jiang Yue looked at each other and smiled, then stood up straight and returned to their usual seriousness.

Zhao Hongbing pushed open the door of Luo's courtyard, and a middle-aged man came out of the main room with a dark-faced girl with two braids.

Si Ningning tilted her head and looked at her curiously. The girl was dressed decently, but her complexion was very dark. She was probably not an educated youth.

If their purpose is also to have a meeting, then they should be rare intellectuals in the countryside.

The girl noticed Si Ningning's inquiring gaze and raised her head curiously. When she saw Si Ningning's raven-haired face and beautiful face, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

When their eyes met, Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then nodded in a friendly manner.

The girl's face was slightly red, she nodded shyly, and gave Si Ningning an embarrassed smile.

During this time, Zhao Hongbing had already chatted politely with Liu Guoqiang of the Fourth Production Team:

“Comrade Liu Guoqiang, you also brought the comrades from your team here. Are they the literacy class teachers you arranged?”

"Haha, yes, Comrade Zhao Hongbing, what about you, you..." Liu Guoqiang patted Zhao Hongbing on the shoulder familiarly. When he saw the two girls behind Zhao Hongbing, Liu Guoqiang was a little surprised.

Looking at Si Ningning and Jiang Yue, he then turned to look at Zhao Hongbing. Liu Guoqiang even changed his title, "Captain Zhao, you, you, your production team has two teachers?"

“Haha, there are many people in our team. Besides the adults, there are also a bunch of kids. No wonder, no surprise.” Zhao Hongbing waved his hand, “The captain is still waiting, I won’t talk to you anymore.”

Liu Guoqiang smiled and nodded without interest, "Oh, okay, okay."

 When Zhao Hongbing brought Jiang Yue and Si Ningning into the house, Liu Guoqiang frowned and stroked the top of his head in confusion, then turned to ask the female educated youth behind him, "Did you see anything?"

Liu Xiaomei shook her head, "Dad, maybe there are really many people on the team?"

Liu Guoqiang groaned, "There are so many people, how many households are there in his mountain nest?"

 Why are there a bunch of babies besides adults? It’s all bullshit!

 Which of the various brigades and production teams is not in this situation?

Thinking that Zhao Hongbing and Luo Daqing had been commended by the commune for several years because the third team had demobilized soldiers to form a security team, Liu Guoqiang felt more and more that it was because of those things that Luo Daqing was particularly partial to Zhao Hongbing, so once something good happened or there were indicators , all given priority to the third team.

Liu Guoqiang is a little unconvinced, but there is nothing he can do about it. He is unlucky and has no capable people under his command, so he can only hold back his dissatisfaction.

Liu Guoqiang held it in for a long time and said earnestly to Liu Xiaomei: "Mei Ya, whether dad can continue to be the production captain next year or not depends entirely on you. You have to work harder for dad."

Liu Xiaomei pursed her lips. She was under great psychological pressure, but she couldn't bear to disappoint her father, so she could only nod her head with a low "Yes", "I understand."

 “Let’s go watch a movie.”

The Liu family's father and daughter left, and in the Luo family's house, Luo Daqing, Zhao Hongbing, Si Ningning, and Jiang Yue had just sat down.

“I just came in and bumped into the fourth team leader. How about it? What are the arrangements for the literacy class in their team?”

 Zhao Hongbing was holding an enamel jar and drinking cold drinks. He was afraid of causing unnecessary disagreements and controversies, so he did not reveal too much in front of Liu Guoqiang.

 After sitting down, Zhao Hongbing couldn't help but inquire about the situation of Liu Guoqiang and his production team.

"Forget it." Luo Daqing sighed, "It's hard to say how many days the four teams of literacy classes can work."

As soon as Zhao Hongbing heard this, he knew there was something hidden inside, and immediately asked, "What? What's going on?"

"Although the scorer on his team is a bit older, over 50 years old, he went to high school before. I asked him to adjust it and let the scorer be the teacher. He refused to listen and wanted to arrange for his family to go to school. My daughter who has been in elementary school for several years went." Luo Daqing waved his hands worriedly, "I don't agree with him no matter how I analyze it, and he brought up some trivial matters about voluntary voting on their team."

Zhao Hongbing straightened his back seriously, "How can this be possible? What is he trying to do? Is he trying to get some work points in the literacy class? Teaching is not an easy job!"

 “It’s not that simple.” Luo Daqing shook his head.

 Don’t want the benefits of literacy classes?

Zhao Hongbing thought about it for a moment, and when he thought about Liu Guoqiang's personality, he had a vague guess in his mind.

The production team leader plays the role of arranging and guiding. If the scorer becomes the teacher, then the scorer will mainly have the final say on the literacy class matters in the future. Liu Guoqiang can only convey some messages or instructions arranged by the above. As for the actual teaching matters, It is impossible to interfere.

 But if the teacher is your own daughter, it will be different.

 “He also…”

"Okay, let's not talk about this in front of the children." Luo Daqing waved his hand, interrupting Zhao Hongbing to continue speaking, then softened his expression and smiled at Si Ningning and Jiang Yue: "Let your production team leader bring you here this time. Actually, it’s nothing major, just finalizing the details of the literacy class.”

"Like that blackboard, the bottom of the commune is painted with cement and the top is painted with black paint. It's hard to get cement now. I just want to ask you, can this blackboard be put together with wooden boards? Use a planer to smooth the wood. Would adding a layer of black paint have the same effect?"

 (End of this chapter)

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