Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 240: sense of crisis

Chapter 240 Sense of Crisis

Mo Bei quickly walked around from the other end of the tree. He couldn't see anything in the dark surroundings, only the vague outline of a human figure could be seen.

Hearing the faint sound of struggling, Mo Bei's heart tightened, and he thought of some possibility. Mo Bei, who was 37 and 21, couldn't care about anything, so he swooped over and stopped in time when he got close.

Wu Yong was suddenly enlightened. With a tilt of his head, he was thrown away by Mo Bei's sideways leg sweep.

Wu Yong coughed twice when he landed on the ground and vomited a mouthful of fishy sweetness. Then he threw his hands on the ground twice, but he couldn't get up smoothly.

The clothes Si Ningning wore were very light, and her outline could be vaguely seen in the dark night. Mo Bei anxiously squatted down and held her shoulders, lifting her up, "Si Ningning? Are you okay? Si Ningning? Si Ningning !”

  "Vomit..." Si Ningning retched, and after a while, he said intermittently: "No, I'm fine."

My throat was burning, and the words I spat out were as hoarse and unpleasant as the cries of a strangled drake.

Mo Bei noticed something strange, and moved his hand along Si Ningning's arm to his neck.

It was so dark that even if there were pinch marks, he couldn't see or touch it. But after Mo Bei put his hand on it, he felt a burning sensation in his palm. In just one breath, Mo Bei tightened his grip, his bones "rattled", and he suddenly stood up and faced Wu Yong walked away.

Si Ningning stood up in a hurry, but knelt down on the ground. Her voice was hoarse and painful: "Don't go - go first!"

There are two people nearby. Those two people will definitely not go far. If they turn back...

But Mo Bei didn't stop, as if his temper was rising, and he was beating Wu Yong with fierce force like a yak.

Si Ningning could hear Wu Yong moaning in pain, but she didn't know where Mo Bei hit him.

Finally, after five minutes, Mo Bei picked up Wu Yong and threw it heavily on the main pole of the poplar tree like throwing garbage. Wu Yong bounced back and landed without uttering a word.

Si Ningning's head was shaking. Although she survived the disaster, she did not relax at all. Instead, she felt that Mo Bei's violent behavior in front of her became more and more unfamiliar to her.

 After Mo Bei finished taking care of Wu Yong, he knelt down in front of Si Ningning again.

This time, instead of supporting Si Ningning, she directly picked her up from the waist.

Si Ningning struggled uncomfortably, her voice hoarse and resisting, "I can do it myself..."

Mo Bei, however, contracted his hands even tighter. Seeing this, Si Ningning had no choice but to stop moving, "My hands are still..."

Si Ningning wanted to tie her hands, but before she could finish her sentence, Mo Bei, who had just held her tightly to prevent her from moving, suddenly put her down, pushed her shoulders and said, "Run!"

"What?" Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and then he heard the whistling wind blowing in his face, and with a "boom-", Mo Bei's figure swayed beside him.

 “Mo Bei!”


Mo Bei shouted louder.

Si Ningning’s heart was hanging again.

Those two men are back!

 Her hands are tied, leaving her alone will only add to the chaos...

"Including Wu Yong, there are three of them." Si Ningning ran back a few steps, "Mo Bei, wait for me, wait!"

The girl's hands were tied and folded together, she turned around resolutely, her steps were messy and she swooped back.

 “Come on, come on! Help—”

In the dark night, under the simple and swaying movie curtain, under the loyal and passionate lines, the girl's hoarse voice was like a small bubble in the tide, which was about to be swallowed up by the tide.

Si Ningning shouted while running. Even though the distance was only two to three hundred meters, she ran so slowly that it seemed like a century had passed. It was not until a dazzling beam of light hit her face that she forced him to Ning narrowed his eyes and stopped.

At this moment, Si Ningning was in an extreme state of embarrassment. Her long braid had become loose at some point. Some of her loose and slightly curly hair was stained with fallen leaves, and some exploded. Her face was filled with blood and tears. There were obvious pinch marks on her neck and hands. Still **** with hemp rope.

 “Si Ningning!”

Huo Lang let out a loud roar, handed the flashlight to the person next to him and walked a few steps in front of Si Ningning, "What's going on? Si Ningning?"

Huo Lang's heart almost jumped out of his chest. After he got closer and found that those people were not Si Ningning, he calmed down a little.

 “Don’t cry, it’s okay, take your time...”

Huo Lang quickly removed the hemp rope from Si Ningning's hand and comforted the trembling Si Ningning not to be afraid. He said slowly that it was okay. He could see that his little white wrist was covered with bruises and the back of his hand was already bruised due to the struggle. Draw out the shallow grooves that ooze blood.

Horang's tendons all the way from the back of his hand to the top of his arm, all bulged out in an instant, and Horang instantly fell into a rage: "Who did this? Who the **** did it!"

Si Ningning shivered. Her mind was a little confused and she couldn't say anything. She could only point to the place where she ran all the way in fear and anxiety, "Mo, Mo Bei, Mo Bei is still there!"

Even though it was the most dangerous moment just now, I didn’t feel very scared.

But at this moment, standing in front of Huo Lang, fear and grievance swept through his body in an instant, and Si Ningning's upper and lower teeth couldn't stop trembling.

If Huo Lang hadn't said "Don't cry" just now, Si Ningning wouldn't have known when she shed tears. But when she realized that she was crying, more tears fell down like crystal glass beads, and then fell again. A string of, "Holang, Holang, help him, help him, help him!"

Huo Lang took off his coat and wrapped Si Ningning tightly. He turned his head and said, "You go first! Hurry up!"

A group of teenagers started running quickly, and Huo Lang called out to one of them, "Leave one to go find the captain. Once you find him, let the captain go home first. We'll go there immediately! Keep your mouth close and don't leak the news to the outside world!"

 “Don’t worry, Lange!”

 The boys dispersed in response.

Si Ningning struggled to poke her head out of her coat, trembling. She looked obviously scared, but she was still very stubborn and said: "We, let's go too!"

Huo Lang frowned, "I'll take you back to check your injuries first..."

"I'm fine." Si Ningning shook his head with a hoarse voice and looked at Huo Lang seriously and explained, "Mo Bei is in danger now. He did this to help me..."

The "dong" sound just now made Si Ningning convinced that Mo Bei must have been injured.

Mo Bei got involved because he wanted to save her. Without being sure about Mo Bei's well-being, Si Ningning couldn't leave the scene with peace of mind.

Horang was silent.

Huo Lang knew Si Ningning's temperament. With Si Ningning's character, she would never feel at ease if Mo Bei's safety could not be ensured.

 But if she witnessed Mo Bei being injured, she would definitely feel that she was to blame.

   “…”   This choice undoubtedly involves a wolf in front of him and a tiger and leopard in the back. No matter what decision he makes, Si Ningning will feel uncomfortable.

Huo Lang understood this, but he couldn't help Si Ningning's tears.

“I’ll take you to see him, take a look and then go back to check the wound.”

Huo Lang avoided the marks on Si Ningning's wrist, carefully held her hand and walked towards the poplar tree.

Huo Lang furrowed his brows deeply, heaved a sigh of relief, and silently prayed a few words, hoping that the boy named Mo would be okay.

 The situation on Mo Bei's side is indeed very bad, because they are not dealing with three people, but six people except Wu Yong.

The two male educated youths who came with Wu Yong ran away because they were afraid that the matter would be exposed. However, while running, they met a few gangsters who usually walked the streets together.

Those gangsters recognized their acquaintances by the voices, and immediately stopped them to ask about the situation. Of course, the two male educated youths who came with Wu Yong would not tell the truth, and only half-covered explanations that Wu Yong had a hard time this time. He was about to be crippled.

Of course, these gangsters didn't have a close relationship with Wu Yong, but they just didn't think it was a big deal. They wanted to join in the fun and fix people up, and then ran away in the dark. They didn't notice it, but they didn't expect it. The two male educated youths who turned back felt that they were being supported, so they were cruel and hit Mo Bei on the head with a stone at the first blow.

The flashlights in the hands of the security team boys were both guiding lights and living signs. As soon as those gangsters saw the light of the flashlights, they knew they were not ordinary people, so they pushed Mo Bei away and tried to run away.

The two male educated youths were somewhat energetic. This time they did not just run away by themselves, but picked up Wu Yong and ran together.

The young men from the security team were not just for show. Two of them were left to look after Mo Bei's situation, while the rest chased the few who escaped.

When Si Ningning and Huo Lang arrived, two members of the security team were sitting on the ground with Mo Bei, who had blood on his face.

Under the cold white light of the flashlight, Mo Bei's face was frighteningly white. A two-inch long **** above his right eyebrow was still bleeding. The blood not only stained most of his handsome face, but also stained a large area of ​​his clothes all the way down his neck.

I was just guessing riddles in the afternoon, but all of a sudden, it turned into this!

Si Ningning was horrified to see it, not only because Mo Bei had lost so much blood, but also because of the hole on his eyebrow bone. If it were half an inch lower, Mo Bei's right eye would be...

Si Ningning didn’t dare to think about it.

Si Ningning stepped away from Huo Lang and squatted down in front of Mo Bei, "Mo Bei... Mo Bei?"

Si Ningning whispered, as if she was worried about scaring Mo Bei, "Are you okay?"

Mo Bei's breath became turbid and he slowly raised his head.

The wound on his right forehead was so painful that it was hard for Mo Bei to open his right eye. He tried to open his left eye. When he saw Si Ningning, he raised the corners of his lips with a faint smile and said with a smile: "You're okay..."

With that sentence, Si Ningning's tears that had just stopped burst out again, "I'm sorry, Mo Bei, I..."

Si Ningning's eyes were filled with water and a little realization. Mo Beijian reached out to touch her face to comfort her. When he saw the mottled blood on his hand from the corner of his eye, Mo Beijian slowly pulled back.

There was not only his blood on it, but also those of those bed bugs.

Mo Bei was reluctant to let the bugs stain his moon.

"I'm fine." Mo Bei chuckled, still soothing Si Ningning with a gentle and cold voice like a dripping spring, and even joked, "When you go back, make me a few bowls of noodles, and I'll be ready after I finish them."

 “Si Ningning, don’t cry…”

Si Ningning wiped away the tears at the end of her eyes, her lips were deflated, and she raised a smile that was uglier than crying, "Okay, I'll do it for you when you get back."

Si Ningning turned to look at Huo Lang for help, "We can't treat this kind of wound, Huo Lang, he needs to be sent to the hospital!"

Huo Lang stood outside the cold light, looking down at Si Ningning and Mo Bei in the beam of light with a somewhat indifferent expression.

Horang admired Mo Bei very much.

 Appreciate Mo Bei's bravery.

I also appreciated Mo Bei's ability to hold on and comfort others even when he was injured.

 But when the person Mo Bei comforted was the girl he liked, this appreciation suddenly changed a little.

Holang's eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and there was an inexplicable sense of crisis deep in his heart.

Huo Lang didn't speak for a long time. Si Ningning pursed her lips hesitantly and called out again, "Huo Lang?"

This sound made Huo Lang recall his thoughts. His thick arched eyebrows were raised. Huo Lang turned sideways and said calmly: "Go to the captain's house first, and then we will make arrangements."

 The two security team members immediately picked up Mo Bei and walked back.

Holang originally wanted to ask Si Ningning to go to the brigade captain's house with them, but he would stay and wait for news from the others.

 But thinking about how badly Si Ningning was frightened just now, she must still be scared now.

 Haunted, but Huo Lang couldn't let go, so he replaced a security team member and asked the security team member to stay where he was. As soon as there was news, he would go to the brigade leader's house to notify him.

Huo Lang took one of Mo Bei's arms and took Si Ningning and several others to the captain's house by taking alleys and alleys to avoid being seen.

Movies were shown at night, and Luo Daqing also joined in the fun in the square. However, Luo Daqing knew his responsibilities and was afraid that others would not be able to find him. Therefore, when the film team came to set up the curtain a few days ago, he put a picture in one corner. He stood at the table and told everyone that he would be at the table at night. If you have anything to do, come and find him there.

That's where the security team member who was photographed by Huo Lang found Luo Daqing. After receiving the news, Luo Daqing went home immediately. When Huo Lang and others arrived at Luo's house, Luo Daqing was pacing anxiously in the main room with his hands behind his back.

Hearing the movement in the courtyard, Luo Daqing immediately turned his head. When he turned his head, he was immediately frightened and confused.

Under the dim light of the kerosene lamp at the door, Huo Lang and a security team member brought in a **** man!

“What’s going on? Why did you shed so much blood?”

 Luo Daqing Zhang Luo cleaned up the things on the bench beside the table, dragged the bench out, and asked Huo Lang to place the sleepy Mo Bei on it.

Huo Lang briefly explained what happened, and Si Ningning added the details, "It's Wu Yong. He resented being transferred last time... Maybe he suffered some injustice in the brigade over there, so he felt that the cause of the matter was me. Only this happened today.”

Si Ningning spoke calmly, having recovered from the confusion just now.

As soon as Si Ningning mentioned Wu Yong, Luo Daqing felt that the name sounded familiar at first. Then when Si Ningning mentioned the matter of "transfer", Luo Daqing immediately remembered who Wu Yong was.

"I'm telling you! It's that **** brat! What's the cause of this thing on you? That Wu Yong is not a worry-free guy. The former one even went to the commune to cause trouble a few times, clamoring to return. The director of the commune scolded him and sent him back, so he returned to the team and was criticized and taught a lesson by the production team leader..."

 “What a bastard! Damn it! I have to go to Hu Qiang to ask for an explanation until dawn!”

 (End of this chapter)

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