Chapter 241 Bystander

Luo Daqing was not Zhao Hongbing. He basically didn't curse. But after hearing that Wu Yong was responsible for the incident, Luo Daqing couldn't bear it anymore. He cursed several curse words in a row. After cursing, he held a kerosene lamp and approached Mo Bei to take a closer look. .

Seeing Mo Bei's injuries clearly, Luo Daqing frowned, his eyes full of distress and unbearability, "With so much blood, how much food do I need to eat to make up for it?"

"It's not okay to sit like this, the injured team can't handle it! Alan, go ahead, go to your Uncle Luo's house to borrow a bicycle, and I'll get you money... The town health center doesn't open at night, so this The educated youth comrades have to go to the county hospital to see the specific situation. I think I will need two or three stitches!" Luo Daqing sighed.

Huo Lang frowned seriously and never let go. Luo Daqing arranged for him to do things, so he nodded.

Just before going out, Holang said: "Uncle, one bicycle is not enough, at least two are needed."

 “Huh?” Luo Daqing was a little confused.

Si Ningning knew what Huo Lang meant, and was about to say that her injury was okay and that she could take care of it by herself, but Huo Lang had already winked and asked several security team members to go out. Then, under Luo Daqing's blank eyes, Si Ning revealed Ning's clothes.

For a moment, Si Ningning couldn't hide the strangling marks on his hands and the ferocious pinch marks on his neck. After Luo Daqing saw it clearly, his hands were shaking with anger and he could hardly hold the kerosene lamp in his hand, "Damn it, you bullied a woman." I've had enough with my comrade, now what are you doing? He wants to kill someone!"

Luo Daqing walked to the table and slapped his hands on the table angrily, "Si Zhiqing, don't worry, I guarantee this matter in the name of the captain, and I will definitely investigate it to the end! I will give you and Mo Zhiqing an explanation!"

As he spoke, Luo Daqing looked anxious again, "If we don't talk about this now, Alan, hurry up and borrow two bicycles to take Si Zhiqing and Mo Zhiqing to the hospital for a look!"

"Bicycles can't be used, so we have to hitch an ox cart...and I'm glad they went to chase Wu Yong and the others. They should be able to bring them back soon." He originally wanted to borrow a bicycle, but it was obvious that Mo Bei was unconscious, so Huo Lang changed his mind.

After speaking for a while, Huo Lang glanced at Si Ningning and said, "Uncle, this matter involves a lesbian, it won't sound good if it gets out. What will be said to the outside world..."

Horang didn’t say any more.

Luo Daqing immediately understood, "Don't worry, this is an external fight. Si Zhiqing did not return to the team at night because Mo Zhiqing in the county needs to be taken care of!"

After receiving Luo Daqing's affirmative words, Huo Lang frowned deeply and glanced at Si Ningning deeply. In the end, he said nothing, turned around and waved his hand to lead several security team members in the courtyard to the team to harness the oxcart. .

As if realizing that the incident had been safely implemented, Si Ningning exhaled, and the tense nerves in his spine gradually relaxed.

Just as she moved to take a closer look at Mo Bei's injuries, Luo Daqing suddenly said: "Si Zhiqing, I'll get you some of your aunt's clothes. You change Alang...the security captain's coat first."

Although the half-sleeved T-shirt Si Ningning was wearing was not damaged, the collar had been torn and deformed. If someone saw him wearing it, he would definitely be criticized.

Luo Daqing entered the room on the left side of the hall and took out the kerosene lamp to light it up. He stirred around for a while before he came out and called Si Ningning: "Si Zhiqing, I put your clothes on the chair next to the bed. You go in and change." Come on, comb this hair by the way.”

Si Ningning knew that she was in a sorry state, so she didn't refuse immediately. She went into the house with a thank you, closed the door, and started to pack herself up.

By the time she came out of the room, Si Ningning's hair had been rearranged and she had put on a high-collared lady's gown.

The bullock cart was waiting outside the door. Luo Daqing took out a pile of dimes, and Lin Linzong collected four and a half yuan and gave it to Huo Lang. Then he helped carry Mo Bei into the cart and helped Si Ningning climb up the board. After the car was ready, I waved the people off and sent them off.

This matter should not be kept public. Luo Daqing did not dare to shout loudly, so he could only whisper: "Take it easy on the road!"

“Uncle, please go into the house and tie them up first when they come back.”

  “Hey! I know this matter well, you go quickly!”

With a wave of the small bamboo stick, the old cow spread its hooves, and the wooden cart wheel started to roll in an instant.

There were four people in the bullock cart, the security team member driving the cart, the injured Mo Bei, Si Ningning and Huo Lang.

Mo Bei was lying in the middle of the cart, while Si Ningning and Huo Lang sat on each side.

Even the roads in the countryside were not that smooth, and the oxcart was swaying. Si Ningning was worried that Mo Bei would sway and slide off the car, so she curled up on one side and kept pressing Mo Bei's shoulders.

In the darkness, Huo Lang was in a bad mood. He wanted to say something, but because there were others around him, he couldn't say anything. He just kept looking at the outline of Si Ningning's body that was huddled up in a small ball.

Si Ningning, on the other hand, had been running around all day and had such a ridiculous night. Now she was physically and mentally exhausted and had no interest or intention to talk.


The large clouds in the black-blue night sky covered half of the moon's cheek. The bullock cart swayed for more than two hours and stopped in front of the county hospital. Si Ningning jumped out of the cart first, but because he had been sitting cross-legged for a long time, his calves were sore and numb. Stagger.

After a while, she walked to the other side and wanted to help Mo Bei, but Huo Lang held his shoulders and pushed him up the steps. "I will send him upstairs, and you can ask a nurse to help treat the wound."


 “At this time, don’t let people distract you.”

Si Ningning swallowed back what she was about to say, moved her lips and lowered her head lonely, "I understand."

After just a moment, she raised her head and said urgently, "If the money is not enough, just tell me, I have some with me!"

Hong Lang said softly, "You don't have to worry about money."

Huo Lang tilted his head and saw that there was no one else around him. He reached out and touched the top of Si Ningning's head. His voice was hoarse and he said, "It'll be okay. Don't worry."

 “Get settled and I’ll come find you.”


 The county hospital is three stories tall and does not occupy a large area, but it is also divided into a lobby, an inpatient area, an emergency room, etc.

As soon as Huo Lang and the others entered the hall, the nurse on duty came forward to check the situation, and then immediately rang the bell to recruit help to support Huo Lang. Mo Bei and others walked up the stairs.

Si Ningning sent them upstairs with red eyes. He breathed in his sore nose to calm down a little, then turned around and followed the simple signs to the outpatient room.

  The outpatient doctor gets off work at 6pm, and there is no doctor on duty at night. The one who gives Si Ningning medicine is a young nurse.

The nurse saw the mottled bloodstains on Si Ningning's wrist and felt her scalp tingle. "What, how did you do this?"

Si Ningning was also a little stunned when she saw the scars on her wrists clearly. I had felt some pain before, but I had never had it checked. Now that I looked closely at it under the weak, cold white light of the outpatient room, it was indeed a bit scary.

 But where did this injury come from?

Si Ningning thought for a moment but couldn't find a suitable excuse, so he took the medical alcohol and iodine from the nurse's hand and said, "I have also learned some medical knowledge, I will do it myself."

Si Ningning had special scars on her hands. It could be seen at a glance that they were strangulation marks. The nurse was not a fool. When she saw such marks, she had some suspicions in her heart. She knew it would be better to ask more questions, so she didn't say anything after that.

The nurse sat aside and watched for a long time. Seeing that Si Ningning's disinfection sequence was in order, she felt relieved and said, "Comrade, after you clean the wound, twist the alcohol and iodine and put them back on the cabinet over there. Go out." Please turn off the lights in the outpatient room. There is a wounded person upstairs. I'll go over and check on him."

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded and asked before the nurse left, "Comrade nurse, which floor is the injured person who came with me just now?"

The nurse reviewed Mo Bei's injuries and said, "The wound on that comrade's head needs stitches. It should be in the fourth room on the left hand side of the stairs on the second floor."

Si Ningning nodded, barely smiling, "Thank you, comrade nurse, I understand."

Si Ningning was alone in the clinic. After cleaning the small fuzz on the wound with tweezers, he used alcohol cotton to clean the blood stains on it, and finally applied iodine.

 The injuries on her wrists were enough to attract attention, so Si Ningning did not show the pinch marks on her neck to the nurse.

After cleaning the wound on his wrist, Si Ningning turned her head and stared at the door and listened quietly.

When we came all the way here just now, the outpatient room and the consultation room were all dark, which meant that no one was inside, and there was no movement in the corridor outside. Si Ningning felt a little relieved, and when he grabbed the empty space, anti-inflammatory tablets and throat lozenges appeared in his hand. He grabbed the void again and took out a bottle of Centennial Mountain from the space.

The throat is dry and painful, but it is not caused by a cold, but caused by man-made symptoms.

Si Ningning was not sure whether the anti-inflammatory tablets and throat lozenges would work, but she just wanted to give them a try.

He swallowed two anti-inflammatory pills with mineral water according to the instructions, and stuffed a throat lozenge into his mouth. Si Ningning put the pill box and mineral water into the space, arranged the clinic room for a while, and got up to go. Second floor.

Si Ningning went up to the second floor and saw Huo Lang sitting on the bench in the corridor. "How is it?"

"The infusion is in progress. The nurse is cleaning the wound to stop the bleeding, but the doctor who performed the stitches is not here." Seeing worry flash across Si Ningning's eyebrows, Huo Lang comforted him: "Don't worry, the hospital has already sent someone."

Si Ningning nodded heavily, and Huo Lang patted the chair beside him and motioned for Si Ningning to sit down.

Si Ningning wanted to go in to see Mo Bei's condition, but thinking that the nurse was busy at work, it would be too troublesome for her to go in, and she also had something to ask Huo Lang...

Si Ningning leaned over and sat next to Huo Lang. Almost at the same time, Huo Lang lifted up her wide sleeves to look at the wound.

The strangulation marks were winding and twisted, and they were already hideous. Although the blood stains were cleaned, but now they were coated with iodophor, at first glance, instead of getting better, they looked even more hideous.

Huo Lang lowered his brows and took a breath as the pressure around him dropped, "Does it hurt? What did the doctor say?"

As he said that, he raised his hand again to see the injury on Si Ningning's neck.

Si Ningning turned his head slightly to avoid it, shook his head and his voice was still hoarse, "It's okay, I've already taken anti-inflammatory medicine."

Huo Lang took back his hand and asked about the incident of Wu Yong being transferred that Luo Daqing had mentioned before departure.

Si Ningning was silent for a long time, going through the whole story one by one, and finally said: "Although that incident was very bad, the cause was really a very small thing, not even a 'thing'. I thought Wu Yong will have a better memory and won’t dare to speak casually in the future... I didn’t expect him to become like this.”

Si Ningning said, remembering what she heard at that time, "I heard what they said, and generally I don't dare to cause trouble for female educated youths, but there should be several girls in the countryside who have already suffered..."

Si Ningning bit her lip, turned sideways and asked seriously, "Huo Lang, how will the captain handle this matter?"

Hong Lang was not sure how Luo Daqing would arrange it, but he thought about it and gave two possibilities according to his own ideas, "Send him to a labor camp and spend a few years in prison."

Si Ningning was slightly startled, "Is that all?"

Wu Yong is a man with a dark mind, and he still holds a grudge over trivial things. Moreover, it is not known which other girls Wu Yong has forced, and how much he has forced.

 Suppose he is only imprisoned for a few years and waits for him to re-enter society a few years later. With his sensitive and misanthropic character and mentality, will he really not hurt more people?

 The former and the later are reasonable. After thinking about it, Si Ningning is not satisfied with these two basically the same processing methods.

Holang sighed: "After all, this is a disgraceful thing. Even if we know that he has done it, the victim will not come forward at all...Without human evidence and physical evidence, at most he can only be convicted of intentional injury."


In the 21st century, victims may not come forward when encountering such a thing, let alone this conservative era that is prone to fallacies.

Si Ningning frowned and lowered her head unwillingly.

 But, let’s just let this matter go?

The two methods that Huo Lang mentioned are relatively rigorous handling methods. If the commune did not pay attention to it, Wu Yong's final punishment might have been lighter!


Si Ningning shook his head.

For herself, for the **** on Mo Bei's head, and for the girls who had already suffered a loss, Si Ningning couldn't accept this result no matter what.

"No one is willing to stand up as this witness, then I will." Making a decision in her heart, Si Ningning looked up at Huo Lang and said resolutely: "I will be the witness!"

 She must kill this scum with her own hands!

In an instant, a compelling aura suddenly erupted around Si Ningning. Huo Lang was stunned, but subconsciously wanted to kill Si Ningning's idea, "Have you considered the consequences? If this matter spreads, Go out, what will others say?”

The people in the countryside are simple and honest, but once they encounter something worth talking about, they can't stop talking.

Horang was worried that Si Ningning would be harmed.

However, Si Ningning has already made a decision and will not change it easily. "Whoever wants to say it can just say it! It is not wrong to protect one's own rights and safety, and it is not something that others can blame!"

If we really want to talk about right and wrong, then the ones who are wrong should be those bystanders who point and comment!

 Because it is often not the murderer who drives the victim to death, but the bystanders who stand aside and witness everything.

 (End of this chapter)

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