Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 242: Mo Bei's eyes

Chapter 242 Mo Bei’s eyes

They stand on the moral high ground, use the slogan of kindness and justice, ignore the pain of the victims, persuade the victims to be generous, and throw sharp blades at the victims word by word.

The fault is never the victims who want justice, but the souls that have long been rotten and festering while standing in the sun. Because of their existence, more people dare not say anything when something happens...

"This kind of sick situation exists all over the country. I can't change everything, but Huo Lang, this cannot be a reason to stop me from standing up and speaking out." Si Ningning looked at Huo Lang seriously, "Will you support me?"

Huo Lang lowered his eyebrows, and his deep peach blossom eyes met with Si Ningning's dark deer eyes inquiringly.

 The girl who looks delicate and fragile always has inexplicable persistence and perseverance in doing what she thinks is right.

 That’s all, after all, he will protect her...

Horang pressed the back of his head against the wall, put his big palm on his forehead and rubbed it vigorously. He closed his eyes slightly and asked in a deep voice, "What do you need me to do?"

Of course Huo Lang will not tolerate people like Wu Yong and his actions.

Huo Lang also agreed with Si Ningning's idea of ​​severely punishing evildoers, but he didn't want Si Ningning to involve him. However, Si Ningning's idea was already born, and it was very firm. Huo Lang could only nod and stand aside for Si Ning. Ning protects the enemy and minimizes the damage that may be caused.

"When Mo Bei wakes up, after we go back..." Si Ningning revealed her thoughts to Huo Lang with twinkling eyes. After Huo Lang nodded and said it was feasible, Si Ningning suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then her crescent eyebrows flashed with determination. I mentally planned the way to go next.

At this time, a young doctor wearing a white coat and messy hair hurriedly ran over from the corner of the stairs.

Guessing that the other party was the stitch doctor who had just been brought from home by the hospital, Si Ningning stood up and wanted to say hello and explain the situation. Before he could speak, the doctor walked straight past Si Ningning and Huo Lang and quickly cleared the ward. The door opened and closed with a bang.

So urgent...

Is it because someone at the hospital disclosed Mo Bei's injuries on the way here?

Si Ningning’s brows furrowed in worry.

 “Sit down and wait.”

"I'm not worried." Si Ningning shook her head and stood at the door facing the ward. However, in this era, the door of the ward was just a whole wooden door. It was not like the wards of later generations at all. There were see-through glass windows on the door.

She faced the door panel and couldn't see the situation in the ward at all, but just standing and guarding like this seemed to reduce the depression and guilt in her heart. "That wound is very dangerous. If it goes down a little bit, the eyes At once…"

 Looking from the wound. It really didn't hurt my eyes, but it's hard to say whether it had any impact, after all, it was so close.

Si Ningning sighed and rubbed his face, "I didn't expect Mo Bei to show up."

Without Mo Bei, Si Ningning could rely on space to avoid this danger. Even if Wu Yong and others spread the word afterwards, as long as she denied it, no one would believe what Wu Yong and others said without other witnesses.

 But as soon as Mo Bei arrived, the situation was completely reversed.

After all, Wu Yong and the others were educated youths from another brigade, but Mo Bei was different. He and Si Ningning belonged to the same production team, and even lived under the same roof. They had to meet each other at least five or six times a day. Once Si Ningning was exposed, , and when asked about it later, there was no way to explain it.

Si Ningning didn't blame Mo Bei for coming to save her, but she was really afraid.

 She would find a way to make up for the bleeding or injury, no matter how minor it was. But if Mo Bei hurt his eyes, how could she make up for it?

Si Ningning has space of his own and knows that he can escape through space, but Huo Lang doesn't know that.

In Huo Lang's eyes, Si Ningning was just a squeamish, smart, and powerless little girl. Now that he could hear what Si Ningning meant, he stood up and emphasized solemnly, "Mo Bei comes from a military family. He has a good family background. Even if you get hurt, you will be proud to rescue and help others, don’t think too much about it.”

In that case, if Mo Bei had not appeared, what would have happened to Si Ningning in the end, Huo Lang did not dare to think about it.

Si Ningning lowered his head and said nothing.

After waiting for about forty minutes, the ward door opened, and the nurse walked out first with a pile of bandages stained with blood. Si Ningning immediately responded, "How is it? How is the injured now?"

 The male doctor came out after him and explained: "The wound has been sutured, and there is no serious problem at the moment. We will wait for the injured to wake up before further observation."

As the male doctor spoke, he walked towards the stairs. Si Ningning followed behind and asked, "Then, those eyes? Is there something wrong with the eyes?"

"Eye?" The male doctor was stunned for a moment, and explained in a warm voice: "There is nothing wrong with the initial examination, but the wound is indeed very close to the eye. Afterwards, bearing weight on the wound may cause the eyes to be unable to open. This is normal."

"You are family members, right? You need to be careful when taking care of me. Keep the wound away from water and pay attention to your diet."

Si Ningning closed her eyes and exhaled, her heart relaxed, and she nodded repeatedly, "Thank you, doctor!"

After sending the doctor and nurse away, Huo Lang said: "You can keep an eye on them for a while, and I'll go downstairs to pay the fee. By the way, I'll ask the security team to drive back and inform the team leader, so that the team leader won't worry."

Si Ningning nodded repeatedly, a relaxed smile finally appeared on his face, "I'll wait for you."

Horang's heart was tense all night, and he gradually calmed down when he saw Si Ningning's healing and dazzling smile. His thin lips were slightly raised, and his arched eyebrows were slightly raised, "Okay."

Huo Lang went downstairs to pay the fee, while Si Ningning pushed through the ward and went in to check on Mo Bei's condition.

The ward is about ten square meters in size. The space is small and simple. Two beds are placed side by side. There is a small cabinet for storing things on one side of the bed, and a rusty iron IV stand on the other side.

In addition to this, there is a chair for family members to sit beside each of the two beds.

Si Ningning took a cursory look at the ward, then approached Mo Bei to check the situation.

Mo Bei had a needle stuck in his hand and was still in a coma. The injury on his head had been sutured and bandaged. He had lost a lot of blood and now his face was pale. At first glance, he looked like someone who had run out of gas. .

Si Ningning looked at it with heartache, and at the same time, she also thought of what Luo Daqing said:

Mo Bei lost so much blood and his vitality was severely damaged. How much should he eat and how long would it take to make up for it?

The ward was a little stuffy. Si Ningning pushed open the window and stood by the window to look out. He could vaguely see Huo Lang explaining something to the security team guarding the bullock cart at the door on the first floor.

Si Ningning didn't look too much, thinking that Mo Bei didn't know when he would wake up, and would he drink when he woke up?

Si Ningning's military kettle is still hanging on his body, but now there are three of them. They can't all rely on one pot of water, right?

Thinking about it, Si Ningning took a look at the glass bottle and saw that there was still more than half of the potion in it, which could not be finished in a while. She turned around and closed the ward door, asked the nurse to explain the situation and borrowed two enamel jars.

After asking where the hot water was in the cafeteria at the back, Si Ningning nodded and thanked her. After bidding farewell to the nurse, he did not actually go to the cafeteria. Instead, he used the darkness to cover up and entered the space at the side of the building.

Si Ningning scalded the enamel jar with hot water in the space, filled the military kettle with hot water, and then filled two cups of hot water before stepping out of the space.

She was carrying water upstairs when Huo Lang came out of the ward to look for her: "Where have you been?" "I borrowed a drinking cup from the nurse comrade and went to the canteen behind to get water." Si Ningning said.

Holang glanced at the steaming cup in her hand and had no doubts.

  Opening the door to let Si Ningning enter the room, Huo Lang raised his chin towards the small cabinet, "The doctor said that just infusion alone would be too slow to recover. He told him to drink some of that when he wakes up, so that he can recover faster."

Si Ningning looked up and saw a simple white plastic bag on the bedside table. She walked in and put down the water glass. Si Ningning picked it up and looked at it again, and saw the conspicuous red font on it: Healing the dying and practicing revolutionary humanitarianism.

 Then the name is marked in blue font below: Glucose powder.

Si Ningning glanced at the English name below, and after confirming that it was the same thing as the glucose oral liquid stored in the space, she knew what it was.

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded, "Is this expensive? Is the money given by the captain enough? If not, I have some here."

 As he spoke, he was about to dig into his pockets.

Si Ningning knew the prices of goods sold outside, but she didn’t know about hospital treatment.

Mo Bei was injured, and the brigade provided the money out of responsibility. Now that the brigade leader is not here, if the money is not enough, she will definitely have to make up for it. After all, Mo Bei is helping her, and there is no reason for Huo Lang to add money.

"There's still a lot left. If it's not enough, I'll say, don't worry about it." Huo Lang held down Si Ningning's hand, took her arm and pushed her to sit on the empty hospital bed beside her, "Are you tired after running all day? Tired? I’ll keep an eye on you for a while, and I’ll replace you later in the night, okay?”

Si Ningning was speechless.

How can she sleep at this time...

As if he could see what she was thinking, Huo Lang sat on the stool next to Mo Bei's bed, "If you can't sleep, don't sleep until you are sleepy. Don't hold on, you know?"

Si Ningning nodded, "Are you sleepy? How about you sleep first?"

 Speaking, he stood up and gave up the bed.

  Holang shook his head, "I usually sleep late."

 “Sleeping late?” Si Ningning said with a hint of curiosity.

 In this era, there are no entertainment projects or activities at night, so why stay up so late?


The two of them chatted in low voices until half an hour later, the potion in the suspension bottle ran out, and Huo Lang called the nurse to remove the needle. It was already past midnight.

Si Ningning couldn't stand it any longer, but she still managed to sit on the edge of the empty bed, leaning her head against the wall, squinting her eyes and muttering vaguely, "Did you haven't eaten yet tonight? I brought loquats...ah, I poured out the loquats." Come on, I’ll buy you something to eat when it gets dark.”

 “Well, Holang…”

Huo Lang put his hands on his knees, bowed and listened to Si Ningning's whole series of grunts, and said "Okay" in a low voice.

His voice was already low and hoarse, so he kept it even deeper for fear of disturbing Si Ningning. After answering, Si Ningning fell into a deep sleep, slid his head against the wall, and slid steadily into Huo Lang's arms.

Huo Lang caught Si Ningning, picked her up gently, and then carefully laid her back down on the bed.

Huo Lang pulled a corner of the quilt and covered Si Ningning's abdomen. When he stood up, he glanced at Mo Bei on the other bed.

Huo Lang frowned slightly and moved out of the ward with ease.

At the same time, there were seven people involved in the incident in the Jiling brigade. Zhao Xile led people to chase them all the way, and finally caught four of them in a corn field, and Wu Yong was among them.

Of the three people who ran away, one was an educated youth and the other was a gangster from the Zhougang brigade.

Zhao Xile took the people to Luo Daqing's house. Luo Daqing found ropes and **** several people without saying anything.

 Luo Daqing asked everyone to keep all the news tonight secret, and then he unified the message with everyone, and then divided the people into two columns. One column was arranged to go to Zhao Hongbing, and the other column was arranged to borrow bicycles to go to Zhougang to find the captain of Zhougang.

 Zhao Hongbing arrived soon.

Before going to the small square to watch a movie, Zhao Hongbing had just talked with Luo Daqing about his side job. Now he was informed that Luo Daqing wanted to ask him for something. Zhao Hongbing thought it was about his side job and Luo Daqing had any ideas to give him advice.

As soon as he entered Luo's house and learned what had happened, Zhao Hongbing stood up in a hurry, slapped his hand on the table and cursed, "What a f*ck! I really think there is no one in the third team! That's shameless." Where is the bastard?"

Luo Daqing smoked a dry cigarette without saying a word. Zhao Xile stood at the door and pretended to have a scratchy throat and let out a soft "hum". When Zhao Hongbing looked over, Zhao Xile's eyelids twitched and he glanced to one side.

This was not the first time that Zhao Hongbing came back to Luo Daqing's house. He knew the layout of the Luo family very well, and immediately knew that Luo Daqing had locked people up in the utility room on one side of the yard.

Zhao Hongbing walked boldly outside, and soon there was a "pop" sound as the wooden door hit the wall and bounced back. Then, there was a muffled sound and Zhao Hongbing's curse, "I've given you face, haven't you? I'm a bastard." Dude, you are bullying me! Damn it, I knew you were not a good person when I sent you away!"

The movie will end in a short time. Fearing that the birth of Wu Yong and others would attract the attention of the brigade members and cause trouble, when Luo Daqing **** the people, he blocked the mouths of Wu Yong and others when they took the things.

 At present, Wu Yong and others were blasted by Zhao Hongbing and could only die in silence.

Luo Daqing waited for Zhao Hongbing to fight for a while, then knocked on the cigarette pole and said to Zhao Xile: "Pull your captain back, don't really break it, or you will have to pay for it."

"Eh!" Zhao Xile sneered, bowed his head and nodded, turned around and went to do it. After a while, he took Zhao Hongbing's arm from behind and pulled Zhao Hongbing back.

 Zhao Hongbing was still kicking his legs angrily when he was brought into the house.

“Grandma, don’t pull me! I have to hammer this **** thing to death today!”

Luo Daqing made a "tsk" sound, patted the table and sighed: "Okay! Hu Qiang from Zhougang has been invited over there. Sit down and think about it first. Let's talk about it when they come later."

 Zhao Hongbing is a well-known protector of calves. Once he has determined something, he will fight for it even if he messes around and makes troubles. He is a bit more upright, but he is not the kind of person who can't handle things clearly.


 A Yao muttered: Please vote! !

 (End of this chapter)

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