Chapter 243 Compensation

"What else are you talking about? What's there to say? Compensate for money! Compensate for food! Compensate for tickets! Is this blood shed in vain?" Zhao Hongbing walked to the table with his neck stiffened, slapped the table on the table after saying a word, and said angrily : "You have to pay for it even if you don't want to! Once it's settled how much compensation you'll have to pay, we'll send it to the commune at dawn tomorrow morning! I don't have any other skills, so I quarrel fiercely! If Zhou Gang doesn't give an explanation for this matter, the commune can't handle it properly. Arrange it and I will report it to the higher authorities!”

Luo Daqing knew that he couldn't bear this matter, so he came to him just to see his attitude, and then to figure out how far he could take this matter.

Seeing Zhao Hongbing's firm attitude, Luo Daqing glanced at the door and waved his hand. Zhao Xile, who was standing at the door, immediately understood and went to stand at the door of the courtyard.

Luo Daqing patted the table and asked Zhao Hongbing to sit down. He lowered his voice and said, "I don't know how the commune will deal with this matter yet, but we have to share our ideas and do whatever we decide to do. If we only plan to take care of the present, If you don’t plan to go into details, just make it clear in advance so that you don’t get delayed when things happen.”

“Captain, I am determined on this matter. No one can try to persuade me,” Zhao Hongbing said.

The countryside doesn't pay that much attention to things. People with minor injuries and illnesses can be carried away by themselves. Going to the health center shows that it is not something that can be tolerated. What's more, all the educated youths in his hands are now sent to the county hospital. , which is enough to illustrate the seriousness of the injury.

“Which child is not my parents’ pet peeve? Those children come all the way to us, endure hardships, and then risk their lives here... If you say I don’t care about this matter, am I still a human being?”

Seeing Zhao Hongbing's eyes turning red, Luo Daqing comforted him: "It's not that exaggerated. Death is inevitable. It's just that the location of the injury on Mo Zhiqing's head is a bit mysterious. I wonder if it might have damaged his brain..."

It's okay if Luo Daqing didn't say it. After saying this, Zhao Hongbing's blood surged again and he wished he could beat Wu Yong again.

 Zhao Hongbing didn't see Mo Bei's injury and didn't know the specific situation, so he was just worried.

I thought about rushing to the county to have a look, and I knew Luo Daqing's temperament. Luo Daqing did practical things, but he was always polite. If that Hu Qiang was shameless and refused to admit his mistakes, it would be a scholar meeting a soldier, and he was justified. Can't tell.

After thinking about it, Zhao Hongbing could only calm down and wait for Hu Qiang to come and finalize the matter before going to the county.

Having made up his mind, Zhao Hongbing leaned over and sat down next to Luo Daqing. However, within two seconds of sitting down, he suddenly jumped up and ran into the courtyard, "Joy, joy!"

"What's the matter! Second uncle?" Zhao Xile poked his head out from outside the courtyard door.

Zhao Hongbing said anxiously: "There are still a few female educated youths in our team in the small square. Hurry over and find them. Don't make any announcements if you find them. When the movie is over, we will send them back together! If anyone asks about the educated youths of Cheese and Mo Educated youth, just say that the brigade has something to do and leave them behind, do you hear me?"

 “I know about my second uncle, I’ll go right away!”

 Zhao Xile ran away in a hurry.

Afterwards, Luo Daqing was sitting at the table smoking a cigarette, while Zhao Hongbing was pacing back and forth in the main room with his hands behind his back and his back slightly hunched.

After waiting for about an hour, the movies outside had ended and the members went back to their homes. At this time, Hu Qiang came belatedly sitting on the back of the security team member's bicycle.

Not only Hu Qiang came, but also Zhou Limin, the production captain of Wu Yong’s production team.

The two of them seemed to have been lifted out of bed. They were wearing vests and their belts were not fastened.

 Getting off the bicycle, the two of them fastened their belts and walked into the courtyard, "What, what's going on? Captain Luo?"

Before Luo Daqing knocked on the cigarette pole, Zhao Hongbing clenched his fists, bulging his shoulders and triceps and rushed forward, ready to curse, "You ask us what's going on? I also want to ask you what's going on. ! Your team is irresponsible and can't stand people! Why do you let educated youth hang out at night? I tell you, someone will be killed now!"

 Hearing Zhao Hongbing's bombardment, Hu Qiang and Zhou Limin's dark faces turned pale.

On the way here, he actually heard something from the security team members, saying that the educated youths on their team went to Jiling Brigade to cause trouble and beat people. Now the injured have been sent to the hospital, and Wu Yong, the instigator, and others were also killed by Jiling Brigade. Deducted, just invite them over to discuss how to handle the matter.

Wu Yong is not a good guy, and Hu Qiang has long since stopped caring about him.

On the way here, Hu Qiang cursed in his heart:

 What kind of stupid thing is this?

 You did something bad and you didn’t know how to run away, and you even got someone to catch you!

What a **** idiot, that's all, you're still an educated youth!

It's true that Hu Qiang doesn't want to take care of Wu Yong's affairs, but now that Luo Daqing is holding him captive, he has to take care of it even if he doesn't want to.

But at first it was just about beating people, and now it involves human lives. Before the negotiation even started, Hu Qiang began to back down, "This is no small matter."

Hu Qiang stood at the door and looked at Luo Daqing in the room, and said with an attitude, "Captain Luo, I can't control this matter. Send the person to the commune to find the police comrades! Whatever the commune and the public security comrades decide, we will do it." !”

"Don't worry, they will definitely be sent to the commune." Zhao Hongbing had suppressed his momentum after the first battle. Luo Daqing knocked on the cigarette pole and gave Zhao Hongbing a wink.

 Zhao Hongbing turned to the door and sat on the pony with a sullen voice. Luo Daqing pointed to the other side of the table with his cigarette stick and said to Hu Qiang and Zhou Limin: "You two captains, please sit down first. Sit down and talk."

As soon as Hu Qiang heard this, he knew that the matter was not as serious as human life. However, Luo Daqing's tone was cold, and he did not dare to take this matter lightly. He immediately pulled Zhou Limin and sat down on the bench with the back pointed by Luo Daqing.

As soon as Zhou Limin sat on this butt, he felt a wetness at first. He reached out and touched a handful and took it out. His face changed instantly, "Captain, captain! This, this is blood!"

Hu Qiang also felt that his pants were soaked. At first he thought it was water spilled from pouring tea. When he heard Zhou Limin talking about blood, Hu Qiang immediately lowered his head to look. When he looked up again, his face couldn't help but calm down, "Captain Luo, this... this…"

 “Yes, this is the blood of the wounded.”

Luo Daqing blew out the smoke and said calmly: "Our brigade has been showing movies these days, and many people from nearby brigade came to join in the fun. It's okay for your brigade to have people here, but something happened now."

"The educated youth in your team beat one of my men. He is lying in the hospital now. I don't know what his condition is. It is just a matter of fact. Captain Hu, good or bad, must give an explanation."

Hu Qiang’s smile was stiff, but he cursed in his heart:

Wu Yong, this coward, was originally from your brigade. If you hadn't given him to the commune, the commune wouldn't have been able to assign him to our brigade. If something goes wrong now, it's not the root of the trouble that was laid before for you!

Who would believe that someone would start a fight out of thin air without any reason? ! It’s okay to criticize, but the blood on the bench is real, and the amount of blood is amazing. It doesn’t look like it came from a small injury. I’m afraid the head has been opened...

 Hu Qiang scolded that **** Wu Yong thousands of times in his heart. He didn't dare to sit down anymore, so he pushed Zhou Limin to stand up and stand at the edge of the table opposite Luo Daqing.

Their momentum has been suppressed since they entered the room. Now they are standing still and completely passive. Now it is not a matter of explanation, but what Luo Daqing says, they have to do it!

"Wu Yong is at fault for this matter. He is an educated youth in my brigade and a commune member in my brigade. As the captain of the brigade, I am also responsible. We should bear the cost of treatment." Hu Qiang looked ugly and did not fight. Tai Chi, let's go straight to the topic, "Captain Luo, you asked someone to 'invite' us over. You should already know in your heart that we are not secretive. Let's talk about your plan together!"

Hu Qiang was so direct, and Luo Daqing did not hesitate to say bluntly: "It is not easy for the country to show sympathy to us farmers. We have been given preferential treatment in medical treatment. Now the medical expenses are easy to talk about. You even saw the blood stains on this chair. Isn’t that enough to scare people? But this blood is less than one-third of the amount of blood shed by the wounded.”

"I shed so much blood, and even after my vitality was severely damaged, I delayed working. The brigade has a work-point system. How can I get work points in exchange for food if I can't work? Although I am the captain of the brigade, I can take care of you for one or two days, but I can't take care of you for three or four days. God, what do you think, Captain Hu?”

 Luo Daqing's implication is that the national policy is good and medical expenses only account for a small portion, so Hu Qiang should not think about settling the matter just by paying the medical expenses.

At this point, Hu Qiang also understood what Luo Daqing meant, so he gritted his teeth and said cruelly: "We will pay for the medical expenses, plus twenty yuan, and an old hen to replenish the wounded!"


Zhou Limin's eyes widened. He didn't know what Hu Qiang was thinking at this time.

 At this time, you have to give up even if you don't want to. If they don't make concessions, when Luo Daqing and others speak, they may have to give out even more!

Of course, not all the things Hu Qiang promised were provided by him or the brigade. The brigade only accounted for a small part, and most of them had to be borne by Wu Yong and the troublemakers. If they had no money or not enough, they would The team will advance the payment first, and later it will be deducted from their work points.

If they really all come out of the brigade, Hu Qiang is willing to spend money to settle the matter, but the members of several production teams in Zhougang will definitely not be willing to do so.

After all, that is twenty yuan. The income of Zhougang Brigade in the past two years is converted into work points at the end of the year. One work point is only two cents in money. How long can a member of the commune work for twenty yuan?

 The reason why Zhou Limin had such a big reaction was also the reason.

"Okay, stop talking!" Hu Qiang waved his hand, looked at Luo Daqing and said, "Captain Luo, do you think this will work? If you think it will work, then let me meet Wu Yong and the others."

Zhao Hongbing stood up as if he wanted to say something. Before he could speak, Luo Daqing pressed his hand down and said to Zhao Xile at the door: "Then take Captain Hu over and have a look."

Zhao Hongbing added at the right time, “It seems okay, but you can’t let go!”

“Second uncle, don’t worry.” Zhao Xile said confidently.

 Zhao Hongbing nodded.

 Zhao Xile is a junior in the third team and has been working with Huo Lang for a long time. Although his temper is a bit cheerful, Zhao Hongbing still feels at ease with him.

  Hu Qiang and Zhou Limin were led to the utility room on one side of the yard, where they also saw Wu Yong and others who were tied up.

Zhou Limin held up the kerosene lamp Gao Luo Daqing gave him, and Hu Qiang saw clearly the people in the room. There were not only the educated youths who usually caused trouble, but also a few gangsters who were wandering the streets.

Hu Qiang's heart and blood surged. He squatted in front of Wu Yong who was beaten into a pig's head with the veins pulsing in his forehead, "You are so **** capable, I underestimated your ability."

 Hu Qiang grabbed Wu Yong's clothes with both hands and lifted him up, "Now that the matter has been made so big, it will succeed or fail. Are you proud of it?"

Wu Yong's arm had already been broken by Mo Bei's step. Hu Qiang pulled him hard, and he was sweating in pain. His mouth was blocked by a rag, and he couldn't scream.

Hu Qiang pulled the rag from Wu Yong's mouth and asked, "What kind of festival is this? Are you going to kill someone by breaking their head off?"

Of course Hu Qiang came in not just to confirm Wu Yong's personal safety, but to find out the truth of the matter.

"I, I only targeted Si Ningning. I didn't hit Mo Bei on the head." Wu Yong said with a cold breath.

 But at this time, it is no longer a matter of who takes action, because no matter who takes action, the person who does it will always be one of the few who are tied up.

 And these are all members of the Zhougang Brigade, so no matter who they are, the money must be paid to them.

But when Wu Yong said this, Hu Qiang felt something in his heart again.

Si Ningning did not sound like a **** name, and Luo Daqing and Zhao Hongbing had not mentioned this person just now. Hu Qiang quickly realized something in his heart, "You came here to find a lesbian?"

Wu Yong knelt on the ground with his hands tied behind his back, his head raised and silent.

Hu Qiang knew that he had guessed well, and he instantly understood why Zhao Hongbing treated him with a nose that was not a nose and eyes that were not eyes when he first entered the yard.

"You're really not a **** thing! You don't have a mother or sisters at home, right?" Hu Qiang stood up and kicked Wu Yong staggering around, groaning in pain to himself, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Hu Qiang changed his previous attitude and cursed: "What's the big deal that makes you hate other lesbians so much? You traveled six or seven miles at night to make trouble! That's all you get!"

Zhao Hongbing and Luo Daqing did not mention lesbians, most likely because they wanted to protect lesbians.

Luo Daqing and Zhao Hongbing didn't mention it, and Hu Qiang naturally wouldn't take the initiative to bring it up. Otherwise, not only would the lesbian's innocence be compromised, but their brigade would also have to pay an additional amount of compensation, and it would really be a shame for everyone to make a fuss about it. It doesn’t look good.

This is so fucking...


"You know the crime of hooliganism, right?" Hu Qiang felt angry in his heart and said bitterly: "Listen carefully, I will wipe your **** for this time. It is hard to say whether this matter can be solved. If it can be handled properly, , I hope you can remember a lot, change your ways when you go back, and work hard to earn work points. If you still don’t have a good memory... Huh!" Hu Qiang took a sip, "Then I will send you to jail personally! !”

 Speaking, he turned around and left the utility room.

 (End of this chapter)

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