Chapter 244 Concerns

When Hu Qiang entered the main room again, he couldn't help but become more cautious towards Luo Daqing and Zhao Hongbing, "Haha... It's already this time, so we won't go back. Let's go to the commune together tomorrow morning. Luo Captain, Captain Zhao, don’t worry, you can do whatever you want to do with this matter. I guarantee with my personality that I will never show any favoritism!”

Zhao Hongbing thought to himself: How much is your personality worth? Also personality, do you know what personality is?

“Captain, I’m lying in the hospital now and I don’t know what’s going on. I...”

Zhao Hongbing was about to say that he would rush to the hospital to check the situation. Before he could finish his words, the sound of "Tuk Tuk" wooden wheels came from the door. Then, the security captain who had gone to the county with Huo Lang earlier wiped his sweat and ran away. came in, "Captain, Captain!"

Luo Daqing saw the person clearly and stood up quickly, "You're back?"

When he saw that Si Ningning and the others were no longer behind him, Luo Daqing looked worried and asked, "How's it going at the other end of the hospital?"

"It's not good, Captain! Mo Zhiqing is still in a coma. The doctor said that he lost too much blood and will be kept in the hospital for observation for two days." The security team glanced at a few people in the room and knew that they were here to negotiate, but they didn't know how to negotiate. How's it going?

Worried that his team would suffer a loss, the security team member grabbed Luo Daqing's arm, combined with Huo Lang's instructions when he came back, tried to look nervous and added a few more words, "There is also a wound on Mo Zhiqing's head that is close to his eyes. , now in a coma, the doctor said that he has to wait until someone wakes up to confirm that the shadow will not affect his ability to see in the future. "

Luo Daqing was stunned for a moment. He felt his arm being pinched twice, and then he understood what was going on.

Luo Daqing glanced at the security team members, then turned to look at Zhao Hongbing.

 Luo Daqing is simply speechless, okay?

Although it is understandable that these two people said this in order to prevent their own people from suffering, these words and this routine are simply the same!

Zhao Hongbing, who was glared at by Luo Daqing inexplicably, had a confused look on his face at this moment. What he didn't know was that Luo Daqing was scolding him in his heart for his good skills and teaching the younger generation to be like him. of.

Zhao Hongbing was still worried about the county. He stood up and was about to leave for the county. Luo Daqing talked for a long time before he persuaded him to stop and agreed to go tomorrow morning.

Zhougang is far away from Jiling Road. Hu Qiang and Zhou Limin did not go back at night. They made a simple small bed with chairs in Luo's main hall for the night. Zhao Hongbing took two security team members back to the production team's house. Two security team members were left standing guard in the courtyard.

When Zhao Hongbing comes back tomorrow morning, the security team members who followed him back will also come back to change shifts with the security team members who were standing guard overnight, and let them go home to rest.

On the other hand, Huo Lang asked the nurse to go to the ward at certain times to check on the situation, and he went to Shan's house under the moonlight in the early morning.

Hourang knocked on the door of Shan's house. The person who opened the door was the sleepy Shan Mantang. At first glance, it was Huo Lang standing outside the door. Shan Mantang was trembling and suddenly woke up, "Comrade Huo Lang!"

Shan Mantang buttoned up his coat neatly and asked seriously: "It's so late, what happened?"

“It’s okay, I just need a car for these two days.”

“Okay, I’m parked outside the alley, please wait for me while I go back to the house to get the key!”

 Horang nodded.

When Shan Mantang turned around, Huo Lang thought of something and said, "Do you have any bowls and chopsticks at home? Bring two pairs with you. A lunch box is also fine. I can borrow it temporarily."

 “There is some, I’ll get it!”

 When I returned to the hospital again, it was exactly four o'clock, and the sky was much brighter than when I left.

Hong Lang went upstairs carrying the lunch box, bowls and chopsticks he borrowed from Shan's family, while Shan Mantang parked his car in the hospital courtyard, with people guarding him in the car, ready at any time.

Si Ningning had something on her mind, and her sleep was not stable. She woke up from time to time. Huo Lang pushed open the ward and made a "squeak" sound. She opened her eyes instantly. She stood up and rubbed her eyes while taking out her pocket watch to check the time. "That's it..."

Si Ningning put on her shoes and leaned over Mo Bei's bed to take a look.

Mo Bei's face was still pale, but it was much better than when he first came here. This made Si Ningning slightly relieved, "Where were you just now?"

"Go to Shan's house and bring three sets of dishes and chopsticks." Huo Langyang put the pocket in his hand on the small cabinet at the edge of the bed.

There is a large canteen behind the hospital. Doctors usually bring meals to the canteen to help heat them.

If the patient's family members want to go there for a meal, they have to bring a lunch box and pay a check. It seems to be similar to that of a state-owned restaurant, but in fact the food price is much cheaper than that of a state-owned restaurant.

Si Ningning nodded knowingly. When she turned around, she saw the bruises under Huo Lang's eyes and the obvious stubble on his chin. She frowned briefly, took a step away and patted the empty bed, and said commandingly: "Get some sleep."

“It will be dawn soon, the cafeteria and state-owned restaurants will be open, I will get you something to eat…”

"I'll go get some food later, you go to bed now." Si Ningning shook his head, his eyes firm and stubborn.

Looking at her expression, Huo Lang looked like she would immediately drive him back to the production team if he didn't comply, so he had no choice but to sigh and give in, and lay straight up on the bed.

 I cannot say that I am sleepy, but I am definitely tired.

Huo Lang lay flat on the bed and was feeling sleepy for a while. After a moment of confusion, he suddenly turned his head and looked seriously at Si Ningning, who was sitting on the chair on one side, "When this matter is over, I have something to tell you when I get back. "

"What are you talking about?" Si Ningning put the back of her hand against the side of Mo Bei's face to check the temperature, then turned around and asked curiously, "Can't you say it now?"

Holang folded his hands behind his head. He did not look at Si Ningning, but looked at the tungsten light bulb on the top of the ward. After being silent for a long time, he said in a low voice: "It's not convenient now."

Si Ningning thought for a moment, then nodded slightly, "Okay."

  When Huo Lang fell asleep and snored slightly, Si Ningning looked away from Mo Bei and turned her head to fall on Huo Lang's handsome and tired face.

Si Ningning pursed her lips hesitantly.

 She had a premonition and vaguely guessed what Huo Lang wanted to say.

But if Holang really said it, how would she answer?

 Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore.

 What if she is overthinking it?

Si Ningning shook his head to get rid of the uncertain thoughts in his head.

 In short, let’s take it one step at a time.

Si Ningning let out a long breath, glanced at Mo Bei, and then turned to look toward the window.

The sky outside the window is gradually getting brighter. Hardworking people always get up early, and from time to time there are sounds of greetings to each other.

Si Ningning estimated that the time was almost up, so he gently picked up the pocket on the bedside table, opened the door and walked out.

Originally I wanted to go to the cafeteria to buy breakfast, but it turned out that there was nothing else to eat in the cafeteria except pickles and porridge. Si Ningning thought it was still early, so she could go to a state-owned hotel by running quickly. Once the idea was finalized, she immediately started running with her bags in hand without hesitation.

When he walked around to the front hall, he bumped into Zhao Hongbing on the steps. Fortunately, Si Ningning braked in time, otherwise he would have pushed Zhao Hongbing off the steps.

"Si Zhiqing, how about Mo Zhiqing? Why are you in such a hurry? Isn't it Mo Zhiqing's fault?" Zhao Hongbing asked in shock.

Seeing that someone from the team had arrived and someone was looking after him in the ward, Si Ningning was no longer in a hurry. After briefly explaining the reason, she turned around and pointed in the direction of the stairs, "Captain, Comrade Mo Zhiqing and Huo Lang. It’s room 204 on the second floor. You go up first, just in time to help keep an eye on it. I’ll buy breakfast and I’ll be back in a while.”

 Zhao Hongbing nodded repeatedly, "Oh, oh, good!"

Si Ningning left the hospital and stood on the street and looked around.

She was not familiar with the county route, but she remembered some landmark buildings, such as the department store she had visited before. That building was one of the few tall buildings in the county, and its outline could be seen from a long distance away.

After seeing the outline of the department store, Si Ningning closed her eyes and her brain was racing. Which street did she take when she went to the department store, which direction of the department store was the state-owned hotel, and which part of the department store was she now? After the direction and everything was finalized, using the department store as a reference, the scope of the state-owned hotel in Hu's mind was roughly confirmed.

Si Ningning did not hesitate and walked along the main road in the expected direction.

After Mo walked for more than ten minutes, the scenes on both sides of the street had a vague sense of familiarity. It was obvious that he had passed by this place before. Realizing this, Si Ningning walked faster and faster.

By the time he walked and ran to the front of the state-owned hotel, Si Ningning had a row of dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

The hospital didn't know what was going on, so Si Ningning didn't dare to delay any longer. He walked into the hall and casually shouted a slogan, "Serve the people!"

Then he asked: "Serving the people, comrade, can you order food now?"

"unity is strength!"

The counter was a handsome **** man. When Si Ningning asked, he patted the counter and said:

“I can order it. What do you want to eat, comrade? You can look at the brand.”

 The state-owned restaurants in the county are the same as those in the town. The menus are posted on the outside of the counter.

Si Ningning took a step back and looked at the breakfast section. There was a big difference between a state-owned hotel and a hospital cafeteria. The cafeteria only had porridge and pickles, but state-owned hotels had several.

Like soy milk, tofu, fried dough sticks, soup noodles, steamed buns, steamed buns, porridge, etc.

Si Ningning took a look at the price of the noodle soup. A bowl costs 40 cents plus 20 taels of food stamps. The price is not cheap. There are not many vermicelli in a bowl of noodle soup. There should be a trick on the soup base.

Si Ningning guessed and asked, "What kind of soup base is the noodle soup?"

“It’s a broth made from pork ribs and chicken racks. It’s the signature breakfast in our store. It’s delicious and nutritious. Would you like to have a try, comrade?”

 It was too early and there were not many customers in the hotel, so the young man introduced himself carefully.

Si Ningning was not in a hurry to ask for it, but instead asked:

“Can I only buy breakfast now? Are there any other fried meats or something like that?”

“I can only eat from the breakfast section in the morning, and I don’t go to work until 10:30 when cooking.”

Si Ningning nodded knowingly, opened his pocket and took a look. There were two sets of bowls and chopsticks inside, and only one lunch box.

Seeing this, Si Ningning handed over the lunch box and said, "Pack a soup noodle and fifteen meat buns. Comrade, please help me wrap them in oil paper."

The man has a big appetite, and Huo Lang didn't eat anything last night. Now Zhao Hongbing came again. It was so early. Zhao Hongbing probably rushed over without eating breakfast. Thinking about it, Si Ningning added:

 “Ten steamed buns, too.”

Steamed buns and steamed buns are both fine grains, and steamed buns contain meat fillings, which are precious grains among fine grains. Zhao Hongbing may not be willing to eat them, so he can prepare more of them by buying some steamed buns.

Si Ningning quickly made a calculation and took out the food stamps and money. The young man at the counter took the money and counted it for a while to make sure there was nothing wrong. Then he turned around and told the person inside the kitchen the name of the dish.

Taking advantage of the time to pack, Si Ningning borrowed the restroom of the state-owned hotel. After entering the restroom, he locked the door with his hand. Si Ningning rummaged through the space and put a few apples in them. Then he went out to the counter to get the packaged ones. Things, Si Ningning thanked her and walked out with her big and small bags.

Seeing that there was no one on the street, Si Ningning calmly took out the bag of apples and rushed to the hospital together with them.

In the hospital, Zhao Hongbing had already revealed the content of yesterday's negotiation to Huo Lang. When he saw Si Ningning coming back from outside, Zhao Hongbing mentioned it to Si Ningning again.

Twenty yuan is not a small amount of money in this day and age, and the twenty yuan does not include medical expenses. It is considered very generous and sincere.

But some things are too bad, and it doesn’t mean that you can be forgiven by just apologizing after the matter is done.

Si Ningning lowered her eyes and was silent for a while, then nodded slightly to express her understanding:

"This matter may require the captain to make a few more trips. Has the captain not eaten yet? I bought steamed buns and steamed buns, let's eat together."

The package was placed on the bedside table, and the soup powder was placed in a separate place, ready to be eaten when Mo Bei woke up.

Si Ningning untied the string on the package, and the steamed buns were still steaming inside.

“Haha, I won’t eat it. I ate it at home.” Zhao Hongbing glanced at the white steamed buns and was unmoved.

After a pause, Zhao Hongbing looked at Si Ningning and asked hesitantly and awkwardly, "Si Zhiqing, the captain told me what happened. have nothing serious to do, right?"

As soon as he picked up the buns, Huo Lang paused. He frowned and was about to speak. Si Ningning waved her hand, signaling Huo Lang not to pay attention.

 Zhao Hongbing was cautious, and Si Ningning could see his concerns at a glance.

Moreover, through what Zhao Hongbing said about last night's negotiation, Si Ningning also indirectly understood Zhao Hongbing's thoughts.

 Zhao Hongbing's idea was the same as Huo Lang's at the beginning, they both planned to deal with this matter on the pretext of making trouble and beating people up, and Zhao Hongbing obviously wanted to extract Si Ningning from this matter.

Si Ningning knew that they were all thinking about her and her reputation, but she had already made her decision and was ready to fight the fallacies.

 “A little injured, nothing else serious.”

Si Ningning calmly lifted up her sleeves. After Zhao Hongbing looked at her, she put her sleeves down and continued:

“Captain, although I have nothing serious to do, I will still pursue this matter to the end.”

Zhao Hongbing frowned in disapproval. Si Ningning did not panic at all and glanced at Huo Lang. Huo Lang nodded at her with a serious expression. Si Ningning knew that Huo Lang had been convinced by her and would definitely support her if he said he supported her.

 (End of this chapter)

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