Chapter 245 Are you afraid?

A calm smile appeared on Si Ningning's face, and he calmly explained: "We need to get rid of the roots. If this is the end of the matter and it doesn't succeed this time, there is no guarantee that Wu Yong and his group will come back again when the news passes. The third time? And captain, you may not know that according to Wu Yong’s conversation last night, they have successfully bullied several girls except me.”

“Now he has hit a wall with me. If he doesn’t dare to come to me again in the future, I will be safe. What about the girls in other villages? Will Wu Yong use the same method to force them again?”

Zhao Hongbing's expression changed from disapproval to shock, and then from shock to darkness. The speed was extremely exciting.

"Are there other people involved in this matter?" Zhao Hongbing clenched his fists and continued in disbelief: "How many more?!"

Si Ningning nodded, "So Captain, this matter must be handled carefully from everyone's perspective, and more female compatriots cannot be involved because of one female compatriot."

 Even if this female compatriot is herself.

Si Ningning was determined to get Wu Yong, and her persistence was seen by Zhao Hongbing as a typical example of putting aside oneself to consider the overall situation.

In just a few minutes, Zhao Hongbing's mood changed several times, and he was completely shocked by Si Ningning's decisiveness.

Looking at Zhao Hongbing looking at Si Ningning with shock and admiration, Huo Lang knew what Zhao Hongbing was thinking at this moment. Huo Lang took a bite of the bun and sighed: "Uncle, just listen to her."

"Alang, how come you..." Zhao Hongbing turned around, but before he finished speaking, Zhao Hongbing was suddenly stunned when he saw the helpless smile on Huo Lang's face, but in an instant, Zhao Hongbing seemed to understand something.

Sighing silently, Zhao Hongbing frowned and said sternly: "Now that you have made a decision, then follow your ideas. If there is anything that needs the cooperation of the production team or the brigade, just say, the brigade captain is here I'll go over there and tell you."

Si Ningning nodded and said with a slight smile: "It's not urgent. Captain, let's have something to eat first."

As he spoke, he took a white-faced steamed bun and stuffed it into Zhao Hongbing's hand.

Zhao Hongbing has worked hard all year round and his skin is tanned. Now he is holding a white steamed bun in his hand. In comparison, his hands are as black as carbon.

Knowing that white flour is a fine grain, Zhao Hongbing wanted to shirk it, but when he took a closer look, he had made faint black handprints on the steamed buns. He didn't know if the educated youth comrades would dislike it if he gave it back, so he kept silent and finally stopped pulling it. I plan to find an opportunity to subsidize Si Ningning with food stamps later.

There is a difference between refined grains and coarse grains. The steamed buns are not only soft and not spicy when chewed in the mouth, but also fragrant and have a faint sweetness. Zhao Hongbing couldn't bear to eat them after taking two bites. He took the empty parchment paper on the bedside table and put the steamed buns away. Half of the steamed bun was carefully wrapped and put into the pocket.

During this period, Si Ningning turned around to see Zhao Hongbing, who had a dark face and a simple smile, "Haha, I really ate it in the morning, and I'm not very hungry now. I'll put it away first and eat it later when I'm hungry."

Si Ningning sighed slightly in her heart, seeing through it without saying anything, "Okay, uncle, I bought more, but I don't have enough. There is still water here, a tea jar..."

Thinking that there were not enough teapots, Si Ningning took out the bowl that Huo Lang borrowed from Shan's family from his cloth pocket, "There are not enough teapots. If uncle is thirsty, just use the bowl first. Water is not worth it. There is always a big cafeteria behind." All can be beaten.”

 Zhao Hongbing nodded quickly and said "Alas" several times.

 Zhao Hongbing usually directs people to do farm work in the production team, he is quite impressive. After all, he was born as an old farmer and has been dealing with the land for most of his life, so there is no question of whether it is false or not.

But now that he entered the county, especially a place with many cultural elements like the hospital, Zhao Hongbing's embarrassment and discomfort gradually became apparent, especially when doctors and nurses in white coats came in to check on Mo Bei's condition. Zhao Hongbing sat Yi Jiao scratched his head, and he didn't know how to place his hands and feet.

Mo Bei's condition is good or bad. The good thing is because he is in good physical condition and he recovered fairly quickly. The bad thing is because the injury on his head is severely swollen. The weather and temperature have not gone down at the moment, and he has some signs of inflammation after covering himself up all night. , Mo Bei also fell into a low fever.

The nurse took off the bandage and cleaned up the seeping blood, then replaced it with lighter gauze and re-bandaged it. Because Mo Bei had not woken up, he was afraid that not eating would affect the operation of various body functions. The doctor came over and re-prescribed normal saline and glucose. The potion drip was administered in turn.

After the nurse put the needle in, the doctor told Si Ningning and his team to pay special attention to taboos when Mo Bei woke up, making sure that Si Ningning and others had remembered them, and then the medical staff left.

"Si Zhiqing, Alang, is Mo Zhiqing really okay?" Zhao Hongbing stood up and asked as soon as the medical staff left.

Although the doctor said the problem was not serious, looking at the situation, Zhao Hongbing didn't feel that the problem was serious. If it was really okay, why hadn't he woke up yet?

 Zhao Hongbing felt uneasy.

“The doctor said it’s okay, then it must be okay.” Si Ningning said firmly, actually feeling a little worried.

Huo Lang knew that Si Ningning was under great psychological pressure, so he didn't say this in front of her and went outside to talk with Zhao Hongbing.

Si Ningning was sitting on the edge of the bed in the room, looking at Mo Bei's head wrapped in gauze, and said softly: "Please Mo Bei, wake up quickly."

However, except for the outside sounds coming from the window door, the ward was so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop.

Si Ningning's crescent eyebrows gradually furrowed, thinking that it would be easy to have random thoughts just sitting there waiting for death. She mixed hot water from the military kettle with cold water from the enamel jar to make a small cup of glucose powder, and gave it to Mo Beirun little by little with a small spoon. lip.

After discovering that Mo Bei had the consciousness to swallow, Si Ningning realized that this was a good sign and became more and more concerned when feeding him water.

Horang opened the door and walked in. What he saw was Si Ningning concentrating on feeding water with a small spoon.

Huo Lang frowned briefly, walked to the bedside and said, "I told the captain to find a male educated youth to take care of him. He will need to stay in the hospital for at least a few days in this condition. , you are a girl, it is not good for you to interfere with body scrubbing."

Si Ningning paused for a moment while feeding the water, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Horang is right.

Si Ningning can take care of her on the side, run errands, buy food and so on, but it is really hard for her to get involved in scrubbing the body.

Huo Lang was silent and continued: "It's not convenient for you to go back because of your current situation. The captain agrees with me and we plan to arrange for you to stay in the county for a few days until the injuries on your neck and wrist are healed before you go back."

Si Ningning raised her eyebrows slightly. She was just worried about how she came to take care of Mo Bei. After all, Mo Bei had received such a severe blow for her. Even if someone else came to take care of her, she, as one of the victims who received Mo Bei's help, Even if it’s not good, you can’t really just ignore everything.

 “Look what you want to get? Captain, go back and bring it with you.”

Si Ningning shook his head, "As for the household registration page, I put the household registration page in the box. The captain can just bring the box over. All the clothes are included."

Huo Lang said "hmm" and turned to leave. Si Ningning stood up and asked, "What if I stay in the county and the commune handles the matter?" The scars on her body are easily criticized by outsiders, but they can be criticized by outsiders. This is evidence in front of the commune cadres and the public security department. We can't wait until her marks and scars are healed before coming forward, right?

If you stand up at that time, your words will have no weight.

"You don't have to worry about this. When the male educated youth comes to take over the care at noon, we will go directly to the commune. The order and the car will wait downstairs." Huo Lang raised his chin towards the window, signaling to Si Ningning Read on at any time, "The news brought by the captain said that early this morning, the brigade captain would join the two captains from Zhougang to send Wu Yong and the others to the commune. It would take time for another police comrade to get there, but we could make it in time... Once we cooperate with the police and tell them what happened, we can return to the county.”

Horang has thought that it is best to solve the problem internally on a small scale. The rest only needs to be kept confidential. If the news is not leaked, Si Ningning will have less chance of being harmed.

After listening to Huo Lang's words, Si Ningning knew that he and Zhao Hongbing had done their best to arrange things from her perspective. The next thing to do was to wait until the male educated youth came over at noon, and then it was time for her to come on stage. .

Si Ningning took a deep breath and silently encouraged herself. This matter could only succeed but not fail. At the same time, she smiled gratefully at Huo Lang and said, "Thank you. If it were me alone, it would probably take a long time."

Horang was silent for a moment and said sincerely: "This is what I should do."

After a while, he asked Si Ningning seriously, "Are you afraid?"

Si Ningning shook his head, pretending to be relaxed and playful, and blinked his deer eyes, "I'm not afraid, and I'm ready to talk to all the scholars."

 A courageous silly girl.

 Sighing inwardly, Si Ningning was determined and optimistic, and Huo Lang said, "You take some time to rest. I'll go out and have a few words with the captain, and arrange a small order to send him back."

 It can also save a lot of time by taking the educated youth with you on the return trip.

 “Yeah.” Si Ningning nodded.

After the wards closed again with a "click", Si Ningning exhaled and patted his face with both hands.

 There are good and bad people, and there are naturally some cadres who do practical things and those who do not.

Si Ningning had a feeling that this matter would not always go smoothly. Just in case, she had to prepare a speech...

The person chosen to take care of Mo Bei was Song Shuhan. He came by car on the way. Zhao Hongbing briefly summarized the incident with Song Shuhan. Of course, this incident was unanimously recognized by them, and Si Ningning was not mentioned during the incident.

Neither Si Ningning nor Mo Bei returned to the production team. Now that there is news about Mo Bei, there is no news about Si Ningning. Song Shuhan couldn't help but ask a few more questions: "Captain, where is Si's educated youth?"

Song Shuhan vaguely felt that things were not that simple.

"Haha, Si Zhiqing, Si Zhiqing was originally assigned to take care of Mo Zhiqing, but isn't it inconvenient for lesbians to take care of **** men? Now that you are here, I have arranged other tasks for Si Zhiqing." Zhao Hongbing laughed. .

 Song Shuhan's brows slightly lowered under his glasses, and he continued to ask, "I don't know what the mission is?"

As if he felt that it was inappropriate to ask this question, Song Shuhan smiled shyly, scratched the back of his head and added: "This happened suddenly, and the female educated youth comrades were very worried, so I wanted to know more about it. It’s better to tell the lesbians when we go back.”

Zhao Hongbing understood what Song Shuhan meant, but it was really hard to reveal too much about this matter.

Zhao Hongbing pretended that it was nothing important and said with a smile: "It's not a big deal. Isn't the literacy class in our production team about to start? Si Zhiqing heard that the academicians in the county had a lot of books in their hands. Si Zhiqing was worried about it. As for the textbooks, I just want to spend the next few days working in the county to see if I can get two books."

Zhao Hongbing said, laughed twice more, and praised without hesitation: "Song Zhiqing, this Si Zhiqing is a good comrade! You should learn from her!"

 “That’s what the captain said.” Song Shuhan smiled and nodded, feeling slightly relieved.

If Zhao Hongbing said that he arranged for Si Ningning to go there and seek that academician, Song Shuhan would still not believe it.

But Zhao Hongbing said that Si Ningning took the initiative to try it. Considering Si Ningning's character, Song Shuhan believed from the bottom of his heart that this matter could not be faked.


 Probably because…

Si Ningning is a kind, comprehensive and proactive girl in everyone's heart.

And what Zhao Hongbing said happened to be in line with Si Ningning's behavior.

When Song Shuhan arrived at the hospital carrying his rattan luggage, in order to prevent more people from discovering the clues, Huo Lang took the initiative to receive Song Shuhan on the pretext that Si Ningning was not in the hospital, and got Si Ningning's luggage from Song Shuhan.

 Based on Zhao Hongbing’s previous explanation, Song Shuhan thought that Si Ningning was with some academician at the moment, but when he saw that the person who came to take away Si Ningning’s rattan box was Huo Lang, Song Shuhan felt something strange in his heart.

Zhao Hongbing, who was standing aside, looked very indifferent, which made Song Shuhan fall into a conflict of self-doubt.

Huo Lang did not leave directly after getting Si Ningning's luggage. Instead, he took out the money Luo Daqing had given him before, along with the hospital's expense list for the past two days, and handed it to Song Shuhan at the door of the ward:

"These are the medical expenses given by the captain, totaling four and a half yuan, and now there are still two and eight yuan left. The expenses are recorded on the bill. Now that the money is in your hands, if you spend any more later, you will also need to issue a bill from the hospital. take it back."

We will have to take all of this back to Luo Daqing later. On the one hand, the brigade needs to know where the money is spent. On the other hand, the Zhougang brigade will have to follow the orders issued by the hospital when reimbursing medical expenses.

 The hospital expenses are basically hospitalization and injections, so there are only a few bills.

 Song Shuhan quickly looked at them one by one. When he was sure there was nothing wrong, he nodded, "Okay."

After finishing the handover, Huo Lang said to Zhao Hongbing: "Uncle, I will go to the guest house to check in first, and then go to the commune later, and then let Xiao Dan come over to pick you up."

“Alas, alas, yes, I’ll give you a few more instructions and then go downstairs. When you come over, look at the door of the courtyard. I’ll be there.” Zhao Hongbing said hurriedly.

Horang nodded, picked up the box and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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