Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 246: It has nothing to do with her

Chapter 246 has nothing to do with her

The moment Huo Lang turned down the stairs, Si Ningning rushed out from the clinic on the first floor, "Did you get the things?!"

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded, raised the hand holding the box slightly for Si Ningning to see, and asked after a while: "What are you going to the outpatient clinic for?"

“You didn’t let me come into contact with Song Shuhan and the others. I had nothing to do wherever I went, so I wandered to the outpatient room and helped the doctors and nurses organize their equipment.”

 “The nurses and doctors let you touch those things?”

Si Ningning rubbed the tip of her nose and walked slowly out side by side with Huo Lang, "The outpatient doctor refused to let me go at first, but then the nurse helped me talk and I agreed."

The nurse helps to talk?

Holang was curious, "Why did the nurse help you?"

"you guess!"

 Where to start with this guess?

Knowing that Huo Lang couldn't guess, Si Ningning pretended to be cryptic and teased Huo Lang for a while before speaking truthfully: "The nurse helped me clean my wounds before. I said that I had learned how to do it by myself. The nurse was watching from the side. , I guess it’s because I’m skilled in my movements, so I believe it?”

Horang didn't pay attention to the word "learned". Instead, he heard the words "skilled in movement". His arched eyebrows immediately lowered and he asked seriously: "Have you often been injured before?"

"No, what are you thinking?! It's not difficult to just clean the wound and apply some iodine." Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang angrily, "Those excuses I made were all made deliberately by the nurse, otherwise They always ask me where the wound came from, and I can’t answer.”

Huo Lang nodded after hearing this and understood Si Ningning's approach.

 “What should we do now? Go directly to the commune?”

 “No, go to the guest house first.”


At the same time, Zhao Hongbing, who had just finished explaining to Song Shuhan upstairs, took two enamel jars to the canteen to fetch water, planning to leave after fetching the water.

Zhao Hongbing had just left the ward. After Song Shuhan put away the toiletries and other luggage, he approached Mo Bei to check the situation. He thought that the problem was not big and he should be able to go back today or tomorrow. But looking at Mo Bei's face, Song Shuhan knew that he had something on his mind. Simple.

Zhougang brigade is at least six or seven miles away from Jiling brigade. Wu Yong and his group came here to watch movies and join in the fun. It was a bit unrealistic. But if they came to cause trouble, how could they join Mobei brigade?

Song Shuhan's slender eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he was suspicious of Wu Yong's motive for suddenly coming to stir up trouble.

The door to the ward was always closed and the windows were ajar. The air circulation was slow and the room was a little stuffy.

Song Shuhan looked around, opened the door of the ward and propped it against the door with a chair, turned around and moved closer to the window, trying to push the window wider, "That is..."

Song Shuhan pushed up his glasses, put his hands on the window sill and squinted at the entrance of the hospital compound.

There was a military green old-fashioned Soviet pickup truck parked at the entrance of the compound. The man carrying the rattan box took the lead in opening the rear door of the car. He bent down and put the rattan box in. After placing it, he stepped back and let his slim but well-dressed figure sit beside him. The fat girl in old country coat got on the bus.

 The moment the girl stepped around the man and got into the car, Song Shuhan saw her face clearly.

 “She’s not…”

Before he continued speaking, Song Shuhan noticed Huo Lang's meticulous care when opening and closing the car door. Song Shuhan subconsciously looked back at the person lying on the hospital bed behind him.

For a moment, Song Shuhan seemed to realize something.

 Excellent people are always the most attractive, regardless of gender.

Si Ningning and Mo Bei happened to be the best among the best.

Song Shuhan always thought that given Mobei's conditions, as long as someone helped create opportunities, it would only be a matter of time before the bright white flower embedded on the top of the cliff was plucked.


Unexpectedly, someone was already walking ahead quickly.


 In order to avoid encountering "fleeing criminals", check-in at guest houses in the 1970s was still very strict. This is the main reason why in this era, when going to a place a little further away, a letter of introduction was required from the brigade, production team or work unit.

Si Ningning held the household registration page in her hand and brought the letter of introduction from Luo Daqing with Zhao Hongbing. The check-in process went smoothly.

The price of the guest house is also pretty good. It costs 10 cents per night. If hot water is needed, it costs an additional 5 cents. Si Ningning chose the latter and paid for two days.

Hand in hand with the receipt from the guest house, Si Ningning went up to the second floor to put his luggage in the room, but actually put it in the room. When he came down from upstairs, he went directly back to the hospital with Huo Lang to pick up Zhao Hongbing, and the three of them took a car to the commune.

Not long after they walked forward, Mo Bei, who had been falling asleep, woke up.

At that time, Song Shuhan was reading a book on the bedside of the adjacent bed. He noticed Mo Bei's arm twitching. He turned his head to check and saw a pair of starry eyes on Mo Bei's pale face slightly narrowed. He had woken up from a slumber. Come over.

 “Mo Bei!” Song Shuhan quickly put down his book and came over, “How are you? How do you feel?”

Mo Bei's eyes narrowed and then slowly closed again. It seemed that he still hadn't recovered.


Afterwards, he realized that he couldn't get anything out of Mo Bei. Song Shuhan stood up and was about to call the nurse. However, his mouth opened and before the sound could come out, his wrist was pulled.

"It doesn't matter to me..." Mo Bei's face was pale on the bed, and his eyes were still closed. "How is Si Ningning?"

“…” Song Shuhan’s slender eyebrows wrinkled slightly under his lenses, he lowered his head and hesitated for a moment, then said: “I’ll go find a doctor to check you first, and we’ll talk about other things later.”

Mo Bei wanted to say more, but because he lost too much blood and hadn't eaten for such a long time, he had no strength in his hands, so he didn't hold Song Shuhan.

Song Shuhan went out to find a doctor and nurse. The doctor took a look at Mo Bei's condition and asked Mo Bei some questions, such as whether there was any pain on his body, whether he could stretch his arms, whether he could see anything with his right eye, etc.

 After receiving a series of accurate replies, the doctor declared that there were no other problems with Mo Bei. After communicating with Song Shuhan, he arranged for Mo Bei to be replaced with a new medicine sling bottle.

During this period, the doctor revealed to Song Shuhan that if you want to be discharged from the hospital, you can make preparations after the injured person's body and functions have slowed down. Discharge will not have a negative impact on the injured person, but if conditions permit, it is better to stay for two more days. .

Song Shuhan nodded to indicate that he understood, sent the doctor away and turned back to the ward.

Helping Mo Bei sit up, Song Shuhan put a pillow behind Mo Bei, "Are you thirsty? Is there water?"

Mo Bei nodded lightly. Song Shuhan held an enamel jar to help him drink water. "You slept for a long time. Are you hungry? I'll go to the cafeteria to heat up a meal for you."

Mo Bei drank enough water, pushed Song Shuhan's hand away, nodded first and then shook his head, "Si Ningning..."

"she's fine."

Knowing that there were some things that he didn't ask clearly, Mo Bei couldn't let go. Song Shuhan simply gave up the idea of ​​going to the cafeteria to heat up the meal for the time being. He put down the enamel jar, took an apple, sat on a stool and peeled it, ready to give it to Mo Bei. Bei needs some cushion first.

Song Shuhan= was the first to ask: "Tell me first what's going on."

Mo Bei was speechless. Song Shuhan was not in a hurry. While lowering his head and peeling the apple neatly, he analyzed the cause and effect of the matter from his own point of view, "I know even if you don't tell me."

“The captain said that Wu Yong broke your head, but you and Wu Yong have nothing to do with each other.”

“The only one among us who had a little friction with Wu Yong was Si Ningning. You were so worried about Si Ningning. The first thing you said when you opened your eyes was to ask how Si Ningning was.”

Song Shuhan peeled the apple, clicked the knife on the bedside table, reached out and handed the apple to Mo Bei, with a determined look on his face: "Wu Yong came to see Si Ningning, right? You suffered this injury for Si Ningning." "

Mo Bei lowered his head slightly, said nothing, and did not take the apple handed to him.

"I don't know what the situation was at that time, but speaking of facts, Si Ningning is a girl. When she is in danger, we as **** men should help, but Mo Bei." Song Shuhan sighed softly, picked up the knife again and slowly cut the apple Cut it into small pieces and put it in an empty enamel jar, and continued: "This is because she is a **** and we are men, do you understand?"

 What seems to be a normal statement is actually not normal.

How long has it been since you helped bring him and Si Ningning together before?

Suddenly he changed the subject and told him openly and secretly not to bring in other emotions.

 Did he learn anything while he was in coma?

Mo Bei raised his head and looked at Song Shuhan, his lips turned white and he lifted them slightly: "What exactly do you want to say?"

“I have nothing to say, I just want to tell you that if something is known to be fruitless, it should not be continued.”

Song Shuhan didn't believe in the relationship between Si Ningning and Huo Lang, and Mo Bei didn't notice it at all.

 If you know it, you should understand the principle of when enough is enough.

 Stop your losses in time to avoid hurting yourself.

Mo Bei unconsciously tightened his hands and grasped the sheets of the hospital bed. His starry eyes flickered and slowly lowered his eyes. The long eyelashes hanging down on his pale face were especially dark, covering up the emotions in his eyes like a thick curtain.

“You spoke very strangely today. I can’t even understand what you meant.”

Facing Mo Bei's act of pretending to be confused, Song Shuhan was silent for a moment.

 Song Shuhan actually understood Mo Bei's mood very well.

 The intangible moon is something you never tire of looking at.

 How can you say that you don’t like someone if you don’t like them?

However, it’s such a pity to get no response...

Song Shuhan regarded Mo Bei as a friend and brother.

A good brother has a girl he likes, whether it is creating opportunities or matching her, Song Shuhan is willing to help from the bottom of his heart.

 But once he knew that there was an uncrossable cliff ahead, Song Shuhan would not allow Mo Bei to continue.

"No one understands what I'm talking about better than you, Mo Bei. You are excellent, excellent in everything. The fact that your family can send you those books shows that your family background is not bad. As long as you say a word, you are completely You can return to the city and leave here.”

“Mo Bei, I don’t want you to get hurt. With your conditions, you can find any type of girl you like. It doesn’t have to be Si Ningning…”

"That's enough." Mo Bei interrupted Song Shuhan.

Originally, he wanted to pretend to be stupid and get through, but Song Shuhan showed no mercy and exposed his tricks straightforwardly.

Knowing that he could no longer avoid the problem, Mo Bei simply faced it head-on, "She is not as mediocre as you said, and not anyone can replace her."

 Yes, what Song Shuhan said is very pertinent. According to his family background and personal conditions, Mo Bei has many choices.

 But for Mo Bei, the moonlight was everywhere, but there was only one moon.

 It doesn’t matter whether you are stubborn or stubborn, but what does it matter?

"There is no harm or no harm. She doesn't have to respond to me, or she can like someone else. If I like her or like her, it's my business from beginning to end and has nothing to do with her."

Although occasionally he felt a little unwilling to accept why that person couldn't be him, Mo Bei still said stubbornly and frankly: "I feel lucky enough to meet someone in my life and be able to have my heart skip a beat."

It's like the pigeon that he grew up with will suddenly leave one day. He may feel sad, sad, and secretly whisper in his heart that it was a ruthless and bad pigeon, but deep down in his heart, he still hopes that the pigeon will fly higher and higher. The further away…

"Shuhan, I know you do it for my own good, but I hope you won't interfere too much in this matter." Mo Bei said in a hoarse voice.

Song Shuhan was silent, and after a long time he asked: "Can I ask, what is it that makes you so obsessed...?"

“There are many kinds of likes, but appreciation and liking are different. True liking often does not require a reason.”

Even though he said this, Mo Bei's mind flashed back to the scene where one morning his face was covered with spider webs. The girl mistakenly thought he was uncomfortable and turned her head to ask him "what's wrong" with concern.

 The heartbeat may be at a certain moment.

 It is said that there is no need for a reason, but if you really need to give an answer, there are actually traces to follow.

 “Appreciation and liking are different…”

Song Shuhan silently repeated Mo Bei's words. Although he could not fully understand Mo Bei's heart, Song Shuhan did notice the slightest difference from these words.

For example, he once thought he liked Si Ningning, but now it seems that he probably admires her more.

 Because true liking will make people possessive, which is definitely not what Mo Bei's sentence "It has nothing to do with her that I like her, she doesn't have to respond" can be summed up.

As long as you see the flowers blooming, you don’t have to care about whose family the flowers go to. Those are all bullshit.

How can anyone who has truly witnessed a flower bloom be willing to watch it fall elsewhere?

The path Mo Bei chose was destined to be bumpy from beginning to end, but at this point, there was nothing he could do to persuade him.

"I see."

Song Shuhan sighed softly, picked up his lunch box and left the ward.

The ward suddenly became quiet, Mo Bei's long eyelashes trembled, his starry eyes flickered and he turned to look out the window.

 “Si Ningning…”

The bright halo of light from the window scattered all over Mo Bei, and his handsome and pale face was half in the light and half in the dark. However, except for the stubbornness of going his own way, no more emotions could be seen on his face.

The hospital came to an end. On the other side, the military green pickup truck slowly drove into the commune courtyard. The people in the car pushed the doors and got out one after another. Luo Daqing and Li Dekun had just come out to wait after hearing the noise. Now that they saw people, Li Dekun waved quickly. .

 (End of this chapter)

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