Chapter 247 Misbehavior

Si Ningning and the other three hurried over. Li Dekun wanted to say something but Luo Daqing preempted him. "The director of the commune called the county in the morning. The county sent a mediator to understand what happened. They just arrived. Now, Just waiting inside."

“Si Zhiqing, seize the opportunity and tell the mediator truthfully later.”

Si Ningning nodded and said "Okay", but felt a little confused in her heart.

This matter is not a trivial matter. Didn't the police come here? Just send a mediator?

 And what can be reconciled? Her purpose was not to mediate.

Hands of confusion, considering that the other party knew what happened and might make other moves later, Si Ningning decided to take a look first before talking.

Si Ningning followed Li Dekun and Luo Daqing into the commune's usual meeting room. Huo Lang and Zhao Hongbing originally wanted to follow them in, but were stopped at the door. The explanation given was: the matter was about the reputation of lesbians, not Make it easier for more people to know.

Looking at the way those two people dressed and spoke, they didn’t look like they were from the commune. They were probably from the county.

There were many people from the county who were very particular. Huo Lang was afraid that Si Ningning would suffer if he couldn't resist, so he had the idea of ​​revealing his identity. Si Ningning saw what he was thinking, shook his head and smiled at him, "Just wait for me outside. Well, if there’s any problem, I’ll call you.”

This matter is quite special, and relying on relationships to solve it can only temporarily postpone the situation, but cannot solve the problem. Si Ningning wants to solve it on his own.

Huo Lang knew Si Ningning's character, so he said no more, nodded lightly and said, "I'll sit at the door."

Si Ningning nodded. After entering the house, the two people standing guard at the door closed the door.

Zhao Hongbing was confused, so he rubbed his hair and asked Huo L, a cadre with a strong background in the county. Si Zhiqing, could a female comrade do this? What to do if you're scared? Why don't we intercede and let's go in too? "

With Si Ningning’s character, she wouldn’t be frightened, but if she were to confront the county people alone, Huo Lang would be a little worried.

 Huo Lang sat down on the steps at the door. Hearing Zhao Hongbing's words, he couldn't help but frown seriously, "Let's wait and see. The director and captain are here, so nothing will happen."

Si Ningning has her own opinion and her own thoughts. Since she asked him to wait, then he will wait.

 So as not to intervene rashly and cause trouble for her.

 Zhao Hongbing was infected by Huo Lang's calmness, and they sat together on the steps and waited quietly.

At the same time, Si Ningning and others in the room also took their seats one by one.

Usually those who come to the commune for meetings are the captains of the brigade below, and there are a lot of people. In order to give everyone a place to sit, there are many chairs in the room, and the table is also a long table made up of two large square tables.

At this time, the mediator from the county was sitting at one end of the long table. Li Dekun, Luo Daqing and Hu Qiang, the captain of the Zhougang Brigade, were sitting on the left side of the table, while Si Ningning was facing the door and window, sitting on the mediator's desk. on the right hand side.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Hu Qiusheng. I am the mediator assigned by the county. My main task here is to understand what happened and make notes."

Hu Qiusheng is not very old, he looks to be around 25 or 26 years old. He is wearing a white shirt underneath and a straight navy blue tunic suit, with a pen in his breast pocket.

While speaking, Hu Qiusheng had already taken the pen out of his pocket, pressed the notebook in front of him with his hand, and looked at Si Ningning with his head tilted, as if he was waiting for Si Ningning to speak at any time, and he would start taking notes.

"My name is Si Ningning. I am an educated youth from Beijing." Si Ningning stood up and briefly introduced herself. After Hu Qiusheng nodded, she sat down again.

 Hu Qiusheng asked Si Ningning’s age and what his name was. After confirming it, he recorded Si Ningning’s personal information and the commune and brigade he belonged to. Hu Qiusheng went directly to the topic, “We can start.”

Si Ningning nodded, thought about it, and started from the very beginning, "Wu Yong and I are both educated youths. We were assigned to the third production team of Jiling Brigade together before. We got along very well when we were assigned together." , later because..."

Luo Daqing also added a few words about what Si Ningning said about Wu Yong being transferred.

After talking about how he was kidnapped by Wu Yong last night, Si Ningning lifted up his sleeves and folded the high collar of his clothes slightly to reveal the scars left in the accident.

After Hu Qiusheng looked at the scars, Si Ningning calmly smoothed the collar and sleeves back to their original state, "That's what happened. I wonder how the county plans to handle this matter? If you need to conduct an in-depth investigation or face-to-face confrontation, I can do it." Cooperate."

Hu Qiang listened to the entire process on the other side and understood the fundamental reason why Wu Yong was transferred to their brigade. He always felt a little uncomfortable.

The commune is not fair at all in this regard. They know that Wu Yong is a coward and is not wanted by other brigades, so why should they send him to their brigades? It caused him to bleed profusely and suffered such a big loss.

Coupled with the fact that he now sees Si Ningning's overly fresh appearance, Hu Qiang always feels that this matter is not necessarily Wu Yong's problem, but may also be Si Ningning's problem.

Before Hu Qiusheng could speak, Hu Qiang raised his hand and applied to speak.

 After Hu Qiusheng recorded the information, he thought that Hu Qiusheng had some information to add, so he nodded.

Hu Qiang stood up from the table, leaned forward slightly, and stared at Si Ningning with a deliberately oppressive gesture: "Are these really the whole story? Or is there something else hidden in it?"

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows wrinkled inaudibly, her eyes fell on Hu Qiang, and she calmly asked Hu Qiang’s identity: “Who are you?”

Si Ningning actually had a guess in her mind that the other party would be sitting with Li Dekun and Luo Daqing, and he should be the captain of Wu Yong's brigade.

 Hu Qiang’s next words confirmed Si Ningning’s guess, “My name is Hu Qiang, the captain of the Zhougang brigade, and Wu Yong is an educated youth under our brigade.”

“If this matter is really what Comrade Educated Youth said, our brigade will never shirk the responsibility, but I also have a few questions that I am confused about. I hope Comrade Educated Youth can answer them?”

Hu Qiang said and turned to look at Hu Qiusheng. After Hu Qiusheng nodded in approval, he looked at Si Ningning, while Si Ningning nodded distantly, "Please tell me."

“According to Comrade Educated Youth, the root cause of this matter was extended from some quarrels, but I would like to ask Comrade Educated Youth, do you think it sounds reasonable to say this?” Hu Qiang asked. Si Ningning did not answer and asked, "Do you think it is reasonable?"

"Unreasonable." Hu Qiang rubbed his stubble and continued: "After all, who can hold grudges for such a small thing for so long and make it so big?"

 If there is, then unless it is a three-year-old child, or a fool, who would do that with a little bit of brains?

When questioned, Si Ningning, instead of being angry, laughed softly, "I think Comrade Wu Yong should be more qualified to answer this question than me, and he can answer it more comprehensively."

Hu Qiang was already a little unhappy, but now he punched the cotton, and Si Ningning's snort sounded contemptuous and sarcastic in his ears, and he felt a little angry for a moment, "You...!" Comrade educated youth, I hope you can face it-"

Si Ningning realized that Hu Qiang didn't look like a good person, so she naturally wouldn't give him a chance to jump in. Before Hu Qiang reversed the trend, Si Ningning asked in a cold voice: "This matter is not a trivial matter. When word spreads, everyone's faces will be changed." It doesn’t look good. I can understand Captain Hu’s doubts, but I also hope Captain Hu can think carefully about it. Am I making a joke on my own reputation?”

"Or does Captain Hu think it was me who forced Wu Yong to bring people to tie me up, and it was I who forced Wu Yong to beat people? Mo Zhiqing, who is on our team, is still lying in the hospital."

Hu Qiang was speechless for a while, but he still defended strongly: "What we are talking about now and the beating incident are two different things. As for whether you forced others to tie you up, I didn't say that. You said it yourself."

As he spoke, Hu Qiang snorted, stared at Si Ningning's face and suddenly said something profound: "It's not wrong for lesbians to be beautiful, but it's a big mistake if they have an inappropriate style and seduce **** men to make mistakes. ”

Si Ningning’s face suddenly turned cold when he heard this.

Hu Qiusheng, who was sitting at one end of the table, also frowned.

Luo Daqing and Li Dekun, who were sitting next to Hu Qiang, pushed Hu Qiang in unison, "Comrade Hu Qiang, you..."

However, before they could finish their questions and accusations, Si Ningning across the table suddenly stood up and slapped the table with a "pop" sound.

The table trembled under the force. The tip of the pen in Hu Qiusheng's hand pressed against the notebook and he was forced to draw a diagonal line.

"Captain Hu, I hope you can face up to your identity and consider the consequences of saying these things!" Si Ningning shouted coldly, questioning words coming out like a barrage, "As a few production workers The direct captain of the team, with hundreds or even thousands of people under his command, are these words that should come out of your mouth? "

"Both the girls in the countryside and the girls in the city, they have suffered a loss, but because of their own concerns, they dare not stand up and say, it's okay! For me, I will be the target of public criticism! Stand up and face the problem head-on, solve the problem, you But not only do they not reflect on the suffering of female victims, they also blame lesbians for the faults that should be borne by the perpetrators!”

“Do you feel that no one dared to stand up and speak out before, but now someone dares to speak out, can you just scare them? Are you being unscrupulous?”

"Have you ever heard of the saying, 'A single spark can start a prairie fire'? How dare you question me! Pressure? Question? What kind of pressure do you use? What kind of doubt do you use? If you don't cooperate to solve evil, you are Helping evil people!”

Every time Si Ningning said a word, she would slap her hand on the table. She spoke sharply and every word was precise. For a moment, the whole room was filled with her voice and the sound of slapping the table.

Hu Qiang, who was opposite her, was sprayed like a quail by her. At first, he was standing with the table propped up, but now he is leaning back on the chair. He couldn't say a word, and he was as majestic as if Si Ningning wanted to eat someone. The aura was so scary that he didn't even dare to fart.

Not to mention Hu Qiang, Luo Daqing, Li Dekun and the mediator Hu Qiusheng from the county were all a little confused.

In their eyes, what Hu Qiang is kicking is not an iron plate, but an iron mountain!

"We have studied and come from the city. We dare not say that we are the pillars of the country, but we do come here with a mission to make contributions. This is our duty! And the country allows us to come here to accept The arrangements and instructions given by everyone here are also out of trust in you! ”

After saying the heartbreaking words, Si Ningning played the emotional card again, "The country trusts everyone here, and we, as the people, also believe in you! So I hope that if there are problems, we can solve them properly and don't engage in antagonism between men and women and no discrimination. Lesbians! The great spiritual leader once said that women can hold up half the sky!”

There was silence in the room for a moment. Hu Qiusheng suddenly looked at Hu Qiang and asked, "Captain Hu, do you have anything else to add?"

“No, no more.” Hu Qiang said awkwardly, shaking his head like a rattle.

He didn't dare to say anything because he couldn't speak to Si Ningning at all.

Furthermore, Si Ningning said that the problem should be framed and everything should be discussed at a larger level. How could he dare to continue talking?

Wouldn’t it be an open rebellion to say anything more?

Hu Qiusheng nodded and immersed himself in writing for a minute in his notebook. After a while, he raised his head and asked Si Ningning seriously, "Comrade educated youth, what are your demands for this matter, or what are you looking forward to in handling it?" ?"

“I use my own experience to accuse Comrade Wu Yong, an educated youth from Zhougang Brigade, of being suspected of hooliganism. I hope the county can give a reasonable explanation and punishment.”

Si Ningning originally wanted to say that she hoped that the county would send people to visit secretly, find those girls who had suffered misfortune, and provide corresponding compensation.

 But think about the conservative nature of this era. If the news accidentally gets leaked, those girls will have to live under the words of others for the rest of their lives.

In order to avoid self-defeating and causing more tragedies, Si Ningning changed his tone: "If possible, I hope the county can face up to this problem, and it is best to prevent similar things from happening in the future."

Hu Qiusheng nodded and wrote a few more strokes in the notebook. Finally, he closed the notebook with a snap and put the pen back in his chest pocket. "I will report these suggestions to the boss intact. In addition, this This is not a trivial matter, and the county also needs to hold further meetings to make a summary, so the results will not come out so quickly, and it will take about three to five days. "

"Okay, comrade mediator." Li Dekun stood up first to answer, "How about I wait for the news for a few days and I will be detained here at the commune?"

Si Ningning knew that his task had been completed, so he remained silent.

"Okay." Hu Qiusheng nodded, then picked up the notebook and stood up, "If there is nothing else, I will go back and resume my life first."

 “Alas, okay.”

After sending Hu Qiusheng away, Li Dekun waved Luo Daqing, Hu Qiang and Zhao Hongbing to the conference room. The three of them held a small meeting on this matter. Outside, Si Ningning sat on the steps outside and watched Hu Qiusheng off. As he rode his bicycle away, he couldn't help mumbling:

“The mediator came here by bicycle from the county? Then he couldn’t ride for more than an hour?”

 (End of this chapter)

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