Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 248: Remove from office

Chapter 248 Removal

“This is still decent, and not everyone working in the department has a bicycle to ride.” Holang explained lightly, “It would take several hours to catch up with those who don’t have bicycles.”

Si Ningning tilted her head when she heard this, "Then for someone like you who is assigned a car, is your position very high and powerful?"

"That's not true." Huo Lang was silent and said calmly: "I'm just an errand boy."

 Which errand boy would provide a car with a driver?

 Do you think she is a fool?

Si Ningning simply knew that Huo Lang was always overly modest. After giving him a roll of his eyes, Si Ningning did not delve into the issue further.

"Huh huh..." Huo Lang saw her lively expression and his smile faded. Then he asked about what happened in the room just now, "What happened just now? I saw you suddenly stood up."

There was a lot of noise in the room just now, and Huo Lang was worried. Although he didn't enter the door, he couldn't help but stick to the edge of the window and look in.

Si Ningning became angry when talking about this matter.

Si Ningning pursed her lips and rolled her eyes speechlessly, "I thought on the way here that this would not go well, but I didn't expect it would be this bad."

Si Ningning glanced in the direction of the room, tilted her head slightly towards Huo Lang, and muttered the whole process in a low voice.

Horang analyzed the information revealed by Si Ningning, "This matter is not a trivial matter, let alone a glorious matter. Once confirmed, based on what Wu Yong has done successively, Captain Zhou Gang's position will be difficult to protect."

 When it comes to official career, of course he will try his best to suppress the matter. It is not incomprehensible that Hu Qiang will be radical.

Thinking of Hu Qiang's disrespectful words and contemptuous attitude at the table just now, Si Ningning said seriously: "The most capable will come first. This Captain Hu is unworthy and only considers himself. If he really vacates the position, it may not be a problem." a good thing."

However, although there were some hiccups in this matter, overall it went much smoother than expected.

 Now we just need to wait for a reply from the county.

 How will the county handle this matter?

Si Ningning thought in a daze for a moment, but was quickly diverted by other things. She turned to look at Huo Lang seriously, "How did you know that I stood up just now? Did you see it?"

Horang nodded honestly.

Si Ningning was stuck for a moment, and her pretty face turned awkward, "...was I very mean just now?"

"That's not true." Holang shook his head and added: "It's very impressive."

Si Ningning was not only imposing, but also very sharp-tongued, which frightened the old men in the room.

The reason why the mediator finalized the matter and ran away so quickly was probably due to Si Ningning's talk.

  It can’t be said or reasoned. The little girl keeps saying the same thing. Why don’t you run away and wait to be labeled?

Thinking about it, Huo Lang smiled unconsciously.

Si Ningning opened her eyes wide and pursed her lips, then suddenly put her hands on her hands and muttered: "I originally wanted to talk it over, but I was really a little angry just now."

  It’s not that he doesn’t accept being questioned, but that Captain Hu’s attitude is really inappropriate, and every line of his words reveals a kind of contempt and disrespect for women.

Si Ningning still had a lot of words left behind. If Hu Qiang hadn't recognized the words so quickly, Si Ningning would have scolded him so much that his parents wouldn't recognize them.

"Most of the matter is over, don't be angry because of them." Huo Lang comforted him in a low voice, "Now just wait for the news in peace."

 “Yeah.” Si Ningning nodded.

Looking at the car not far away, Si Ningning suddenly remembered that Huo Lang had been with her since last night.

"I can do it alone. You should go home today. I didn't go home last night. I don't know what happened to Hegu and Sanae."

"It's okay, the captain's family will help take care of it." Huo Lang said calmly, "I'll send you to the county in a while, and take the opportunity to check in and see how the matter is going to be handled."

Si Ningning shook his head and had a different opinion, "Just say hello to Shan Mantang and ask him to wait for a while to see if the captain and others have anything to explain when they come out. If not, I will sit with him. Just drive back to the county, you don’t have to go there.”

“The mediator said that news will come out in three to five days, so there’s no need to worry about it.”

After all, the two children at home are still young. If others take care of them, they can only visit them during meals and deliver some food. They have their own things to do and can't keep an eye on everything.

It's okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, it will be hard for both sides to say.

Si Ningning felt uneasy because she was afraid that her matter would delay Huo Lang and get involved in more things later.

Seeing that she was insisting, Huo Lang nodded, "Okay, then I'll go back and take a look after I get you in the car. I'll go to the county to find you early tomorrow morning."

"Yeah!" Si Ningning nodded seriously, "Tomorrow when you go to the county, go directly to the hospital. I should be there."

Holang was stunned for a moment, then nodded hesitantly, "...Okay."

Si Ningning didn't notice the strange look in Huo Lang's eyes and continued: "If you go early tomorrow, don't waste time making breakfast and buying breakfast. I'll buy it together when I pass by the state-owned hotel from the guest house tomorrow."

"Hmm... Do you have enough money in hand? I won't give it to you if it's not enough."

“I don’t want your money, I have it.” Si Ningning shook his head.

Shan Mantang is from Huolang. She can only take the bus because of her connections with Huolang. How much time is saved in this process? Can't she afford a meal or two?

Thinking about it, Si Ningning asked again: "Do you still want to eat the buns from this morning?"

The noodle soup from the state-owned restaurant in the county seemed pretty good to Si Ningning, but it was a pity that the lunch box was not enough to pack.

 “Steamed buns will do. The steamed buns are honest and make me very hungry.”


"By the way! I was carrying a backpack last night, but because of that incident, my backpack was gone..." Si Ningning rubbed the tip of her nose and glanced at Huo Lang, which was very suggestive.

Huo Lang smiled hoarsely, and said with some indulgence: "Go back and make it up for you, one, two or three, as many as you want."

“You said this, I didn’t force you!”


After chatting for a while, about half an hour and 40 minutes later, the door of the room behind him was opened, and Luo Daqing, Li Dekun and his party walked out.

"There is no one here in the commune at night. Director, Wu Yong and the others should I take them back to the brigade to keep an eye on them?" "Well, if there is any news from the county in the next two days, I will send someone to Jiling to inform you."

 “Hey, okay.”

Si Ningning and Huo Lang stood up quickly. Luo Daqing turned around and went to pick up people in another room. Zhao Hongbing walked up to the two of them in a few steps and said, "I thought you were gone."

“I was afraid that the captain had something to explain, so I waited a little longer,” Si Ningning said.

"There's nothing to explain. Now I'm just waiting for a reply from the county." Zhao Hongbing nodded and took Si Ningning and Huo Lang a few steps outside. "Oh, yes, Si Zhiqing."

Zhao Hongbing looked back at Si Ningning and mentioned what he said to Song Shuhan before, "You will definitely meet Song Zhiqing when you return to the county. Don't let it slip by then."

 “I understand, captain.” Si Ningning nodded.

With nothing else to do at the moment, Zhao Hongbing and Huo Lang put Si Ningning in the car.

Hourang whispered to Si Ningning about going to the county tomorrow. After Si Ningning nodded, he turned to the passenger window and asked Shan Mantang to come early tomorrow morning to borrow him.

Shan Mantang nodded repeatedly, "Comrade Huo Lang, don't worry, I promise to wait for you at the bridge early tomorrow morning!"

After seeing off Si Ningning, Zhao Hongbing and Huo Lang saw the car disappear at the entrance of the commune compound. They both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, "Let's go back too."


After leaving the commune compound, Zhao Hongbing was walking, but he couldn't help but ask: "Did you hear what was going on in the house at that time?"

“…” Huo Lang was silent, “I heard it.”

"I really didn't expect that this Si educated youth looks like a water doll in both appearance and temperament. How can he be so sharp-tongued?" Recalling the way Si Ningning slapped the table and stood up, Zhao Hongbing felt a sigh in his heart. After a while, he sighed again: "Sure enough, She is a girl from the city, well-educated and knowledgeable, unlike us who live in the countryside, and when we meet a higher-ranking official, we feel nervous and have trouble speaking. "

"By the way, Alang, I remember that you just arrived in Province H, and your hometown's household registration was transferred from Beijing, right? So you and Si Zhiqing are still from the same hometown!"

Huo Lang was silent and said: "Maybe he is a fellow countryman. I was not very old when I left home and I don't have many memories of the capital."

Horang's original place is in Beijing, but he didn't spend much time in Beijing since he was a child. He spent most of his childhood in his hometown in the three eastern provinces.

"Oh, that's it!" Zhao Hongbing said "oh" several times and continued to talk to Huo Lang about other things, and Huo Lang occasionally followed up with a sentence or two.

Over at the commune, Li Dekun stood in the courtyard and watched Luo Daqing take away Wu Yong and his party with the hemp rope. Then he slowly turned around and said to the people behind him: "Comrade Hu Qiang, come with me."

Hu Qiang was covered in cold sweat, wiped his forehead and weakly said "yes".

On the other side, Si Ningning took Shan Mantang's car back to the county. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon. Although the sky was still bright, thinking of Song Shuhan taking care of him at the hospital, Si Ningning temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going to the hospital. After bidding farewell to Shan Mantang, he went directly back to the guest house.

The room in the guest house is small, only about ten square meters. In addition to a single bed, there is an old wooden table. Perhaps because the weather has not turned cold yet, the bed is only covered with old mats and no quilts.

Housing involves privacy. The door is always closed regardless of whether it is occupied or not. In addition, the location of Si Ningning's room is not very good. Outside the window is a residential building. The eaves block most of the window. Not only is the lighting poor, but the air is also not good. Circulate well.

Standing in the room for a while, Si Ningning felt inexplicably filled with panic.

Si Ningning went downstairs and asked for some hot water. After going upstairs, she locked the door behind her back and took two steps to the window to look outside. After making sure that she could not see the scene in the room, she turned around and entered the space directly.

 As soon as I entered the space, I felt the fresh air and felt relieved.

Si Ningning took a few breaths of fresh air greedily and entered the bathroom of the villa first.

The gown he was wearing belonged to Luo Daqing's wife. Si Ningning wore it for a day and a night, and slept in bed for half the night. The corners of the clothes were wrinkled, and you could smell the sweat without smelling carefully.

Si Ningning couldn't bear it for a long time. Before, she had no time or opportunity to change. Now that she has free time, she really can't wait a minute.

Si Ningning found clean clothes and prepared to take a bath. Then he took off his clothes and noticed the scars on his wrists and neck.

 The neck is fine, it's just a bruise. Taking a bath won't affect anything.

But the wrist is different. The strangulation there is very deep. In addition, Si Ningning has thin skin and a scarred constitution. Even if a day and a night has passed, the surface of the scar has only formed a thin layer of light pink scab, and there are still scars on both sides of the strangulation mark. There are obvious signs of swelling.

Worried that the wound would be soaked in the bath, which would cause peeling and leave scars, Si Ningning had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​taking a bath, washed her hair alone, and wiped her body carefully twice with water before giving up.

After finally coming out of the bathroom refreshed, Si Ningning was also a little hungry. She had been worried in her heart for the past two days. Although she bought food at a state-owned restaurant, she had never been in the mood to eat. Now that she relaxed, she was not only hungry, but also healthy. The fatigue on the body was also magnified several times in an instant.

After sorting the dirty clothes into the washing machine for washing, Si Ningning didn't really want to cook, so she took out the finished roast duck she bought before and unwrapped the plastic film and tin foil. It was still hot inside and the fragrance was strong.

Si Ningning grabbed some duck meat and ate it. The roast duck was bought from a roadside stall. The taste was not as good as the one cooked by the chef at home. However, after traveling for so long, Si Ningning was no longer so picky about the taste of food. , it tastes quite delicious.

 There are no pancakes or other side dishes, and the roast duck is too oily to eat alone.

Si Ningning stopped after taking two bites. She went out to pick up two juicy lettuces in the vegetable field and came back. She picked off a few larger outer leaves and cut off the stems of the remaining vegetables. After washing them, she cut them with tender leaves. Eat roast duck with vegetable leaves.

Eat for a while and rest for a while. When my stomach is full, I almost eat half a roast duck.

Wrapping up the remaining roast duck again, Si Ningning was too sleepy to pack it carefully. She took out the clothes to dry. She found the medical first aid kit and simply disinfected her wrists and applied iodine. After hastily taking anti-inflammatory drugs, she Fell asleep in the master bedroom of the villa.

Already very tired and sleepy, and lying on the long-lost big soft bed, covered with soft silk quilt, Si Ningning felt like she was climbing up into the clouds, so comfortable and happy that she was about to ascend to the sky.

  It was probably too comfortable. Within three breaths, Si Ningning's breathing became heavy and long.

 Woke up again after a full sleep. Si Ningning took out her pocket watch and took a look. The time on the pocket watch showed half past nine. Calculating the time difference between inside and outside the space, she slept for almost twelve hours.

 “It’s been a long time.”

Si Ningning muttered, and took a look at his sleeves. He didn't know whether it was because of the long passage of time in space, or because space had certain blessings in terms of growth and recovery. He always felt that the injury on his arm seemed better than before. few.

Si Ningning did not delve into this issue. She took a look outside and made sure it was night outside before entering the space again.

 Putting some rice into the rice cooker, ready to eat when he was hungry later, Si Ningning clapped his hands and began to patrol the space.

 (End of this chapter)

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