Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 249: spatial variation

Chapter 249 Spatial Changes

The chickens in the backyard have grown hard hair tubes, and some roosters have a little raised pink comb on their heads. At this time, the chickens can move on their own without the hen.

When Si Ningning entered the backyard, she was so startled that a group of chickens quickly ran away from the small hole under the fence, leaving only a layer of scattered chicken feathers and chicken feces on the ground in the backyard.

 Wrong decision.

There are no weasels or anything like that in the space. We should have built a chicken coop or a chicken coop outside in the first place to avoid making the backyard a mess.

Si Ningning had no choice but to start cleaning up the backyard.

Si Ningning remembered that when he went to the soybean field with Huo Lang, he saw Huo Lang digging a small hole at the edge of the field, gathering weeds and other things together and burying them in the pit for retting. Some people in the team also used animal manure for retting, so My mind moved, and after cleaning the backyard, I shoveled the chicken manure outside.

Si Ningning chose a remote corner to dig a pit and poured the chicken manure into it.

Chickens don’t **** as much as pigs. After fermentation and fermentation, chickens can be used as fertilizer to return to the space. Pig manure cannot be used. After returning to the production team in a few days, you still have to take the time to process it.

After finishing these tasks, Si Ningning went back to the backyard to shake off the dust on the straw chicken coops, moved several chicken coops to a place dozens of meters away from the yard, and put them down.

Si Ningning wanted to build a more serious chicken pen, but the wooden fence she bought before had been used up to build a pig pen. She could only give up the idea temporarily and planned to go shopping at the scrap station when she had time to find something. It's best to renovate old cabinets. If you can't do it, just buy some boards and nail them yourself.

In order to let the chickens recognize the new nest location as soon as possible, Si Ningning scooped up half a bowl of rice and scattered it around the chicken nest. After doing this, Si Ningning moved to another place.

There are three sows left in the big pig pen, two of which have been successfully bred, and their bellies are bigger than when they came in last time. The black pig who is isolated is still alive, but not in high spirits.

Considering that these pigs are in a special situation now and may not be able to withstand her feeding method of several hungry meals and one full meal, Si Ningning considered setting a time in the future to feed them at a fixed point, and at the same time, they also need to feed them some solid rations. OK.

Thinking about this, Si Ningning went back to the villa to find the small fish basket that Mo Bei had made before. She cut a piece of wool four to five meters long, folded it several times and merged it into one, knotted it in the middle, and then tied the wool rope Pass through the tail of the fish basket, throw it directly into the water when setting the fish basket, and just pull the rope when taking out the fish basket.

Si Ningning cut off some lean meat and stuffed it into the fish basket, threw the fish basket into the stream, and weighed one end of the rope with a stone. Then she returned to the villa and put on long, rough clothes and trousers, and put on work protection gloves. He took out the rolling pin and walked out.

The soybeans that were planted before have been harvested once, and some of them were collected and replanted as seeds. Now the bean sprouts have grown more than ten centimeters high, and the soybeans that were harvested but not collected in time are now outside the villa. Stacked on the side.

Although it is said to be a pile, it is actually not much. I only planted two handfuls of seeds at the beginning, three to five seeds in each pit. In total, I planted about twenty clusters. After excluding the ones I collected before, the rest was only half a bunch. That’s all.

Si Ningning had previously put two snakeskin bags under the bean sprouts, but now she was fully armed. She went up to hold the half of the bean sprouts with one hand, and started banging with a rolling pin in the other hand.

Some pods were dry and could not withstand such beating. The soybeans popped out of the pods one by one and landed in the sack accurately. However, some pods had not completely lost their moisture and the soybeans did not fall off when they were beaten. Si Ningning He increased his strength and even knocked the pods off.

After all the soybeans on the pods were knocked off, Si Ningning pushed the large trash can and threw away the pods. The remaining soybeans were gathered together, and the empty pods and dry leaves had to go. There were only a few empty pods inside. Si Ningning picked out the threshed bean pods and peeled them one by one. Finally, he lifted up the four corners of the snakeskin bag and found that he had harvested a large bag of soybeans.

 Weigh it, it must weigh at least two kilograms!

Si Ningning did not expect that two handfuls of bean seeds could harvest so much.

In order to realize the freedom of soybeans as soon as possible, so that people can process them and eat them, and the pigs can have solid food to eat, Si Ningning immediately found a **** and started sowing seeds.

 The land in space is divided into ridges, and a ridge is roughly the size of a subdivision of land.

Si Ningning referred to the soybean field she went to with Huo Lang before. The land was roughly divided into two and three sections. After sowing two kilograms of soybeans, there was still some leftover, so she simply dug four ridges of land in one go. small pit.

The land in space is soft and there is no need to plow the soil, but it took more than an hour to finish the work. The muscles in Si Ningning's arms trembled uncontrollably.

Si Ningning is usually only responsible for feeding pigs in the pig pen. Although she does some scattered work and occasionally does farm work, the frequency is small after all, or the workload is small, so she can complete it successfully even if she takes her time.

 But the current workload is not too small for her personally. When she suddenly becomes busy, her efficiency cannot keep up.

However, Si Ningning did not give up. After all, no one else could do the work in the space except herself.

After entering the villa and taking a sip of water, Si Ningning filled the bean seeds in the washbasin she usually used for picking vegetables. Then she held the basin with her hip and planted seeds as she walked. After sowing the four ridges, there was still a small bag left, so she planted seeds in the ridge next door. It took more than twenty holes to fully plant.

When covering the soil, Si Ningning came up with a stupid idea. He directly pulled out the signboard from the ridges where lettuce was planted on one side, pressed the sign board horizontally down one centimeter from the soil surface, and "scraped" the soil from the beginning. Scrape to the end, once on the left and again on the right. It takes about three to five minutes to complete a ridge of land.

 This process was repeated until all four ridges were completed, including the rest in between, and it only took half an hour.

Si Ningning wiped her sweat and breathed a sigh of relief. She picked all kinds of ripe melons, especially watermelons. She was particularly careful when picking them, because she was afraid that like the first time, they would suddenly burst and explode without her doing anything. open.

I planted less winter melons, so I picked more than 20. I planted more pumpkins and watermelons, and picked more than 30 watermelons, and more than 60 pumpkins. Si Ningning picked them all inside and outside the courtyard. Pile.

Although he was exhausted, there was nothing he could do, because Si Ningning discovered that the melons and vines also had a lifespan. For example, most of the melons that bloomed later suddenly shriveled up and shriveled up when they grew to be as big as a palm. The vines began to wither and develop mold.

Thinking about it, you can actually understand that although the space is incredible, it is impossible to grow a melon vine and eat it for a lifetime, right?

 At present, except for melons, other vegetables do not seem to have this problem for the time being.

Si Ningning deduced that it might be because the space growth rate doubled, and melons have a large nutritional demand. Every time a melon is produced, the vines have to transport nutrients like crazy. Just like the human body that stays up late, human organs will gradually fail in the long run. , and what corresponds to the vines is aging and decay.

Thinking of this, Si Ningning couldn't help but wonder, will fruit trees in space also have this problem in the future?

But when she thought that the life span of a tree was millions of times longer than that of a melon vine, she didn't worry anymore.

If you feel that it is unreasonable, it is not impossible to wait for those trees to grow bigger and pick some healthy branches to take cuttings and cultivate them. Si Ningning carried two big watermelons to the pig pen, clenched her little hands into fists and knocked them randomly. One big watermelon split into several pieces in an instant. She threw the watermelons into the pig pen to feed the pigs, then turned around and picked up two more. A large pumpkin weighing more than 20 kilograms.

I had fed pumpkins to pigs before. There was always a kitchen knife beside the pig pen. Si Ningning used the knife to break Nan Hua into pieces and threw them into the pig pens on both sides to feed the pigs.

A large watermelon weighs at least fifteen to twenty kilograms, and a pumpkin weighs about twenty-five kilograms to just over thirty kilograms. In total, it weighs about a hundred kilograms, but there is a lot of water in it. Si Ningning is afraid that four pigs will not be able to eat it. , mixed two more pumpkins into the kitchen, cut them into small pieces and used a stainless steel pot as a pot, mixed in some rice and flour, mixed with oil and water and cooked two pots for extra meals.

Some of the pigs were either pregnant or had just had their **** cut and had yet to recover. The soybeans Si Ningning had on hand were not enough to supplement their nutrition, so he had to mix them with refined grains to supplement their meals. Yes a little.

After taking care of the trivial matters in the space, Si Ningning had time to take care of herself. After eating and drinking, she washed up and put on clean clothes. She cleaned the wound again and applied medicine. Thinking about what Zhao Hongbing said before, Si Ningning put away the medical first aid kit. , turned around and went to the study.

 The bookshelves in the study room cover an entire wall, with as many as 800 or 500 books on them.

Because he had to compile teaching materials, Si Ningning came in and browsed briefly, but he didn't put it to any great use.

 Because these books are either famous biographies from various countries, or in-depth professional books from various industries, such as civil engineering, architecture, criminal psychology at the psychological and spiritual level, lectures on modern Eastern and Western thought, etc.

Although there was a lot of useful information, considering Si Ningning's cultural background, it was a bit obscure and boring to read, and the content was indeed not in line with the reference examples of current teaching materials. Therefore, Si Ningning did not pay much attention to it.

 I came over to see him this time because he was worried that Song Shuhan and Mo Bei would ask about it tomorrow, so Si Ningning wanted to make preparations in advance.

Hmm...Which book should I choose?

Si Ningning crossed his chest with one hand and held it in his other hand, wandering hesitantly in front of the bookshelf.

After thinking for a moment, Si Ningning suddenly remembered that Mo Bei had said before that he mostly painted maps and buildings. Si Ningning thought that Mo Bei's family wanted to train Mo Bei to be an architect?

Thinking about this, Si Ningning had an idea in her mind.

Scanning around on the bookshelf, Si Ningning stood on tiptoes and picked up the "Architectural Structural Science" on the bookshelf. There was also a book called "Architectural Physics" next to it. Si Ningning didn't understand this very well, so he guessed as the names were similar. The content inside should also be relevant, so I pulled it out together.

 These two books should be of some help to Mo Bei.

Si Ningning thought about it, and then realized that the book could not be taken out directly, so she sat in front of the desk, adjusted the height of the chair and started to flip through the book page by page. She scanned it roughly to make sure that there was no year in the middle of the book. Ning felt slightly relieved and just tore off the two book covers.

  After such a busy schedule, her body was exhausted. When she looked at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning, and she still had enough time to get a good sleep.

Si Ningning stretched out a lot, put the finished books into his green cross-body schoolbag, and put the schoolbag on the bedside table, ready to take it with him when he had free space tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Si Ningning went out not only with her books, but also picked a slightly smaller watermelon quilt in a snakeskin bag. No one noticed her when the shift at the guest house changed in the morning.

Carrying watermelon on his back, he bought buns and steamed buns and went to the hospital. It happened to be eight o'clock in the morning. Song Shuhan had just returned from making porridge in the cafeteria.

The two of them bumped into each other at the stairs on the first floor. When they saw Si Ningning appearing carrying large and small bags, Song Shuhan was still a little stunned. It took him a long time to react, and he hurriedly reached out and borrowed the snakeskin bag from Si Ningning's shoulder.

Although the watermelon in the bag was the smallest in the space, it weighed more than eight or nine pounds. Song Shuhan suddenly took it and almost dropped the melon without warning. Fortunately, Si Ningning caught the bag halfway and said, "Otherwise it's me. bring it on!"

“I wasn’t prepared just now... I’ll just come.” Song Shuhan shook his head in embarrassment, and after explaining, he carried the snakeskin bag and walked side by side to the second floor with Si Ningning, “What are you packing here?”

It doesn't look like a storyteller, and because of the scene he witnessed yesterday, Song Shuhan already had doubts about Zhao Hongbing's excuse, and he felt more and more that the academician did not exist at all. There must be something else going on, and the captain hid it from him. .

"It's watermelon." Si Ningning said truthfully, "I got up early and stopped by the county farmer's market on my way over."

Song Shuhan was stunned for a moment, thought of something, and asked: "The apples in the room?"

"I also bought them at the farmer's market. The apples are good. I originally wanted to buy some more, but they were gone today. The salesperson said they were shipped from other places and there weren't many..." Si Ningning made it up randomly, rubbing the tip of his nose at the end. Nodding at the snakeskin bag in Song Shuhan's hand, "That's why I bought the watermelon."

Song Shuhan pursed his lips and said softly, "Oh."

Although Song Shuhan admired Si Ningning, after knowing that Mo Bei's injury was sustained for Si Ningning, and Mo Bei's dedication but no response, Song Shuhan's psychology was actually very complicated when facing Si Ningning.

 But now I can see that Si Ningning is not indifferent to Mo Bei. At least in the relationship between the rescued person and the "beneficiary", Si Ningning handles it very reasonably.

Song Shuhan felt that he could not look at Si Ningning through a colored filter.

It's not wrong that Mo Bei insists on liking Si Ningning.

Si Ningning doesn’t like Mo Bei, and that’s not wrong.

Like is an abstract feeling in nature. He can't deny Si Ningning just because he doesn't like Mo Bei.

"Alas..." Song Shuhan sighed conflictedly, and said in a soft tone: "Don't buy such expensive things in the future. It's not easy for you, a girl, to leave home. You have to save your money."

Si Ningning was silent and suddenly smiled. He said softly: "Special circumstances require special treatment. Fruits also contain nutrients. Mo Bei lost a lot of blood this time... I want to make up for it for him."

 (End of this chapter)

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