Chapter 250 Me too

Song Shuhan could somewhat understand Si Ningning's thoughts. After all, Mo Bei was injured on her behalf. If he didn't try his best to make up for it, Si Ningning would not be able to feel at ease.

 Song Shuhan said no more.

The two of them came to the ward together, and Si Ningning asked softly: "Mo Bei, how are you?"

Mo Bei was already awake in the room, sitting on the bedside and reading the books Song Shuhan had brought.

It was still early, and Mo Bei didn't expect Si Ningning to come, so he didn't look back at first. When he heard Si Ningning's voice, his hand that turned over the book suddenly paused, and when he turned around, he saw Si Ningning following Song Shuhan. Come in carrying something.

"Si Ningning..." Mo Bei was stunned for a moment. He glanced up and down at Si Ningning and saw that she was fine. He was slightly relieved. He put down the book and sat upright with his hands on both sides of the bed. "I'm fine, the doctor said. There’s no big problem, I can be discharged at any time.”

Si Ningning stood by the bed and looked over, feeling slightly relieved when she saw that Mo Bei could open his eyes and the swelling on his forehead had faded a lot.

Si Ningning placed the breakfast oil-paper package on the bedside table and opened one of the packages. "The Zhougang brigade will pay for the medical expenses. The production team is not busy now. I don't think you are in a hurry to leave the hospital. You can stay for two more days." Just stay for two more days, and the hospital can handle any situation easily. If we go back and catch up, it will be too late to do anything."

Song Shuhan echoed: "Look what I said? You didn't listen to what I said. Now Si Zhiqing also said the same. Even if it's a head-to-head vote, you should listen, right?"

Si Ningning nodded and looked at Mo Bei with a serious expression: "You have no say in this matter. You have to listen to everyone."

 “I think so too.” Song Shuhan nodded.

Mo Bei looked at Song Shuhan speechlessly and said in his heart: You too, you too, can't you say something else?

Si Ningning and Song Shuhan sang in harmony, what else could Mo Bei say?

 The only thing I can do is nod.

 “Did you go to the cafeteria to get porridge?”

“Well, do you want to eat? There is also a bowl. I can go to the cafeteria to get some.”

“No, I ate what I brought and bought steamed buns and steamed buns. If you’re not hungry with porridge, you two can also eat steamed buns and steamed buns.”

As Si Ningning spoke, he pressed down the oil paper to reveal the white bun inside.

While Si Ningning was busy working, Mo Bei never took his eyes off her.

  After silence, Mo Bei's pale lips twitched, and he couldn't help but ask: "Shuhan said that you have been busy looking for academicians in the county these days. How about it? Is it going well?"

Si Ningning paused for a moment, nodded and said, "It went smoothly. I've had contact with the academician once before, and he was easy to talk to."

“Have you ever met that academician?” Song Shuhan was confused.

Si Ningning nodded, "Do you remember those cats in the warehouse of our production team? They were obtained from the academician before."

This statement is half true and half false. The cat thing is true, but the "asking for a book" thing is fictitious.

However, Academician Liang does exist, and Si Ningning is not afraid of Song Shuhan and others being suspicious, let alone going to find Academician Liang privately.

If they really have doubts, the most they will do is confirm whether Academician Liang exists. Can they really go to Academician Liang and question whether the "book" is true?

That’s just sick, okay?

 If that's the case, being scolded as a lunatic would be a minor offense. Who in the right mind would do that?

"Speaking of this, it really reminded me of something." Si Ningning grabbed the strap of his backpack and brought his schoolbag forward. He took out the books and handed them to Mo Bei. "I asked for some books from Academician Liang. Should these two books be helpful to you? "

This era is special. Some books cannot be saved, and some people will always use all kinds of tricks to preserve books. Therefore, the two books without book covers handed over by Si Ningning did not arouse any concern. North's excessive attention.

Mo Bei took it and looked at it. There was no cover, so he turned to the first and second pages of the book to check the table of contents. When he saw the words "architecture" that appeared frequently in it, Mo Bei felt his head was buzzing.

Pian Si Ningning didn't understand Mo Bei's resistance to drawing and painting buildings, and was still waiting expectantly for a reply: "How is it? Is it useful?"

"Yeah." Mo Bei closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, then nodded and said, "It's very useful. I'll take a good look at it."

Even if Mo Bei didn't like the book that Si Ningning finally begged for, he wouldn't say it was useless.

Si Ningning didn't know the twists and turns, so Mo Bei said it was useful, so she felt relieved.

Because of saving her, Mo Bei suffered a lot physically this time, which cannot be easily made up for.

Detailed professional course books in this era are rare and hard to find. Now these two books can help Mo Bei, and Mo Bei has accepted them. For Si Ningning, this undoubtedly calmed the balance of guilt in his heart. Some.

Song Shuhan originally questioned Si Ningning's true whereabouts these two days, but now that he saw the book, he no longer doubted it. Instead, he approached Mo Bei with a curious look on his face, "What book is it?"

As he said this, he actually stretched out his hand, took a book from Mo Bei's hand, held it in his hand, and read through it.

 After only turning three or five pages, Song Shuhan had a speechless expression on his face.

It is true that Song Shuhan likes to read, but what he likes to read are literary books. The book he took just now happened to be "Architectural Physics" with the cover removed. At a glance, it was full of "thermosphere temperature" ", "Non-visual biological effects of light" and other obscure principles.

Song Shuhan saw that one head was as big as two.

 If it were a literary book, a thick one like this, Song Shuhan could read it in a week.

 But this is an obscure specialist book, and it involves the science knowledge points that Song Shuhan dislikes the most. Song Shuhan felt that he might not be able to finish reading it in a year.

"This is a good book, Mo Bei. You should read it slowly and take a good look!"

Song Shuhan returned the book to Mo Bei and said to himself: After all, not everyone can become an outstanding person.

If Mo Bei can "gnaw" through these two books, he can be considered a very capable person.

While chatting and joking, Si Ningning tidied up the ward.

Song Shuhan came over to take care of Mo Bei. Of course he also cleaned up the ward, but he was a **** man after all, so he was a little careless about some things.

Song Shuhan didn't feel that the room was messy at first. When Si Ningning first started cleaning up, he didn't notice Si Ningning's motive. It wasn't until Si Ningning cleaned up a corner that Song Shuhan suddenly realized it.

Some felt embarrassed and some were embarrassed, so they started to fight over the broom with Si Ningning, arguing over who would clean it up, "I'll do it, I'll do it."

"It's okay. You probably didn't sleep well if you stayed in bed with me at night. Just sit down and rest!"

"What's the matter? It's not like you don't know his character? He usually doesn't say a word, but he is honest at night. I sleep better than him." Song Shuhan pursed his lips at Mo Bei.

Si Ningning was amused by him. Even with Song Shuhan blocking her, she couldn't do the work, so she simply gave the broom to Song Shuhan, "Then you sweep gently, and I'll clean up the bedside table and cut out the watermelon for a while." tasty."

Song Shuhan smiled and nodded. Mo Bei noticed the snakeskin bag on the ground at the door, "Did you buy watermelon?"

Si Ningning had already walked to the snakeskin bag and squatted down, listening to the movement and nodding lightly "Hmm".

Mo Bei thought of something and looked at a few apples on the bedside table. He then turned to look at the large watermelon in the snakeskin bag. Mo Bei told him, "Don't buy these next time. It's a waste... Keep the money." , prepare some emergency supplies when needed in the future. "Don't you think you are weird? How can you say it's a waste if you eat it all?" Si Ningning looked at Mo Bei with a helpless smile. , told him what he had said to Song Shuhan when he went upstairs, and after a while he told him: "We don't buy these things very often. Now is a special situation. You will have to eat two more pieces in a while."

"...Hmm." Mo Bei said slowly, "Hmm", and for a long time, when Si Ningning turned around and couldn't see his movements, he scratched his head in annoyance.

 Does it seem to be like this every time?

He tried to persuade Si Ningning but failed to stop him. Instead, he was persuaded by Si Ningning.

Mo Bei sighed softly in his heart. Seeing Si Ningning struggling to hold the watermelon, he subconsciously wanted to lift the quilt and get out of bed. When he made a move, Si Ningning let out a "tsk" and gave him a warning look, "Just lie down and don't move!" "

Mo Bei paused and sat still as he was told.

During this period, I heard Si Ningning murmuring: "Either I can't move it, or this melon is said to be cooked and needs to be handled with care, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, as the watermelon was gently placed on the clean bedside table, a very soft "pop" was heard, followed by another crisp "pop", and the huge watermelon was instantly under Si Ningning's hands. split.



Si Ningning turned her head and met Mo Bei's slightly confused gaze on her side.

Si Ningning remained silent for a long time with a dull expression on his face, then he began to say calmly: "You should know the reason, right?"


Song Shuhan, who was cleaning at the end of the bed, couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

 It’s really funny.

Two people who are usually very smart, are either speechless or staring blankly with their big eyes because of a watermelon. Although the atmosphere is a bit strange, the picture feels harmonious no matter how you look at it.

“It’s better to open it by yourself, it’s easier to cut it.” Song Shuhan said with a smile, sweeping a small cluster of dust from the ground into the dustpan, “This watermelon is designated to be sweet, you eat it first, and I’ll return the broom and dustpan.”

Si Ningning and Mo Bei nodded in unison.

After Song Shuhan left, Si Ningning arranged the split watermelon into two halves, selected one half and cut it into small pieces.

 "Here!" Si Ningning picked the big piece in the middle and handed it to Mo Bei.

After Mo Bei took it, he was worried that there would be needles in his hands and it would be difficult for him to move. The watermelon juice would be everywhere and it would be uncomfortable to lie down, so Si Ningning used the oil paper wrapped in breakfast to cushion him in front of him.

Mo Bei followed Si Ningning's action and raised his hand and leaned back, "Does the commune know what happened?"

Mo Bei had the same idea as Huo Lang and others. He felt that the fewer people who knew, the better. So when Song Shuhan was there just now, he didn't have time to ask. When Song Shuhan left, he took advantage of the short gap to mention it.

"I understand." Si Ningning nodded, "This matter is not a trivial matter, and it cannot be overcome with patience."

“Before you found me that day, Wu Yong said in his words that a group of them did this not once or twice.”

Mo Bei frowned and inadvertently touched the stitched wound on his forehead. He gasped in pain and raised his hand to subconsciously touch the wound.

"Don't move!" Upon seeing this, Si Ningning quickly held down his hand and explained after a while of comfort: "This is really annoying, but you don't need to be angry, they can't run away."

Mo Bei heard the implication and grabbed Si Ningning's wrist to hold down his hand. "Don't get involved. Let the brigade and the commune handle it."


Si Ningning nodded and smiled obediently, but deep down in her heart, Xiao Ning sprouted little devil horns in an instant. At this moment, she put her hands on her hips and said with a fierce and triumphant look: It's too late! Because I already sprayed that **** captain until his head was bloody!

 Song Shuhan came back soon, and Mo Bei also let go of Si Ningning.

Si Ningning stood up and picked up a piece of watermelon in each hand, "I'm going to give two pieces to the nurse downstairs. There are a lot of watermelons here. You all can eat them. Don't be embarrassed and don't eat them. It's hot."

Song Shuhan originally thought that he bought this for a sick person. It was not suitable for him to eat, and it would be a bit silly to sit aside without eating. He also thought about not coming in again later.

The results of it?

 The little idea has long been seen through.

Song Shuhan was embarrassed to laugh and scratched the back of his head, "I know Si Zhiqing."

Si Ningning smiled and walked away with two pieces of watermelon.

Although watermelon is not worth anything in Si Ningning's eyes, there are six or seven nurses in the county hospital. In addition to nurses, there are also doctors. If you don't want to be partial, then give it to them all, but that would be too intrusive.

Si Ningning didn't think about it and only gave two yuan to the nurse who lent her a water glass the day before yesterday.

After busying himself with all the big and small things, it was already half past nine in the morning. Si Ningning took a look at the time and put his pocket watch back on his clothes. He stood in the lobby on the first floor and looked out for a while. He never saw a car coming in. He felt that Still feel a little strange.

According to what Huo Lang said, if you come here early in the morning, you must come here early in the morning, but it's already ten o'clock and there's still no one around. Could it be that something happened to the production team?

 Or is it that Horang is now caught up in other things?

Si Ningning felt a little worried and went upstairs anxiously. She originally wanted to find something to do to pass the time and divert her attention, but as soon as she went upstairs, she heard the "buzzing" sound of a car engine outside the window.

 Two steps closer to the window to check. Isn’t it just Shan Mantang’s car?

 “I’ll go downstairs and take a look!”

Si Ningning finished her sentence, turned around and left the ward.

Mo Bei saw Si Ningning's back disappearing, and turned his head to look in the direction of the window. Unfortunately, there was a bed between his bed and the window, so he still didn't see anything when he turned his head.

Mo Bei turned to Song Shuhan and asked, "What's going on outside?"

Song Shuhan was holding a small piece of watermelon in his hand and was eating it. When Mo Bei asked, he took two bites of the red flesh and nibbled down on it twice until only a thin layer of the skin was left. Give up.

Song Shuhan stopped by the window, glanced down, turned around and said, "It's the security captain's car, followed by several police comrades on bicycles..."


I saw someone saying that if the heroine is now in a relationship with Huo Lang, she is a bit ambiguous with Mo Bei. I want to know where this "ambiguity" comes from?

 Because Mo Bei has a crush on the heroine? Or is it because Mo Bei saved the heroine? After all, apart from these, the interaction between the heroine and Mo Bei is normal.

If we want to talk about the details of the interaction, I would also like to ask whether the girls Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua, including the pigs in the pig pen, are all ambiguous. After all, they may not have saved the heroine, but they are very interested in her. They are all very close and friendly, and the heroine is equally gentle and friendly to them.

I'm really speechless. Let's not say that Huo Lang and Si Ningning haven't confirmed their relationship yet. Even if they have confirmed it, in other words, what age is this? Isn't it normal for a girl to be appreciated and liked by others for her excellence? How is it not ambiguous? Is it true that a good woman who "keeps her integrity like a jade" by not talking or interacting with men other than the male protagonist for the rest of her life?

I don’t understand Ah Yao. I hope someone who understands can answer my doubts...

 (End of this chapter)

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