Chapter 251: Stand firm

"Are we going to be okay? Are you sure you have explained everything to me clearly?" Song Shuhan was a little nervous and asked repeatedly, "Has everything been said in place?"

Song Shuhan was not worried that Mo Bei would lie to him. He was only worried that Mo Bei had injured his head and might have forgotten some details, which would make others mistakenly think that he had caught something.

Mo Bei looked calm and was silent for a moment, then said: "It's okay, we are not at fault for this matter. The police should just go through the procedures and take notes when they come over. Nothing can go wrong."

Hearing what he said, Song Shuhan quietly relaxed.

At the same time, downstairs, Si Ningning stopped on the steps at the entrance of the hall. When she saw Huo Lang getting out of the car and carrying a thermos bucket, she felt a little curious, "What did you bring?"

 “Chicken soup, replenish Mo Zhiqing’s health.”

 “Did the Zhougang brigade accompany you? Did you send it here so quickly?”

Holang shook his head, "No, I went back last night and killed him."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, looking away from the thermos bucket and looking up at Huo Lang, "Is it from your home?"

Horang twisted his neck, without nodding or shaking his head. Instead, he raised his chin to one side and said, "Let's talk about this later. Let's deal with business first."

Si Ningning followed his gaze and realized that there were several police comrades wearing dark blue uniforms with red cloth embedded in their collars following the door.

There are four police comrades in total. They just parked their bicycles and followed them to the lobby.

Si Ningning pursed her lips and turned her head to say something, but only then did she realize that Huo Lang's dress today was very different from usual.

The man was tall and strong, and his green military uniform made him as majestic and tall as a poplar on the northwest road. Si Ningning looked down, and sure enough, he saw Huo Lang wearing military boots again...

This look was actually somewhat similar to when Si Ningning met him for the first time.

 Inexplicably, Si Ningning was a little nervous.

For a moment she felt that solving the Wu Yong matter was not as simple as she imagined.

“I’ll go up and communicate with the injured first, everyone is waiting here.”

 “The good Huo team.”

 Several police comrades nodded and had no objections.

 Obviously, they all have great trust and confidence in Holang.

Si Ningning stood beside Huo Lang, nodding in a friendly and polite manner and smiling at several people as a greeting. When Huo Lang turned around, she also turned around.

Following Huo Lang upstairs quickly, Si Ningning lowered her voice and asked nervously: "What's going on? What's the situation now? You..."

Just as he happened to pass the corner of the stairs, avoiding the sight of all outsiders, Si Ningning bit her lip, stopped and pulled on Huo Lang's sleeve, and asked, "You are suddenly dressed so formally. Does it mean that the county does not support my appeal? Or does it mean that they do not Are you ready to take care of this matter...are you putting pressure on them?"

Although it was not confirmed what Huo Lang's job position was in the county, Si Ningning could vaguely sense that his identity was unusual from some details.

Now that Huo Lang has brought people from the Public Security Bureau, Si Ningning subconsciously feels that her actions yesterday did not produce actual results, and Huo Lang is helping her accomplish what she cannot accomplish on her own at this moment...

how to say?

Si Ningning’s mood was a bit complicated.

From the perspective of all victims, Si Ningning was grateful and fortunate that Huo Lang could help her.

But from a personal point of view, Si Ningning felt that she seemed to have caused some unnecessary trouble for Huo Lang.

Obviously, these matters have nothing to do with Huo Lang. He could have ignored them, but now that he has stepped forward, he may not only be using his power, but also his interpersonal relationships.

 This is not a trivial matter.

 How do you say a sentence?

 Favor debts are the most difficult to repay.

Si Ningning didn’t want Huo Lang to bear a debt of gratitude because of her, but this matter was too special and there was no way to stop it halfway.

Si Ningning gradually loosened her grip on Huo Lang's sleeve, lowered her eyes and bit her lip, her slender eyebrows furrowed in contradiction, trying to find a way to get the best of both worlds.

Holang stood two steps above Si Ningning, looking down at Si Ningning's chin that looked too thin because he lowered his head.

"Don't think too much, you did a good job." As if he could see Si Ningning's hesitation, Huo Lang stretched out his big palm and caressed Si Ningning's head. His voice was low and soft, "This matter has caused The top management of the county is paying attention, I just fanned the flames a little to promote efficiency, eh?”


"Of course." Huo Lang smiled hoarsely, and the hand that was stroking the top of Si Ningning's hair slid down and curled up, and flicked Si Ningning's forehead. "Aren't you usually very smart? Why did you become so stupid in this matter? ?”

Leading Si Ningning to the second floor, Huo Langjun's thin lips curved, "Others can't take advantage of me even if they want to, but it's better for you to push me away after I've been delivered to your door. Are you a fool?" "

"Who is so stupid? Aren't I afraid of causing trouble to you?" Si Ningning raised her eyebrows and defended, "If you want to be stupid, you are stupid, others can't avoid it, and no one wants to get involved in the trouble. You are the only one who can do it." Take the initiative to dig in.”

"It's not troublesome, it depends on the matter, not the matter but also the person." Huo Lang smiled lightly and pointedly said.

As he spoke, he walked to the denial side of the door of the ward. Huo Lang paused and said before Si Ningning could speak: "I'll go in and talk to Mo Zhiqing so that I can take notes later. You go to the outpatient room on the first floor for a walk." ?”

Si Ningning didn't understand that this was intentional to push her away, but it was no longer her only matter. For Huo Lang, this matter was now also part of his official duties.

Si Ningning nodded with a "hmm". In order to avoid disturbing Huo Lang's office, Si Ningning chose to put aside her worries for the time being.

“Song Shuhan is still inside, do you want me to go talk to him? Make room for you.”

 “No, I can do it myself.”

"All right…"

Under Huo Langdi’s gaze, Si Ningning turned around and went downstairs hesitantly.

The moment Si Ningning disappeared around the corner of the stairs, the smile on Huo Lang's face faded, and a pair of sharp arched eyebrows frowned seriously. His pupils flickered, as if he had gone through the draft again in a short time, and then turned around and knocked on the door after confirming that it was correct. , "Song Zhiqing, Mo Zhiqing, how are you feeling today..."

Huo Lang entered the ward, and Song Shuhan quickly packed up a stool and handed it to him.

After sitting down, Huo Lang mentioned the purpose of his visit, but didn't say much else. Song Shuhan knew that it was not suitable for him to be present on this occasion, so he stood up and said, "You guys chat first, I will go to the cafeteria to get some hot water and come back." "

As soon as Song Shuhan left, there were only two men left in the ward who were not very easy to deal with, and the atmosphere was deadlocked for a moment.

Hong Lang was silent and opened the lid of the thermos bucket. The bottom of the thermos bucket was chicken soup, and the sandwich above was a dinner plate. It now contained two very large chicken legs. Huo Lang removed the dish first, then placed the dish and the thermos bucket on the bedside table next to Mo Bei. "There is nothing tonic in the cafeteria. You drink some soup first, and we will talk about other things after you finish it."

Seeing Mo Bei frowning and staring at him unkindly, Huo Lang smiled without hesitation, grasped what Mo Bei cared about most and said: "Or do you want to continue to be weak like this and let Si Ningning sleep and eat?" Uneasy?"

 Mo Bei's brows relaxed and he struggled for a moment. Finally, his tense shoulders relaxed. He stretched out his hand and held the thermos bucket close to his lips with ten bloodless fingers.

Mo Bei's family is in good condition, and he has not been short of money since he went to the countryside. However, because the production team is somewhat far away from the town, and it usually takes a while to go to the town, so there are not many opportunities to get dirty.

Even so, Mo Bei was not greedy for meat, but he didn't know if it was because of the excessive blood loss this time. His body felt a lack of energy and had to make up for it. The chicken soup in the thermos bucket was good for him. , actually became a kind of temptation.

Smelling the delicious aroma of the chicken soup in front of him, Si Ningning's frowning and worried look appeared in his mind. Mo Bei stopped hesitating and raised his head to take a sip.

During this period, Huo Lang kept watching Mo Bei.

 In terms of his personal situation, Huo Lang was indeed a little hostile to Mo Bei, but putting aside his personal situation, Huo Lang did not forget that the boy in front of him was the child of his predecessor.

 “I didn’t feel low after drinking the soup, so I ate the chicken legs.”

 When Mo Bei finished eating the soup and chicken drumsticks, Huo Lang asked, "Anything else?"

"..." Mo Beiling pursed his lips, and a faint blush flashed across his cold face. He put the thermos bucket back on the bedside table and said stubbornly: "I will return it to you when I get back."

 “As long as you’re happy.” Holang shrugged.

The ward fell into brief silence again, but this time it was Mo Bei who broke the deadlock:

 “What went wrong?”

 “You came to me, what do you need me to do?”

Just as Huo Lang could feel Mo Bei's resistance to him, Mo Bei could also feel Huo Lang's displeasure with him. If it weren't for a special reason, there would be no way that Huo Lang would come to him.

 At present, what can be called a "special" incident is the incident about Si Ningning.

Mo Bei was lying in the hospital. There was no news of the specific situation outside. Huo Lang came with such a big fanfare, shouldn't there have been bad fallacies?

Thinking of this, Mo Bei couldn't help but worry, and immediately leaned forward on the bed. If Huo Lang hadn't been sitting a little far away from him, she might have grabbed Huo Lang's collar, "Si Ningning was here just now, she Where is she now?"

 The violent movement moved the needle of the bottle, and the iron frame on which the bottle was hung swayed back and forth.

Horang first stabilized the iron frame, then clasped Mo Bei's hand that caused the needle to return blood due to the movement, and laid it flat on the bed. "I will explain the situation to you next, so don't worry."

 Waiting for Mo Bei to gradually calm down, Huo Lang asked him a question first: "Did Si Ningning tell you the details? She went to the commune to record the notes."

Mo Bei shook his head.

Holland paused, a little surprised.

He guessed that Si Ningning did not disclose it to Mo Bei and probably had his own ideas. However, considering the purpose of his coming here this time, Huo Lang thought about it and finally chose to simply tell Mo Bei what happened.

Mo Bei frowned, his expression full of disapproval: "What people say is terrible. This matter is out of consideration. If word spreads, it will be very difficult for her to walk in this area in the future. You..."

Mo Bei wanted to ask why Huo Lang didn't stop Si Ningning, but he stopped talking when he thought about Si Ningning's usual behavior.

If he could have stopped him, I'm afraid Huo Lang would have stopped him long ago. How could he wait until now for him to ask?

Mo Bei felt heavy in his heart and couldn't think of a better way for the moment.

Huo Lang said: "You should know something about her character. This matter is not trivial. If you can't persuade her, then protect her."

"Now this matter has attracted the attention of the county, but it is difficult to find other witnesses, so the result of the matter will be deviated." Huo Lang paused as he spoke, and continued to speak earnestly for a while:

"Si Ningning is right. Simply imprisoning him is useless. If Wu Yong is not executed completely, and when he is released after serving his sentence, even if Si Ningning cannot be found for revenge, it is difficult to guarantee whether he will continue. hurt others."

The "other witnesses" that Huo Lang mentioned actually refer to the girls who were coaxed and defiled by Wu Yong and his group.

In fact, it is easy to understand. There are few places in the countryside. Even if the special commissioner goes to investigate, those who have been hurt will not dare to stand up and say a word after hearing the news.

People are conservative in their thinking and are afraid of being embarrassed. On the other hand, they don’t want to let the girl in the family live in the shadow of other people’s comments all her life just because they are fighting for a moment. Therefore, the victim and the victim’s family are invisibly affected. After uniting the front, they all chose to suffer this dumb loss.

 But without other witnesses, what Si Ningning said cannot be verified, let alone be used as testimony.

It cannot be used as testimony. Not only can the public security organs not be able to convict Wu Yong, but if Wu Yong and his group are quick-thinking, they might bite back.

Mo Bei heard the clue and was silent for a moment. Then he suddenly raised his eyelids and looked up at Huo Lang, "What are your plans?"

Faced with Mo Bei's question, Huo Lang simply replied with a few words:

 “Stand firm.”

Stand firm…

To ensure Si Ningning’s safety, Wu Yong must be convicted.

With just a few words, Mo Bei suddenly understood, "I understand."

The light outside the window was bright at first glance, and two men sat facing each other in the room, with two delicate and sharp faces looking at each other from a distance.

Obviously they were resisting contact with the other party deep down, but at this moment it seemed that they had reached some kind of consensus. After understanding what the other party meant, no one said anything else.

After a long time, Mo Bei sat up straight and was about to pull out the needle on the back of his hand, "People from the Public Security Bureau are here to take me there?"

"It's not convenient for you to go there, I asked them to come over." Huo Lang stood up when he spoke, "If you are ready, I asked them to come over now."

"Let them come." Mo Bei lay back on the pillow, his starry eyes looking at the wall above his head, "I'm ready."


Holang nodded and left the ward with his boots banging.

About three to five minutes after Mo, the door to the ward was closed, and a male official question could be faintly heard inside.

At that time, Huo Lang put his hands on his knees, straightened up his handsome face, and sat on the bench in the corridor as seriously as Mr. Guan.

He was thinking about something, and he didn't know why Si Ningning was sitting next to him.

 (End of this chapter)

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