Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 252: Preliminary prediction

Chapter 252 Preliminary Prediction

It was not until Si Ningning tilted his head to look at the aisle and stabbed him in the waist in the eyes of others that Huo Lang suddenly came back to his senses.

 “Is the outpatient clinic fun?”


Si Ningning called out to Huo Lang several times, and finally managed to get Huo Lang's attention back, but was left speechless by this question, "What is fun? I went to the clinic to help, not to play."

Holang relaxed, smiled and apologized, "I didn't mean that. Is the clinic not busy today?"

 “Maybe because of concerns about medical expenses, there are very few people coming to see a doctor.” Si Ningning nodded.

Noticing that Huo Lang's peach blossom eyes were frequently distracted, Si Ningning suddenly became serious, "Did something go wrong? If you have any problems, you have to tell me. I am one of the people involved in this matter and have the right to know."

If there is a problem, we can discuss it together. Si Ningning doesn't want to be one of the victims, but be kept in the dark, so that she doesn't know what happens or what happens next.

 “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you.”

“Then why are you distracted all the time?” Si Ningning continued to ask.

Thinking of something, she looked at Huo Lang and said seriously again: "If you need help with anything, you can also tell me, just like you help me, as long as I can work hard, I will help you."

Holang smiled hoarsely and explained casually: "I know, it's actually nothing. It just takes a few days to think about it and then implement it."

Si Ningning half-believed and half-questioned: "Is it really just like this?"

Horang shrugged, and Gu Zuo asked with a relaxed expression, "Otherwise, what else could it be?"


Si Ningning was successfully led astray by Huo Lang, and Zhen, who was on the sidelines, rationally analyzed how long it would take for this matter to be settled.

While Si Ningning opened and closed her lips and chattered endlessly, Huo Lang's heart felt heavy.

 He gave Mo Bei some advice and reached a consensus with Mo Bei that Wu Yong would most likely not be able to escape from this matter, but this matter was disgraceful after all.

Having received more than ten years of ideological education on the importance of being honest and upright, Huo Lang had already thought twice and had an ideological struggle before raising this matter with Mo Bei.

Horang did not intend to let Si Ningning know about this matter.

He was afraid that Si Ningning would definitely stop him from interfering in the matter if he knew what happened. If he wanted to deal with Wu Yong and his party at that time, Si Ningning would definitely find another way.

That would be too risky.

 Let alone criticize Wu Yong and his group, if one is not good, even Si Ningning may be blamed for it.

Horang is not willing to see that kind of result, let alone accept it.

Huo Lang has this kind of worry entirely because Si Ningning is a little girl with no background.

It's true that Si Ningning is a little girl, and it's true that she doesn't have a backstage, but she is different from most little girls of this era. She is educated and has advanced ideas. Although she can't use force, she can win because of her quick thinking. , know how to pick up the "weapons" at your disposal to protect your own rights and interests.

Even without the help of Huo Lang and others, she insists on walking alone on this road. There may be some twists and turns, but whether the ending is really as embarrassing as Huo Lang suspected, the answer is not necessarily.

"At first, mediator Hu said that the results would be available in three to five days. It was just one night and today he came to Mo Bei to make a record. There were no other witnesses present in this matter, and there is no need to make a record in the future. I think it should be better than expected. Hurry up in three to five days..."

Si Ningning was still talking nonchalantly, but Huo Lang no longer wanted to dwell on this matter, so he tilted his head slightly and gently changed the subject: "I can finish everything before noon, so I have to take the opportunity to go see it. Are you looking at Academician Liang? Academician Liang must have finished eating his pickles."

"Uh..." Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. Although she also wanted to go over and see how Academician Liang was doing, after careful consideration, she shook her head and said, "When this matter is over, we can find another opportunity."

 Now that things have not been implemented, she always feels uneasy.

Her main purpose is to deal with the evildoers and seek justice for herself and the girls. In addition, Mo Bei's blood cannot be spared in vain...if justice is not sought, it will implicate other people around her.

 Huo Lang was also a little absent-minded, so he didn't dwell too much on this matter. After nodding "hmm", he and Si Ningning sat in rows like obedient babies, waiting for the news.

Probably half an hour passed, and no one deliberately recorded the time, so it could have been forty minutes or even longer.

Four comrades from the public security department came out of the ward. Huo Lang and Si Ningning in the corridor almost stood up as soon as they heard the sound of the door opening.

 Before Si Ningning and Huo Lang could ask questions, one of the police comrades holding a notebook took the initiative and said: "Captain Huo, this matter is not going away. It is initially estimated that it will start in 20 years."

“The bureau will intensify its efforts to continue investigating other incidents and witnesses in the past two days. If new witnesses emerge, once confirmed to be true, additional penalties will be added based on the seriousness of the incident.”

Horang understood what this meant.

Si Ningning’s previous transcript information provided at the commune, because no other girl came forward to confirm the authenticity of the matter, Si Ningning’s words cannot be included in the actual testimony for the time being.

The "20-year start" mentioned by the police is more based on the injuries on Si Ningning and Mo Bei, as well as Mo Bei's witness testimony.

 If other girls who have been bullied come forward later, the incident will turn into another form, a gang crime, involving many victims, and it will be a deliberate serial case over and over again.

As the mastermind, Wu Yong, the only thing waiting for him is the death penalty.

Huo Lang nodded, indicating that he understood. Several police officers looked at each other and continued: "We are going to the hospital to obtain a medical report of the injured, and then return to the station to report the news. If nothing else, we will go there this afternoon. The commune is asking for help. Captain Huo, is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"I feel relieved to leave the matter to you." Huo Lang shook his head and patted the police officer holding the notebook in his hand, "Thank you for your hard work."

“Haha, serving the people is what we should do, and we feel honored for it.” Several police comrades were all young, and when they heard Huo Lang’s words, they all scratched the back of their heads in embarrassment.

Before leaving, the police comrade said something very serious: "The educated youth comrade in the ward is the real people's hero if he doesn't step forward despite the risks. We will mention this matter to the commune director, so that The good comrades should be commended!”

Huo Lang praised a few words, then followed behind to send several police comrades to get the medical report, and then sent the group to leave. At the same time, the big stone hanging in Si Ningning's heart was at this moment Finally settled.

Even if no witnesses appear later, twenty years is enough.

 The difference between twenty years and thirty-five years is huge, not only because the time is longer, but also because today, twenty years later, is the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.

At that time, the law and security of various departments will have made great progress. Even if Wu Yong is released from prison, if he wants to do bad things, his actions will be restricted.

This may not be the best ending, but for Si Ningning, it is the limit of what she can achieve and strive for.

 Although it is only an estimate and not the final result, it is hard to hide the fact that this is a good sign.

The big stone in his heart dropped, and Si Ningning's steps became much lighter. Si Ningning walked into the room and tidied up the messy bed where several police comrades were sitting. Si Ningning asked in a brisk tone: "We have been talking for so long, are you thirsty? Do you want some water?"

Without waiting for Mo Bei's answer, she continued: "You haven't fully recovered yet. You have been sitting for so long today. Do you want to take a rest and sleep?"

As he spoke, he put the bedding on the bed next to Mo Bei's bed neatly. He didn't wait for Mo Bei's response until he finished tidying up. Si Ningning felt vaguely strange. He turned around and saw Mo Bei's eyebrows furrowed and his starry eyes. Staring fixedly in the direction of the end of the bed.

  It is almost exactly the same as how Holang looked in a daze just now.

Si Ningning straightened up and put his hands on both sides of his slim waist with his wrists. "What are you two doing today?"

Mo Bei was stunned, then turned to look at Si Ningning, "What did you just say?"

Si Ningning was not unhappy, but felt a little strange.

But she won't care about Huo Lang, and naturally she won't care about Mo Bei, a sick man.

Waving his hands to indicate that it was okay, Si Ningning changed his tone and said, "The police comrades are more serious, so it takes a lot of energy for you to talk to them, right? Are you tired? Do you want to lie down and rest for a while?"

"It's okay, I'll just stay there for a while." Mo Bei said with twinkling eyes.

Si Ningning put another pillow behind Mo Bei so that Mo Bei could lean on it more comfortably. "There are also apples. Do you want to eat an apple?"

Mo Bei nodded, "Okay."

Si Ningning was sitting on the stool beside the bed, concentrating on peeling the apple. She thought of something, she raised her head and glanced at Mo Bei, then lowered her head to pay attention to the knife in her hand, "Mo Bei, do you have any needles tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?" ?”

“No, I’ll just change the dressing on the wound at a fixed point...What’s wrong?”

"Well... I have something to ask you." Si Ningning thought about it for a moment, stopped and said seriously: "Do you remember what I told you about Academician Liang and the cats on our team?"

Mo Bei nodded.

Si Ningning continued: "I got that cat from Academician Liang. My injury is almost healed. You will be discharged from the hospital in two days, so I thought of asking you to draw a picture and send it to Academician Liang before I go back." "

  "Those cats in the warehouse of the painting production team?" Mo Bei instantly understood what Si Ningning meant, nodded and replied, "Okay, but I need you to find a pen and paper for me."

 Academician Liang not only gave cats to the production team, but also gave books to Si Ningning, two of which were handed over to him by Si Ningning...

Mo Bei thought that both Si Ningning and him should thank Academician Liang.

 Painting is not difficult for him. As long as he has enough time, he can draw a few more pictures.

Si Ningning was overjoyed when he heard this, but hesitated for a moment, "Well... I forgot to ask you just now. Doesn't it matter if I don't have a physical reference?"

Mo Bei nodded, "I often go to the warehouse to pick up tools. I remember the looks of those cats."

"Okay!" Si Ningning finally calmed down and pursed his lips with a bright smile, "When Song Shuhan comes back later, I will go to the department store to have a look. Are there any requirements for pens and paper for drawing?"

 “An ordinary pencil and notebook will do.”


As soon as the conversation ended, there was movement at the door, which made the two of them turn their heads at the same time. They saw Huo Lang and Song Shuhan walking in with an enamel jar.

"You're back! You're back just in time. I just happened to be going to buy something." Si Ningning finished peeling the remaining peel twice, used a knife to draw a circle around the outside of the apple, and then broke the apple into two halves. Half was handed to Mo Bei, and the other half was placed in the empty bowl on the bedside table.

 You can take more if you don’t have enough food. If you have a poor appetite and can’t eat the whole thing, and the remaining half has bite marks and drool, it’s hard for others to take it and eat it.

“I’ll leave this to you first,” Si Ningning said with a smile from Song Shuhan.

  While speaking, she was also quick with her hands. She stuffed a whole apple into Huo Lang who was standing by the bed, and quickly cut off two sizable pieces of watermelon with a knife.

Song Shuhan was stunned by Si Ningning's operation, but considering that Si Ningning bought these things, Si Ningning certainly had absolute control over them, so he didn't pay too much attention.

Pushing up his glasses, Song Shuhan smiled politely and said, "Okay, you can go ahead. There's nothing big going on here."

Si Ningning asked Mo Bei and Song Shuhan if there was anything else they needed to buy for them. After confirming that there was nothing else, she turned her head and winked at Huo Lang, with a faint smile on her pink lips and said softly: "Then let's go quickly? Go back quickly!”

  Holang nodded, "Okay."

 Huo Lang has a rationed car, so it is convenient for him to accompany Si Ningning out. This is something Song Shuhan takes for granted, but when it comes to Mo Bei's ears, it doesn't sound so wonderful.

Mo Bei subconsciously turned to look at Si Ningning, but only saw the backs of Si Ningning and Huo Lang turning to go out.


Even if I mind, I have no position to stop him.

Chasing without recognition can only be done by self-adjustment...

Mo Bei's jawline was tight. He lowered his head and clenched and unclenched his hands, then unclenched and clenched them again.

On the other hand, after coming out of the ward, Si Ningning asked Huo Lang to put away the apples for now, then handed the watermelon over, "If the apples are not bad, you can eat them later. Let's eat the watermelon first! My hands are sore." "

Huo Lang's eyelids were slightly lowered, staring at the watermelon handed over by Si Ningning.

The little girl’s small white hands are in sharp contrast to the bright red soil watermelon, making them even more transparent and white.

Holang took the watermelon and asked in a meaningful way, "Is it appropriate for me to eat the food given to the wounded?"

"I bought this, what's wrong with it?" Si Ningning looked puzzled, and after a while she analyzed it with Huo Lang, "Even if I didn't buy it, you ran around and got out of the car again. , it’s human support again, what’s wrong with eating a piece of watermelon?”

Huo Lang's arched eyebrows were slightly raised in pleasure, but what mattered in his heart was not what Si Ningning said.


Horang opened his mouth and bit a notch on the moon-shaped watermelon.

Watermelon is not only juicy, but also very sweet.


Ayao will work hard to update, but it is true that there are a lot of things this month. We will take wedding photos in Sanya from the 6th to the 12th of the first month. In the past few days, my grandfather at home is not likely to be able to last long because he is old, so he has to go back and forth to the hospital at home... It's harmful, That’s all. I don’t know what else to say. I hope the lovely readers will understand.

 (End of this chapter)

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