Chapter 253: Coax~

  When he thought that Si Ningning brought this watermelon to him alone, Huo Lang couldn't help but curl up his thin lips. He felt the sweet taste spreading from his mouth to his heart.

However, Huo Lang was not happy for two seconds. After finishing the watermelon in his hand, when he reached out to take another piece of watermelon from Si Ningning, he was slapped on the hand by Si Ningning.

Si Ningning glared at Huo Lang with wide eyes, "What are you doing?"

"What else can we do? Eat watermelon." Huo Lang said seriously.

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and when she realized what she was doing, she burst into laughter. She walked down the stairs with the watermelon in her hands and took the lead, "I like watermelon and I'll buy it later when I get the chance. This piece is for Comrade Shan, but it's not For you."

Shan Mantang is Huo Lang's driver. He has been frequently driving his car to help with errands in the past few days. There must be some influence from Huo Lang's instructions. But this is one thing. For Si Ningning as the beneficiary, it is another thing.

  How should I thank you?

 People will definitely not accept you as a gift or treat to a meal, so treat him to a piece of watermelon and show your gratitude. Si Ningning will not feel burdened and the other person will feel comfortable.

 Perhaps some people think that this is a bit of a fuss, or that this approach is too tactful, but Si Ningning disagrees with this in her heart.

 Speech and behavior are both an art. Sometimes a small action or sentence can make people feel warm, and these are often the key points for the success of an event.

Even if there is no special incident, others will feel relaxed and comfortable getting along with you, and will be more willing to negotiate with you...

This is a way to maintain communication. Either smooth or smooth is good. Si Ningning does not think it is a derogatory term, but in her heart she is more willing to classify this way of dealing with the correct way of dealing with people.

Huo Lang raised a smile on his lips and followed behind. He understood what Si Ningning meant, but he deliberately teased: "He is very rough. This small piece of watermelon is probably not Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. He ate it in a hurry and didn't know the taste." ?”

Si Ningning thought Huo Lang was reminding him. He looked at the watermelon in his hand and stopped suddenly. It seemed that there was a little bit too little?

 “I’ll go up and cut two more pieces!”

Si Ningning turned around and was about to go upstairs, but Huo Langxu stopped him. It was not easy to grab Si Ningning's hand in the courtyard, so he compromised and grabbed the strap of Si Ningning's backpack, "I'm kidding you." Why do you take that seriously? Not many people are willing to buy watermelon. This piece is enough, and it’s so sweet.”

 “Okay, stop inking and get in the car quickly.”

Si Ningning was persuaded by Huo Lang and approached the car and handed the watermelon to Shan Mantang. Shan Mantang smiled with a bit of embarrassment on his face. Si Ningning expressed his feelings tactfully and added Next to him, Huo Lang offered a few words of help, and Shan Mantang accepted the watermelon.

While Shan Mantang was eating watermelon, Si Ningning opened the car door and got in. He originally wanted to close the door as before, but unexpectedly, Huo Lang, who always sat in the passenger seat, followed him in this time. Si Ningning had to go to the other side of the car. The window direction was moved.

 “What are you doing?” Si Ningning asked blankly.

 Huo Lang glanced at Si Ningning, closed the car door with a snap, and said seriously: "Why don't you do it? It's too sunny in front."

 At about 11 o'clock, the sun gradually turns to the top of the head. If you sit in front, you will indeed be exposed to the sun.

Si Ning did not question Huo Lang’s words.

Shan Mantang finished eating the watermelon and quickly started driving the car out of the hospital compound.

It was quiet for about five minutes along the road. Si Ningning turned her head to look at the street outside, and suddenly noticed something hooked her little finger on the hand that was propped up on the seat. She turned around and saw Huo Lang sitting next to her in a bold and serious manner, peach blossoms. He stared straight ahead, his face couldn't be more upright.

Looking further down, the thing hooking her little finger was gone, and Huo Lang's hand was held five centimeters away from her hand.


Si Ningning was speechless for a while.

  Holang turned his head "just in time" at this moment, "What's wrong?"

 You are serious and "not serious", but you still ask me what's wrong? What did you say?

Si Ningning opened her eyes wide and tilted her chin slightly to look at Huo Lang.

The latter rubbed back the short hair on his forehead, with a faint smile in his peach blossom eyes, and as if he didn't know anything about it, he changed the subject and asked seriously: "What should I go to the department store to buy?"

“You can buy a pen and a notebook, or you can buy paper instead of a notebook.”

 “What is it used for?”

 “Painting.” Si Ningning answered truthfully.

Holang said "hmm" and asked again: "You draw?"

“No.” Si Ningning shook his head.

She knows many things, such as piano, dance, multiple languages, etc., but she has never dabbled in painting and the like.

 “It’s a painting by Mo Bei.” Si Ningning said truthfully.

Holang paused and turned to look at Si Ningning. The smile in his peach blossom eyes faded slightly, as if he didn't hear clearly. He asked again as if to verify, "Buy it for Mo Bei?"

It’s not that Huo Lang didn’t hear clearly, he was just a little confused.

 I bought something for Mo Bei, for painting.

Mo Bei said he wanted it, so Si Ningning bought it for him?

In that instant, many thoughts flashed through Holang's mind, so that the words he finally blurted out had a sour taste: "This stone is really not in vain."

 Things have been bought, and the love has been paid attention to. The relationship should have become much closer, right?

Thinking of this, Huo Lang couldn't help but think of the scene of Si Ningning thoughtfully feeding Mo Bei water two days ago.

 Suddenly, my heart felt even more sour.

Si Ningning didn't hear clearly what Huo Lang said, but only vaguely got a rough idea. Then she tilted her head and looked at Huo Lang and said with a smile, "Why don't you suffer in vain? Do you still have this habit? Then I'll get it for you when you get back." Two times?”

It was originally a joke, but after Si Ningning finished speaking, Huo Lang suddenly turned his head.

Looking at the deep peach blossom eyes reflecting the smile on his lips, Si Ningning suddenly choked on his saliva and stammered, "What, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Huo Lang shook his head, and then said "Okay" very seriously.


Si Ningning became increasingly confused.

what's good?

 Do you really want her to go back and give him a couple of blows? ?

Si Ningning turned her face, stared at the back of the driver's seat in front of her and rubbed her face blankly, her face wrinkled into a black man's question mark emoticon.   Holang, it’s getting really weird.

Horang was familiar with the county routes, and so was the department store.

Looking for a place to park in front of Shanmantang, Huo Lang and Si Ningning went straight to the department store. After entering the lobby on the first floor, Huo Lang pointed to several places:

“There’s a soda vendor there, do you want a drink?”

“That counter sells sweets, White Rabbit, and some snacks. Do you want to buy some?”

 “And over there…”

Holang was wearing a uniform and military boots. He was really eye-catching and attracted a lot of people's attention the moment he entered the hall. After his random pointing, all the salespersons in the state-owned stores stretched their necks, eager to try.

"No need!" Si Ningning touched the cuffs of Huo Lang's uniform and quickly pulled down his hands pointing in various directions. "Let's buy the things we need first. The soda here doesn't taste good. I'll make some for you when we get back. The one I gave you last time."

Huo Lang originally wanted to take Si Ningning to try them one by one, but instead of coaxing him, Si Ningning coaxed him to go elsewhere by the hem of his clothes.

Holang chuckled teasingly, "Yeah."

 Although it was a bit unexpected, Holang was also happy with it.

Si Ningning, the county department store, had only visited it briefly once before, and her understanding of its layout was basically equivalent to a newcomer’s first visit.

So, after walking around the stairs for only a few steps, Si Ningning began to feel a little dizzy. She passed some counters twice without knowing it.

Huo Lang secretly laughed at Si Ningning's confusion and said, "Pencils and stationery are in the northwest corner of the second floor."

Wandering all the way to the second floor, Si Ningning stood in front of the stationery counter and looked around. There were more types of stationery in the county department store than in the town, but only one or two more.

Si Ningning chose a few pencils and looked at the notebook again. The quality of the notebook was similar to the one he bought before. It was just fine for writing. For drawing, the paper was thin and might not be able to withstand the drawing of the pencil back and forth.

Si Ningning frowned and turned around, and suddenly saw something like a roll of paper placed on the corner of the counter. Si Ningning leaned forward slightly and looked at it, "What kind of paper is that?"

The **** salesperson couldn't help but look away from Huo Lang who was beside Si Ningning. She squatted down and took out a roll from the glass cabinet, "This is paper washed out of bamboo and hemp. You don't want to buy it individually. If you want it, just buy it." I have to buy a knife.”

Si Ningning nodded knowingly, "Can I take it apart and take a look?"

The bamboo and linen paper was a large roll, tied with a hemp rope on the outside. Si Ningning wanted to take it apart and see what was inside.

The salesperson nodded, took the initiative to pull off the hemp rope neatly, shook out the paper and showed it to Si Ningning, "Generally communes purchase a lot of this paper, and they take it back to write notices. Some of their leading cadres don't know how to write with pens, so they just I know how to use a brush, but our ordinary notebooks are too small to write with brushes.”

Si Ningning nodded again, understanding what the salesman meant.

The size of the bamboo and linen paper is about the same as that of the four-open test papers of later generations. The paper is not as smooth as that of later generations. Occasionally, you can touch some tiny lumps and particles. This may be because it is mainly used for calligraphy. The paper is very thick and will not be easily damaged. .

Si Ningning thought it would work, so she asked the salesperson, "How can I sell this bamboo and hemp paper knife? Do I need a ticket?"

"I want an industrial roll. 100 sheets of paper cost one yuan and four cents." The salesperson glanced at Huo Lang's uniform and explained to Si Ningning: "If you have a stamp stamped by the commune, it will cost you one yuan and three cents."

The seal does not necessarily have to be from the commune. Some special state-owned units in the county can also be used. It is mainly used to prove identity. Some of the rules are actually similar to "military members have priority" when queuing for a bus.

"I'll come over next time to get a note. This time I'll buy it at the regular price. How much is the total?" Huo Lang's big hand slightly opened the left side of his shirt, pretending to take money out of the inner pocket. Si Ningning quickly saw his hand holding it down, "I come."

Si Ningning couldn't refuse and glanced at Huo Lang, then turned sideways and asked the salesperson, "How do you calculate the industrial coupons? Do you need a coupon for every dollar of paper you buy?"

“Each product has different requirements. For paper, if it costs less than three dollars, it will cost you one coupon. If it exceeds three dollars, you will need two coupons.”

Si Ningning nodded. People who don’t have coupons will have to spend a lot of money to get coupons alone. If you think about it, it is more appropriate to buy three-dollar paper.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning looked around again, pointed to the corner of the counter where the paper was placed, and asked: "I see there are red ones over there, is that also paper? Do you sell wheel knives?"

“Yes, there are 50 sheets of paper per cut, which is actually the same amount as white paper. Because it is mostly used for New Year couplets and some festive events, the paper needs to be larger.”

The salesperson explained it again and again, pulled out the hemp rope and shook the paper out for Si Ningning to see. After Si Ningning confirmed that there was no problem, the salesperson asked: "Do you want it, comrade? If you want it, I will tie it up together for you."

"Yes, one sword with white paper and two swords with red paper." Si Ningning affirmed.

The salesperson nodded quickly. After Si Ningning took out the check and settled the money, the salesperson counted the number of pieces of paper in front of Si Ningning. After confirming that there was no problem, he found an anti-fouling oil paper bag and tied it outside.

During this period, Huo Lang turned slightly and asked Si Ningning, "Why did you buy so much red paper?"

You can still write on the white paper as usual. Si Ningning bought two pieces of red paper. Huo Lang really couldn't guess what her use was.

“We’ll talk about it after we buy it.” Si Ningning curved her lips into a smile, “Our team will officially start classes soon, and we will tie them into little red flowers and give them to the children who study well.”

 Pencil notebooks can be used as rewards for the top few children who study well.

Large-scale rewards will definitely not work, as they can easily arouse tongues. It is just right to buy some red paper and tie it with small red flowers. Although it is not very practical, it can also be used as an excellence award or consolation prize to stimulate the fighting spirit of other children.

Huo Lang probably understood what Si Ningning meant, but after thinking about it, Huo Lang said: "The literacy class is organized by the commune. Even if there is a reward, you should not get the money."

"Let's leave it like this for now." Si Ningning frowned, shrugged and said indifferently: "This is my own idea, don't alert the captain and the others first... If it can have good results in the future, we will see how to follow up later. We will communicate with the commune and formulate a plan for other brigades and production teams to follow suit. It depends on what the directors of the commune want to do."

Since she has been assigned the position of teacher, Si Ningning will do her best to teach the children knowledge, but she does not want some children to read rote books or only know how to read.

Si Ningning feels it is necessary to occasionally organize some small games and give some small rewards.

This is just Si Ningning’s personal thought.

If she is determined to do it, Si Ningning will do her best to gradually improve her idea, instead of tying up others and forcing others to pay to complete her idea.

Getting a large package of paper handed over by the salesperson, Si Ningning was about to take it when Huo Lang stretched out his arm and cut it off halfway.

Si Ningning smiled understandingly and didn't bother him. Instead, she asked the salesperson, "Do you have a pencil sharpener? Get me one too."

“Isn’t there a knife in the hospital? You can cut it with that one,” said Huo Lang.

Si Ningning paused for a moment with a "hmm", shook her head and said: "That's for cutting fruits, and I borrowed it from the nurse. I'll definitely need it when I go back to the production team in the future, so I'd better buy one to avoid having to worry about it when I go back to the production team." "He was in a hurry."

 (End of this chapter)

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