Chapter 254 Leaving

Huo Lang stopped talking, but couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "What a classy girl."

Thinking about when they went to the battlefield, if anyone had a dagger, it was not just a dagger. The upper part could be used to dig soil, and the lower part could be used to cut away carrion from wounds, dig some wild vegetables or catch a mouse by chance, and it could also be used as a knife. Here comes the kitchen knife...

Holang sighed with emotion for a while, then shook his head again, thinking that things are different now than in previous years.

 The girl and the boy have different ideas, so it’s normal to be particular.

“You’ve bought everything, are you ready to go back?”


“Looks like it’s almost time for lunch, do you want to eat before going back?”

Si Ningning originally wanted to say no, but then she thought about the fact that she agreed to buy breakfast for Huo Lang yesterday, and after all the trouble today, Huo Lang probably didn't even eat it.

So he changed his tone and said: "Okay, let's finish the meal and go back first. You have been working with me for several days, so I am grateful to you for this meal!"

Huo Lang opened and closed his thin lips, obviously he had something to say, but Si Ningning didn't give him this chance, and blocked Huo Lang's next sentence with one sentence: "But I just bought paper... I don't have much money left, so I can only I’ll ask you to eat something more ordinary, but you can’t object to it!”

 Is Si Ningning short of money?

That must not be possible.

 It’s just that the “expenses” in the past two days have been too much. I just spent several yuan to buy paper, and I also brought out watermelons, apples and the like earlier. In the eyes of outsiders, it looks like I have spent a lot of money.

Si Ningning couldn't afford to spend a few dollars to treat Huo Lang to dinner, but she was just afraid that it would arouse suspicion from others...

 So it’s better to be cautious, keep everything simple first, and fill it in from other places later.

This era does not pay attention to the AA system between men and women. When we go out together, everyone eats his own food and pays his own money. But friends, colleagues and the girls he likes are different after all. Huo Lang never thought of letting Si Ningning spend money to treat him to dinner.

But Si Ningning has already talked about it. If he doesn't want to, wouldn't it mean that he dislikes Si Ningning for inviting him to eat "ordinary" meals?

Horang nodded slightly and sighed, thinking in his mind: Cunning girl, after all the good and bad things have been said, how can he still have any choice?

“Okay, but I’m not too hungry. I can just eat whatever I want.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sensible and I will never support you!” Si Ningning winked playfully and got into the car with leaps and bounds.

When Huo Lang got into the car, Si Ningning leaned forward slightly, pointed forward and gave orders: "Comrade Shan, please excuse me, let's go to the state-owned hotel!"

 “Okay Si Zhiqing, sit down and we’ll set off right now!”

Before arriving at the state-owned hotel, Si Ningning also struggled with how to arrange Shan Mantang. It would not be appropriate to bring him over to invite him to dinner together, nor would it be appropriate to leave him alone.

While she was struggling, the car had already stopped in front of the state-owned hotel. Shan Mantang turned around and said with a smile: "Comrade Huo Lang, Si Zhiqing, you go in and eat. I'll park the car in the alley over there, where there's some shade." , come out and find me there.”

Si Ningning's lips twitched and she was about to speak when Huo Lang asked, "Has your mother prepared lunch for you? If not, please go in and eat together."

Shan Mantang waved his hand quickly, "Bring it, bring it! My mother gave me steamed sweet potatoes, I brought four of them, haha, that's enough!"

Huo Lang nodded and glanced at Si Ningning, with a look in his eyes that said, "You feel relieved now, right?"

Si Ningning puffed up her cheeks in embarrassment and said to Dan Mantang, "We'll come find you after dinner later." Then she began to urge Huo Lang to get out of the car quickly and not to waste time.

Huo Lang raised his lips and opened the car door neatly and got out of the car. After Si Ningning also got out of the car, he closed the door with a "snap" behind his back.

Entering the state-owned hotel, Si Ningning rushed Huo Lang to the second floor to take a seat, while she started ordering food at the counter on the first floor, "A plate of cold cucumbers, a portion of bean sprouts and minced meat soup, guys still have it here Are there any vegetarian dishes that taste more authentic?”

The person in charge of ordering food at the hotel counter is still the **** man. Si Ningning has always come here to buy food in the past two days. He also recognizes Si Ningning's face and knows that the girl in front of him is not the kind of girl who is only a cent or two away. The owner will most likely become a repeat customer of the hotel, so he introduced him more politely and seriously:

"Hello, comrade, do you want to eat northern food? If so, the local three delicacies in our hotel are pretty good. They cost eight cents each. The portions of oil and vegetables are honest. If you order one cent, you will want to eat it again next time. "

Si Ningning has eaten Di San Xian before and knows a little bit about it. In addition, the noodle dishes recommended by the counter "brother" the previous two times all tasted good and the quantity was honest. Si Ningning expected that the other party would not know. He told lies, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then I want another portion of the three delicacies! By the way, I also want two bowls of rice! No... let's have three bowls of rice!"

Horang is big, and one bowl will definitely not be enough for him.

“Okay, cold cucumber is two cents a portion, bean sprouts and minced meat soup is eight cents, ground fresh food is eight cents, three bowls of rice are one cent and eight cents, totaling three cents and six cents, plus a twenty-tael food stamp.”

Si Ningning took out a small handkerchief from his pocket and quickly counted out the three cents and six cents. On the contrary, it took him a long time to find the food stamps.

"Trouble." Si Ningning handed over the money bills and smiled awkwardly, thinking to herself that next time she goes to find Heitou and the others, she must ask Heitou to give her all kinds of bills, otherwise she will just pay for them in the future. With money, you can’t buy anything without a ticket.

The **** man at the counter smiled and waved his hand, "You're welcome, comrade, it's lunch time now, and there are many people in the store. If the food can't be delivered to you soon, you have to come and get it yourself."

 “Okay.” Si Ningning nodded, these are small things.

 Leaving the counter, Si Ningning went upstairs. When she reached the stairs on the second floor, she saw Huo Lang sitting by the window and waving to her.

Si Ningning trotted over, and Huo Lang said, "Sit here to cool down."

Si Ningning nodded and chatted to Huo Lang smoothly: "It won't be hot for long after autumn here in the south, right? It's been a bit chilly when I go to bed recently."

“The temperature difference between morning and evening is not very obvious now. When it rains after a while, the temperature will drop sharply.”

“So can everything be prepared for winter now?”

“The winter in the south is wet and cold. It’s better for you to prepare early in the first year. Save more charcoal and collect firewood. Otherwise, the humidity will be high and you will run out of firewood and go out to pick it up, and you won’t be able to use it in time.”

“Then I’ll talk to everyone when I get back and take action as soon as possible!” Si Ningning nodded hastily.

Estimating that the time was almost there, Si Ningning took off the military green bag and put it against the wall under the window sill. Si Ningning stood up with a smile and said, "I'll go pick up the food. Wait until I get off!"

Si Ningning came back quickly with a dinner plate. There were several bowls and dishes on the entire wooden dinner plate. Two bowls of rice obviously couldn't be placed on it, so Si Ningning forcibly placed them on top of the dishes.

The dishes made a "thumping" sound all the way as he walked. Huo Lang raised his head when he heard the movement, and quickly stood up to take the plate.

When he saw that there was still a large bowl of steaming soup on the dinner plate, Huo Lang frowned and felt a chill on the back of his neck. "If you want to take so much, just walk slowly. It's easy to walk like a tiger. If it gets burned, what to do?"

"How can there be so many chances?" Si Ningning stuck out his tongue with a sense of luck, and took the lead in sitting on the bench with his chin in his hands and looking at Huo Lang with a smile, "Hey, sit down and eat quickly! I'm already hungry. !”   Hoolang saw the little girl’s playful and coquettish look, and immediately he couldn’t continue to lecture her. He put down the dinner plate and took out the vegetables and soup on the table. Finally, he put a portion of the rice on the table with his chopsticks. Ning Ning stepped forward and said, "Eat."

Si Ningning was not polite. She picked up her chopsticks and took the lead in picking up a handful of eggplants from Di San Xian. She introduced them nonchalantly: "The comrade who ordered at the counter especially recommended it. I heard it tastes good. Do you want to try it too?"


 “How is it? How does it taste?”

Facing Si Ningning's shining eyes, Huo Lang took a piece and put it into his mouth. He nodded after a while and said, "The taste is quite authentic."


Si Ningning’s mind clicked, and the question came out of her mouth: “Have you eaten it before?”

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded and briefly explained in a few words, "My maternal grandfather is from the Northeast. I used to live there when I was a child, and my grandma would make this."

Having said this, Huo Lang paused for a moment and continued: "There is a little too much oil in this, and it tastes very strong. If you eat a few more pieces, you will get tired of it. If you put less oil, it will be more delicious and it will also be easier to eat." "

  What he said was that Huo Lang picked up an eggplant slice, rubbed it on one side of the plate to remove the excess grease, and put it into Si Ningning's bowl. "Take it with the rice and try it."

Si Ningning tried it as promised, and the taste did seem to be a little better, but because the excess oil was rubbed off instead of controlling the amount of oil used from the beginning, the taste was only a little better.

She had just eaten one chopstick and felt it was a bit greasy and couldn't take the second bite. Now she can at least take a few more bites.

“The comrade said it was oily, so I thought I’d already ordered two light ones, so it doesn’t matter if I ordered a slightly oilier one…”

Most vegetarian dishes are cheap. For example, a large plate of cold cucumber only costs two cents. The reason why the price of bean sprouts minced meat soup and ground three delicacies is several times that of cold cucumber is because one of them is stained with meat and the other is made with oil. many.

In this era, food is not about anything else but meat and oil. If you eat any of these, the price will increase several times.

Si Ningning fell into the misunderstanding that in this era, every household does not add more oil to their meals. She thought that having more Di Sanxian oil was a bonus, so she was so neat when ordering.

 Seeing Si Ningning’s eyebrows furrowed and a slight look of annoyance appearing on his face, Huo Lang smiled and reassured her: “I’m talking about the three delicacies made by my grandma. Of course they are different if they are not made by the same person.”

"The thing you are doing may not be bad. Just put it alone, this oil is a good thing. It is not good to eat alone. It tastes good when eaten with rice." Huo Lang said, adding a large chopstick to the bowl. After mixing it for a while, he took a big mouthful. He raised his head and said to Si Ningning, "You want to try it too?"

Si Ningning was hesitant, and thought that although the dish was a bit unsatisfactory, he couldn't let Huo Lang finish it by himself, so he added a few chopsticks to the bowl and mixed it.

Finally, he lowered his head and took a bite into his mouth. Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows wrinkled, and then she raised her eyebrows.

 The rice neutralizes the excess oil in the vegetables. When you take a bite, you will find a strong salty aroma with the juice from the eggplant slices and green peppers. Not to mention, it is a bit like soup with rice, and the taste is not bad...

Si Ningning ate again and again, thinking about the taste, but Huo Lang, who was opposite her, still stopped eating, tilted his head slightly and looked at her playfully, "Is it delicious?"


 “If you like it, can you order it next time?”


 Smart and shrewd girl, sometimes she is ignorant and easy to coax...

Seeing Si Ningning's serious and cute look with curved eyebrows and bulging cheeks, Huo Lang burst into laughter, shook his head, lowered his head and continued to eat, "Don't just eat, there is also soup."

"I see!"


 It was already past one in the afternoon when I returned to the hospital after dinner.

Shan Mantang found a shady place to park his car. Si Ningning and Huo Lang carried bundles of bamboo and hemp paper and walked slowly upstairs toward the ward where Mo Bei was.

“The relevant records have been made by the Public Security Bureau. I will go back to the commune in the afternoon to take Wu Yong and the others away. Then I should be able to go back tomorrow, right?”

"No, you still need to stay in the county for a few more days." Huo Lang shook his head, and then analyzed: "They were taken away only to temporarily eliminate the threat they may bring to you, but the entire incident has not been fully implemented. If If you return to the production team now, if they need your cooperation later, they will have to go to the production team to find you, which will easily leak the news. "

 If someone asked, it would be hard to explain.

 Huo Lang paused as he spoke, turned sideways and stared at Si Ningning seriously, saying, "Since Uncle Hongbing has given you an excuse, you can live in the county with peace of mind. Nothing will go wrong with the production team."

Si Ningning nodded hesitantly, "What about you? In fact, I have become familiar with the county a lot in the past two days. You don't have to come over all the time and delay your work... Sanae and the others are at home, so I'm a little worried."

Huo Lang's peach blossom eyes flickered, his arched eyebrows furrowed, and he suddenly fell silent.

After just a moment, he turned around and continued to walk up the stairs slowly, "It doesn't matter, but I have something to do these days and I have to leave for a few days...I will ask Shan Mantang to follow you then. Where do you want to go with him?" explain."

Si Ningning said "Oh" silently. After careful consideration, she looked at Huo Lang seriously and asked, "Is this a task arranged by the organization?"


 After receiving a positive reply, Si Ningning fell silent again.

 Horang has served as a soldier, and now he works in such a strict place, which shows that his status is very special.

Now that he was suddenly leaving for a few days, or was assigned by his superiors, Si Ningning was inexplicably reminded of some dangerous tasks. He didn't know whether he didn't want Huo Lang to leave, or was worried that Huo Lang would be in danger. Si Ningning suddenly felt depressed. stand up.

Tasks assigned by this kind of unit should generally be classified. Si Ningning couldn't ask for the details, so he just pretended to be casual and asked about the date of Huo Lang's return.

 (End of this chapter)

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