Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 255: Like architects

Chapter 255 Like architects

"Three days at the fastest, and no more than a week at the earliest." Huo Lang said lightly, seeing the worry hidden on Si Ningning's face, he felt happy and comforted in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, I just went to pick up someone. "


Si Ningning was stunned for a moment.

 Pick up someone?

 Just picking up one person?

Si Ningning had a loud voice of doubt in her heart. She raised her head and looked at Huo Lang, trying to confirm the authenticity from Huo Lang's eyes.

However, Huo Lang's pair of peach blossom eyes were deep and smiling, and except for the look of her foolishly asking for confirmation, nothing else could be seen in them.

Si Ningning lowered her head in annoyance and thought about what Huo Lang had just said. She felt that Huo Lang must have said that on purpose to reassure her.

Even though there was a small grievance, Si Ningning also knew that she had no position to interfere in Huo Lang's work matters.

So, I had no choice but to follow what Huo Lang said: "Okay, then you come back early."

"Remember, you told me a few days ago that when this matter is over, you still have something to say to me. I have never forgotten it..." Si Ningning lowered her long eyelashes to cover up the water at the end of her eyes, " Don’t forget it either.”

 Anything is fine…

 In short, please be sure to come back safely.

Si Ningning murmured softly in her heart.

"Hmm." Huo Lang stopped at the door of the ward and handed the things in his hand to Si Ningning. "I want to go back and clean up, so I won't go in with you."


After Si Ningning responded, Huo Lang slightly chinned his jaw and stared at Si Ningning's pointed chin, and told him with nostalgia: "Mo Bei will be discharged from the hospital in the next two days. After he returns, you can go to Academician Liang's place." "There are many people in the county, so don't wander around alone."

  After a pause, Holang added, "Especially when it's dark."

“I know, I’m not a child, how can I be kidnapped?” Si Ningning retorted helplessly.

Huo Langxin said: That’s not necessarily the case.

After giving instructions, Huo Lang didn't rush to leave. He just stood there and looked at Si Ningning.

In the end, Si Ningning was the first to be embarrassed by him. She mustered up the courage to raise her head and smiled brightly at him, "Go ahead! Have a safe trip. I'll wait for you to come back."


Huo Lang nodded in response. Si Ningning waved to him as a goodbye gesture, turned around and pursed her lips before entering the ward.

Holang paused at the door of the ward for a moment, listened to a few vague conversations coming from the ward, let out a slight breath, and turned to go downstairs.

Huo Lang got in the car and closed the door. Shan Mantang put his hands on the steering wheel and turned his neck almost 180 degrees. He turned around and asked: "Comrade Huo Lang, where are we going now? Should I take you back to the party committee department or back to the commune production team?" ?”

 “Go to Academician Liang.”

“Academician Liang? Is that the one in Brick Factory Alley?”

“Hmm.” Huo Lang responded in a deep voice, his eyebrows furrowed and his peach blossom eyes slightly lowered to look out the window.

Huo Lang was a little worried about leaving Si Ningning alone in the county. If possible, he hoped that Academician Liang could lend a hand and allow Si Ningning to go over and bother him for a few days...

As soon as Huo Lang left the hospital, Si Ningning removed the hemp rope binding the bamboo and linen paper and took out the white paper alone.

"Is this paper okay?" Si Ningning took out a piece of paper and handed it to Mo Bei.

Mo Bei took the paper and looked around carefully, nodded and said, "Okay."

The needle on the back of Mo Bei's hand has been pulled out. He pressed it with a cotton ball for a while, and the needle hole is basically invisible.

Now that he got the paper, Mo Beizhuo folded it a few times and folded the edges of the bamboo and linen paper, leaving only a square area in the middle waiting for the reception of pen and ink.

After finishing these things, Mo Bei looked up at Si Ningning, stretched out his hand and asked, "A pen?"

Si Ningning was a little absent-minded. When Mo Bei asked about the pen, she was stunned. Then she started rummaging around hurriedly, "I bought the pen, but I haven't sharpened it yet. Just wait for me..."

“The brush used for drawing is a little different from the way I usually use it for writing, so I’ll do it myself.”


Si Ningning hesitated for a moment, and finally handed the folding knife and pencil to Mo Bei.

 After that, Mo Bei sharpened his pencil, and she sat on a stool nearby and watched.

 Speaking of looking, it was actually just staring at the movements of Mo Bei's hands, and his actual thoughts had already wandered far away.

Mo Bei sharpened his pencil. He originally wanted to ask Si Ningning what he thought and how he planned to draw, but when he turned his head, he saw Si Ningning pursed her lips and frowned.

Mo Bei paused and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Took the bedside book and put it in front of his knees. According to his own ideas, Mo Bei held the pencil sideways and "whispered" to draw out lines on the paper.

Song Shuhan came back from playing the tub, and Mo Bei had already sketched out sketches of several cats on the paper. He was very good at drawing, and even though they were sketches, they could still be seen as lifelike and lively.

Song Shuhan took a deep breath and opened his mouth to praise, but Mo Bei made a move first. He put his index finger between his lips and made a "shh" sound, and tilted his chin towards Si Ningning as if lifting a point.

Song Shuhan glanced at it and understood instantly, scratched the back of his head and held back the compliment.

Mo Bei quickly drew several cats and unfolded the drawing paper and handed it to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning saw the drawing, and only at this moment did she recover from her squinting thoughts, "You, did you really only draw buildings before? This painting is too good, isn't it? It's really good!"

"I just wanted to say it, but Mo Bei didn't let me say it." Song Shuhan curled his lips and sat on the stool on the other side of Mo Bei's bed and shrugged.

Si Ningning turned her head to look at Song Shuhan, but Mo Bei said at this moment, "Just don't move."


“Huh?” Song Shuhan and Si Ningning were stunned at the same time, neither of them could react.

"Just don't move." Mo Beichong said to Si Ningning, then turned to look at Song Shuhan, "Get me another piece of paper."

Song Shuhan was a little embarrassed. Mo Bei pointed in the direction of the paper, and he immediately went over and took one.

Mo Bei followed the same method and folded the edges of the paper as before, leaving only the middle part to rest on the book. He held the pencil sideways in his hand, tilted his head to look at Si Ningning and said, "Til your head toward me, and roll your eyes." Come here a little bit...yes, smile."

Si Ningning followed the instructions one by one and probably understood that Mo Bei regarded her as a model.

When his lips were smiling, Si Ningning tried his best not to touch them, and blurted out a few words through his teeth: "Aren't you drawing cats? Why did you suddenly draw me?"

In this regard, Mo Bei gave a more reasonable explanation: "You brought the cat back from the academician. Isn't it normal for you to touch and hug it? Show this painting to the academician. The academician sees that you have a good relationship and feels happy in your heart. Peace of mind too.”

It seems the same?

Si Ningning was a little persuaded by Mo Bei, but she didn't keep moving for long. She asked suspiciously: "But I'm the only one now... Should I draw me first and then add the cat?"

Perhaps it was because he spoke too long in one breath just now, so Mo Bei only said a soft "hmm" this time.

Si Ningning was a little confused, but in order not to disturb Mo Bei, she still tried hard to maintain her posture.

He didn't wait long, just over half an hour, before Mo Bei said "Okay".

Si Ningning put away the cat drawing in her hand and stood up to examine it out of curiosity. However, she saw that there was only a vague outline of a human figure drawn on the drawing paper in front of Mo Bei's knees. The posture was probably that of holding something in both hands and looking sideways at the "lens".

"Is this okay? I thought you were going to make a face or something to Si Zhiqing?" Song Shuhan spoke first and asked Si Ningning's doubts.

"I remember her appearance. It was the first time I drew a human body and I needed a reference." Mo Beidao.

 When he said this, Si Ningning understood.

Si Ningning pointed to the small round ball held by the dotted line on the paper and said: "What I just took was a drawing. If you change the paper of the drawing into a small circle, will the subsequent detailed drawings turn it into a cat?"

"Yeah." Mo Bei nodded, confirming Si Ningning's guess.

Song Shuhan on the side said puzzledly: "Since you know what you want to draw, why don't you just draw it directly? If you draw a circle and then change it to a cat later, won't the more you draw, the dirtier it becomes?"

"These are dotted lines, and the traces are very light. When you add the outline of the cat later, even if these lines are not covered, they will give away the solid parts of the color block, making the cat look more three-dimensional and vivid." Si Ningning explained road.

Although Si Ningning can’t draw, she can take photos and has some knowledge about photography. Then again, since she can take photos, can she still know some simple photo editing?

 Painting, retouching, and taking photos actually have many things in common, such as shadows, lighting, light and dark surfaces, etc., and these things are all related.

“There are so many things to pay attention to in painting?” Song Shuhan couldn’t understand it.

"Painting is also a skill and technique. Different techniques will lead to different employment directions in the future." Si Ningning unfolded the sketch that Mo Beigang had drawn and said in detail: "Look at this kitten. The color of the belly and right lower body is obviously the same as that on the back, but it can be clearly seen that the lower body is darker in color. If it is the light of the natural sun, then the light must be coming from the upper left. "

Of the three kittens in the painting, some are lying on the ground wagging their tails, some are sleeping with their bellies in the air, and some are sitting upright with erect ears and a pair of bright cat eyes looking at the "camera".

The three kittens have different postures, and the positions of the light and dark sides of their bodies are also different. Si Ningning pointed at the paintings and explained to Song Shuhan, and then added: "Just like I am sitting here now, do you think my left cheek is darker? After all, the right cheek is white? This is because when I am in this position, the right cheek faces the window and the light from the window comes in. "

Song Shuhan understood a little bit, but on the topic of painting, he chatted with Si Ningning a few more words, "If you read well, you can do anything. Look at the cadres in the commune, and then look at the ordering clerks in state-owned restaurants. They all know how to read, but I’ve never heard of any unit requiring the ability to draw?”

Si Ningning smiled indifferently, "It is true that there are more opportunities for study and employment and choices, but there are also many jobs where just knowing the words is not enough. For example, students of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, they not only need to know the words, but also Understand the growth habits of crops.”

“As for the positions in state-owned restaurants, you only see the order clerk, but you don’t see the accountant behind him. He must be good at math and know an abacus, right?”

"Then again, there are many career directions for painting. For example, Mo Bei used to paint architecture, which shows that his family has this intention and wants to train him to be an architect. There are many types of architects, such as outdoor architecture and indoor architecture. , In addition to these, there are also some special buildings, such as power stations and dams, which all have the credit of architects.”

Si Ningning gave Song Shuhan an example and was stunned.

 Song Shuhan had heard of the name "architect", but he had never understood in depth what they did.

After Si Ningning explained this, Song Shuhan's eyes turned hot when he looked at Mo Bei, "Okay, Mo Bei, your family is really far-sighted. If you really become an architect in the future, won't you be an ordinary iron rice bowl?" Golden rice bowl!”

"..." Mo Bei was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Si Ningning pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, it is true. Our country currently has too few such talents."

Everyone knows that studying is the way out, but not many people understand deeper things, and not only because they don’t understand, but also because this road requires investment and is difficult to follow.

 So, even if you choose this path, you are often fighting alone. It takes courage and perseverance to persist.

Si Ningning smiled so hard that her eyebrows arched, and Mo Bei got a hint of information from her words. He pursed his lips slightly and asked with unclear meaning: "Do you like architects?"

What is the problem?

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. After a brief deliberation, she shook her head and replied in a compromise way: "It's not that I like architects, but things are rare and valuable. Everyone should admire powerful people, right?"

 After saying this, Si Ningning turned to look at Song Shuhan, "What do you think?"

Song Shuhan nodded, "That's right."

Si Ningning smiled again, looked at Mo Bei and said sincerely: "I think you can give it a try. The prospects of this road are very promising."

Mo Bei nodded and said nothing more, but silently recited Si Ningning's words several times in his heart:

 Advocate, a powerful person…

 To admire is to like, everyone likes powerful people, but what about Si Ningning?

Does Si Ningning like it too?

For a moment, Mo Bei felt as if he had grasped the truth and had the upper hand.

 “How long will it take to finish this painting?”

“There are more details in the portrait, so it won’t happen so quickly. It will probably have to wait until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.”

"That's it." Si Ningning nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "Don't rush this one now. You can draw it slowly. I will go to Academician Liang's place tomorrow. This one can wait for the next time. give her."

Mo Bei nodded and said worriedly: "Can you go alone? There is nothing going on at the hospital. Why don't you ask Song Shuhan to go with you tomorrow?"

"No, I know the way, and Huo...well, the security captain "lent" Comrade Shan to me, and I will take his car there."

In just a few words, he indirectly revealed the extraordinary relationship between Si Ningning and Huo Lang. Mo Beiling pursed his lips slightly, bit his lower lip lightly, lowered his eyes and said "Okay then", and then the ward fell into a trap. A brief moment of silence.

The clothes that Mo Bei changed into when he was hospitalized had been washed by Song Shuhan. Maybe there was no soap or other decontamination products. The blood stains on the clothes, especially the collar and front of the shirt, were not completely wiped off, and there were still a few obvious pieces left.

 (End of this chapter)

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