Chapter 257 Inheritance

Si Ningning walked up and caught up with this scene. He smiled and said "Thank you, Academician Liang", and then sat down on the small bench politely.

“Academician Liang, I came to the county to do some business and stopped by to see you. Oh, I brought something with me.”

At this point, Liang Qinghong is not only very arrogant, but she still has residual self-respect in her bones. Even if she is down and out, she has no reason to accept gifts and assistance from others at will.

Liang Qinghong stared at her gray eyes with an evil expression, trying to scare Si Ningning away, but she was stunned when she saw what Si Ningning handed over.

He probably didn't expect that what Si Ningning brought over was a piece of paper. Liang Qinghong didn't show any ferocity, but instead had a sense of stupidity surrounding her body.

Si Ningning's small lips curled up, with a sweet and sweet smile. She took the initiative to unfold the folded bamboo and linen paper and showed it to Liang Qinghong, "Academician Liang, this is a painting by our educated youth Mo Zhiqing. This one is called Rhubarb. This is Dahua, and this one is called Dahei, which was given by our production team leader.”

Si Ningning showed the three kittens in the painting to Liang Qinghong one by one, and then scratched his forehead with some embarrassment, "The name is not a good one, but our captain said that it is easy to make a living with a bad name."

 “That’s the truth.” Liang Qinghong restrained her body’s rejection aura, and rarely nodded with some approval.

Taking the drawing on bamboo and linen paper from Si Ningning, Liang Qionghong lowered her head and gently touched it with her rough fingers. She only touched it twice and then hurriedly pulled her hand away, as if she was afraid that it would be damaged.

Liang Qinghong looked up at Si Ningning, "Are they as strong as in the painting?"

Si Ningning nodded, hesitated for a while and then said: "The production team didn't feed much. There are a lot of rats in the granary, and there are many trees and haystacks around, so they eat some toads and small snakes."

Si Ningning didn't really believe in eating snakes, but Zhao Hongfa was so sure that she was half convinced.

"That's good." Liang Qinghong nodded in approval again, and then explained the reason, "If you don't want to raise them in the future, they can survive outside without anyone caring about them."

Si Ningning curved her lips and nodded with a smile. She saw the right moment and took out the remaining things from her cloth pocket. "I also brought something else, Academician Liang. This is salt, this is soap, and there is a little sugar in it..."

Si Ningning pursed her lips and blew upwards, causing the soft bangs on her forehead to flutter up and down. She took out the things one by one and added, "Rhubarb, Dahua and Dahei have made contributions to the production team. These Everything is collected by everyone, out of gratitude and sincerity..."

Si Ningning scratched his forehead and laughed "hehe" but did not say any more.

However, Liang Qinghong saw through the seemingly thoughtful rhetoric at a glance.

Then what kind of production team members came up to express gratitude to her?

Looking at the same white salt and the same white sugar, and the few small pieces of soap that are cut but have the same color, they are clearly made by one person.

Liang Qinghong glanced at Si Ningning out of the corner of her eye. The young girl smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed, and she looked happy that she had achieved her goal.

 Liang Qinghong’s eyebrows were wrinkled and raised under her disheveled hair. This was probably because she had given her a cat as a gift, or maybe the drawing Si Ningning brought was in line with Liang Qinghong’s wishes.

Although he saw through everything, after feeling Si Ningning's intentions, Liang Qinghong did not say any more words of rejection. Instead, she said: "I will accept it this time. Don't bring anything else over next time."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. She noticed Liang Qinghong's subtle change in attitude and knew that Liang Qinghong had a tendency to accept her. Si Ningning nodded happily and forcefully, "Yeah!"

Liang Qinghong usually lives alone and is not very good at dealing with people. When Si Ningning smiled, she looked at him and held back another sentence for a long time, "I have nothing to entertain you, just sit back and sit by yourself." Let’s go around.”


Si Ningning stood up and looked around at the hay shed casually. The hay shed that was still shaky last time has been stabilized. The two wrist-thick tree trunks that originally supported the weight of the shed were severely decayed. Now new wooden stakes have been driven into the bottom. Half of the tree trunk is wrapped and tightened with steel wire.

Si Ningning stretched out her hand and pushed it gently. It didn't move at all and was very stable.

Liang Qinghong raised her eyelids to look at Si Ningning, and just in time to see her move, Liang Qinghong moved her dry lips and pointedly said: "An unpleasant guy came yesterday, and he insisted on doing it."

Liang Qinghong was talking about Huo Lang, but Si Ningning mistakenly thought she was referring to the brick factory workers who lived in the surrounding area, so she smiled and said: "The people are still very enthusiastic."

Si Ningning took two casual steps and noticed the tattered rag in Liang Qinghong's hand. Si Ningning knelt down and asked, "Academician Liang, what are you doing?"

“Slowly save the rags I picked up from outside, and in a year or two I can piece them together to make a body-covering dress.” Liang Qinghong generously showed her hands to Si Ningning.

She was holding about a foot of cloth in her hand, which was made up of small pieces of cloth of various colors. In addition, there were four or five small pieces of cloth on hand that had not yet been pieced together.

Apart from these, the "tools" for sewing are very simple. The thread is split fine linen silk, which is the epidermis of a plant. It is dried in the sun and scraped off excess wood fibers. The remaining parts are beaten and washed repeatedly until the disassembled plant epidermis becomes Only when it is soft can the filaments be cut from the top. This is the "thread" that Liang Qinghong uses for sewing.

 The needle is even simpler, just a small piece of thin wire...

Si Ningning said "Oh" and didn't say much, but silently wrote down everything he saw.

“Academician Liang, can I come in and have a look?”

"Go ahead." Liang Qinghong said without raising his head, "Don't call me an academician from now on. There are no academicians here."

Si Ningning just opened the door curtain and paused when he heard the words. If not academician, what would you call him?

Academician Liang is old enough to be called aunt, but there seems to be no such term as aunt in this era?

  Aunt is not considered an aunt, so what is called a sister-in-law?

It seems that Academician Liang is not married either... Is it appropriate to call him sister-in-law?

Si Ningning stood hesitantly at the door for a while, then hesitantly shouted, "Then, what about eldest sister?"

Liang Qinghong was also stunned for a moment, and then added: "You can also call me by name, Comrade Liang Qinghong."

Si Ningning subconsciously felt that Liang Qinghong was a person worthy of respect, and calling her by her name was a bit too harsh, so she said decisively, "I'll let you be eldest sister!" "eldest sister" and "eldest sister-in-law" were common terms for women in this era, so they couldn't be wrong.

Sure enough, as Si Ningning expected, Liang Qinghong just said "hmm" and did not refuse.

Si Ningning smiled sadly and stepped into the hay shed.

The furnishings in the straw shed were similar to when they came back, and the box containing the cat was also in the same place. Si Ningning squatted down and knocked on the box, but there was no response from inside. Si Ningning guessed that the big cat was probably gone.

Liang Qinghong's living environment is really poor. The bed is messy, the mat she sleeps on is a dilapidated old mat, and her pillow is a bundle of weeds that have been crushed to softness. Many things in the house, such as the guy who eats, are messed up. There was a thick layer of black dirt.

Si Ningning looked around, her crescent eyebrows furrowed frequently. After thinking for a long time, Si Ningning turned towards the curtain at the door and said: "Liangyuan... Sister, is there any water nearby? A ditch or something like that? While it's early, I'll put it there Take these out and wash them, you can use them at night."

Si Ningning is not looking for trouble for herself for no reason. On the one hand, she wants to help Liang Qinghong, but on the other hand, she really doesn't want to be idle, because when she is idle, she is always worried about the situation with Huo Lang. , time has become difficult to bear.

I thought that saying this would be a bit abrupt, but to my surprise, Liang Qinghong didn't pay attention. A faint voice came through the straw curtain, "Two hundred meters back, there is a ditch with water downhill. They usually go there." That’s the laundry water.”

Si Ningning said "Hey" and threw the backpack behind her waist. She bent down and tried to sweep Liang up, but when she bent down, the backpack fell down again.

Si Ningning simply took off the bag, looked around and put it on the wooden box on the side. Then he rolled up the old mat and held it in one hand, and took Liang Qinghong's bowls and chopsticks to the other side of the river ditch with the other hand.

The water in the ditch is running water, and it should be a branch of the Yangtze River. People nearby rely on this small ditch for drinking water and washing clothes, so the surrounding area is well kept. Flat stone slabs are laid out where washing and fetching water are done. Si Ningning I stepped on it with my left foot and pressed hard, making sure it was secure before putting down the thing and standing up completely.

Although this river ditch is running water, it is nothing like the streams near the production team. On the surrounding sloping banks, except for knee-high weeds and a few sparsely standing small saplings, there are no big trees. of.

Si Ningning squatted in the sun, blinded by the reflection on the water, and the top of his head was getting hot from the sun without a hat. He was thinking more and more about a quick victory.

Although he wanted to finish it quickly, he didn't mean to be perfunctory. He shook off the mat and soaked it in the water. He stepped on the corner of the mat with his left foot to prevent the mat cup from being washed away. Then he scanned the surroundings to make sure that no one was coming from the space. Take out the dishwasher and carefully scrub away the dirt on the dishes and chopsticks.

 The dirt removed by scrubbing blends into the water and becomes gray and black, showing how dirty it is.

Si Ningning felt heavy in her heart, and she couldn't imagine the huge psychological gap between Liang Qinghong's transition from an intellectual to this kind of life.

Using dishwashing liquid with steel wool, the cleaning function was fully activated. Si Ningning quickly washed the dishes and put them aside. He took out a brush from the space and used dishwashing liquid, 84 disinfectant and laundry to wash the mats and mats together. The dirt on it is nothing compared to what was on the bowl just now.

Si Ningning worked hard for more than half an hour before finally getting out the old color that the mat should have. After repeating it twice to make sure it was clean, Si Ningning put the tiny things into the space and held the mat in hand. I controlled the excess water before carrying my things and walking back.

The mat was hanging on the grass on the side of the straw shed. Si Ningning went into the straw shed, put down the dishes, and tidied something inside. During this period, Liang Qinghong didn't say a word, but Si Ningning While Ning was busy going in and out, Liang Qinghong kept silently observing Si Ningning secretly.

Human beings are really strange creatures.

Some people yelled at her after knowing her identity, because her face was not her face and her nose was not her nose. However, there were also people who didn't care about her identity and treated her like a family member, or even more considerate and meticulous than a family member. .

Liang Qinghong was very conflicted and she couldn't figure out the reason.

  It was obvious that the man had been in a stalemate for a long time yesterday before he reluctantly agreed to let the girl stay here. Why now, it seems that instead of her taking care of the girl, the girl was busy taking care of her?

Liang Qinghong thought about it, held her breath, lowered her head and continued working, but she always felt that she had taken advantage of Si Ningning. The more she thought like this, the more uneasy she became.

Finally, when Si Ningning was busy until two o'clock, she had tidied up everything in the house and was about to leave, Liang Qinghong couldn't help but call Si Ningning.

 “You can leave later, I have something for you.”

Si Ningning’s eyes were blank, but she stood at the door and waited obediently.

Liang Qinghong lay on the ground and took out a tin box from under the bed. After a while, she held the box and sat in front of the bed. Liang Qinghong glanced at Si Ningning and hesitated before opening the box and taking out an old leather-sealed book. notebook.

"Here are some livestock disease symptoms and treatment methods. It was originally a very thick book... Now I can save so much. I have no use keeping it. Doesn't your production team raise rabbits? You can take it," Liang Qing said Hong closed the box, stood up and stuffed the notebook into Si Ningning's arms.

It was then that Si Ningning discovered that the thick-looking notebook was not a complete notebook. The second half had traces of being torn off by someone. Si Ningning probably knew where those traces came from.

After flipping through the notebook, he found that the notebook was full of unbiased hand-written notes, which should have been compiled by Liang Qinghong when he was still in school. Si Ningning was silent, carefully hugged the notebook tightly, and at the same time smiled at Liang Qinghong and said, "Thank you Liang Qinghong." Academician, I will definitely treasure it!”

After a while, he opened the curtain and went out. The moment the curtain closed, another head squeezed in. "Our production team is going to hold a literacy class for children. We are rich in pens and notebooks. Next time you come over, I will bring you one, Academician Liang." Bar."

This time Si Ningning called Liang Qinghong "Academician Liang", and the mention of pens and notebooks in the language actually had a purpose.

Liang Qinghong can become an academician. Can the notes she compiles be simple notes? It must be full of useful information!

But only half of the notebook in front of me was left. Not only Si Ningning felt it was a pity, Liang Qinghong herself probably felt it was a pity too.

Si Ningning thought that if Liang Qinghong had the idea of ​​reshaping his notes, the pen and notebook she brought might be able to help Liang Qinghong fulfill a long-cherished wish.

Liang Qinghong lowered her head and fell silent, seeming to be thinking about something. After a moment, she raised her head and looked at Si Ningning, "Then you bring two, or a thicker notebook, and I will re-compile them, and you can take them back later. "

Liang Qinghong does feel that it is a pity that the notes were torn up, but what she regrets is not only the notes, but also the inability to pass on the key points of the researched knowledge to prevent people from taking detours in the breeding process.

Liang Qinghong’s identity is still sensitive today, but after seeing the hope of passing on what she has learned throughout her life, Liang Qinghong is still willing to take risks.

 (End of this chapter)

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