Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 258: Return to the team

Chapter 258 Returning to the team

Si Ningning was startled for a moment, then he realized it and nodded with a smile, "Yeah!"

 “I’m leaving, I’ll come back tomorrow~”

Si Ningning put down the curtain, and Liang Qinghong rubbed her hands on her clothes, then opened the curtain and chased after him, "Don't bring anything else next time. I don't want it. I have it all here..."

Before Liang Qinghong finished speaking, the clear laughter of Si Ningning, who was walking away, reached her ears, "You have them here~ I know, come in, Academician Liang!"

Si Ningning turned around, waved her hands, and stepped into the yard.

Liang Qinghong turned around and planned to enter the house. Before she even took a step forward, her eyebrows furrowed. After frowning, she turned around and looked towards the corner of the alley.

At first I didn't think anything about anyone, but once the girl left, I felt that her hut was terrifyingly deserted.

 Come back next time…

Liang Qinghong thought silently.

 When a person has been alone for a long time, he also wants someone to talk to.

Si Ningning got on Shan Mantang's car at the alley, and then went to the hospital. Mo Bei's condition had stabilized. Si Ningning originally planned to go there and walk around, but as soon as he entered the ward, Song Shuhan informed him that Zhao Hongbing was coming in the morning. past news.

"What the captain means is that we have been out for several days, and other educated youths have begun to worry about whether something happened. He said that if the situation in Mobei has stabilized, let us start discharge from the hospital and go back to stabilize everyone." Song Shuhan said.

Mo Beiding looked at Si Ningning, and then a cold voice sounded: "Do you want to go back with us?"

Si Ningning's eyes flickered, and for a moment she turned her head to meet Mo Bei's eyes. She lowered her long eyelashes and shook her head, "I still need to stay in the county for a few more days. I still have some things to deal with, and I still need to wait. News over there.”

Mo Beiling pursed his lips, nodded slightly and looked away.

Song Shuhan may not know what "waiting for news" means, but Mo Bei knows that this matter is not a trivial matter and must have a result.

After a moment of silence, Mo Bei looked at Si Ningning again, his voice was as cold and empty as a spring in a mountain stream, "We will leave early tomorrow morning. You are alone in the more careful."

Si Ningning nodded and curved his lips into a bright smile: "Don't worry, I stay in the guest house at night and stay with Academician Liang during the day. It's safe to be surrounded by people."

"Yeah." Mo Bei responded in a low voice, and Song Shuhan agreed: "Living outside costs money and is not as comfortable as our own place. We will go back tomorrow. Si Zhiqing, do you want to hurry up?"

"Okay!" Si Ningning responded cheerfully, "Get your things, how much of the glucose powder is left? If there isn't much left, ask the hospital to open a pack and take it back to drink."

“Okay, I’ll go over and ask about it later…”

After chatting for a while, Si Ningning left the hospital and left the guest house.

 Mo Bei was discharged from the hospital and returned to the production team, so Si Ningning no longer had to go to the hospital. So, Si Ningning spent most of the day at Liang Qinghong's place.

Liang Qinghong recognized her feelings and hoped to talk to people occasionally, but after all, she hadn't interacted with people for a long time, so when Si Ningning first came over, she was a little restrained and didn't talk much.

As Si Ningning came over two or three times, Liang Qinghong gradually adapted to it. Occasionally, she could take the initiative to say something to Si Ningning, or she would stop when she saw some weeds or common herbs around the hay shed. Let me introduce a few words to Si Ningning next.

Over the past few days, Si Ningning really learned a lot.

"I guess I won't be able to stay in the county for a few more days. Our production team's bamboo is not valuable, so we can chop as much as we need." Si Ningning squatted in front of a common herb, raised his head and smiled at Liang Qinghong with narrowed eyes: " When I come back next time, I will cut some and bring them over to strengthen this piece."

Si Ningning refers to the straw shed where Liang Qinghong lives.

Si Ningning came here frequently in the past two days and got to know the surrounding residents. Except for the family buildings of the brick factory, the surrounding area is basically a wasteland that no one cares about. As long as the materials are enough, let alone help Liang Qinghong stabilize the straw shed. It is possible to expand a part further.

Liang Qinghong blurted out the same sentence:

 “I have them all here.”

Si Ningning just laughed and said nothing. After staying for a while, he took the finished pickle jar from Liang Qinghong and left.

Haunted Shan Mantang's name at the entrance of the alley like he did a few days ago. As he watched the car turn around the corner of the house not far away, Si Ningning squinted and bowed down, vaguely seeing someone else in the car.

 When the car came closer, Si Ningning was finally convinced, and ran over with excitement holding the pickle jar, "When did you come back? So soon?"

Si Ningning did not open the door, but stood outside the car and glanced at Huo Lang up and down through the window.

The person has not changed much. He is wearing a white shirt and a green military uniform. This time he also wears a military cap. There are also shiny golden wheat ears and five-pointed star collar flowers nailed on both sides of his neck. Not only does his outfit look more formal. , and his aura was more fierce and upright than before.

Handsome and imposing, for a moment, Si Ningning suddenly felt that Huo Lang was sacred and inviolable. Unconsciously, her hands holding the pickle jar tightened and she moved half a step back.

Huo Lang noticed Si Ningning's subtle movements and opened the door and came down, "When I first arrived in the county, I went to the guest house to see it. The comrade there said you were still living, so I walked around the hospital and didn't see you thinking about it. You're probably here."

“Get in the car first and talk slowly when you get back?” Huo Lang stood upright beside the car, holding the door open with his big hand and waiting for Si Ningning to get in the car.

Si Ningning felt an incomprehensible feeling in her heart. Her cheeks turned red and she nodded in embarrassment. She got into the car. Huo Lang followed her and sat next to her.

Si Ningning was a little nervous, "Aren't you going to the front?"

  It's now past five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun has gone behind the car.

 “Bask in the sunshine.”


Si Ningning looked at Huo Lang’s side face speechlessly.

 It’s a hot day, how many layers are you wearing inside and out, and are you still basking in the sun?

Huo Lang didn't care whether the excuse was justified or not. When he saw Si Ningning looking at him, he turned to look at Si Ningning. The sunlight was reflected from the small window behind him. The two people's eyes met, and the pupils of their eyes were reflected transparently by the sunlight. The amber moment also reflected each other's appearance.

Si Ningning's breath suddenly stopped, and she looked away unnaturally, "Did your mission go well?" She didn't know what was going on, but it seemed that from the few days after Huo Lang left, she began to feel... After worrying about Huo Lang's safety, something seemed to have deteriorated during that period.

 Do you like it? Do you really like it?

In the past, based on the situation and because she felt familiar with Huo Lang, Si Ningning once thought that she might be willing to try it with Huo Lang, but when it really involved emotions such as "like" and "love", she There was another hesitation in my heart, or in other words, resistance.

 Emotional sustenance will produce expectations and dependence, and expectations and dependence...

   will be abandoned.

A cold and disgusted look flashed through Si Ningning's mind. It was a very hot day, but she felt cold from outside her body into her bones in an instant. The surprise and joy she felt when she just saw Huo Lang also disappeared in an instant. All of it faded away.

"It went well. I'll go back to make arrangements today, but I have to come back tomorrow. Do you want to go back? If you plan to go back to the team, go back to the guest house to pack your things later, and I will take you back." Huo Lang said lightly, seeing Si Ningning bending over His lips gradually lowered and drooped, obviously looking uninterested and preoccupied. Huo Lang's arched eyebrows slightly frowned and asked: "What unexpected things happened in the county during the past few days when I was out?"

Si Ningning calmed down and shook her head in embarrassment, "No, no, don't make blind guesses. I'll go back with you and pack up my things later. Oh, by the way... Do I need to tell Academician Liang about this? What if she is still waiting for me at home tomorrow?

Huo Lang heard the details revealed in Si Ningning's words, raised his lips and smiled slightly: "It seems that you and Academician Liang are getting along well these days?"

 Do you get along well?

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then smiled knowingly, "I guess we get along well, right? Academician Liang is a very nice person."

His attention was diverted from his personal emotions, and Si Ningning gradually returned to his usual lively and talkative nature. He began to chirp with his curved lips, "Academician Liang taught me how to recognize herbs and gave me breeding notes. I will sort out these notes when I get back. Our production team may have other opportunities to choose side jobs. Also, Academician Liang’s residence can still be occupied now, but it may not be possible if it gets colder in the future. I told Academician Liang that the production team has a lot of bamboo, and I will bring some bamboo with me next time. , help her renovate it..."

 Speaking of these words, Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang.

Although she said the words, if she really wants to do it, the person who does it must be Huo Lang.

“Okay, I’ll cut the bamboo when I get back today, and bring some of it over tomorrow, and then come over and start working on it when I have some free time.” Huo Lang nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

 After saying this, Huo Lang asked Cheese Ningning how he was doing, "What's going on in the county these days? About Wu Yong."

“There is no response yet.” Si Ningning shook his head.

Since there is no news, we don’t know the county’s real plan. Huo Lang was silent for a while, nodded and said, “I’ll go back today, and I’ll make another trip to the county tomorrow to ask.”

Huo Lang tilted his chin slightly to look at Si Ningning. He stretched out his big hand as if to pull Si Ningning's hand. After realizing that he was still in the car and there was an extra person present, Huo Lang lowered his brows and glanced at Si Ningning. Glancing at Shan Mantang in the rearview mirror in front of him, he reluctantly took back his hand, but his voice was still gentle and soothing:

 “Don’t worry, you will never be wronged by this matter.”

 This is Holang's promise.

But when the words fell on the ears of Si Ningning and Shan Mantang, one of them lowered his head uncomfortably, said "Yeah" in a low voice and said nothing, while the other glanced at the rearview mirror teasingly. The two people behind were caught by Huo Lang by chance.

Horang glanced over with a warning look, and Shan Mantang immediately calmed down and drove in a well-behaved manner, no longer daring to look around.

  After going to the guest house to pack his luggage, Si Ningning renewed the payment once more. There was still one day left before he could move in. Si Ningning took the household registration and room number check-in form to the counter on the first floor to communicate and got a dime back.

After about an hour and a half's drive from Mo Zhou, the car stopped in front of the mountain forest cable bridge. Huo Lang asked Shan Mantang to pick him up at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. After that, he and Si Ningning walked slowly under the afterglow of the setting sun pouring down from the gaps between the trees. Walking towards the third production team of Jiling Brigade.

In the past, when we went out together, Si Ningning would always have endless things to say, but today she had a lot of things to say. Along the way, her two little hands were tangled together, holding the straps of her backpack. She nodded slightly and looked at her toes as she walked slowly forward, quietly without saying a word. , she looked even more like a boudoir lady than the boudoir lady who never left the house or walked out.

 It’s only been a few days since we last met, so we’re already unfamiliar, and that shouldn’t be the case.

Holang was holding the rattan box, looking at Si Ningning's pointed chin, and said in a low voice: "Are you worried?"

"Well..." Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, her head shaking like a rattle, "No."

 “Then don’t say anything?”

Huo Lang bowed forward slightly and looked at Si Ningning from a diagonal angle.

Si Ningning had her head buried, but when she saw Huo Lang's funny eyes from the corner of her eye, she stopped tensing up and blushed again.

Si Ningning quickly moved her eyes to one side, fearing that Huo Lang would ask again later, so she remained silent and said, "I have heard a saying that people can see light when they close one eye. The eyes are white, but black is not visible.”

After finishing his words, Si Ningning turned around and looked into Huo Lang's deep peach blossom eyes. His dark deer eyes were clear and translucent. In addition to reflecting Huo Lang's appearance at this time, there was also a vague intention of encouraging him to try.

Huo Lang didn't hesitate and subconsciously closed one eye. Just for a moment, Si Ningning laughed out loud. Before Huo Lang could react, he heard Si Ningning say: "Did you just flatter me?" Eyes?"

Huo Lang was stunned for a moment before he realized it was a routine. He said "you" and subconsciously raised his hand to braid Si Ningning's hair as punishment.

Si Ningning didn't give him this chance. She chuckled and jumped out, "Okay, stop talking about 'you, you, me, me,' and leave quickly! It's going to be dark if you don't go back!"

Horang paused slightly for half a beat when he wanted to catch up, and then picked it up again the next moment. He sighed lightly and stepped on the beam with a pampering expression to follow the beautiful figure in front of him.

Entering the boundary of the production team, the uncles who were busy in the farmland under the mountain road saw Huo Lang and Si Ningning. They raised their voices and asked: "Alang, Si Zhiqing, your work is done!"

"Si Zhiqing, what's the county like? You've seen the world now, haven't you? Hahaha!" the well-intentioned uncle joked.

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to answer, another older sister-in-law took up the words of the uncle in front of her: "Uncle Sixth, why are you so confused when you are not yet old? Si Zhiqing is from the city. Hey! What’s not better in the city than in the county?”

 “Damn it, I’m so hot and confused! Hahaha~”

 The place was bustling with activity.

Ning Ning, the mountain road boss, scratched his head with a smile and said nothing. After looking at each other, he and Huo Lang went to Zhao Hongbing's house to report.

Si Ningning's injuries had faded. He took out the clothes he had borrowed at Luo Daqing's house and gave them to Zhao Hongbing, asking Zhao Hongbing to take them there when he had time. Then he tactfully told the news that the county had not responded in the past few days.

 (End of this chapter)

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