Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 259: routine inspection

Chapter 259 Routine Inspection

 “There’s no movement at all? What’s going on?”

Zhao Hongbing frowned and scratched the scalp on the back of his head with his experienced hands, making a "sizzling" sound.

"It's not urgent. I'll go over and inquire tomorrow." Huo Lang stood up and said, "Si Zhiqing and Mo Zhiqing are members of the third team. The third team doesn't have great skills, but they are not afraid of others looking for trouble. The county doesn't care, so let's go Report to the higher authorities.”

Holang's attitude is tough, and the meaning revealed between the lines is obvious. This matter can be easily changed. With him around, the third team refuses to suffer.

Zhao Hongbing was worried at first, but when he heard this, he immediately found his backbone, "Okay, then we'll see what the county says. If it doesn't work, we have to complain to the higher authorities. How can we go to the brigade to gather together? I'll go!"

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded slightly and glanced sideways at Si Ningning. "You should go back first. You should be busy and rest. I'll tell the captain something."

Zhao Hongbing also waved his hand and said: "Okay, Si Zhiqing, you go back and rest first. I have something else to do and I will take time to talk to you alone another day."

Si Ningning nodded, took the rattan box from Huo Lang and turned away.

It was already dark, and Si Ningning returned to the educated youth spot following the smoke coming from the windows of every house. The main room on the girl's side of the educated youth spot was filled with a large table, and everyone was eating.

Si Ningning stepped onto the steps at the door. The noise attracted everyone to turn around. Mo Bei nodded to Si Ningning. Song Shuhan was the second to react. He put out a shy smile and called "Si Zhiqing". Everyone else was stunned. After a while, he suddenly reacted.

 “Si Zhiqing!”

 “Ning Ning, you are back!”

Li Lingyuan was the first to bear the brunt, followed closely by Xu Shuhua, Jiang Yue and others, who rushed to the door and surrounded Si Ningning as she walked into the house.

“I’m back, I’m back.” Si Ningning waved her hands and curled her lips into a smile, “You guys sit down and eat. I’ll put the things down first.”

“Then have you eaten? It’s too late to cook, and everyone hasn’t used their chopsticks yet. Can you share a bowl with me?”

"No need, you can eat. I came back from eating in the county." Si Ningning smiled and entered the room. After hearing this, everyone sat back at the table and continued eating. Jiang Yue followed Si Ningning into the room holding the lunch box. , his eyes scanned Si Ningning up and down through the blurry light, "Are you okay?"

Jiang Yue's voice was very low, and after asking, she added: "Mo Bei said that he was asked by the academician from the county to get some books. I don't believe him. His head was broken... and you were walking like that that day." urgent."

"It was a bit unexpected that day, but it was nothing serious. I just followed the bullock cart on the brigade to the county and took care of it temporarily. Later, it was inconvenient because I was a **** and I had to go to the academician's place, so the captain came back. Call Song Shuhan over," Si Ningning explained calmly.

The morning after Mo Bei was hospitalized, Zhao Hongbing went to the hospital and told Si Ningning to speak up at that time. He was afraid that the news would not be heard well, and he was afraid that it would cause panic among many women who knew about it.

What Si Ningning said was exactly what Zhao Hongbing told him. It was similar to what Jiang Yue heard. However, Jiang Yue still didn't quite believe it and continued to ask: "What about the book given by the academician? Let me take a look. of?"

Si Ningning patted the rattan box and said, "It's all in there. Not only are there books, but also Academician Liang's notes, which are very precious. I'll take them out to show you when the light gets better tomorrow."

Seeing Si Ningning's confident and nagging look, Jiang Yue felt her heart twisting. She didn't know whether to believe it or not, but finally chose to nod, "Okay, don't forget it! Get up early tomorrow morning I want to see it!”

  Anyway, we will know whether it is true or false when the time comes.

"Okay, hurry up and eat! I'm going to get some water to wash up. I'm exhausted. I want to have a good sleep after washing."

"Okay, go ahead! I'm going to wash the dishes soon." Jiang Yue ran out of the room.

Si Ningning smiled lightly and patted the unnecessary dust on the box. He pushed aside the mosquito net and pushed the box into the back of the bed. The pickle jar was temporarily pushed under the bed. He will take the time to wash it tomorrow and see what to pickle.

Si Ningning then put his hands on the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed to rest for a while before packing up his clothes and washing up.

The sky was completely dark, and the educated youth spot went from quiet to noisy, and then noisy to quiet. The lights in the room were turned off. In the darkness, Xu Shuhua and the others asked Si Ningning about the details of the past few days, but Si Ningning used the same excuse as Jiang Yue. Revealed.

Perhaps they knew that Si Ningning had a "difficult" life in the county these days. Seeing that Si Ningning had no intention of talking more, Xu Shuhua and the others stopped asking, and instead informed Si Ningning in a few words. Some situations on the natural production team:

For example, the literacy class has been set up. Zhao Hongbing has built a lot of "desks" with adobe and wooden boards. As Jiang Yue suggested before, he also applied for glass from the brigade. It is said that it will be delivered in a few days.

The same goes for the black paint needed for the blackboard. Now the wooden original-color “blackboard” has been nailed to the wall in the literacy class, and we are just waiting for the paint to be delivered and painted.

In addition, there is the "test field" circled for growing mushrooms at Nanshanjiao. Although the number of mushrooms harvested from each log is not the same, the harvest is still considerable.

Just think about it, there are more than 40 households in the three teams. When the mushrooms were harvested for the first time in the experimental field, Zhao Hongbing said that each family would get two kilograms, so in the end there was only half a basket left!

Because the mushroom strains were researched by Si Ningning, Zhao Hongbing always remembered this. Afterwards, half a basket of mushrooms was sent directly to the educated youth spot. Xu Shuhua and the others cleaned them and tore them into small pieces. They have been drying them on the steps for the past few days. Keep it, move it out to dry for a day tomorrow and then bag it, keep it for winter and eat it later.

When Xu Shuhua and the others were talking about these things, Si Ningning listened very carefully, and she thought to herself that according to what she said, the two bags of bacteria she had given Zhao Hongbing before had produced at least 120 kilograms of mushrooms.

 This is just the first planting, and some details are still not well controlled. In the future, as we slowly explore, the yield should be even more impressive.

 The most important thing is how many days it takes from planting to fruiting?

The day they went to see the movie was the 3rd, and today is the 12th. It has been three days since the mushrooms were delivered, that is, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...

Si Ningning clasped her fingers on the mat under her body and counted silently. It only took six days for the mushrooms to mature and be harvested.

I have to say that the climate here is really suitable for growing mushrooms.

If things continue like this, the harvest will be harvested in six days, not just in seven days, but also in ten days. The experimental field alone can harvest three to four hundred kilograms in one month.

 According to the relatively cheap price of vegetables, which is two cents per catty, 400 catties of mushrooms is only eight yuan.

 The value of work points in the third team is converted. One work point is four cents. Calculated based on ten work points for a month, it is twelve yuan. This is the amount of money a strong laborer earns in a month, which does not include expenses such as meals. Looking at mushrooms, compared to working in the fields every day, it is really much easier. You can take care of it in your spare time. Eight yuan a month, why not?

The buzz in the room gradually quieted down, and within a moment, heavy breathing could be heard vaguely. Si Ningning silently considered it, then turned slightly sideways for a while, placed his left hand between his cheek and the pillow, and closed his eyes to prepare for sleep.

At the same time, on the other side, Huo Lang walked out of the gate of Zhao Hongbing's house. Behind him, Zhao Hongbing lit a kerosene lamp and packed up in a big way.

Chen Lianmi helped take out several broken baskets stacked on top of each other from the utility room in the courtyard, and muttered in confusion: "Where are you doing this so late at night? This utility room has been here for 800 years. If it doesn’t move, what are you doing to clean it up?”

"Why do you talk so much, mother-in-law? What do you know? Didn't you hear what Alang said at that time? Cadres have come to the capital. In a few days, they will not only come to our brigade, but also our production team! What are you talking about? Coming?"

Zhao Hongbing touched his chin and smacked his lips, then said after a while: "Oh, yes, yes, let's call for a routine inspection! Come and see the results of our production team's work and understand how the production team generates income!"

"Alang went on a long trip a few days ago. I saw that 80% of the time he was here to pick up this cadre from the capital. I guess it wasn't a "routine inspection" when he came here. He just knew Alang and came to visit him. So I brought you here. Let’s take a walk around this team,” Chen Lianmi hummed.

Zhao Hongbing smiled instead of getting angry, "What happened by the way? Those are cadres from the capital! Other production teams who want to be 'by the way' haven't had the opportunity yet! Just wait and see, it will be lively by then."

Zhao Hongbing raised his chin and said, "Hurry and clean up! I'll come over tomorrow morning to sweep and wipe the dust. I'll come in at half a small table. Then I'll put chairs and a teapot, and it will be a serious reception room! "

 Chen Lianmi didn't have much education and couldn't understand what Zhao Hongbing was talking about about the reception room. She angrily cursed "It's just a waste of time", but the movements of her hands were much neater.

The night passed in a hurry, and Si Ningning finished breakfast and tidied up the bed. She hadn't stayed there for several days and felt that there was some dust accumulated on the bed.

When Si Ningning was cleaning up, she remembered what Jiang Yue said yesterday. When she got up in the morning, she wanted to read the book she brought back. What was the result?

It wakes up in the morning, and I have no time to eat breakfast. After washing, Jiang Yue was put on the lunch box, and ran out of the braid while compiling the braids.

Si Ningning took the damp blanket on the bed outside to dry, and took the pickle jar he brought back yesterday to the well to clean, then put it on the steps beside the door to dry, and after feeding a few rabbits, Then he closed the gate of the educated youth point and went up to the team.

I originally thought that after returning to the production team, I would go to work in the pig pen step by step, but as soon as I hit the side of the house with my walking stick, I bumped into Zhao Hongbing.

“Hi, Si Zhiqing, are you going to the pig pen?”

"Yes, captain, you are see me if you have something to do?" Si Ningning nodded gently, remembering that last night Zhao Hongbing said that he would come to her alone another day if something happened, and this "another day" is probably now.

As expected, Zhao Hongbing grinned and nodded heartily, "That's the thing. Si Zhiqing is smart and can guess everything. Walk and talk as you go."

Si Ningning was a little embarrassed by the praise, she nodded shyly and said "Yeah", and walked beside Zhao Hongbing.

"It turns out that I arranged for you to work in the pig pen. Since you haven't come back from the county these days, I sent someone else to take over the work in the pig pen. It just so happened that the literacy class was about to start. Si Zhiqing, in the meantime You can spend a few days preparing for the children's courses."

 “Okay, I know Captain.”

As he spoke, he arrived near the newly established literacy class. The doorway had been rolled over by stone rollers and was now flat. A group of children were playing a game there with their legs set up and bumping into each other.

Seeing Zhao Hongbing and Si Ningning coming over, the kids quickly put down their legs and stood obediently, "Uncle Hongbing/Hello, Teacher Si!"

Seven or eight children were called Zhao Hongbing, and their names were somewhat different. However, they were all called "Teacher Si" by Si Ningning, which really shocked Si Ningning.

Zhao Hongbing glanced at Si Ningning with a rather proud expression, "How about Si Zhiqing? These kids are not bad, right?"

Si Ningning was stunned. She probably knew that these children would call her "teacher" because they were all taught by Zhao Hongbing.

At first, she was a little confused, but after she recovered, Si Ningning didn’t think anything was wrong anymore. “It’s pretty good, but I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.”

 This is the truth. Si Ningning always thought that these things would have to wait until classes officially started, so she told these children.

It might as well have been that Zhao Hongbing had said it in advance. After all, she was not a real teacher. She always felt that letting others call her teacher would give her an embarrassing illusion.

"Hahaha, I just said, this is the arrangement, you can't go wrong!" Zhao Hongbing laughed loudly, raised his hand in front of him, and continued: "Come on, Si Zhiqing, go inside and take a look."

Si Ningning followed him into the house to take a look.

The literacy class is in a big room. Just like what Si Ningning heard yesterday, the original color blackboard has been hung up and the anti-theft railings on the windows have been installed. However, the areas where glass and window paper need to be attached to the window sash are still empty. Wait. After the glass "arrives", it should be refinished at that time.

The area of ​​the house is about thirty square meters, with twenty-two small tables made of adobe and irregular wooden boards. This number is based on the number of children signed up by the production team to study, Si Ningning knew.

Si Ningning walked around in a circle. There were windows on both sides of the walls of the literacy class. In addition, there was still a small area of ​​​​the roof tiles that was empty. They would fill it in when the glass arrived later, so the light in the room was very good. The four The corners are also very open.

Si Ningning nodded while looking at it. Passing by the small desk, she stretched out her hand and lightly rubbed her fingertips across the tabletop. The tabletop was also planed with a plane. There would be no "stuck" appearance when writing without something on it. "Lengdeng" feeling.

Zhao Hongbing really paid attention to it and arranged everything he could think of.

“Captain, this room can be used as a classroom, but the commune has assigned tasks to set up literacy classes for adults... We only hold classes for children. Will there be anything to say to the commune later?”

Si Ningning was a little worried that Zhao Hongbing was too radical and only cared about his children, and would not be able to make a job with the commune.

 (End of this chapter)

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