Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 260: status quo, plan

Chapter 260 Current situation, planning

“Si Zhiqing, you don’t have to worry about this. I’ve made arrangements for these days.” Zhao Hongbing waved his hand and explained:

"Everyone can't find time to go to the fields during the day, so you and Jiang Zhiqing will come here during the day. Every household will have something to do, and they can't all come. Let one person from each family come, and Xu Zhiqing and the others will smoke every night. Come here in an hour, an hour and a half."

Si Ningning nodded, "Okay, captain, just make the arrangements. We will follow your arrangements."

Zhao Hongbing said "haha" with a smile and waved his hand, "We've seen it here, let's go to the experimental field and have a look? Can we also make plans for the mushrooms?"

As soon as Zhao Hongbing said these words, Si Ningning knew that he already had an idea in his mind, so he nodded again and said, "Okay."

 Then she waited silently for Zhao Hongbing to speak. When Zhao Hongbing spoke, she listened carefully:

“I originally thought that I had to work **** mushrooms, but I never thought it would be so easy? Si Zhiqing, it’s all thanks to you cultivating those, uh...mushroom seeds!”

The results, which were average or even less than ideal in Si Ningning's eyes, seemed to be a great surprise and very satisfactory to Zhao Hongbing.

It is not impossible to understand if you think about it carefully. In this era, various materials are in short supply, communes cannot compete for fertilizer quotas, human fertilizers are not supplied, and crop harvests are not ideal. Of course, expectations for mushrooms are not very high.

“No, I just did some research... It’s not that difficult. Just pay more attention to the details. If the captain finds a suitable candidate later, I can hand it over to everyone, and everyone can try to cultivate it.”

“I think this arrangement will work, but I’m not in a hurry right now. This year, we will focus on the mushroom test fields. When winter comes and we have some free time, we will organize people to clear out all the vacant areas, so in this aspect…”

Zhao Hongbing paused for a moment, then continued with a "hehe": "It's up to you, Si Zhiqing, and I'll give you work points for this matter. Excluding the literacy class, an additional thirty work points will be counted at the end of each month. Do you think that's okay?"

In fact, Zhao Hongbing's words were mostly based on solicitation. Si Ningning said it was not difficult or troublesome, but this was not the case. Zhao Hongbing was really elusive whether it was true or not. Moreover, the difficulty of being a scholar might not be the same as the definition of the ideas of these rough and tumble men. It's a little different.

Zhao Hongbing was really afraid that he would be underpaid for these thirty work points, so he added, "It's not stable yet, so I can't guarantee you. When the mushrooms grow stably, if you want to eat mushrooms later, just go there and get them. Look, Can it be done?”

Cultivation of bacterial strains may not be something that others can do at the moment, but it is not difficult for Si Ningning at all. It can be done with a little patience, and as long as you keep it well, it can be used for a long time...

Si Ningning didn't think his labor was cheap, but looking at the situation, thirty extra work points a month was really fine. As for getting mushrooms and the like, it didn't matter. If he really wanted to eat educated youth, he could also plant some rotten wood by the well in front of the door. point.

However, you can negotiate the price when buying things. If someone calculates your wages for you, and if there is less, you can negotiate for an extra. How can you subtract for the less if someone else gives you more?

Si Ningning nodded: "Okay, but captain, the process of cultivating mycelium requires alcohol and some transparent sealed bottles... Well, cans and bottles should be fine, just a few."

“Alcohol is a consumable product that will be used every time, and the higher the concentration, the better.”

If Zhao Hongbing buys something, Si Ningning can use it "slowly" if there is space, but some things must be made clear.

If you don't say this, if Zhao Hongbing really asks someone to come and learn from her, and then they find out that they need to use alcohol or other things, they may be grateful to you at the first time, but they will also be surprised that you didn't tell them that you need these things. Instead, I pay for it myself...

People may not necessarily have evil in their hearts, and Si Ningning doesn’t want to think of people that bad.

 She wants to use her own ability to lead and help the people around her, but she must do everything in a measured way. Excessive kindness will arouse the suspicion of others, and ultimately lead to a tiring and tiring result. That is not what she wants.

Zhao Hongbing nodded knowingly, "Alcohol, cans and bottles... ok, I'll pay attention to this when I get back. That mushroom seed Si Zhiqing made last time, didn't you come up with all the stuff? You didn't say a word, how is that good?"

Si Ningning nodded, then shook his head again, "I brought some alcoholic iodine with me when I came from home, just to prevent skin scratches and minor injuries. I happened to have these on hand when I was studying this hyphae, so I used it first. , but not too much, it won’t take more than two times to cultivate mycelium.”

Si Ningning briefly explained why he had these things. At the same time, he also told Zhao Hongbing tactfully that the iodine and alcohol were brought here to prevent injuries, and the quantities would not be large.

Zhao Hongbing scratched the back of his head twice and nodded repeatedly: "Understood, understood, I know all these things."

The little girl took out the research results and let them enjoy the benefits. Do they really just want to enjoy the benefits?

They cannot share the difficulties in research, and the expenses required in the process can always make up for it. If you don’t know, you won’t talk about it, but once you know, you can’t just ignore it.

What’s the point of just sitting back and enjoying the gains?

With the idea settled in his mind, Zhao Hongbing turned serious, nodded and said seriously: "Si Zhiqing, you have to speak out about things like this in the future. This is a major event that benefits the production team, even the brigade, and the commune. We may not understand the details. , but if you need support in terms of manpower or material, if nothing else, I will try my best to get it for you!”

 “Okay!” Si Ningning smiled brightly and nodded vigorously.

As they talked, they arrived at the "test field". Si Ningning and Zhao Hongbing chatted and looked at the mushrooms on the wooden shelves. In the past, the mushrooms on the wooden shelves should have been harvested by cutting the bottoms with a knife. Nowadays, each wooden man has a lot of aging and shrunken mushroom bases. You can vaguely see the neat oblique cuts on it.

Si Ningning looked around and pointed out the problem, "These woods are large in size and can be replanted several times before replacing the wood. However, in order not to affect the growth of the next crop of mushrooms, these low stubbles must be removed."

Zhao Hongbing listened and took notes. Hearing Si Ningning say that wood needs to be replaced after planting it several times, he couldn't react for a long time, "Isn't this wood still a consumable? Why do we need to replace it?"

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's not what I meant, um..."

Si Ningning let out a long "hmm" and explained in detail, "Even if fertilizers are applied during normal farming, the same crop cannot be planted multiple times. For example, some paddy fields will be planted with soybeans after a good harvest, because soybeans have nitrogen-fixing properties. It can increase nitrogen in the soil and increase soil fertility.”

"The principle is actually the same. We also have requirements for wood when growing mushrooms, not only humidity, but also nutrition. At present, there is no material or species similar to "soybeans" found in wood that can improve and neutralize the growth environment. , then you can only plant mushrooms a few times and let the wood sit idle for a period of time, allowing it to breed bacteria and other microorganisms according to the laws of nature.”

Si Ningning gave a long speech, many of which Zhao Hongbing didn't understand very well, such as the nitrogen fixation of soybeans, nitrogen elements, and microorganisms. Zhao Hongbing didn't even know what those were.

  But one thing Zhao Hongbing can confirm is that growing soybeans can indeed fertilize the land.

Zhao Hongbing never doubted Si Ningning. If he didn't understand, he would only attribute it to his lack of education and shallow education. Moreover, from what Si Ningning said, "Soybeans can fertilize the land," Zhao Hongbing confirmed that Si Ningning did understand this. Something, so he nodded and said: "I probably know what's going on, but the standard of the wood is still unclear. Si Zhiqing, you need to pay more attention to this later."

"No problem." Si Ningning responded with a smile with crooked eyes, and then thoughtfully gave Zhao Hongbing examples of several things that can be used to grow mushrooms, "Sawdust, straw, and corn cobs can all be used to grow mushrooms. Mushrooms and sawdust require plastic film, which is relatively expensive, so it would be more suitable to cultivate strains. "

"Straw and corn cobs are suitable for growing indoors, and there is no need to buy a shelf. Just lay a layer of plastic film on the ground, then a layer of straw/corn cobs and a layer of fungus powder. Lay out several layers depending on the situation. Finally, cover with plastic film and wait. That’s it. This kind of planting method requires the bacteria planted inside to develop again and has a growth time, so the mushrooms will be slower.”

"Then this mushroom...isn't it." Zhao Hongbing mistakenly said that the straw was a mushroom. He tapped his mouth and continued to ask Si Ningning, "Does the straw and corncobs of this kind of mushroom also need to be processed?"

Si Ningning nodded, "Yes, you can boil it in high-temperature hot water in a pot, or soak it in lime water according to the proportion."

 As long as the proportion is reasonable, lime water can also achieve complete sterilization.

"Oh, so..." Zhao Hongbing nodded thoughtfully, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Si Zhiqing, plastic film is difficult to get, let's just stick to the wood first, and if we get the plastic film in the future, we can try it again Anyway, choose the best option!”

“Captain, there’s still half a year left in this year, and the mushroom business has just started, so we’re not in a hurry.”

 Investment is necessary. As long as you consider growing mushrooms indoors, the plastic film issue will have to be implemented sooner or later.

But as Zhao Hongbing said, if you want to do this, you have to experiment. The industry is not developed these days, and plastic films are not cheap.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning said: "By the way, Captain, I just remembered that if high-concentration alcohol is difficult to handle, we can find quicklime and adjust the lime water ourselves later."

 “Hey, okay!”

After confirming that Zhao Hongbing had finished talking about the business, Si Ningning planned to stroll back to the educated youth point. However, after taking only two steps, Si Ningning turned around and called Zhao Hongbing, "Captain."

 “Ah? What’s the matter?”

Si Ningning hesitated for a moment, his pupils swayed twice before he asked: "Captain, has Comrade Huo Lang gone out today?"

Horang has errands in the county, so he does not need to issue a letter of introduction when he goes to the county. Documents such as a letter of introduction and certification for errands in the county also come from his work unit.

Generally speaking, there is no need to inform Zhao Hongbing, but the families of Huo Lang and Zhao Hongbing are close, and Huo Lang also takes care of the farm work of the team, and he is afraid that Zhao Hongbing will temporarily arrange things for him, and he will be delayed when he goes out later. , so every time something happens, Holang will come over and say hello.

Si Ningning is the right person to ask.

“I went, I went early in the morning, what happened? Si Zhiqing, what do you want from Alang?”

 I left early in the morning, so I should be back earlier in the afternoon, right?

Let’s go to the bamboo forest in the afternoon.

Si Ningning thought about it, shook her head with a long "hmm", smiled and waved her hands and ran back, "It's nothing, I'm going back to the captain, you should go back early, it's time to have lunch soon."

 “Hey, okay.”

 Zhao Hongbing responded and saw Si Ningning running away.

There is no need to work in the pig pen for the time being. Zhao Hongbing said that before the literacy class starts, Si Ningning can prepare more lessons.

Si Ningning has prepared a lot of various short texts and simple poems by great men, and he doesn’t plan to prepare any more for the time being. He plans to start classes then and see how well the children can accept them.

Although I don’t plan to learn new knowledge points, you can think of short stories or something in your free time. Using interesting allusions to teach children about worldly truths is often more effective than orthodox texts.

Thinking in her heart, Si Ningning had already untied the rope on the gate of the Educated Youth Point. After entering the house and putting down his backpack and other things, he went out and closed the gate, took out the ax from the space and went to the bamboo forest behind the house.

Look for and collect thin bamboos such as arrow bamboo in the bamboo forest where thick moso bamboos are everywhere, and put the trunks of rotten wood that you encounter along the way into the space.

Bamboo was shaved into bamboo poles and kept in the space for later use, and rotten wood and the like were thought to be used as seed piles if one wanted to grow mushrooms in the space.

It was almost noon when everyone was so busy that Si Ningning withdrew from the bamboo forest. He washed away the sweat on his face and the black ash on his arms from the bamboo at the well, sat down and took a breather. He went into the room and took out the notes he got from Academician Liang.

He took out the book that he had taken out of the space and tore off the cover from before and moved it to the table in the main room. Si Ningning made a cup of malted milk and sat at the table to drink it while carefully looking at the old cover of the notes. Looked up.

Liang Qinghong is an academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Si Ningning thought she only specialized in livestock husbandry, but this was not the case. This can be seen from her notes.

Although the notebook looks broken and old, in fact, after turning over the first few pages, both the pages and the content are very complete, and the knowledge involved is also very broad, including the habits of domestic animals, as well as common diseases and Some rare but difficult diseases are listed together with their corresponding solutions. In addition, there are also some herbal medicines that I remember very clearly...

When Liang Qinghong taught Si Ningning how to identify herbal medicines a few days ago, Si Ningning thought they were all used to treat livestock diseases. After reading the notes, she realized that was not the case. Most of the rare or common medicinal materials were used to treat livestock diseases. Various illnesses in people.


 It’s been a long time since I asked for votes! It's the end of the month soon, please give me a wave of votes, hey, hey, I'm asking for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, okay? !

 (End of this chapter)

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