Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 261: The above outline is online

Chapter 261 is online

Like some herbal medicines with unfamiliar names, there are patterns outlined with pens on one side. Although the painting is rough, the characteristics of the medicinal materials are clearly highlighted.

 After flipping through a few pages, Si Ningning didn’t recognize the names of some of them. After looking at the pictures, he naturally associated them with several plants he had seen near the production team before.

 The pictures evoked associations. At first, reading the notes felt a bit boring. Gradually, Si Ningning became interested and became more and more fascinated.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the cicadas chirped alternately in the canopy of trees outside the door. At noon, other educated youths rolled up their hat brims and fanned themselves into the house. Si Ningning didn't notice it at first.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Shuhua was the first to speak. She looked at Si Ningning while asking, but hung her hat on the wall with a familiar hand.

Jiang Yue followed, "I know! It must be a book borrowed from the county academician a few days ago!"

Jiang Yue was a little skeptical yesterday, but now she saw the pile of books piled in Si Ningning's hand and was instantly convinced.

Turning around and sitting next to Si Ningning, Jiang Yue folded her arms and leaned on the table and asked, "Ningning, can I take a look?"

“Look, be careful when turning the pages, don’t tear them.” Si Ningning smiled and nodded.

Jiang Yue said "yeah" and said "I know" in a higher voice. Then she picked up the book and flipped through a few pages, trying to find the type of book she liked.

When Xu Shuhua and the others heard the commotion, they couldn't sit still anymore and stepped forward one after another: "Ning Ning, can we watch?"

Si Ningning nodded and answered in unison: "Okay."

  A group of people gathered around and chatted for a while, then sat down neatly at the table, passing books one by one. If anyone found the type they liked, they would keep it. If not, they would pass it to the next person.

Si Ningning asked them to be careful not to damage the pages when reading, and then let them go. She herself held the notes and read them with gusto.

Maybe the books I had read before were not about this. The more Si Ningning read, the more curious he became. He hastily solved the lunch problem and took some time in the afternoon to find a place to plant the potatoes that had grown green sprouts after not eating them in the past few days. Si Ningning He sat on the threshold holding the notes and continued reading.

Unknowingly, he lost track of time. When he realized it, the sun had already tilted, and a large shadow of the tree crowns and roofs had accumulated in front of the educated youth spot. Si Ningning held the notes in one hand and took out his pocket watch with the other and took a look. It was already four to five in the afternoon. It's fifteen, and it's five minutes to five o'clock.

Horang went to the county to do errands and inquire about news, and there were cars picking him up and dropping him off there and back. He should be back by about this time, right?

Si Ningning’s clear deer eyes flickered slightly, she closed her notes and put them in her space, then she took the educated youth point door and walked towards the production team.

The identity of the teacher seems to have been settled. Whether it is children or adults who meet along the way, everyone who sees Si Ningning has a smile on their face, and they also say politely, " "Teacher Si".

Si Ningning is quite calm in front of children, but still a little embarrassed in front of adults, so she can't help but say a few polite words.

 But as more people called her like this, she gradually got used to it, and in the end she was able to respond calmly and respond with a calm and polite smile.

This day will come eventually, so it’s better to adapt in advance.

that is…

Si Ningning, you must be worthy of the word "teacher".

Si Ningning sighed softly and muttered silently in his heart.

 I took a small path from the alley in the queue to the ridge of the field, and then walked around from the ridge to the bamboo forest. It took more than ten minutes to finally arrive in front of Chen's house.

Si Ningning stood outside the courtyard gate. Before he could speak, the people inside found him and shouted:

 “Si Ningning!”

Hegu jumped three feet high, dropped the broom in his hand and jumped up to open the far door, "You're back! Brother said you went to the county, what on earth were you busy with? For so many days, I thought that brother I sold you secretly!"

He Gu seemed to have grown taller after not seeing him for a few days, and the expression on his face became more vivid and vivid, no longer as gray and lifeless as before. After staring at it twice, Si Ningning found that He Gu had turned a lot darker.

"Do you know that buying and selling people is illegal?" Si Ningning reached out and slapped He Gu on the forehead, causing him to suffer a brain breakdown. He Gu covered his forehead with an "ouch", and Si Ningning leaned over again and took the opportunity to pinch He Gu's cheek and pinch it lightly. After a while, "Where are your elder brother and Sanae? What have you been doing recently? Are you tanning?"

"Hmm..." Hegu closed one eye, stood on tiptoes obediently and let Si Ningning squeeze him, and muttered vaguely: "Hmm... Big brother hasn't come back yet, Sanae is cooking, and I'm sweeping the chicken **** in the yard. …Tie Dan and the others went to catch Kemen a few days ago. The sun was so strong that we must have gotten tanned at that time.”

  【Kemen'er: frog. 】

Due to psychological problems, Hegu rarely went out in the past, and he always walked alone when he went out and never interacted with his peers. Now he has gradually gone out to catch small frogs with other children, which is enough to see his change.

Si Ningning was very pleased. He let go of the soft flesh on Hegu's cheek and rubbed it again. "You have to pay attention to safety when you go out to play. You can't go to no one's place, and you can't play in the water. Did you know that?"

"Don't worry, I know, these big brothers have said it a long time ago!" He Gu raised his chin in a dignified manner, and nervously grasped the corner of Si Ningning's clothes for a while, "Are you still leaving? If you are leaving, when will you come back? return?"

"Why can't I leave? I just went to do some errands. Now I've pretty much done everything. If I go out occasionally, I'll be back on the same day." Si Ningning rubbed Hegu's little head and took out a handful of fruit peels from the bag. He walked over and said, "Take it and share it with Sanae. Remember to tell me when your elder brother comes back."

 “It needs to be done secretly.” Si Ningning blinked.

He Gu nodded knowingly and blinked as if it was a signal, "I know Si Ningning."

“I’m going back. Go and help Sanae. Remember to be careful when cooking.”


Farewell to the Chen family, Si Ningning returned to the educated youth point along the same route. Xu Shuhua and the others had already returned and were counting the rations for the next two days.

Si Ningning went into the house and put down his bag. When he came out and saw a group of people still struggling, he moved the pony and sat against the wall and said, "Why don't we just follow the same rules as before?"

 Give as much as you can eat, and divide the meals into several portions.

"Last time when we were receiving rations, the team leader said that the production team usually only calculates work points and rations at the end of the year. We are from out of town and have no work points when we first arrived. It is a special case that we are afraid that we will not have enough to eat. We will be divided once a month, but We can't go on like this." Song Xiaoyun stood up to answer the question, "The captain said that we have to keep up with the production team sooner or later. Otherwise, it will be troublesome for the scorekeeper to calculate work points every month."

Si Ningning has probably come to his senses.

Just by working hard, the work points of the educated youth will definitely not be as good as those of the local commune members. Moreover, most of them don’t have many work points saved now, and the rations they received last month are not enough to last for a few days.

If you want to catch up with the production team members as soon as possible and distribute rations at the end of the year, you will definitely not be able to eat as before for a long time. Si Ningning quickly reviewed the current situation in her mind, and probably understood that Xu Shuhua and the others actually had a plan at this time, but they just didn't say it out loud.

The worry about being hungry is one, and the other is the issue of face. Although I am short on work points, I am also afraid that I will be the one who takes out the least rations for meals, and others will make fun of me.

“Just do whatever you want. Everyone’s working situation is the same. The rations for work points are only so much. There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you save a little.”

Si Ningning was silent and took the initiative to break the silence, "In addition to the usual work, there are rabbits in the educated youth spots now. I think those rabbits are almost the same size. It will be a matter of time for a baby rabbit to be raised in the nest. As long as you are active and willing Come on, I think our group of educated youths will have a better time than those who go to other brigades."

In other words, as long as you work hard and have a correct attitude, you will not be hungry for long if you save food rations.

Si Ningning’s words temporarily relaxed the atmosphere in the hall.

All educated youths also understand this truth, but except for Si Ningning, Mo Bei, and Song Shuhan, their conditions are relatively average. There is no money subsidy in daily life, and the rations they receive in the team are enough to satisfy them. reluctantly.

At first, because of the eggs and rabbits, I felt that my future life was very promising, but now I have to tighten my belt and live a life, and the worry comes up inexplicably.

 In fact, let’s talk about the sentence:

How can you work if you don’t have enough food?

 If you don’t do your job well, how can you have food to eat?

 Worry is worry, life has to go on, can a living person still be suffocated to death by urine?

Li Lingyuan scratched the back of his head impatiently, "Si Zhiqing is right, let's work harder from now on. If it doesn't work, we'll save breakfast. The pain will only last for a while, not for the rest of our lives, so don't be discouraged!"

"Yes, yes, don't think about those troubles and live in the present first! I won't eat breakfast tomorrow and reduce one potato at noon. This way I can save on food rations for this month and I can last a few more days. What about you? Hurry now. Make a decision!"

“I didn’t eat breakfast either. It’s too hot at noon and I don’t have a good appetite... I’ll just steam two potatoes then so as not to waste the food.” Song Xiaoyun continued, her voice getting softer and quieter as she spoke.

At this time, everyone is in the same situation, and there really is no time to make fun of others. After Song Xiaoyun, except for Li Lingyuan, who ate three potatoes for lunch, several girls only had two potatoes.

Of course these girls do not include Si Ningning.

 Those with difficult conditions plan to skip breakfast. On the contrary, for those with good conditions, breakfast becomes a problem.

Song Shuhan and Mo Beiqi both turned their attention to Si Ningning. Si Ningning scratched his head in embarrassment, "Dinner is okay. As for breakfast... I can help you cook it occasionally, but I can't guarantee it every day."

Si Ningning’s breakfast can be served in the space, and no one else will know whether she has eaten or not.

Mo Bei and the others went to work in the fields so early. Si Ningning would have to get up earlier to make breakfast. Occasionally, it would be okay to help Mo Bei and the others. But if they did it day after day, they would have to get up early every day, even if Si Ningning didn't want to move even if he was paid.

It’s not that Si Ningning didn’t help, it was just that he was used to waking up naturally, so getting up early would really kill someone.

Mo Bei nodded his jaw gently.

Song Shuhan smiled shyly and looked a little embarrassed, "I understand, I understand."

This is also a no-brainer. There is really no way to do it. I can only see if I can learn to do it myself.

The issue of food rations has been discussed for the time being, but we ate very frugally for dinner that night. For seven of us, one handful of rice and one handful of rice cooked a pot of porridge that was not too thick. Si Ningning was not satisfied with eating just one bowl. Eat again.

 After washing up and going to bed at night, Si Ningning was thinking that the days of skipping breakfast and eating light meals should last for at least two months.

 All the work points saved in the past two months can be exchanged for rations at the end of the year, but the rations obtained are not enough to last until the end of next year. In other words, after the New Year, the days of frugality will continue...

It's okay in the short term, but in the long term, Si Ningning won't be able to maintain the same progress as the large army. In this case, it will be a matter of time before he fires alone.

 This matter cannot be rushed now. Si Ningning plans to look at it later.

 Let's see if there will be any changes. If it is determined that this is the situation, it will not be too late to find a way to deal with it.

While thinking about it, Si Ningning remembered that He Gu had not come over until dark in the afternoon. In other words, Huo Lang had not come back yet...

 Is something holding you back? Or something else?

Si Ningning was worried and couldn't sleep, turning over and over, causing the ship's plank to sway slightly, and Xu Shuhua's side also swayed slightly.

 Xu Shuhua raised her head in the darkness, "What's wrong, Ning Ning, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Ah...No, it's just a little hot." Si Ningning lied in a soft voice without any embarrassment.

“As long as there is a mosquito net, it’s warmer. It’s so dark at night that no one can see it. You can roll up the clothes on your stomach to keep cool.”


 Xu Shuhua lay down to sleep again.

Under the hazy moonlight, Si Ningning remained lying on his back and stared at the dark mosquito net in trance.

I don’t know how long it took, but her eyelids trembled, she yawned and fell asleep on one side.

Huo Lang didn't come back for three days in a row. During these three days, Si Ningning stopped worrying all the time, but she was not idle either, because during this period, the brigade sent the glass and paint that Zhao Hongbing had applied for.

Zhao Hongbing organized people to install the windows and lay the light-transmitting glass on the roof. He also arranged for people to paint the blackboard with black paint several times back and forth, just waiting for the paint to dry to start the class.

While waiting for the blackboard paint to dry, Si Ningning and Jiang Yue were assigned the task by Zhao Hongbing to organize the classroom again according to their wishes and ideas.

Jiang Yue was in trouble, "What kind of regulations are there? The desks are made of wooden boards and adobe bricks. Once one is moved, the other must be moved. This is not an easy task. The captain is really too strict. Bar!"

Si Ningxin said: It is indeed a bit.

 Although there is something wrong, it is not necessarily a bad thing. At least this persistence will be reflected in the children in the future.

“I think it’s okay in the classroom, but if the captain wants to improve the learning atmosphere and restore the campus environment, we can also start from the outside.” Si Ningning said.

 (End of this chapter)

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