Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 262: "other people"

Chapter 262 "Others"

Jiang Yue opened her eyes and turned around, "You mean, the small playground?"

"Yeah." Si Ningning curved her lips and smiled, walked to the window in two steps, looked out and stretched out her hand to draw, "Although this place is not big, we don't have many children. We can't organize big activities. The whole Parallel Bar Head Office?”

"It doesn't need to be too high. It's only about 1.2 or 3 meters high. Children can play without having to worry about falling. What do you think?" Si Ningning looked back at Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue nodded, then shook her head hesitantly for a while, "I'm afraid the parallel bars will be difficult to handle, and they're still 1.2-3 meters high."

 Simple sports facilities such as horizontal bars and parallel bars are available in many schools in the city, including the school where Jiang Yue stopped school.

Although he didn’t know the exact height, Jiang Yueneng was sure that the height of the horizontal and parallel bars was definitely over 1.3 meters.

These things also need to be applied for, and you may not be able to apply for them. Even if you apply for them, the height is not appropriate.

Si Ningning smiled lightly and shook her head, "I praised you for your progress a while ago, why are you starting to get into trouble again?"

 “Huh?” Jiang Yue was confused.

Si Ningning continued: "We can make things like horizontal bars and parallel bars ourselves. As long as we choose suitable and strong wood, won't we decide the height ourselves?"

Jiang Yue's eyes lit up and she understood instantly, "I think it works!"

“Then let’s choose a place first? After confirming it, we can talk to the captain?”

"Okay! But if you want to put it this way, Ning Ning, can we consider adding things that we can do ourselves? For example, skipping ropes or something, rub one with a straw rope regularly, and you can take it with you during breaks. Children playing together?”

 “This is a good idea, maybe it can be done.”

As soon as Jiang Yue heard Si Ningning's agreement, she jumped three feet high in excitement, "Then, I'll add it! There's no need to tell the captain about this, I can just do it myself later!"


Jiang Yue raised her fist excitedly, and Si Ningning beside her put her fist to her lips and laughed softly, "Okay, come on~"

The two girls wandered around the flat land outside the classroom, choosing a place, and finally selected an open space under the shadow of the tree canopy, and then walked hand in hand toward the production team leader Zhao Hongbing's house.

After twisting and turning into the alley, and then walking out of the alley for about ten steps, there was Zhao Hongbingjia. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue were walking happily. As soon as they took one foot out of the alley, they bumped into Mo Mo. Bei and Song Shuhan.

The moment they passed each other, Jiang Yue suddenly asked carelessly: "Have you finished work? Why are you so early today?"

Mo Bei shook his head.

 “It’s not like getting off work.”

Mo Bei always spoke little. He shook his head and said nothing more. At this time, Song Shuhan, who was following him, was like a roundworm in his belly. He answered for him: "Given the time, the stitches on Mo Bei's head will have to be removed tomorrow." , I came back a little early today to say hello to the captain and ask for leave. "

“That’s it.” Jiang Yue said “Oh” and nodded.

Si Ningning heard Song Shuhan's words and subconsciously moved his eyes up to Mo Bei's forehead.

The wound had stopped bleeding, but he still insisted on changing the dressing every day after returning from the hospital. Now the gauze covering the wound was stained with medicine and was mottled in color. It was not considered dirty, but it was indeed the same as Mo Bei's excessive blood loss. The sharp contrast between the face that has not completely recovered its complexion.

The tall young man has a bandage on his forehead and his face is gray and pale. He is obviously tall and straight, but standing quietly beside Song Shuhan at this moment, people always feel an inexplicable feeling of weakness and vulnerability.

 Feeling of guilt came over, and Si Ning Ningping and Mingming's heart sank slightly in an instant, "Has the captain approved the leave? When will I arrive tomorrow..."

 “Oh, Si Zhiqing, Jiang Zhiqing, are you here?”

Before Si Ningning finished speaking, he was stopped by Zhao Hongbing who was not far away.

The four people in the alley stood in clever postures. Mo Bei and Song Shuhan stood on the inside of the alley, Si Ningning and Jiang Yue stood on the outside, and Zhao Hongbing stood at the door of his house. Only Si Ningning and Jiang Yue were seen standing at the door. Mo Bei and Mo Bei were not visible there.

Seeing that Si Ningning and Jiang Yue were silent, Zhao Hongbing felt a little puzzled, beckoned and continued: "Si Zhiqing, Jiang Zhiqing, have you discovered something? Come here and go into the room to talk."

Hearing this, Jiang Yue reached out and took Si Ningning's hand as a reminder, but did not urge her.

Mo Bei noticed the details and nodded to Si Ningning. Maybe it was because he was still weak. There was a fragile softness in his cold voice, "Go first, and we'll talk about it later when we return to the Educated Youth Point."

“Okay.” Si Ningning nodded, slightly hooked her lips, took Jiang Yue’s hand and trotted out of the alley.

Mo Bei stared at Si Ningning's back for a while, then turned around and said, "Let's go back."

"Ah... um." Song Shuhan was stunned for a moment, then followed Mo Bei.

 It’s a bit strange, or rather strange, it’s more appropriate to say “strange”.

 After returning from the county, Mo Bei's attachment to Si Ningning was obviously not as strong as before.

 Have you finally chosen to give up on this negative relationship after deep struggle and reflection?

Or, did you just make a choice and choose to conceal and suppress?

 Song Shuhan was unpredictable.

Song Shuhan took a deep breath and looked up at the neatly trimmed hair on the back of Mo Bei's head. Under his round glasses, his slender eyebrows briefly furrowed, and he couldn't hide his worried look.

 Song Shuhan respects all people’s choices, but...

 The left side is the brother, the right side is the friend. No matter what, Song Shuhan does not want either party to get hurt.

Mo Bei and Song Shuhan returned to the educated youth point one after another, and Si Ningning and Jiang Yue also entered the courtyard of Zhao Hongbing's house.

Perhaps it was because Si Ningning and Jiang Yue were studying and would later become teachers for the team, so Zhao Hongbing was very polite to them.

Seeing the two people coming home, Zhao Hongbing had already entered the house and poured two jars of water.

Si Ningning took the enamel jar and said, "Captain, you don't have to do anything. It's not a big deal. It's just some of our own ideas. We can finish it in a few words."

Zhao Hongbing drawled "Hey" and waved his hands with a silly smile, "Two jars of water, what kind of busy work is it? Drink, drink, haha!"

Jiang Yue took a sip of water and sat next to Si Ningning. She casually mentioned what she had just discussed with Si Ningning in the literacy class, "The classroom arrangement in the literacy class is very well arranged. There is no need to adjust it. Ning and I Ning’s idea is the same as before. The horizontal and parallel bars help children exercise and have fun after class. "

Jiang Yue glanced at Si Ningning as she spoke, and continued: "There is no need to spend money to apply for this kind of thing. We are surrounded by trees and have strong wood and the like. We can find someone with skills to do it ourselves, but this is It’s up to you, the captain, to decide whether Ningning and I want to do it.”

 Zhao Hongbing pondered for a moment.

He actually doesn't care much about things that have nothing to do with reading and literacy, but since it is Si Ningning and Jiang Yue's suggestion, he will seriously consider it.

If you only need wood and lumber, the third team has plenty here, but there is really nothing they would be reluctant to part with. Zhao Hongbing thought about it and turned to look at Si Ningning, "Si Zhiqing, what does this single and parallel bar look like? What are your requirements? Let me see how you can do it."

Si Ningning looked around, and finally her eyes fell on the enamel jar in front of her. She dipped her fingers in some water in the enamel jar and drew parallel bars on the table, "That's about it. It's so thick that it can't be grasped with one hand... Well, probably Two turns thicker than a **** handle.”

Zhao Hongbing looked at the table and asked suspiciously: "How do you play with this thing? Just hang it and swing it around?"

"Uh..." Si Ningning was stuck for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "That's right, so we need to ensure stability to avoid falling and hitting people."

There are many ways to play the horizontal and parallel bars, but in the final analysis they all seem to be "hanging" from the top.

Si Ningning couldn't help but feel a little ashamed after thinking about this.

Zhao Hongbing on the opposite side thought silently for a moment, then waved his hand and said cheerfully: "Okay, I understand this. I'll keep an eye out for suitable wood later!"

Si Ningning took the opportunity to recommend the location for placing the parallel bars, and then the matter was finalized. She and Jiang Yue looked at each other, and soon stayed, saying: "Then captain, we will go back first. If there is anything we need to communicate later, we will Come again."

"Okay, okay, you go!" Zhao Hongbing followed behind to see the two of them out. Si Ningning and Jiang Yue both walked out of the courtyard. He added: "Si Zhiqing, Jiang Zhiqing, you need to go through the children's classes more." Be more attentive!”

 “Don’t worry, captain!”

After leaving Zhao Hongbing’s house, Si Ningning and Jiang Yue returned to the educated youth spot. Jiang Yue was thinking about the rabbit. As soon as she put down her things after entering the house, she ran to the vegetable field to pick radish leaves.

Si Ningning sat on one side of the big table in the main room. On the opposite side sat Song Shuhan who was reading a book and Mo Bei who was drinking glucose powder.

"Are you going alone tomorrow?" Si Ningning looked at Mo Bei and then at Song Shuhan, "Or will Song Shuhan accompany you?"

"I'm going with Mo Bei. I'm afraid that something else will happen and Mo Bei won't be able to handle it alone." Song Shuhan took the initiative to answer.

Si Ningning nodded, "The health center in town should be able to remove the sutures, right?"


Mo Beiqing nodded with a "hmm".

"Then I..." Si Ningning thought about it for a moment, thinking of going over there tomorrow so that he could ask the doctor about the specific situation and then buy some medicine to restore physical elements. Don't let your body weaken too quickly. leaving sequelae.

However, as soon as he said two words, there was a sound of "ta da da da" footsteps outside the door, followed by the childish voices of men and women, "Si Ning Ning!"

“Sister Educated Youth! Are you there? My father has something to ask you!”

  means He Gu and San Ya…

Hegu came over and explained that it was Huo Lang who was back. Si Ningning just came back from Zhao Hongbing's house, and the stool was not yet warm, so Zhao Hongbing asked Sanya to come find her again...

Then it can only be news from the county.

Si Ningning was even more convinced that it was the news brought back by Huo Lang. Suddenly her mind moved and she swallowed the words that came to her lips. She stood up and walked towards the door.

 “Si Ningning!” When He Gu saw Si Ningning coming out, he immediately blinked like he had whispered last time.

Si Ningning nodded understandingly and touched Hegu's head gently. While leading Hegu up the team, he asked Sanya, "Sanya, what does the captain want from me?"

Sanya shook her head, "I don't know either. Brother Alang brought a sister back from the county. He didn't know what he said to my father when he entered the house. My father raised his head and asked me to come over to you."

“Oh.” Si Ningning’s pupils swayed uncertainly twice.

Horang did come back, and he brought back a lesbian, and he let her go as soon as he came back. Could it be that...

Si Ningning was a little confused at first, but after thinking about Sanya's words carefully, she could vaguely deduce something in her mind.

 As for lesbians, would they be other victims in the Wu Yong incident?

 “Let’s go, let’s go faster!”


Si Ningning held each other’s hands, and the three of them immediately started running along the path.

Hour to the door of Zhao Hongbing's house in three to five minutes, Si Ningning loosened his tightly clenched hands, panted and rubbed the tops of his two little hands, "Let's go and play first."


Hegu and Sanya ran away. Si Ningning took two deep breaths. After calming down for a while, he stepped forward and crossed the threshold. "Captain, you want to see me if you have anything to do? Captain?"

Si Ningning shouted twice before Zhao Hongbing responded, "Hey, hey, he's here!"

Zhao Hongbing was not in the main room, and the sound came from a small room on one side of the courtyard. Si Ningning tilted her head and came out of the small room first, Zhao Hongbing and Huo Lang.

The moment she saw Huo Lang, Si Ningning's eyes suddenly lit up. Huo Lang also noticed the change in her expression, and a touch of tenderness appeared in her peach blossom eyes.

Both of them knew that there were others present at this time, so they restrained themselves, and their eyes hurriedly moved away without much contact.

Zhao Hongbing, who didn't know he was someone else, was smiling, walked briskly to Si Ningning, and said in a low voice:

“Si Zhiqing, I’ve come here for no other reason than this time. Don’t be afraid when the county leader comes and wants to see you. We’re all waiting outside. When we go in later and the leader asks anything, you just tell the truth.”

Si Ningning nodded knowingly, "Is the captain I know from here?"

Si Ningning raised her chin towards the hut. After Zhao Hongbing nodded, she added, "Shall I go in first?"

"Okay, okay, go ahead, don't be afraid, Si Zhiqing!"

 Zhao Hongbing followed Si Ningning and gave several instructions in succession, and did not stop until the door of the hut was closed from the inside.

Sitting inside were leaders from the county, and there was Huo Lang standing outside. Zhao Hongbing was embarrassed to listen to the corner, so he waved his hand and put it on Huo Lang's shoulder, leading Huo Lang to the main room, "How about a short walk back?" Come on, uncle will pour you a jar of water, drink some water and take a rest!"

"..." Huo Lang followed Zhao Hongbing's steps, but the corner of his peach blossom eyes was staring at the closed door of the hut. It wasn't until he entered the main room that he couldn't see it anymore, then he looked back and said, "Thank you, uncle." "

 “Hey!” Zhao Hongbing waved his hand in anger, “What’s going on? How many days have you been out and you’re still being polite?”


“Haha, I know you haven’t, come on, sit down and drink some water!”

In the main room, at Zhao Hongbing's signal, Huo Lang sat at the corner of the big table. In the small room in the courtyard, Si Ningning was also invited to sit down after briefly introducing himself.

 (End of this chapter)

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