Chapter 263 Brother Huo

There are two chairs facing each other at a small square table. Si Ningning sits with waist-length hair in braids. Sitting on the other end is a man with two braids hanging on his chest, wearing a five-star red hat and wearing a military uniform. A girl in an old green military uniform.

 Yes, girl.

 She is not very old, she should be a little older than Si Ningning.

His skin is not fair, it is a very healthy wheat color. He has a delicate appearance and a pair of almond eyes that are particularly smart...

Si Ningning thought the other party was a victim when he arrived, but when he arrived, he found out he was a county leader. Seeing that he was young, Si Ningning couldn't help but have two guesses in his mind.

 The first is to have relationships, and the second is to be real.

No matter how the other party becomes a leading cadre, it is beyond Si Ningning's control. All she can do is to deal with it cautiously.

Si Ningning sat upright, waiting for the other party to speak first, but while waiting left and right, the girl opposite just stared at her.

Si Ningning frowned slightly, shook her head inaudibly, put her little hands on the side of her face, and asked curiously: "Is there something on my face?"

"Ah?" The young girl was stunned for a moment, her eyes met those of Si Ningning, and then she slowly glanced down at Si Ningning's moist and red lips, "No, no."

 The young girl was a little embarrassed, but she quickly calmed down, "Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself."

"My name is Yan Wenshu, and I'm from Beijing." Yan Wenshu's almond-shaped eyes were crooked, her flesh-pink lips grinned, revealing a row of neat teeth, and she said familiarly: "They say I'm a cadre from Beijing, but actually It’s all nonsense, I’m just an ordinary Youth League member.”

As she spoke, Yan Wenshu said "hmm" and looked calm and serious: "If I really want to say something special, it would probably be that I know a little bit of Russian and English, and I am currently studying with a translator in the city..."

Yan Wenshu did not continue speaking in the middle of the sentence. Instead, she covered her mouth with one hand. Her calm expression just now suddenly became frightened, as if she had said something she shouldn't have said.

“…” Si Ningning was speechless for a while.

 In other words, Si Ningning felt a little confused at this moment.

 Thought he was a victim, but turned out not to be.

I thought they were cadres from the county, but it turned out they were not.

Later it was determined that he was a leader from Beijing, but it turned out that he was not.


 Members of Parliament are translators.

 Learning from the side of a translator, that is to say in vernacular, the girl in front of me named Yan Wenshu is an intern, and she is about translation.

  In the 1970s, everything was in short supply, especially talent. Talents like the architects mentioned before were particularly scarce.

  But if compared with translators, it is a huge scarcity span.

You may be able to find an architect among a thousand people, but it is really difficult to find someone who understands foreign languages ​​and can do simple translation.

  It is still a special period, and there are basically no foreign books on the market, and most of the work of parliamentarians is not aimed at books that are circulated privately for people to read and entertain, but some more professional and practical technical books.

 In addition, there are language and diplomatic translators.

 This type of people mostly assist leaders and various political personnel.

Being able to be recognized by the councilors and studied under him is enough to show that Yan Wenshu has outstanding points and merits, but...

 Why does such an outstanding person appear here?

Obviously I can't reach her, I don't know her or have any contact with her, but the first thing I did when I got there was to ask to see her by name.

Don't blame Si Ningning for thinking too much. There are indeed many unreasonable things about this matter, and the more he thinks about it, the stronger the conspiracy theory becomes in Si Ningning's mind.

Yan Wenshu was brought by Huo Lang.

 What is the relationship between them?

know? Or is it something deeper?

 If this is the case, was the identity information that Yan Wenshu accidentally revealed really "accidentally"?

 Or is there something else mixed in, such as showing off?

For another example, does Yan Wenshu want to use this to remind Si Ningning of the gap between her status as an educated youth and her status as a future parliamentarian? To warn Si Ningning to stay away from Huo Lang?

It seems that no matter what it is, as long as emotions are involved, it will be particularly difficult.

Si Ningning suddenly had a headache.

 It’s a real headache, my temples are twitching, and it’s very uncomfortable.

Si Ningning rubbed his forehead irritably, put down his hand after a while, put aside his distracting thoughts and asked proactively: "Excuse me, do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's nothing serious. Comrade educated youth, don't be nervous." Yan Wenshu waved her hands, her almond-shaped eyes curled up, and she looked at Si Ningning meaningfully, "I saw Brother Huo always mentioning you in my letters, and I was very curious. I took advantage of the vacation when the teacher and the chief went on a visit to see what kind of outstanding comrades they are.”

  嗯, Brother Huo is calling.

Si Ningning’s crescent eyebrows furrowed slightly, her pupils flickered, her gaze shifted to one corner of the table unconsciously, and her tone was a little more distant and stiff than usual:

"Comrade Yan is exaggerating. As you can see, I, like many comrades who participated in the rural exodus, are just ordinary educated youths. Comrade Huo Lang's remarks in the letter may be embellished, and the authenticity of them is open to question. , I hope Comrade Yan will not be misled.”

Yan Wenshu's eyes twinkled and her lips curved into a smile. Instead of answering, she opened the topic and talked about another thing: "I heard that Si Zhiqing understands Russian? Is he also good at cooking?"

 Do you know Russian? Can you cook?

Si Ningning sighed and laughed, suddenly feeling helpless.

Horang is really honest, hiding nothing and saying everything.

"I can only speak 'Comrade' in Russian, and I can only boil water for cooking." Si Ningning frowned and looked back at Yan Wenshu seriously, "Comrade Yan, to tell you the truth, recently we have A lot of things happened in the production team. If you want to understand or come to help solve these things, I think we can sit down and talk slowly. "

"But if you just want to inquire and understand some personal privacy matters, with all due respect, I refuse to answer, and I don't have a lot of time to waste on these meaningless things."

Si Ningning said this with some personal emotions, but as she said, she resisted others inquiring into her privacy, especially a stranger.

 Probably she didn’t expect Si Ningning’s attitude to be so tough. Yan Wenshu’s mouth widened and she was stunned for a moment.

It only took a moment. After she came to her senses, Yan Wenshu hesitated and said: "Well, Si Educated Youth, if you are busy, you should go back first... If there are other important things later, I will come back to you."

Si Ningning nodded and said "hmm" without hesitation, got up and left. The wooden door of the hut opened with a creak. Huo Lang heard the noise in the main room and hurriedly put down the enamel jar and came out.

As soon as he walked out of the main hall door, he bumped into Si Ningning who was walking out. Huo Lang followed him in two steps and grabbed Si Ningning's wrist. "You came out so quickly. What did you say?"

"What did you say?" Si Ningning raised her head and glared at Huo Lang angrily, and then struggled hard to shake off Huo Lang's big hand, "I told you I can speak Russian! I told you I can cook!"


 Huo Lang wanted to say "stop making trouble", but seeing Si Ningning's stubborn face and the blush spreading from her cheeks to her eyes, she couldn't say the word "make trouble".

While they were in a stalemate, Yan Wenshu's soft and crisp voice came from behind: "Brother Huo!"

Si Ningning slowed down for half a beat, pushed Huo Lang away the next second, and quickly ran out the door.

Huo Lang followed and wanted to give chase. He had already stepped out of the yard threshold, but at this moment he was stopped by Zhao Hongbing who came out of the main room, "Ah Lang, what's going on with Si Zhiqing? I have something to discuss with you. The weather is so dark." Comrade Yan can’t make it back in time today, how can we arrange accommodation?”

 Huo Lang crouched down and turned around to look back. On the other side of the hut, Yan Wenshu was standing at the door holding a suitcase. Before Huo Lang could speak, Yan Wenshu said, "Captain Zhao, I can stay at Brother Huo's house."

"Ah, this, this..." Zhao Hongbing hesitated, "Is this appropriate?"

 It’s not appropriate!

Zhao Hongbing believed that Huo Lang would not do anything to Yan Wenshu, but after all, it would not be good to hear about a man and a woman alone.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Hongbing suggested: "I still have an empty room in my house. You can live in it just by packing up your bed. How about Comrade Yan settle down at my house today and return to the county early tomorrow morning?"

“No need, Captain Zhao.” Yan Wenshu waved her hand with a smile, turned to smile at Huo Lang, “Brother Huo and I are acquaintances, it’s okay.”

"Well, what do you think about Alang?" Zhao Hongbing had no choice but to ask Huo Lang for his opinion.

Huo Lang frowned and stared at Yan Wenshu. The latter shrank her neck as if she had done something wrong. After a while, she boldly winked at Huo Lang.

Horang took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

The suggestion was given and what needed to be said was said. Both Huo Lang and Yan Wenshu were willing, so Zhao Hongbing had no choice but to accept it, "Okay then!"

Zhao Hongbing scratched the top of his head and said in a simple and down-to-earth manner: "Comrade Yan, you have come all the way here. Our production team doesn't have a welcome ceremony. So, if you come to my house for dinner tonight, I will treat you well!"

"Okay, Captain Zhao, I'll come back later." Yan Wenshu responded bluntly, then ran up to Huo Lang with the box and handed the box over in a bold voice, "Here, Brother Huo."

Yan Wenshu smiled flatteringly.

“Pay attention to the impact.” Holang took the box and reminded him in a voice that could only be heard by two people.

Huo Lang waved his hand and left Zhao Hongbing's house with Yan Wenshu.

After they left, Zhao Hongbing went into the kitchen to help Chen Lianmi light the fire. During the chat, he mentioned that Yan Wenshu was going to live in Chen's house.

 Chen Lianmi listened for a while, stopped cutting eggplant slices with a rolling blade, and said: "Isn't that Comrade Yan who is A Lang's partner?"

"What?" Zhao Hongbing was dumbfounded, "The target?"

"I think it's probably because Alang has never been close to that girl before. I went over to help him secure a match, and he said he had a girl in mind. When I asked him who it was, he refused to say..." Chen Lianmi said more The more he said it, the more he felt that he had guessed it right, "It must be right! Comrade Yan has been over there in Beijing all along. Even if Alang told me that time, I wouldn't recognize him, don't you think so?"

Zhao Hongbing was still very confused at first, but after his mother-in-law explained it, he thought it was right after looking back.

If it is not an object relationship, you will definitely still be wary of others pointing fingers.

But if it's a partner, let's just talk about it, and when things get better later, and the identity is revealed, those who are gossiping will slap themselves in the face.

"I think this matter is close. That boy Alang is very smart in other areas, but he is really bad at relationships... You can take the time to go over and give a tactful reminder in the past two days. People are coming to your door. Tell him to get things done quickly. It’s done!”

“How old are you? I don’t know when the next time will be, but I can’t bear to wait a few more years!”

"I know, I know!"

The Zhao couple were discussing. On the other side, Huo Lang and Yan Wenshu stood facing each other in a stalemate on the bamboo path in front of their home.

 “Brother, I really didn’t say anything.”

Yan Wenshu tangled her hands together and struggled to carry the box. Her delicate face was wrinkled into a bitter melon. It was like one head was wrinkled into two.

As soon as he left the production team, Huo Lang threw the box to Yan Wenshu. Not only did he not help him pick it up, he blocked Yan Wenshu on the road and asked what happened just now.

Yan Wenshu explained it several times, but Huo Lang didn't believe it.

Yan Wenshu was speechless for the entire time.

"I really didn't say anything too harsh, so I asked her if she could speak Russian and if she could cook..." Yan Wenshu recalled the scene where she was sitting at the table talking just now, with a slightly aggrieved look on her face: "And her attitude Very sharp and decisive, I can't stand it at all... Don't talk about me, I think even if the second brother comes, I won't be able to stand it. "

 Besides, by the way, is she the kind of person who can be tricky and bully? !


Yan Wenshu was a little angry, but Huo Lang couldn't see her angry expression at all.

Huo Lang had a handsome face and a serious look, and warned Yan Wenshu with disapproval in his eyes, "Don't speak ill of her, especially in front of me."

Si Ningning is very decisive when it comes to major matters, but he is definitely not so sharp that people can't resist him.

Holang was very doubtful about what Yan Wenshu said, and at the same time he also questioned what Yan Wenshu just said.

“I will send a telegram to Beijing tomorrow and ask my uncle to arrange to take you back. If you don’t want to go back to Beijing during the holiday, then go back to the Northeast and stay for a few days.”

Before Yan Wenshu had time to defend herself, she didn't say bad things about anyone. When she heard that Huo Lang was going to send her away, she immediately became angry, "Why? I haven't even entered the house and haven't even taken out the gifts yet. What are you going to do now?" Want to drive me away!"

Yan Wenshu is a girl from the second aunt of Huo Lang, that is, Huo Lang's cousin. They lived together in the Northeast for several years when they were young, and their relationship is relatively close.

Because Huo Lang mentioned Si Ningning's name several times in the letters he sent to the capital in the past few months, which successfully attracted the attention of the Huo family.

The news spread within the family again. Now not only the Huo family, but also the Li family of Huo Lang's maternal ancestor, including the aunt and second aunt who married outside, all knew that there was a **** named "Si Ningning" beside Huo Lang, and Horan also values ​​​​care.

The elders were both curious and excited, but because they held very heavy responsibilities in all walks of life and could not come to understand the situation in person, they sent Yan Wenshu, a little girl, over.

 (End of this chapter)

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