Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 264: Heartless man

Chapter 264 The heartless man

The content of the conversation between Yan Wenshu and Si Ningning is actually not too exaggerated. But the problem is that Yan Wenshu did not express her relationship with Huo Lang, and all her words were directed towards Si Ningning. of.

Two people who have never met each other, is it really okay to say those things?

Furthermore, Si Ningning obviously had a crush on Huo Lang. Suddenly a girl who was close to Huo Lang appeared and said things that sounded ambiguous. The ins and outs were indeed very easy for people to misunderstand.

Huo Lang didn't know the details, but he vaguely figured out something was wrong. However, Yan Wenshu was his sister, they were close to the family and she came all the way here, so it was really hard to get entangled in this matter.

"You can stay as many days as you want. I will arrange this myself. Don't interfere anymore." Huo Lang frowned, walked directly over the box in Yan Wenshu's hand and walked in front, "In addition, wait Afterwards, when you return to the capital, you can give a message to my grandma, grandpa, and uncles, saying that after I have taken care of things here, I will take them back and let them have a good look, so don't do anything now. "

 This is Holang's concession and the bottom line.

Yan Wenshu understood and agreed with "Oh", bit her lower lip and rolled her eyes strangely, "Brother, your grandpa arranged a blind date for you before and you didn't want to go back. Is it because you think our northern girls are big and round and not white enough?" ?”

"Height is not absolute by region." Huo Lang glanced at Yan Wenshu's small body indifferently, "And what is white or not?"

 Is he a superficial person?

Yan Wenshu twisted her neck, "I didn't think my eldest brother was such a person before, but now I think he is."

After all they had lived together for several years when they were children, Yan Wenshu knew Huo Lang's temperament very well. She knew what Huo Lang's look meant.

"And brother, you have really good taste!" Yan Wenshu gave a thumbs up with both hands and looked very satisfied with her approval. "When I first met her, I thought she was just for appearances, but she didn't say much when she spoke later. That’s the point, but I just think she’s amazing!”

Si Ningning spoke calmly and kept his words straight. He was completely different from the people Yan Wenshu met in the county a few days ago.

As soon as those people heard that she was from the capital city, and that she was studying and working with the congressman, she just nodded and bowed whenever they met in those days, and Yan Wenshu felt tired for them.

Yan Wenshu is very self-aware. Although she can't stand Si Ningning, she always feels that she prefers to get along with people like Si Ningning.

 It's great to be straight forward and talk about something when you have something to say?

You can't get around others even if you go around in circles. In the end, you can at least look good, but in fact, you have already suffered a loss in your hometown.

Yan Wenshu said that Huo Lang was always uninterested when talking about other things, but when it came to cheese Ning Ning being excellent, Huo Lang and Yourong Yan nodded in agreement, "Yes, you should learn more."


Yan Wenshu is speechless, should you learn something?

Then you also need to meet people, right?

 The purpose behind these words is to tell her to "keep to herself". She is acting like a big-headed ghost!

Yan Wenshu glared at Huo Lang, and felt annoyed for a while. After a while, she became happy again, dancing with her hands like flowers, "I must tell my grandpa and uncle when I go back that my eldest brother's **** is as white as a steamed bun." , looks like a flower, is not short, has a slim figure, and is well-educated!”

Yan Wenshu was chattering all the way, and Huo Lang kept acquiescing to her praise of Si Ningning. Until he returned home, Huo Lang carried the box with one hand and held up the courtyard door with the other. He turned around and said, "We're home, be careful what you say."

In order to let Sanae Hegu grow up healthily and live a life that a normal person should have, Huo Lang never mentioned the matter of his deceased comrade in front of Hegu and Sanae.

Even before he first came to Province H, Huo Lang also communicated with his family openly, stating that he was a member of the Chen family when he went to Province H. He would send letters regularly to report that he was safe before completing his duties, and would not come back unless necessary.

Other times, unless there are special circumstances, ask family members not to contact him, in order to avoid leaking the news, and it is not good for others to gossip and spread it to the children.

Everyone in the Northeast supported Huo Lang's choice. Only Grandma Huo, who lived alone in Beijing, was reluctant. However, because Huo Lang's life experience was similar to that of the Chen family, Grandma Huo finally chose to respect Huo Lang.

In terms of protecting Sanao and Hegu, Huo Lang has always been very careful. After making proper arrangements at home, he was the first to communicate with the commune when he first came to H Province, and reached consensus with the commune, brigade, and production team. Then he settled in the third production team and started the life of the eldest brother who was both father and mother.

Horang’s ideas have always been simple and clear:

Hegu and Sanae will one day learn about their own life experiences and the whereabouts of their families, but that is the future, not now.

Yan Wenshu knew something about Huo Lang's transfer to Province H.

 When she came from home, her parents also told Yan Wenshu to treat Huo Lang as a colleague or an old acquaintance after arriving in H Province, especially in front of the orphans of the martyrs.

Yan Wenshu knew that Huo Lang said these words to avoid mistakes in her words, so she nodded her promise very seriously: "I know, brother."

Huo Lang opened the courtyard door with a low "hmm". He Gu and Sanmiao were not at home. The only thing in the house that was quiet was the two old hens "clucking" and walking around in the yard.

Yan Wenshu poked her head curiously, "It's really nice here. Grandpa's house wasn't like this before. How could there be so many trees and bamboos there?"

"That's the military compound over there. We usually have drills, and the trees have been cleared away." Huo Lang opened the door of the hall, put down his things and poured water for Yan Wenshu, "If you walk outside, you can still see the nearby villages."

 The Northeast is different from other northern plains. It is backed by large mountains. The mountains are so numerous and large that no matter how many people enter, they cannot get out.

"Does it snow here in winter? Is it as heavy as that over there?" Yan Wenshu nodded, looked around the room, and chatted casually with Huo Lang.

 “It also snowed, but not much.”

 “Oh! What are you busy with?”

Huo Lang picked up the clothes piled on the bamboo bed and planned to take them to the well in the backyard to wash them. "I haven't been back for a few days. I have piled some clothes at home. I will wash them out and make your bed. The land here is not big, so you can make do with it." Stay here."

Hearing this, Yan Wenshu quickly picked up the clothes and glared at Huo Lang: "I can't control how you usually do. Now that I'm here, you still need to wash these clothes? Bring them to you!"

 Compared with other people of the same generation, Yan Wenshu is a person who has received an education with enlightened ideas, and also has abilities and work that others envy, but the concept of men taking charge of the outside world and women taking charge of the house seems to be deeply ingrained.

As Yan Wenshu said, she couldn't control how Huo Lang lived without her coming here, but now that she's here, it's not Huo Lang's turn to do the chores like cooking and washing at home.

Horang could understand Yan Wenshu's approach, but he couldn't agree with it.

 Not to mention anything else, Yan Wenshu is a guest at home, so Yan Wenshu cannot be allowed to do these things just because of this fact.

"No, it's hot. You need to change your clothes frequently. I can just rub it myself."

“Oh, give it to me and I’ll wash it! How can a man do this?”

 “It’s really not necessary…”

"Give me!"

The two of them were each holding a sleeve of their clothes and pulling the car back and forth. At this moment, an angry shout came from outside the door, "What are you doing! Don't bully my eldest brother!"

Huo Lang and Yan Wenshu were stunned for a moment. They both turned around and saw He Gu and San Miao running into the courtyard. "You are not allowed to bully my elder brother!" Hegu rushed into the hall like a cannonball, grabbed Yan Wenshu's hand pulling on her clothes and pulled her out.

Hegu was facing a formidable enemy, and he was afraid that Yan Wenshu was coming after his eldest brother. His eldest brother's relationship with Si Ningning was not yet stable, and if anything happened at this time, Si Ningning would definitely be angry.

Pulling the person away a few steps, Hegu turned around and spread his hands to protect Huo Lang, glaring at Yan Wenshu with hostility, "What's wrong with you, a lesbian? How could you come to my house to find my elder brother?" ! I want to report you for misbehavior!”

As he spoke, he turned around and hugged Huo Lang's waist, "Brother, please tell her clearly and let her leave quickly!"

Sanae didn't dare to speak. Unlike He Gu's "arrogance", she walked straight behind Huo Lang after entering the house. During this period, she only dared to carefully poke out half of her head and secretly looked at the unfamiliar Yan Wenshu.

Huo Lang threw the clothes back on the bamboo bed, bowed and picked up one in one hand, "Don't mess around. This is my eldest brother's friend from Beijing. He will stay at home for a few days and then leave."

He Gu was a little unhappy and wanted to show off his temper, but remembering what Si Ningning said before about being reasonable and polite, He Gu held it in and finally suppressed his dissatisfaction. He frowned and spoke seriously. :

"Brother, I think this is inappropriate. How can any **** live in a **** home? We can only be together if we are married, otherwise others will gossip."

Hegu rolled his eyes as he spoke, blinking and suddenly became confused and innocent, and said softly: "Brother, are you having **** with her?"

He Gu knew very well that his eldest brother liked Si Ningning, so he couldn't get along with anyone else.

 He ​​said this to remind his elder brother that if Si Ningning knew that he lived with another girl and would be unhappy, she might not be willing to be with him in the future.

 It has to be said that Hegu's words successfully reminded Huo Lang and Yan Wenshu.

What's the use of them knowing that they are cousins?

 Others don’t know.

If Yan Wenshu really moved into the Chen family, there would be no need to wait until the next day, gossip would spread tomorrow.

 Huo Lang squatted down and put down the two little ones. He raised his head and was about to speak. Yan Wenshu smiled awkwardly and said first: "Comrade Huo Lang, this is really inappropriate. I'd better go to the captain's house to live."

Hegu lowered his head and pursed his mouth where the adults couldn't see him.

Yan Wenshu opened the box next to the bamboo bed and took out the things her family had brought one by one. Then she closed the box and prepared to leave. Huo Langti followed behind, "I saw it off for you..."

Before he finished speaking, his trouser legs tightened. Huo Lang lowered his head and saw He Gu pouting and looking up at him unhappily.

Hourang didn't say anything, and flicked He Gu's forehead with a "click" that caused his brain to break. He Gu covered the gap in his forehead with both hands. Huo Lang had already picked up the box and walked out of the door with Yan Wenshu.

In the room, Hegu stomped his feet unhappily, and then sat down on the bamboo bed sulking angrily. Sanae obediently sat next to him and asked, "What should I do, second brother?"

"What do you mean!"

"Is that **** the one Aunt Renmi told my eldest brother? Did my eldest brother agree? Otherwise, why would she come to the house?" Sanae said, twirling her fingers in confusion.

He Gu was stunned for a moment. He was originally convinced that his elder brother liked Si Ningning, but when he heard Sanae's words, he suddenly became unsure.

 Could it be that Si Ningning had a falling out with his eldest brother when he went to the county a few days ago?

 But it shouldn’t be! If they had broken up, Si Ningning wouldn't have come to see his elder brother in the past few days.

  Could it be that his elder brother has changed his mind?

The more He Gu thought about it, the more he thought it was. The eyes on his small face were as wide as copper bells, and the whole expression looked like the sky was falling.

 His eldest brother is a heartless man! !

Hegu's expression went from surprised to shocked, then from shocked to grief-stricken, and finally calmed down. Hegu jumped off the bamboo bed with a trembling sound and walked straight towards Huolang's room.

Sanae tilted her head, jumped off the bamboo bed and followed behind her blankly, "What are you doing, brother?"

In the room, Hegu stepped on a chair and stood in front of the old wardrobe. He took out a piece of dusty linen cloth from the top of the cabinet and shook it. Hegu covered his nose to avoid the dust. After getting down from the chair, he spread the linen cloth directly. on the bed.

Hegu moved his chair and opened the cupboard door, took out all of Huo Lang's clothes and put them on the linen. He said angrily: "I can't control my eldest brother anymore. I want to separate the family from him and let him live his own life. "

"Hmm..." Sanae scratched the back of her head in confusion, and finally pressed her forehead against the door frame and asked, "Then how do we divide it? The kitchen belongs to us, and the house belongs to my eldest brother."

“You’re stupid!” Hegu Nai fiercely glared at Sanae, fastened his clothes and packages twice, and said seriously: “Of course we get the house, and the eldest brother gets the kitchen!”

"Oh!" Sanae nodded knowingly, ran close to Hegu and said, "Then I'll help you clean it up together, and take brother's blunderbuss too!"

There weren't many things in Huo Lang's room, so Hegu and Sanae quickly packed it up and moved all their belongings to the kitchen.

When Huo Lang came back and faced the empty room, he turned around and saw He Gu, who was serious and frankly said that he wanted to separate the family. His face suddenly sank and he pressed He Gu to give him a good beating.

"People just come to our house as a guest. Look at you. What are you doing? They separate the family. After the family is separated, why don't you drink the northwest wind?"

Horang slapped He Gu on the buttocks with a big slap.

Hegu shed tears of pain, but he kicked his legs and said firmly: "I am not a heartbroken brother, I will separate from you! I will separate from you!"

Beside Sanae, she was as frightened as a quail. She was afraid that her elder brother would hit her again after beating her second brother. She hurriedly ran to the kitchen to get the gun and put it back in Huo Lang's room. After that, she hugged the legs of the big table in the hall and stopped moving.

Horang slapped He Gu a few times and then stopped his hand. He held He Gu under his elbow and swayed in the room, asking: "Where is the mosquito coil? Get me two."

Hegu was already very stubborn, and as soon as he heard this, he knew that his elder brother was going to take it for Yan Wenshu.

“Si Ningning gave it to me! I don’t want you to give it to me!”


Hegu: Call for recommendation votes and monthly votes to support me. When my defense value is full, I can fight with my big brother! (akimbo)

 (End of this chapter)

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