Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 265: Awkward and coaxing

Chapter 265 Awkwardness and coaxing

Because of the incident involving Si Ningning's red eyes in the afternoon, Huo Lang's heart was already heavy. Now that Hegu was crying and stubborn, Huo Lang felt that his mood was getting even worse.

He did not blame Hegu anymore for being rude and messing around. He just put Hegu on the bamboo bed and sat down, letting Sanmiao look at Hegu. Then he put on a coat and went out.

 “Second brother…” Sanae shouted softly.

He Gu cried with red eyes and glared at Sanae, "You are such a loser, you are so useless!"

Hegu was both angry and helpless.

 I'm angry because Sanae didn't help just now.

 The helplessness is because even if Sanae helped just now, the final result would definitely be beaten like him.

 After crying for a long time, Hegu's hand on the edge of the bed suddenly touched something.

 Looking down, I saw that they were things left by Yan Wenshu, including peach cakes and chocolates, as well as some colorful candies I had never seen before.

As soon as Hegu saw these things, he thought of Yan Wenshu. If it hadn't been for Yan Wenshu, his elder brother would not have become a heartless man, and he would not have been beaten!

Hegu grabbed a handful of candy and wanted to throw it away, but raised his little hand above his head and finally threw the thing away.

 Shameful waste…

 They may not want it, but they cannot throw it away or destroy it at will.

Hegu wiped away his tears, jumped off the bamboo bed to find a basket and put everything in it. Finally, he turned to Sanae and told Sanae, "We don't eat food from strangers. I will ask my eldest brother to return these things tomorrow. You are not allowed to be greedy either." , When my second brother makes money in the future, I will buy you more and better things.”

"I know, second brother." Sanae nodded obediently, "I will also earn money to buy food and meat for second brother in the future."

He Gu sighed like a little adult, touched Sanae's head and said, "Brother is unreliable. From now on, we can only look after the two of us."

Sanae hesitated for a moment, as if she didn’t agree with this, but finally nodded obediently.

On the other side, it was completely dark, and the educated youth Si Ningning had just finished dinner and washed up.

Si Ningning put a dry towel on his shoulders to isolate the water stains on his hair, then sat on the edge of the bed and lit the kerosene lamp, took out the notes he took from Academician Liang, and took a brand new notebook to write down the blurred notes. Copy it.

Before picking up the pen and taking off the pen cap, Jiang Yue suddenly poked her head into the main room and said, "Si Ningning, that security captain is looking for you!"

 “...” Si Ningning paused and did not move.

Jiang Yue continued: "Really, the person is right over there at the side of the house. What's wrong with you? Are you angry?"

"Why am I angry? I'm not going. I'm busy. Just let him go." Si Ningning waved her hand, opened the first page of her notes and copied them down.

Si Ningning said he wasn't angry, but Jiang Yue didn't believe it at all.

If you are not angry, then why did you get beaten and beaten when you came back from outside just now?

“If you don’t want to go, how about I help you ask him what’s the matter?” Jiang Yue asked tentatively.

Si Ningning felt depressed and panicked. After hearing Jiang Yue's words, her eyes swayed hesitantly, and finally she replied: "It's up to you."

Jiang Yue got Si Ningning's permission by default, turned around and ran out.

As soon as Jiang Yueren ran away, Si Ningning in the room stopped writing. He glanced curiously and furtively outside the door, as if he was afraid of being discovered, and quickly looked away.

What could Huo Lang have to do with her?

Si Ningning can basically guess it.

 Either to explain and apologize.

    Otherwise I came to ask her why.


Si Ningning’s cheeks puffed up and he snorted angrily.

No matter what Huo Lang came to do, she didn't see him anyway.

Even if you go to see him, you will definitely not look good on him.

 Originally I thought he was reserved and focused, but now it seems that is not the case either.

You dare to come to her even if you haven't dealt with your mistress well!

Si Ningning slapped the pen on the table, her teeth itching with anger.

But at this moment, Jiang Yue stood in the main room again and poked her head in, "He said he came to you to borrow mosquito coils."

"?" Si Ningning raised her head in disbelief, "What?"

 Borrow mosquito coil?

 Hello, Holang, I really have you.

Si Ningning's eyes widened, she gritted her teeth secretly, put on her shoes, picked up a handful of mosquito coils from under the small table, grabbed her head and walked out.

Jiang Yue said that Huo Lang was at the side of the house, so Si Ningning went directly to the side of the house.

Although it was already dark, it was not so dark that he could not see his fingers. Si Ningning saw a tall silhouette standing in the darkness from a distance.

Si Ningning didn’t go there either, so he called to the side of the educated youth house to stop, “Come on, Brother Huo, I’m sending you mosquito coils!”

In the darkness, Huo Lang was stunned again and again. It took him a long time to realize that it was Si Ningning calling him.

 Walked up to Si Ningning in two steps, Huo Lang looked at Si Ningning's side face and said, "What did you suddenly call Brother Huo? It's so weird."

Yin and Yang weirdness?

 Is she yin and yang weird?

"Okay, I'm so weird that I can't keep up with Comrade Yan's nice scream!" Si Ningning snorted coldly, turned around and found the right position according to his feeling, opened the pocket of Huolang's clothes, pressed the mosquito coil in and turned around to leave.

Huo Lang quickly grabbed Si Ningning's wrist and pulled him back in time, "Who said you screamed unpleasantly? Why are you so angry?"

"Who is angry? I'm not angry! Why should I be angry?" Si Ningning threw away her hands and struggled. At this moment, she felt that her blood was rising and she couldn't listen to anything. "I've given you the mosquito coils. Even a little bit is enough for you. It’s been a few nights, please put your hands away, I’m going in!”

After struggling several times but unable to break free from Huo Lang's hand, Si Ningning became stronger and his temper increased, "I told you to let go, let me go! Do you hear me? You are shameless! You are trying to act like a hooligan. No? Do you believe me..."

Hourang didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of hurting Si Ningning, but Si Ningning struggled fiercely, and Huo Lang had no choice but to lean forward and press Si Ningning against the wall.

Si Ningning had no choice but to avoid it. She felt Huo Lang's strong and hot breath hitting the side of her face and ears. She shuddered and the hairs on her back stood up.

“What do you want to do!” Si Ningning shouted in a low voice, but turned her face to one side, not daring to face Huo Lang.

Huo Lang didn't allow her to avoid it. He clamped her chin with his big hand and asked her to look at him. "Didn't I agree before? If you tell me something, I will correct it and apologize to you. If you don't say anything, how can I guess?" ?”

"Who wants you to apologize?" Si Ningning stubbornly tilted her head, but when she said the last few words of her words, her eyes suddenly turned red, her voice had a thick nasal sound, and then she choked with grievances and cried, "I don't want you to worry about it, just let me go!"

Si Ningning was also very upset.

Although he is usually very sensible, for some reason, after realizing Huo Lang's submissive attitude, he suddenly became a little uncontrollable.     It’s so worthless!

 Too pretentious!

Si Ningning cursed silently in her heart, but her tears flowed out unsatisfactorily, and they became more and more fierce.

It is difficult to control emotions once they arise. Si Ningning clenched her hands tightly and wanted to hit Huo Lang, but the two were too close and could not hit him at all. She did not know how the idea came to her. She suddenly lowered her head and rushed towards him. A hard push from the front.

He originally wanted to push Huo Lang away, but his head hit Huo Lang's chin, and there was a "boom" sound. White flowers burst in front of Si Ningning's eyes, and she cried out with a "Wow" sound, "You bully me! You You just know how to bully me!”

Huo Lang didn't expect Si Ningning to go up against him just now. He didn't notice that his teeth hit the tip of his tongue, and the smell of rust instantly filled his entire mouth.

Si Ningning was crying so hard that Huo Lang couldn't care less about himself. He changed from pressing Si Ningning to holding Si Ningning. Although he asked back, his tone softened, "Why did I bully you? Who dares to bully you?" "

Si Ningning didn't say the reason, but Huo Lang held her in his arms and coaxed her over and over again, guessing: "Is it because I've been in the county for a long time these days and didn't say hello to you in advance?"

“I went to inquire about the news, and the county work was reorganized recently, so I was delayed for a few days.”

After explaining that Si Ningning was still crying, Huo Lang expected that this was not the reason, so he continued to coax: "Is it what happened in the afternoon? About Yan Wenshu?"

As soon as Yan Wenshu's name was settled, Si Ningning began to struggle and twist in her arms.

Huo Lang's big palm tightened around Si Ningning's waist. He probably knew the cause of the matter, but what exactly caused Si Ningning to be so abnormal, Huo Lang really couldn't guess.

Huo Lang frowned sharply, questioning Yan Wenshu's words again in his mind, "What did she tell you?"

Si Ningning calmed down and crossed her hands in front of her chest to press against Huo Lang, "No matter what she said to me, you shouldn't get close to me when you have nothing to do with others!"


 Can’t figure it out?

 Horang's brain was stuck for just a moment, and all his confusions were answered in an instant.

 “Are you eating foam? Is it because of Yan Wenshu?”

Si Ningning was a little confused, as if someone had stepped on the fur of his tail, and he was scratching and twisting wildly in Huo Lang's arms, "You are shameless! Old gangster! Old man! Old pervert!"

At first, Huo Lang felt a little depressed because of being blinded. Now seeing Si Ningning's reaction, Huo Lang was instantly convinced of his guess.

How to say?

 My heart suddenly felt a little numb and itchy.

 It turns out that he didn't like Si Ningning unilaterally.

This squeamish girl also cares about him...

The anxiety of the afternoon all turned into sweetness at this moment. Huo Lang felt as if he was walking on the clouds. For a moment, he nodded in response to whatever Si Ningning scolded him, and at the same time he confessed everything:

“Yes, it’s me who is shameless, I am an old man, I am an old woman!”

"But Si Ningning, I tell you very carefully and responsibly that I have nothing to do with Yan Wenshu... No, Yan Wenshu is actually my cousin, the daughter of my second aunt."

"I grew up with her when I was a child. She came here partly because she wanted to walk around during the holidays, and partly because I mentioned you in a letter I sent home before. The elders are very curious about you. They are busy at work. I couldn’t come in person, and I couldn’t take you back... so the elders arranged for her to come.”

Originally, I wanted to meet Si Ningning as a stranger or a passerby, but I didn't expect that it would cause so much trouble.

Huo Lang was a little annoyed as he spoke, his voice hoarse and he began to blame himself, "The arrangement at home was clever, and I even arranged other things for her this time. When I got the news, it was already too late. The official clerk was sent down, but I didn't Way to refuse.”

When Huo Lang learned that Yan Wenshu was coming, he had some guesses right away, otherwise he would have specified that Yan Wenshu would not be allowed to come due to the mission document above.

Horang understands that the elders in the family are curious about Si Ningning, but the problem is that he and Si Ningning have not yet gotten along, so it is really inappropriate for the elders to intervene.


The sobbing in the night wind suddenly stopped. In the darkness, Si Ningning’s pretty face was cracked and she was completely confused.

"What did you say?"

 Cousin, second aunt, elder in the family...

Recalling the scene in that hut in the afternoon, Yan Wenshu's words and eyes felt weird at first, but now I think about it carefully after putting the relationship between the characters, Si Ningning was embarrassed and wanted to find a piece of tofu in the three rooms and one living room. Killed!

Yan Wenshu is Huo Lang’s cousin!

Then what made her angry all afternoon?

 What are you making trouble with Holang now?

Moreover, from what standpoint are they making the fuss? They haven’t confirmed their relationship...

Si Ningning successfully held back her tears, and then faced Huo Lang with a look of tears, "She is your cousin, so why didn't you tell her earlier?"

"You have to give me a chance to say it. You push me away this afternoon and run away." Huo Lang sighed softly, his tone full of helplessness.

Si Ningning was speechless and raised her hands to rub her face. When she found that she couldn't move her hands, she realized that she was still held in Huo Lang's arms.

 Feeling embarrassed and shy, Si Ningning struggled again. The angry and irritable voice just now suddenly weakened, and she said calmly: "If you don't let go, how long do you want to hold me?"

Huo Lang was slightly startled, and felt a little unnatural when he reacted. He wanted to let Si Ningning go, but he was also afraid that Si Ningning would make trouble again and end up in the dark.

Holang lowered his voice and asked, "Are you going to stop making trouble?"

 “Stop making a fuss!” Si Ningning replied firmly.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Huo Lang slowly let go and pinched Si Ningning's waist until she was completely steady before completely withdrawing his hand.

 The two of them felt embarrassed and unnatural because of some details, so they were silent for a long time, and neither of them spoke.

Crickets chirped in the grass, and in the private plot surrounded by a bamboo fence on one side, a few fireflies were rising and falling on the radish tassels.

The night wind carrying a touch of heat rolled up Si Ningning's thin bangs. Si Ningning stroked them gently, and the slight "rustling" sound of the fabric rubbing during the movement broke the silence.

Huo Lang said in a low and hoarse voice: "I told you before in the hospital that when the matter is over, I will have something to say to you when I get back."


Si Ningning bit her lower lip, clasped her hands together and leaned against the wall beside the educated youth's house. She nodded lightly and said "hmm".

Si Ningning always remembered this.

 She mentioned this before Huo Lang set out on the mission.

Si Ningning said "hmm" and said nothing more, waiting silently for Huo Lang to speak.

Horang was silent for a while, thinking about his words.

At first he didn't dare to say those words, because he was indeed several years older than Si Ningning.

With Si Ningning’s appearance, family background and talent, it is absolutely possible to find a man with better conditions than him.


 Did you notice that I updated an extra chapter?

  ~~Please vote for praise and support~~

 (End of this chapter)

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