Chapter 266 Apology

 But after what happened just now, Huo Lang realized that Si Ningning also had him in his heart, so what he wanted to say was actually just a thin layer of window paper.


Just say... pierce the window paper, and then...

 Should we be able to face it calmly and express our feelings to each other, right?

Perhaps the prospect in his imagination was too bright. Huo Lang raised his deep eyebrows, stared at Si Ningning's petite silhouette in the darkness, and said in a deep and serious tone:

 “Do you want to consider…”

“Si Ningning, what have you been doing? You haven’t entered the house for so long?”

Before Huo Lang finished his sentence, Jiang Yue's loud and carefree voice suddenly sounded inappropriately in front of the gate of the Educated Youth Point eight or nine meters away, making Si Ningning and Huo Lang tremble at the same time.

The quiet and beautiful atmosphere dissipated in an instant. Si Ningning scratched her forehead in embarrassment, "I, I have to go in... Let's meet tomorrow, tomorrow?"

Holang arched his eyebrows, feeling very unhappy that his good deeds were suddenly interrupted.

But the matter has come to this, and there is nothing we can do.


Huo Lang nodded lowly in response. Si Ningning waved goodbye to him, and then turned around and walked back. He couldn't help but hold Si Ningning's hand again.

                               Si Ningning.

"What?" Si Ningning turned sideways, and the faint light pouring from the door made the outline of her body more vivid in the darkness.

Holang looked at her silently for a long time, then said a few words in a calm and low voice: "Then I will come to you tomorrow?"

"Okay." Si Ningning nodded and responded. After waiting for a while, Huo Lang still didn't let go. Her cheeks felt a little hot and her crisp voice was lowered, as if she was afraid of being heard by others. "Is there anything else?"

"never mind."


 “If you say tomorrow, it will be tomorrow.”


 “Well...what else are you busy with recently?”

“The captain said that the work in the pig pen has been done by someone. I have just been correcting my textbooks recently, and there is nothing else to do.”


Horang responded in the darkness, and then there was silence again.

Just when Si Ningning wanted to go back to the house, Huo Lang spoke again, "Would you like to go for a walk in the mountains again? There are no flowers in the season right now. You will see camellias in a while, and they will start to bloom from the end of October. The land will bloom until March next year.”

"Okay." Si Ningning agreed after thinking about it, and then asked, "Will you bring something to eat with you? What do you want to eat?"

"all good."

After that, they chatted about other things intermittently. During this period, Huo Lang never let go of Si Ningning's hand. Si Ningning could feel Huo Lang's attachment, so she didn't say anything and just let him hold her hand.

 Huo Lang had nothing to say, he just didn't want to let Si Ningning leave, but Jiang Yue didn't cooperate. Ten minutes after the first voice passed, Jiang Yue saw that Si Ningning hadn't entered the room yet, so she ran out and shouted:

“Si Ningning, where are you putting them? I’ll tell you if there are snakes at night!”

 “I really went in!” Si Ningning lowered her voice.

"Yeah." Huo Lang reluctantly loosened his grip on Si Ningning's little hand, "I'll watch you go in."

Similar to the words he used to smear him back from the commune, the relationship has improved so much that Si Ningning doesn't know how to describe his mood.

 Some were happy, some were shy, and some were complicated and unpredictable. However, the situation did not allow her to think too much, so she responded in a low voice, "See you tomorrow!"

The night wind carried her clear and gentle voice into Huo Lang's ears.

 Horang opened and closed his thin lips and replied with the same three words, "See you tomorrow."

Si Ningning no longer hesitated, turned around and ran towards the gate of the Educated Youth Point, "Come on, come on! You just talked for a while, why do you keep calling me?"

"How can it be just a while? It's obviously a long time! Huh? Tell me, what did you say?"

 “Go away, you are so young, why do you like to listen to gossip as much as the aunt on the team?”

The girls in the educated youth spot were making a scene, and Huo Lang's figure was hidden in the darkness outside the door. He watched Si Ningning enter the house and stayed there for a long time before turning around and leaving.

Si Ningning calmed down the little deer's pounding heart, took a few steps to sit back in front of the bed and picked up the pen again, "I won't quarrel with you anymore, and take a rest after washing!"

Jiang Yue shrugged, and Xu Shuhua came back from pouring the footwashing water, "What? Ning Ning, aren't you going to sleep?"

"I'll go back to sleep later and copy two pages of notes." Si Ningning leaned over slightly, writing quickly while referring to the notes, while mouthing at the old notebook pressed under his elbow, "You can just sleep when you are sleepy, don't worry about me. "

"Farming will be busy in a while, and the work hasn't been heavy lately... If you don't want to sleep, I'll light your lamp for a while." Xu Shuhua chuckled, and while talking, she went to the main room to move a bench, and found some clothes for making clothes. The remaining rags.

 In the educated youth room of men and women, Zhao Hongbing had previously given each a kerosene lamp for public use, because kerosene lamps consume kerosene, and everyone usually uses them sparingly.

Si Ningning doesn’t like to be in the dark, nor can she accept dim light very well. When she lights a kerosene lamp, she always likes to push the wick outward to make the burning part larger, so that the light can be brighter.

The kerosene lamps from the Educated Youth Spot were paid for as part of the public expenditure. Si Ningning used the lamps a lot and wasted them. He was embarrassed to keep using the lamps from the Educated Youth Spot, so he simply bought another kerosene lamp by himself.

 Just light it up when you want to use it, and turn it off when you’re not using it. You don’t have to look at other people’s eyes, and you don’t have to incur any psychological burden.

As for borrowing money or using it as a favor, Si Ningning doesn’t care at all.

She lit the lamp for her own use. Xu Shuhua and the others would just make do with it if they wanted to, but they would light the lamp themselves if they didn't.

Anyway, she usually turns off the light when she has finished her work and has nothing else to do. She will not deliberately leave the light on because she wants to care for and help others.

 The value of kindness and help lies when others really need it, rather than in trivial matters of little significance, or when you take advantage.

 Perhaps some people say that "value" is also taken into consideration when helping others. This idea itself is utilitarian, but Si Ningning doesn't think so.

If there is no balance at all, "help" without a bottom line will only allow others to breed or encourage some bad habits.

 This is not a good thing for her or others.

Si Ningning thought and nodded, then Jiang Yue stretched out her head, "Count me in, too! I didn't finish reading the book I borrowed from Mo Bei last time! These days Work hard, and when you finish reading this book, you can read what Si Ningning brought back!"

  "If you don't sleep, then I won't sleep either."

Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua were both in the best position across from Si Ningning's small table. Song Xiaoyun was not willing to be left behind, so she quickly dug out her half-made clothes and leaned over.

A long small table was instantly crowded. Jiang Yue read for a while, but felt a little uncomfortable.

Looking up and looking around, she found that they were doing things that were **** the eyes. Jiang Yue got up and went to the main room to get the unused kerosene lamp, "Let's light two lamps! Two lamps put together will make it brighter, so as not to strain the eyes." Blind."

 “Okay!” Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua replied simultaneously. Jiang Yue lit the kerosene lamp neatly and placed it about ten centimeters away from Si Ningning's lamp.

Jiang Yue took back her hand and planned to continue reading, but the back of her hand was unconsciously touched by Si Ningning.

Jiang Yue subconsciously raised her eyes and glanced at Si Ningning, only to see that the latter's eyes were bright under the light, and he blinked at her with approval rather smartly.

What happened?

Jiang Yue frowned slightly, showing a confused look. She opened her mouth to ask but saw Si Ningning smiled faintly, turned away, and continued to write and draw.

Si Ningning did not answer Jiang Yue’s doubts, but sighed softly in her heart:

  Perhaps he really responded to that sentence.

 Birds of a feather flock together, she treats others kindly, and others actively and kindly help her.

Rather than blindly asking for things in this relationship.


Si Ningning snickered, her eyebrows creasing.

After copying a few pages of notes, Si Ningning's eyes felt a little sore. She raised her head and closed the pen cap, planning to stop here today. However, when she looked up, she saw Xu Shuhua patching up rags one by one with needle and thread.

Si Ningning asked curiously: "Shuhua, what are you going to do with these pieces of cloth?"

  When mentioning the cloth head, Si Ningning thought of Academician Liang.

Academician Liang is half a scavenger. Most of the usable and unusable materials are picked up, as are the rags, so he often accumulates small amounts piece by piece.

Xu Shuhua's situation is different from Academician Liang's. She bought fabrics from Si Ningning, and the rags in her hands are also leftovers from those fabrics.

Due to various reasons, Si Ningning is convinced that Xu Shuhua will not buy any more cloth in the near future or in the past six months, so what does Xu Shuhua do with her patchwork head?

And what can such a small piece of cloth do?

Si Ningning is indeed quite curious.

"This bit of cloth is not enough to make anything else. I thought about putting it together to see if I could make a shoe upper. I was talking about this. I wanted to ask you when I first started doing it a few days ago. At that time Not here." Speaking of this, Xu Shuhua looked up at Si Ningning, "It's not too late, Ningning, do you think there are many rags there?"

“If there are too many, just put them together and bring them to me, and I will put them together to make a pair of shoes for you.”

Si Ningning paused for a moment and quickly ran through the news in his mind, "It's not easy to make shoes, isn't it? Is it too troublesome?"

"It's okay. I haven't been busy lately anyway. I can't keep up with you in my studies. I really can't read the book. I'm bored even if I don't find something to do."

Xu Shuhua twisted the needle and rubbed it on her scalp, smiling a little helplessly and a little embarrassed.


Si Ningning let out a long "hmm" and fell into a brief silence.

 Everyone has something they are good at and something they are not good at, and there is nothing embarrassing or difficult to say about it.

Si Ningning was thinking about it, and an idea came to her mind. Before the idea was settled, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take some time to clean it up in the next two days, and if there are any, I'll bring them to you."

 “Hey, good~”

The four girls were busy under the lamp. Si Ningning put away his notebook and put it on the pillow on the bed. He originally planned to sit down and chat for a while. As soon as he poked his head out of the mosquito net, he suddenly thought of something else, "Jiang Yue, Where are the lotus pods I brought back those days?”

There are so many lotus pods. If they were not treated, they would have been damaged by covering them for such a long time.

Si Ningning frowned slightly, a heavy pity already appearing in her heart.

“Ah, lotus pod…” Jiang Yue hesitantly raised her eyes to look at Si Ningning.

Her hesitation made Si Ningning feel even more worried. She pursed her lips and waited for Jiang Yue's next words.

Jiang Yue scratched the back of her head and looked at Xu Shuhua. Xu Shuhua answered: "The captain came over that day and told you to go to the county to do some work and you would not be back for a few days. I thought that the lotus stems could not be put away, so I called Jiang Yue and Xiaoyun together. Peel it off.”

Song Xiaoyun nodded, pointed in the direction of the main room and echoed: "The lotus seeds are almost dried, so put them all in your basket."

Si Ningning suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and did not hide it. She patted her chest with her little hand and said frankly: "I was scared to death. I thought I was gone and you couldn't think of getting rid of so many lotus pods. It would be really heartbreaking if they were left rotten." it's me."

Xu Shuhua smiled and said: "I was afraid that you had other plans. I didn't want to do it at first. I was also afraid that it would be a pity to waste the things in the end, so I peeled them out."

At the time of peeling, Xu Shuhua was still a little worried, afraid that Si Ningning would blame him when he came back.

Si Ningning waved her hand: "Nothing to blame, no blame, we all ate it together after we got it back."

After saying that, he felt something was wrong. Si Ningning groaned and added: "Anyway, just watch similar things happen in the future. If I'm not here, then we will stop the loss in time depending on the situation."

 “That’s okay.”

 The girls reached a consensus and it was already getting late, so they each started packing their things and blowing out the lights and went to bed.

Si Ningning closed the mosquito net tightly and lay on the bed in the dark, listening to the breathing of several other people around her. She originally planned to fall asleep, but ended up tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.


 I feel worried when I think about what happened in the afternoon.

At that time, Si Ningning didn't know that Yan Wenshu was Huo Lang's cousin. Si Ningning misunderstood the matter. Looking back now, her words and attitude at that time seemed not very good, and she was even a bit tough.

 That’s really rude!

  So embarrassed that I feel ashamed...

what to do?

And when will Yan Wenshu leave?

 What would you do if we met again tomorrow?

 What should I do? What should I do?

Si Ningning buried her face in the small blanket, rolled around twice in embarrassment, and finally lay down on her back with her eyes exposed from the small blanket. She stared at the dark top of the mosquito net in the dark and slowly calmed down.

Si Ningning recalled the scene beside the house of Educated Youth Point a few hours ago.

She and Huo Lang have a good impression of each other. At present, there is only one layer of window paper that has not been pierced. It is most likely that they will be together in the future, right?

 If this is the case, then the conflict between her and Yan Wenshu cannot be treated lightly.

 She did not have to be in favor with Yan Wenshu to be with Huo Lang, but out of politeness, Si Ningning felt it was necessary to apologize.

To apologize, you first need a proper "ceremony".

Si Ningning struggled for a while. After listening to the heavy breathing around him for a long time, he gently turned over and entered the space.

This time is different from the past when I went to the black market to resell. I don’t need anything like rice, flour, meat, oil, etc. It has to be a “gift” that is not high in value but can reflect my heart.

Si Ningning sat in front of the sewing machine in the study, feeling really embarrassed for a while.

Si Ningning frowned slightly, thinking for a moment, then hit her right fist on the palm of her left hand, "Yes!"

Having an idea, Si Ningning immediately got up and started searching.

 (End of this chapter)

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