Chapter 267 Murder Case

Si Ningning rummaged through the box containing sweater yarn and found red yarn inside. She took out a piece of yarn and drew it, feeling vaguely that it was too thick and uncomfortable.

Frowning and stuffing the wool back into the box, Si Ningning continued to rummage and found a thinner cashmere thread.

The paper packaging box containing the cashmere yarn is 28 inches in size. Si Ningning tore off the sealing tape twice and threw away the outermost knitting tutorial booklet, revealing the various colors of cashmere yarn inside.

There are many colors of cashmere yarn. After a quick glance, I saw that each color is individually packaged in a simple package. There are five rolls of cashmere yarn of the same color in one package, and each roll is as thick as a bowl mouth.

Si Ningning took out the bags one by one and didn't stop until he found the scarlet and burgundy cashmere thread at the bottom.

 Burgundy is more suitable for larger parts such as scarves and sweaters. For small parts such as hand ropes and headbands, bright red will be more vivid and beautiful, and will not be out of place.

Si Ningning thought silently for a while, then took the big red bag of cashmere yarn and put the others back into the box and pushed them to the corner of the study.

Si Ningning took out a roll of red cashmere thread and sat in front of the sewing machine. She measured the thickness and found that it was OK, so she found a soft ruler and cut out twelve sections of cashmere thread, each section about fifteen centimeters long.

Divide the twelve sections of cashmere yarn into two parts. Si Ningning chooses one of the two ends to tie a knot first. The shorter end is slightly arranged into a fluffy tassel, and the longer end of the other end is knotted with a six-strand rope. The method is slowly knitted together.

Si Ningning only stopped and tied a knot until the remaining part was equal to the length of the previously reserved tassel.

Si Ningning straightened the braided part in the middle and combed the two broken tassels smoothly. Using his hands as a comb, Si Ningning pulled his hair twice to gather it together at the back of his head, and wrapped it twice with the braided hair rope just now.

Humblingly, he tied a small crooked bow, then went to the bathroom mirror and shook his head to check.

Not to mention, I am used to seeing people wearing low braids, but suddenly wearing a high ponytail, with a faintly visible red headband, is really energetic and playful.

It might work?

Si Ningning continued to turn her head left and right in front of the mirror. After her thoughts were settled, she tilted her head slightly, held the corner of the hair rope on the back of her head with her little hand and gently pulled it, and her long black hair instantly fell to her shoulders.

 In this era, people's clothes were mostly simple, and girls had almost no accessories or headdresses in terms of dressing up. The only thing that was reasonable, common and acceptable was the red headband.

The price of a pair of red headbands sold in department stores ranges from eight cents to two cents, and the difference lies in whether the headbands are made of thread or rubber bands.

Si Ningning thinks this price is not expensive, but other people in this era don't think so.

 Girls either have short hair that reaches their ears, or those with long hair can just pull a piece of rope and use it as a headband. Buying a headband alone is a luxury and envy for many girls.

Yan Wenshu may not accept it if it is bought with money, but if she makes it up herself, that is not necessarily the case.

When he met Yan Wenshu in the afternoon, Yan Wenshu was wearing two braids. Si Ningning thought about it and sat back down in front of the sewing machine beside the bed in the study. He gathered the remaining six pieces of red cashmere thread together and compared them with the ones just braided. Tie that headband into a knot and continue braiding.

After the hairband was braided, Si Ningning nodded with satisfaction and smoothed it out. He didn't bother wrapping it in a gift bag or anything, so he folded the hairband in half, cut off a piece of white cashmere thread, wrapped it around and tied it into a bow, and it was done.

The first time she met Yan Wenshu, there was no friendship at all. The tie was not to please Yan Wenshu, but to apologize for her unfriendly attitude at that time.

It is always better to have something in hand than to go empty-handed, and if it is too formal and grand, it will not be appropriate for people to accept it, and it will not be appropriate to refuse it.

Si Ningning clutched her headband and thought about what she might say tomorrow. She was adapting to the situation. It was not about taking precautions, just for peace of mind.

After a few silent moments, Si Ningning felt much better. She took a deep breath and turned around to leave the room.

Putting the headband under the pillow to hold it down, Si Ningning patted the corresponding place on the pillow, then lay down gently and slowly closed her eyes.

His thoughts were chaotic, and Si Ningning quickly fell into sleep.

At around three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, it started to rain lightly, and the temperature turned slightly cooler. Si Ningning felt a little cold in a daze, so she got up in the middle of the night and shook off the blanket before falling asleep again.

When he woke up again, he was awakened by the sound of male "hehehehehe" outside the house. Si Ningning got up with one eye open and the other closed, and looked toward the window through the mosquito net.

It was already light up, and the outside scene could not be clearly seen through the mosquito net. Only a group of figures running slowly past could be vaguely seen.

  is the security team.

Si Ningning's thoughts slowly came back to life, and a little doubt arose in her heart.

Usually, the security team on the team would only occasionally find time to come over here at the Educated Youth Point, and at most two people would come over each time. It was really rare for such a neat and small team to come over like today.

 Could something happen?

Si Ningning dozed off and ran for most of the time. She gathered her hair and tied it in a low ponytail on the back of her head and shoulders. She opened the mosquito net, stretched out her legs first and put on her shoes.

 Jiang Yue, who was on the bed opposite, opened her eyes drowsily, closed her eyes again after a while and muttered drowsily, "What are you doing up so early? Let's take a nap."

"...I need to pee." Si Ningning made a casual excuse, but there was no movement from Jiang Yue's side after he finished speaking.

Si Ningning looked up and saw Jiang Yue's lips slightly opened as she exhaled and inhaled, then fell asleep again.

Si Ningning took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was only around six o'clock in the morning, which was indeed a bit early.

Afraid of disturbing everyone, Si Ningning was extremely careful when walking and opening the door. It was not until he unlatched the door latch that he completely relaxed and walked out in stride.

Just as Huo Lang returned from a patrol led by his team, Si Ningning stepped on her toes, leaned forward slightly and waved with her right hand in mid-air.

The meaning is obvious, she is calling Huo Lang to come over.

From far away, Huo Lang saw Si Ningning standing on the doorstep.

certainly. He saw not only Holang, but also seven or eight young men behind him.

Young, energetic and single guys could not resist the culture and appearance of the urban female educated youth, and all of them glanced at Si Ningning.

Had it not been for the fact that Huo Lang was still there, they would have blown out their playful whistles.

When Huo Lang saw Si Ningning looking for him, he immediately walked up to Si Ningning without saying a word, taking three steps at a time and two steps at a time.

He didn't say anything else when he got there. He just adjusted the angle to cover Si Ningning tightly. This was not enough. Huo Lang turned back to the young man from the security team and said:

"After the patrol here is completed, you can go to Nanshanjiao to have a look. Pay attention to the situation at the experimental field."

 “’s okay Longo.”

A group of young men responded in unison, vaguely feeling as if they had realized something, but also not as if they didn't?

As he was leaving, he looked in the direction where Si Ningning was standing, but except for the broad back of their captain, he couldn't see anything about the beautiful female educated youth.

The boys scratched the back of their heads. Although they felt a little regretful, they could only obey the assigned "Hey, hey, hey, hey" steps and go to the other side to continue patrolling.

Si Ningning's chin was taut, her cheeks were slightly bulging, and her eyes were following a group of young people running away. Huo Lang looked at her unconscious display of playfulness and felt angry and amused. He stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead:

 “What’s so good about them? They look better than me?”


Si Ningning covered her forehead. She stared at Huo Lang with wide eyes. Her slightly bulging cheeks instantly turned into an angry pout. She raised her hand and touched Huo Lang's stomach. It was a subconscious counterattack, but unexpectedly, Huo Lang's abdominal muscles were strong, and the punch hit her hard. Si Ningning didn't know if it hurt Huo Lang, but her hand was numb anyway.

Si Ningning was speechless and took back his hand, shaking it off, and demanded forcefully, "Next time, don't pull my braid, and don't flick my forehead! Otherwise, otherwise I will..."

Huo Lang wanted to nod in agreement, but when he heard Si Ningning stop mid-sentence, he laughed teasingly and asked curiously, as if he knew what he was asking: "What do you think?"

Si Ningning stared at Huo Lang with dissatisfaction and said angrily: "I'll bounce back!"

"Hmph..." Huo Lang chuckled twice, completely amused by Si Ningning.

But instead of laughing, Huo Lang glanced at both sides of the educated youth spot, and suddenly said seriously: "Go in and change clothes first. I'll wait for you to come out and tell me if you have anything to do."

 “Is there anything wrong with me dressing like this?”

Si Ningning lowered his head and looked at it.

She was wearing a nightgown. In fact, it was not an orthodox nightgown. It was a half-sleeved dress. It was made of cotton and linen and reached to the calf. She wore a small vest underneath, which did not reveal any points. The style was quite satisfactory. Even though not many people wore skirts in the countryside, it was still Can't fault it.

"No problem, I just rarely see you dressed like this." Huo Lang pursed his thin lips slightly, and his peach blossom eyes flickered twice.

 Not only in terms of clothing, but also in the feeling that emanates from the whole body.

Jiaojiao and soft, casual and casual, with the hazy coquettishness of the morning ...

Huo Lang knew that Si Ningning had just gotten up and was not really dressed up, but he didn't know why. He just wanted to hide Si Ningning like this and didn't want anyone else to see it.

Si Ningning seemed to hear something else, and his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously this conversation is not out of line, but I don’t know why, but I just feel embarrassed.

Si Ningning hesitated for a while, pursed her lips in embarrassment, and glanced to the side of the educated youth point, "Then wait for me, I'll be here soon."


Huo Lang understood. After Si Ningning entered the house, he walked towards the side of the house.

Mo Yue waited for five or six minutes before Si Ningning came out of the room again and asked, "Huo Lang?"

At that time, Huo Lang crossed his arms and leaned against the wall lazily. When he turned around after listening to the movement, he saw Si Ningning trotting over slowly.

He is still wearing a light green half-sleeved shirt, blue-black pants, and his hair is also styled in the usual braid that falls on the back of his head.

 But for some reason, Huo Lang felt that Si Ningning's cheeks were flushed with red. She vaguely seemed to need someone's careful care and protection more than before.

Si Ningning was already feeling embarrassed, but Huo Lang kept staring at her, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

 I didn’t know how to respond for a moment, so I raised my chin, widened my eyes and said fiercely: "Still looking? What are you looking at?"

  Holang blurted out, "Look at how good you look."

“…” Si Ningning was at a loss for words and glared at Huo Lang again, “Not serious… If you do this again, I’ll go back!”

 “Okay, okay, if not, I won’t look at you anymore.”

Seeing that Huo Lang really turned away and looked aside, Si Ningning breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more relaxed.

Si Ningning walked around the corner of the house and stood next to Huo Lang. Si Ningning asked her doubts, "Has the team received any news again? It's so good, why did you start patrolling so rigorously again?"

"This is not rigorous, this is normal." Holang paused, and then said: "It will always be like this in the future. The security team will go here in the morning, noon and evening."

Since Huo Lang didn't tell her news, Si Ningning naturally couldn't guess. She just thought that it was because of the Wu Yong incident that woke up Zhao Hongbing.

We were worried that something might happen to a lesbian, so we asked the security team to step up patrols.

Si Ningning thought about it for a moment and nodded in a low voice: "As the popularity increases, the number of snakes, rats, rats and ants will decrease, so that's good."

 In the future, when literacy classes are started, there will be more children here, which will be a good thing both emotionally and rationally.

As she spoke, she remembered what Huo Lang had said half way through last night. Si Ningning could vaguely guess what Huo Lang wanted to say. She was embarrassed to bring it up, so she turned around and mentioned another matter with her pupils twinkling slightly:

 “How was your visit to the county a few days ago? What’s the news there?”

"There is news." Huo Lang nodded, "I should have come back a long time ago, but something went wrong."

Si Ningning tilted her head nervously and met Huo Lang's worried eyes, "What's going on? Is it related to Wu Yong?"

"I don't know if it has something to do with Wu Yong, but it must be a group of them." Huo Lang pondered for a while, then told Si Ningning the situation in detail, "At that time, the superiors gave the news, and the evidence was available and sentenced to imprisonment. In the 22nd year of Wu Yong, a group of accomplices were given a seven-year suspended sentence.”

“I hadn’t come out yet after I finished speaking. Someone came from below to report that a murder had occurred in the Zhougang Second Brigade. The family members made a fuss from the brigade to the commune. Director Li had no choice but to take the person to the county.”

Si Ningning nodded and motioned for Huo Lang to continue.

“The county sent people and I led a team to investigate this matter for several days. It was found out that the cause of death of the deceased was pregnancy and miscarriage... She was only an eighteen-year-old girl.”

Si Ningning’s brain buzzed, and she shook her head in disbelief, “What?”

Horang knew that this result was not acceptable to everyone. He patted Si Ningning on the shoulder and comforted him calmly and regretfully: "This matter is disgraceful. If it hadn't been for a murder, most people would choose to swallow their anger."

Because the girl was gone and her family didn’t have to worry about the girl’s dignity, they chose to break the jar and ask for an explanation angrily and sadly.

 A girl who is only 18 years old…

Si Ningning suddenly shuddered.

  She had no idea, she just felt a little cold all over for a moment.

 “Then what is the final result?”

Is it as simple as just a few years in jail for bullying a girl and taking someone's life?

 (End of this chapter)

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