Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 268: you can think about it

Chapter 268 You can think about it

Si Ningning is a little unacceptable.

"Someone else came forward to confirm your previous statement. The county made a decision overnight and sentenced Wu Yong to a suspended death sentence and temporarily sent him to Han City Prison for detention. He will be shot in March next year." Huo Lang lowered his tone, "The others will be punished with both crimes. A prison sentence of seven to fourteen years.”

 Because other witnesses appeared, this matter no longer has anything to do with Si Ningning.

  In other words, this is the final ending of this matter.

 How sloppy.

Si Ningning suddenly felt heavy.

"Don't be sad, at least because of your bravery, you have promoted many things." Huo Lang comforted him with a low and gentle voice, "You know? The county has introduced a new ordinance, and each brigade must form a security team. In the future, this situation will Will be largely avoided.”

 What kind of bravery is this?

"The implementation of the new policy should not be at the cost of sacrificing lives." Si Ningning shook his head, "If we had paid attention to this issue from the beginning, or if the captain of Zhougang Brigade was a diligent and responsible officer like our captain, Maybe such a tragedy wouldn’t happen.”

Or, if Wu Yong had not been transferred from the Third Team of Jiling to Zhougang, wouldn't this happen?

Si Ningning was in a depressed mood, and Huo Lang soon realized that she was trying to get into trouble.

Not wanting to see Si Ningning continue to be depressed, Huo Lang was silent and wanted to speak, but he heard vague voices coming from the direction of the main room.

 Others from the Educated Youth Point got up...

After swallowing the words on his lips, Huo Lang fumbled in his coat pocket, and finally took out something and fastened it accurately on the round collar of Si Ningning's half-sleeved shirt, "I had something very important to say to you last night. "But I didn't have time, and it's a bit inappropriate now."

"I will come back to you at noon." Huo Lang sighed helplessly. When he retracted his hand, Si Ningning felt that his collar sank slightly.

The emotions of sadness for spring and autumn were temporarily transferred. Si Ningning raised her hand to touch her collar and touched a small, hard metal lump, which should be something like a pin or brooch.

Seeing Huo Lang retreating to leave again, Si Ningning stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve, "Well, Huo Lang, there is something else!"


Si Ningning pursed her red lips slightly, "If Comrade Yan hasn't left yet, can you introduce him to me again?"

Horang’s deep brows were furrowed, with some doubts flashing in his eyes.

Si Ningning explained: "I was a little anxious that day, and some of the things I said were not very good. I would like to see Comrade Yan again to explain the situation at that time, is that okay?"

Horang probably recalled what happened before and after, and felt that there might indeed be a misunderstanding.

He didn't understand what happened between girls and couldn't get involved. After thinking about it for a moment, he nodded sharply, "Okay, when do you have time? I'll ask her to wait for you."

"You can do it in the morning... And please be careful with your words! We are communicating in a friendly way, why should she wait for me?! What is that like? It's not a date..." Si Ningning stamped her feet and said anxiously.

"…okay, I get it."

The voice of the voice from the direction of the gate of Educated Youth Point became clearer and clearer. Huo Lang responded and took a few steps back.

The man retreated into the shadow of the trees, not forgetting to tell Si Ningning: "I still have something very important to say to you, today, it must be today."


 “…must come.”

 “Come on, I must come.” Si Ningning waved the back of her hand outward, “Go back quickly!”


Si Ningning stood on his feet and watched Huo Lang disappear among the trees. Si Ningning took off the thing on his collar with slightly twisted hands, then lowered his head to look at the palm of his hand. When he saw the thing clearly, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

 I thought it was something like a pin or a brooch, but it is not.

Golden wheat ears surround a half circle, and in the center of the wheat ears is a five-pointed star that also shines brightly.

  is... collar flower.

  Holland’s military collar.

 Si Ningning had seen him before when he came back from the county.

In the 1970s, it was not fashionable for soldiers to wear collars, and most of them wore collar badges. However, collar badges are not without such iconic badges, and they can be issued to soldiers who meet certain requirements. For example, they will be issued to soldiers with special military ranks.

The collar flower is of great significance. It may represent recognition of military life, or it may be obtained at the cost of half a life...

 This is both precious and an honor.

Now, Huo Lang handed one of the pair of collar flowers to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning felt as if the thing in her hand was hot to the touch and weighed more than a thousand catties.

She clutched it tightly for fear of losing it, and at the same time raised her head and took two steps towards the tree-lined path, and then stopped after a few breaths.

Horang has long legs and fast feet. Where did she say she could catch up if she wanted to?


Si Ningning lowered her head and slowly opened her palms, looking at the collar lying quietly in her palms, she already understood what Huo Lang meant.

 There is no false sincere feeling...

That person valued her far more than she imagined.


Si Ningning’s red lips pursed in a complex manner, she put her tie flower into the space, and walked back with heavy steps.

After taking only two steps, he bumped into Mo Bei and Song Shuhan, who had just walked out of the house with bags on their backs.

Song Shuhan greeted: "Si Zhiqing, why did you get up so early today? It's so rare!"

 In the past, Si Ningning was responsible for the work in the pig pen and did not have to go to the fields. Usually, Xu Shuhua and the others would get up sleepily after they had gone out.

Song Shuhan didn't mean anything else when he said this, it was just a joke as they got acquainted with each other.

It was just unlucky that Si Ningning was in a bad mood. This time she just nodded lightly and did not tease him back as usual.

Song Shuhan just thought it was too early and Si Ningning was still confused, so he didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, Mo Bei could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Si Ningning.

"Si Ningning..." Mo Bei called out to Si Ningning.

"Huh?" Si Ningning raised her long eyelashes listlessly, "What's the matter?"

“…” Mo Bei’s eyebrows frowned slightly, then relaxed immediately.

 My throat rolled, and the last thing that came out of my mouth was not concern, but another sentence, "We are going to the town. Is there anything you need to bring?"

 “No.” Si Ningning shook his head.

 Speaking of going to the town, Si Ningning belatedly remembered that Mo Bei's wound had stitches removed today, "Oh, look at me... I have so many miscellaneous things to do that I forgot about this."

Si Ningning slapped her forehead conflictingly, her porcelain-white face a little embarrassed, "Are you in a hurry to leave? If not, why don't you wait for me to cook?"

Originally I planned to go with Mo Bei. Yesterday, I went to Zhao Hongbing's house and was interrupted by Yan Wenshu's incident, and then I forgot about it...

After all, Mo Bei's injury was for her. He must do his best no matter what, and take more care of him during the recovery period. Even if he can't accompany him to the town, breakfast should not be missed. Now this matter has made... Si Ningning is upset. I felt a little bit regretful, and because I had received the flower bouquet just now, all kinds of emotions surged up in confusion. I stood there in a daze for a while, not knowing what to do.

"It's all trivial matters." Mo Bei shook his head and took the initiative to resolve Si Ningning's embarrassment, "We can just eat in the town."

“We’ll talk about it when we get back,” Mo Beichong said to Si Ningning. Then he turned his head to look at Song Shuhan and said, “Let’s go.”

 “That Si educated youth, see you later!” Song Shuhan waved to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning nodded and followed them with his eyes, "Slow down on the road."


 Watching Mo Bei and Song Shuhan walk away, Si Ningning turned around and returned to the house.

 Xu Shuhua and the others usually got up early at this time and had already eaten half of their breakfast. Today, because breakfast was canceled, they started to get up.

Si Ningning didn't do anything special. Everyone didn't eat breakfast. She was the only one who went to cook to attract everyone's attention. She was not that stupid.

Just do what you have to do. Si Ningning followed everyone behind to fetch water and wash up. After everyone went out to work, she cleaned up everything that needed to be washed and wiped.

  After everything was taken care of, I took out some ready-made things from the space to fill my stomach. Finally, I took my water bottle and the red-headed rope that I had knitted last night and went to the team.

 While walking on the road, Si Ningning was still thinking about what to say.

For a while, Si Ningning was facing Yan Wenshu and Huo Lang. Si Ningning buried his head in chatter. Unexpectedly, Huo Lang was always thinking about this matter. After the patrol, he didn't go home at all. He was reading illiteracy. Ben was squatting there.

Seeing Si Ningning walking forward with her head buried in thought, Huo Lang squatted on one side and threw a small clod of soil forward. Si Ningning kicked the small clod of soil away and continued to move forward while muttering something. Walk.


Horang was speechless for a while, and this time he threw a bigger piece of broken tiles.

Same as before, Si Ningning kicked the tiles several meters away. She lowered her head and walked forward without realizing that Huo Lang was not far from her.

Huo Lang couldn't squat anymore. If he squatted any more, Si Ningning would disappear without a trace.

Hourang followed up in two steps. Si Ningning didn't let him braid, so he pulled Si Ningning's braid to one side, "What are you thinking about? You're so absorbed in it?"

His sudden appearance frightened Si Ningning. Si Ningning stopped suddenly, and before he could say anything, he glared at him.

Huo Lang's peach blossom eyes curled up. Not only was he not intimidated by Si Ningning, but he felt a sense of ease when he touched his nose. He thought to himself and teased: "I didn't scare you. I just threw two stones to remind you." , you didn’t even notice.”

 “Hmph.” Si Ningning snorted and turned sideways unhappily.

Holang teased the end of her hair and continued to ask, "I haven't said anything yet. What were you thinking about just now? So absorbed in it?"

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, ignoring what was going on in her mind when Huo Lang mentioned it again. She hesitated for a moment and couldn't answer, then opened the topic and said, "Don't worry about what I think. Aren't you going to tell me again?" Is this what I want to say?"

Si Ningning pursed her delicate lips, her heart skipped a beat, and she mustered up the courage to look at Huo Lang openly, "Speak now!"


Huo Lang was not frightened by Si Ningning's glare just now, but now he was disturbed by these words.

  Rubbing the ends of his forehead hair back, Huo Lang was a little confused. How could a girl who was usually quite well-behaved and shy become so powerful all of a sudden?

Si Ningning saw that Huo Lang was at a loss for words, and her embarrassment suddenly faded away, and she was still vaguely proud, "If you have nothing to say, take me to Comrade Yan quickly!"

 Why don’t you have anything to say?

Horang certainly has something to say.

Hooking Si Ningning's slender wrist, Huo Lang took Si Ningning to one side.

 “Hey, what do you want to do?”

 “Speak in another place.”

The literacy class has doors and windows, but they are not locked yet. Huo Lang pushed open the wooden door and sat Si Ningning down on the first small desk near the door.

 He looked at her and said, "Did you see what I gave you this morning?"

Si Ningning raised her lips, her pupils twinkling and nodded honestly, "I saw it."

 “Do you know what that is?”

Si Ningning nodded again, then slowly lowered his head.

Horang's brows furrowed briefly, and he looked down at the top of Si Ningning's hair. He was silent for a while, then rolled his throat and said in a low and deep voice: "Would you like to hear me continue?"

Si Ningning raised his head hesitantly and looked at Huo Lang with wide eyes.

Her dark eyes reflected Huo Lang's serious and serious face, and she stared blankly for a long time without expressing her willingness or unwillingness.

Si Ningning is looking forward to it, but also afraid.

 Even said that the fear in the heart is far greater than the expectation.

 Because he realized how good Huolang was in front of him, and had a premonition that he would not meet anyone better than him in the future, Si Ningning felt that he was very lucky, but at the same time he felt sad.

The memory fragments flashing through his mind touched the sadness deep in his heart. Si Ningning's eyes flashed with water, and the ends of her eyes turned red inexplicably.

There are some things that Si Ningning has always longed for, but when she really wants to touch them, she is afraid...

 Because she was afraid that she would lose this kindness and the person in front of her who was kind to her.

 She hates worrying about gains and losses, and is even more afraid of being abandoned again.

"Don't cry." Huo Lang bowed slightly and rubbed away the tears at the end of Si Ningning's eyes with his rough thumbs. Si Ningning didn't need to say anything, he just explained by himself: "There are only one pair of collar flowers for soldiers. They are for mission and mission." A symbol of glory.”

"If you can, I hope you can consider giving me a chance. From now on, it will be my honor and my responsibility to go forward and retreat with me for the rest of my life."

The words that were serious and sincere, like an oath, made Si Ningning tighten her palms, and the oppressive tension came over her again.

Si Ningning's lips trembled and she did not answer Huo Lang. Instead, she lowered her head in humiliation as crystal tears rolled uncontrollably from the end of her eyes. At the same time, she recounted a past that she had been reluctant to mention:

“When I was a child, I lived in a single-parent family. My father was always busy, and I was surrounded by all kinds of unrelated people.”

“At that time, I always wanted to get my father’s attention and love. I wanted to be hugged by my father like other children, and then sit down and have a comfortable meal together.”

 “But I never got it.”

“It seems that no matter what you do or how you do it, you will always be disliked and disliked.”

Si Ningning curled up her index finger to wipe away the tears at the end of her eyes, and in a relaxed tone, she briefly explained the pain that she had never wanted to mention, "Later, as I grew up, I set my sights and horizons farther and broader. The world is not just limited to a small home.”

"At that time, I thought, no one loves me, so I can love myself. Maybe it has something to do with the living environment I grew up in. I told myself that my partner must be absolutely loyal to me and be loyal to me for a long time. Companionship should not be mixed with any false love."

 (End of this chapter)

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