Chapter 269 Meaning

Si Ningning took a breath and raised her head, her hazy and red eyes slightly curved, and the shallow smile that appeared on her face was filled with heartbreaking vulnerability and calmness, "Are you sure you will stay with me? Love. I forever?"

Si Ningning was scolded, beaten, locked up in a small dark room, and saw the coldest and coldest looks in the world when she was young.

 The things that Si Ningning longs for have always been the things that make Si Ningning afraid and in pain.

 But now, she uncovered her scars and showed them plainly to Horan.

 This is both frankness and temptation.

 There is an element of gambling involved.

Si Ningning is gambling.

 Bet on someone who will feel sorry for her past and be willing to tolerate her future.

Si Ningning smiled so hard that her eyebrows were crooked. If it weren't for the blush floating around her eyes and the tip of her nose, Huo Lang would have almost believed it.

 Believe in the false appearance that she can forcefully accept any answer and the result.

"I am sure."

Holang's voice is hoarse and heavy, his deep brows are raised, his eyes are pressed downwards like a European style, and the pain and sadness in his peach blossom eyes are hard to hide.

 He couldn't see Si Ningning crying.

At this moment, although there was a trembling cry in Si Ningning's voice, a bright and bright smile appeared on her small face. Her efforts to remain relaxed and indifferent reminded Huo Lang of something inexplicably.

One afternoon before, the stubborn little girl asked him with red eyes whether she should be loved and whether she deserved to be loved.

In an instant, it was as if a sharp thorn had penetrated deeply into the softest place in Huo Lang's heart.

 What kind of past can it leave scars in the heart of such a bright and open-minded girl?

 Huo Lang's big hands were trembling slightly, and he clasped Si Ningning's hands together and pressed them against his chest. The more Si Ningning cried, the more his hands trembled, "I don't know what you have experienced in the past."

Horang cannot change the bad past, but he can promise Si Ningning a future.

Huo Lang nodded, resting his forehead on the back of Si Ningning's hand. He raised his forehead slightly for a while, and looked at Si Ningning firmly with a pair of peach blossom eyes with a sad blush, "But I promise you, I will make up for everything you have ever had." missing."



 And the company of family members.

Just two sentences, and the intuitive feelings brought about by Huo Lang's words and deeds, Si Ningning couldn't hold back anymore, and the tears that had just been barely stopped burst out again.

Hong Lang’s decisive and sincere attitude made Si Ningning find it hard not to be touched.

Although her original family was not happy, Si Ningning has always longed for a happy family in the future. However, emotional matters have always been a minefield that she dared not get involved in. Therefore, whether she is touched or moved, Si Ningning still Stay sane.

Si Ningning withdrew his hand, sniffed, leaned back and distanced himself from Huo Lang, "Huo Lang, I know your thoughts and attitude, but I cannot agree to your request to stay together for the rest of our lives."


Huo Lang lowered his eyebrows and wanted to speak in a hurry, but Si Ningning's outstretched nails pressed his lips, and he swallowed the words back in a semi-forced manner.

Si Ningning’s eyes were flushed with the color of crying, and her bright rose-colored lips curved beautifully, “I haven’t finished what I said just now.”

 “Okay…you say.”

The tension in Huo Lang's heart faded a little, and his frown slowly relaxed. The tall and muscular man was like an obedient golden retriever, quietly and obediently waiting for Si Ningning's next words.

“If you are willing, we can start getting along with each other from the first step. If we feel that the other party can do it, and we have reached a consensus and have no objections, it will not be too late to discuss the next step.”

"Do you need to go to such trouble? I just think you are very good." Huo Lang frowned and said seriously.

To be honest, when he made up his mind to say this, he was already ready to get married immediately, because he had inquired about the order of bricks and tiles when he was in the county two days ago.

I just want to build a house quickly so that when I get married, Si Ningning will have a spacious and bright house to live in.

Si Ningning wanted to know what Huo Lang was thinking at this time, and she would glare at him and ask him: Why didn't you also think of the names of your future children when you were building a new house?

 In fact, Shang Huolang really thought about this.

It's just that he felt that his culture was not as good as Si Ningning's, and the few names he thought of were not satisfactory, so he simply gave up the idea.

However, Si Ningning didn't know about all this. She raised her crescent eyebrows and stood up from the small desk. The sudden movement made Huo Lang unable to guard against it, and she forced him to take two or three steps back, "...What's wrong? "

Si Ningning’s eyes widened, and she asked like she was coquettish or stubborn: “You don’t want to?”

 “There is no unwillingness.” Huo Lang shook his head.

I just don’t think it’s necessary.

However, if Si Ningning wants to take it step by step, Huo Lang also agrees.

  Since they were already in love, no one could take Si Ningning away from him.

The more Huo Lang thought about it, the happier he became. His deep peach blossom eyes suddenly shone brightly. He swept away his previous sophistication and composure. He groped around on his body stupidly like a dazed boy. Finally, he took off the pendant he had been wearing around his neck and handed it to Si Ningning. in front of:

 “Give this to you too, and I’ll put it on you?”

The pendant lanyard is black, and the so-called "pendant" is not an ordinary pendant, but a silver-gray bullet casing.

With the military uniform collar in front of him, Si Ningning knew as soon as he saw the bullet casing that this pendant was not simple. It should have its own unique meaning, so he asked: "This is it?"

Holang's hands holding the black rope paused slightly, and then his joy suddenly subsided, and his excited voice slowly became hoarse, "It's a speed machine cartridge case."

  【Mauser military pistol, rapid fire type. 】

“It means a lot to me. It was once a knot in my heart and always reminded me of my responsibility to stay here.”

"Now that I hand it over to you, it does not mean that I have given up my original responsibilities, but that on the basis of my original responsibilities, I have opened the knot that has been stubbornly binding myself, and have new pursuits and continue to stay here. new meaning.”

Huo Lang was confused when he said this, but after thinking about it carefully, Si Ningning vaguely guessed some information.

This bullet casing should be related to the real eldest brother of the Chen family, and the "responsibility" it reminds is the two people who were left behind, Sanae and Hegu.

As for what Holang said, it is not difficult to understand that there are new “pursuits” and “meanings” based on the original responsibilities.

 It’s her.

"I will keep it well." Si Ningning pushed the braid to one side and stretched her neck slightly to let Huo Lang put on the pendant for her. "In order to repay this special gift, I will also give you a unique gift." Gift."

After putting on the pendant, Si Ningning put down her braid and stood up straight. She took out the pocket watch from her clothes and took it off. She took Huo Lang's big hand and put the small gold watch tied with woolen rope into Huo Lang's palm. Si Ningning’s lips curved, the shallow arc piercing people’s hearts, and her red deer eyes winked playfully, “One of a kind in the world.”

 At least for the next fifty years, it will be unique.

 As for fifty years from now, it will probably be the only one in the world, right?

Si Ningning thought funny in her heart.

As I thought about it, my expression became serious without realizing it.

If she and Horan were together and both were still alive fifty years from now, she...

 Will reveal everything about her.

 Crossing time and space, as well as mysterious space.

Horang failed to understand the meaning of Si Ningning's suddenly serious expression. He only thought that this watch-turned-pocket watch had some special meaning to Si Ningning.

  He rubbed his thumb across the surface of the pocket watch and took a look at it. The pocket watch was small in the palm of his hand. The main colors were gold and white, and the gold frame was inlaid with a full circle of small bright stones.

Whether it is appearance or workmanship, the design is unique, and it is much more exquisite and beautiful than the watches that Holang has ever seen.

 This is like its owner.

Holang's arched eyebrows were slightly raised, and his voice was low and hoarse, "I will also treasure and preserve it."

After finishing his words, before Si Ningning could speak, he lowered his head slightly and directly put the unique pocket watch on his neck, then stuffed it into his coat and placed it close to his chest.

At the end, he patted his chest with his big hand as a finishing touch, and did not forget to say "hmm" to Si Ningning.

Seeing that Huo Lang was really guarding the pocket watch like a treasure, Si Ningning was a little embarrassed. She regained her composure and pursed her lips. Si Ningning put her small hand on Huo Lang's sleeve and said, "That's just an ordinary watch. It's not a gift from you." The pendant means a lot…you don’t need to make a fuss about it.”

Holang grabbed the two slender fingertips of her clothes and expressed different opinions at the same time: "You gave it to me, it means meaning."

Si Ningning was stunned for a moment. When she realized the meaning of Huo Lang's words, her face turned red.

 “There’s something wrong!”

Si Ningning glared at Huo Lang with half shame and half anger, then pushed Huo Lang away and walked out of the house.

Huo Lang stepped forward with his long legs and chuckled twice, teasing "Humph" in a low voice. He asked Si Ningning in a nonchalant manner: "Then we are partners now?"

Si Ningning replied stiffly: "If you want to, you don't have to!"

 “I wouldn’t think that.”

The only people who would think that way are idiots. Otherwise, who would be a serious person who would push away his future wife-in-law?

Horang put his big hand close to his forehead and smoothed back his sharply shaved inch-long hair, with a proud look on his handsome face.

He followed Si Ningning for a while toward the team, and suddenly stopped halfway and stretched out his hand to stop Si Ningning.

Si Ningning lowered her eyes and glanced at the big hand in front of her, then looked up at Huo Lang, frowning and asking hesitantly: "What are you doing?"

"Hand." Huo Lang uttered one word calmly. At the same time, he spread his big palm and explored Si Ningning.

Si Ningning was still a little confused, but when she saw the hand that was getting closer and closer to her, she suddenly realized.

how to say?

 Old men seem to be more straightforward when it comes to love than young men.

Si Ningning was silent and put his right hand on Huo Lang's palm. His shy eyes flickered and his eyes drifted away, but he pretended to be disgusted and said: "I'm not afraid of being seen and reported."

 “What are you afraid of? There is no one here.”

Huo Lang chuckled hoarsely, not wanting to expose her arrogance.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a rough voice came from not far ahead:

“Hey! Ah Lang, Si Zhiqing, you are both here! It just so happens that I have something to ask you two!”

Zhao Hongbing, wearing a dark blue coat stained with mud and a black and white sweat towel hanging on his shoulders, was rushing towards the direction of Si Ningning and Huo Lang.

Huo Lang held Si Ningning's hand with no intention of letting go. Si Ningning struggled twice, but when he didn't let go, he used his free hand to squeeze his waist hard.

Si Ningning took advantage of Huo Lang's gasp, withdrew his hand and took two steps forward, "Captain, what's the matter?"

Zhao Hongbing came closer, panting and holding up a sweat towel to wipe the sweat. He quietly calmed down the rapid heartbeat that had been running all the way, and then waved his hand and said:

"I went to the brigade and the town this morning. The comrades in the town said that alcohol is a dangerous substance and only those comrades with medical knowledge in hospitals and health centers are allowed to receive it. If others want to receive it, not only do they have to issue an approval slip, but the quantity is not large. "

As he spoke, Zhao Hongbing raised his hand and gestured with his thumb and index finger, roughly making a straight line length of seven or eight centimeters, "You can probably get a small bottle of this size."

Si Ningning’s mouth twitched.

Then what’s not much?

That’s quite a few things, right?

 Zhao Hongbing also thinks it’s a little, so it’s okay if it’s a small amount. It’s fine if you can do it in small amounts many times! But the town let it slip again, not just once a month for medical staff!

Alcohol is no different from other things. It will become less and less if it is covered without moving. The amount that can be obtained is not much, and if it is less, it will be even less useful.

 The amount of alcohol was not enough. Zhao Hongbing simply gave up the idea. He grabbed the back of his head twice and continued before Si Ningning could speak:

"Si Zhiqing, didn't you say that there is no alcohol, can we use quicklime mixed with water? I came back from the town and went directly to the brigade. The brigade leader said that as long as our mushroom can grow stably, it doesn't matter how much quicklime we need. enough."

Although Si Ningning revealed that both alcohol and quicklime mixed with water can be used, Zhao Hongbing did not know which of the two is easier and more practical in the process of cultivating mushroom seeds.

This matter was originally entrusted to Si Ningning as an additional task. If some material issues greatly increase the difficulty of the process, even if he doesn't usually value things like face, Zhao Hongbing will feel a little guilty about face and lizi in this matter.

 Obviously, we asked others to help us, but in the end, they couldn’t even solve the fundamental problem and kept asking others to overcome it. What kind of thing is this?

"Si Zhiqing, do you think you can do this? Will it make it more difficult?" Zhao Hongbing pinched his hands together and rubbed them cautiously, "If it's possible, in the future we won't need alcohol and will just use quicklime?"

Si Ningning nodded without thinking: "Okay, captain, that's okay."

Si Ningning agreed decisively, but Zhao Hongbing hesitated even more, "Is this really possible? Si Zhiqing, please don't embarrass yourself. We won't hide it, just say whatever we have."

Looking at Zhao Hongbing's nervous and suspicious look, Si Ningning felt a drop of cold sweat slipping from his forehead, and nodded again helplessly: "Really captain, if there is any difficulty, I will tell you."

"Ah, this is like this..." Zhao Hongbing still didn't believe it, but seeing Si Ningning's firm look, he couldn't say anything more, so he could only retreat and say: "Okay, what can I do if you can?" Must say it!”

Off topic: A new month has begun, Ah Yao, please give me a monthly ticket!

 (End of this chapter)

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