Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 272: sense of boundary

Chapter 272 Sense of Boundary

"It's very troublesome to deal with these branches and trunks. I remember that there were a lot of wooden boards piled up in the house of the female educated youth at the Educated Youth Point. Some of them were already showing signs of rot. Nothing else could be done." Zhao Hongbing nodded and said with a smile: "Alang will come to my place later to get the key. Use those wooden boards to make use of everything. It will be just in time to free up the room so that you can put the rabbit cages. It's not a problem to keep them piled up in the main room. It's so congested."

"Okay, uncle, I'll come later." Huo Lang agreed.

After Zhao Hongbing left, Huo Lang turned his head and said to Si Ningning: "Uncle, like Uncle Sande, we are all our own people, so there is no need to feel uncomfortable."

Si Ningning hesitated for a moment and nodded, "I still need some time to adapt."

"Yeah." Huo Lang nodded and asked Si Ningning to sit and rest while he took care of the rabbit cage.

But when it came to Gu Sande, Huo Lang said a few more words, "The camellias are blooming this season. Do you want to see it? I'll stop by to see Uncle Sande."

This is the second time Si Ningning heard Huo Lang talk about camellia. The first time was at the beginning of October, and this time it was already the end of October.

Camellias bloom intermittently in early October and can bloom until March of next year. Now that they have entered the flowering period for half a month, the number of camellias blooming on the mountain should not be small.

In other words, you should witness another visual feast since the beginning of autumn.

Si Ningning thought about it for a moment and nodded, "Okay, but we have to discuss the time."

Horang threw the sawed piece of wood aside, turned around and glanced at Si Ningning curiously, "If there is anything we need to discuss, can we just go there?"

“You were not allowed to entertain you in the past? Although you will be given food stamps for meals, you still have to make time to prepare, right? How about going empty-handed?”

Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang, as if she knew what Huo Lang was going to say. She didn't give Huo Lang a chance to speak, and continued: "There's no need to prepare anything expensive. We'll go into the mountains and take a look in the next two days..."

“I saw some fallen pine cones on the ground last time. Let’s see if we can find anything else. Let’s get some and process them ourselves. The things we make will be made with care, and they may not be any worse than the ones we bought.”

Si Ningning was never stingy, either to herself or to others. Huo Lang knew that she already had an idea in mind, so he didn't say anything more. He just lowered his voice and gave instructions while working:

“Then just follow what you said. Whatever you need, what you’re missing, and what work you need to do, just tell me and I’ll do it.”

Si Ningning pretended to be angry and glanced at Huo Lang: "Why don't you let me do it if you don't do it? You are so beautiful!"

  Holang laughed and shook his head, but said nothing.

 The weather turns cooler at the end of October, and it gets dark much earlier than before.

Si Ningning followed Huo Lang and helped nail the two boxes and shelves together. Si Ningning stood up and prepared to leave, "I won't be able to come over tomorrow morning. Let's go to the mountains the day after tomorrow."

Horlandon made a move to ask her, "Is there anything else?"

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded and said frankly: "I'll go to the town tomorrow and buy some small things."

“Why didn’t I bring it back when I went to town yesterday? It’s such a long way away, so you have to make another trip.”

Si Ningning blinked, his eyes curled into small crescents, "There are some things you can bring, and there are some things you can't bring."

Hearing what she said, Huo Lang probably realized something, but before he could say anything, Si Ningning was afraid that he would say that he wanted to accompany him, so she hurriedly waved her hand and said: "I'm going back. It's not good to go back too late... You can't go back too late... Think about cooking by yourself, don’t make do with it! You can make do with it, He Gu and Sanae are still growing!”

As soon as the words fell, the man had already run out of the courtyard gate with his braid in his hair.

 Huo Lang rubbed the light stubble on his chin, looked at Si Ningning's back jumping away, and then said "Okay" belatedly.

On the other hand, why does Si Ningning have to go to town and refuses to let Huo Lang accompany her?

 It’s because when she goes to town it’s not as simple as just “selling” things.

The purpose of this trip is firstly to hand over to the monkey head, and the second is to return the key borrowed from Fu Hongshu and fulfill the promise made at the beginning.

The latter thing is easier to say. It was originally said that the house loan was for one month, but now there are still ten days before the expiration date. As for the promised pork, it is even easier to say.

The pork from the first five pigs collected in the space will only be consumed by eating and selling, and there are still a lot of miscellaneous ribs, ribs, etc. left over.

 Excluding those, there are four whole pigs, so what is a mere twenty kilograms of pork?

The only thing that worries Si Ningning is the monkey head. The amount of the transaction this time is relatively large.

Moreover, half a month has passed as mentioned before. This time, due to some trivial matters and the various busyness recently, Si Ningning had forgotten about it, and suddenly remembered that the time had been delayed by more than half of the agreed time. week.

Si Ningning is worried about what disclosures will be made.

 After a circuitous journey back to the educated youth point, Si Ningning collected the clothes hanging on the tree beside the house, took them back to the room, sat on the edge of the bed and folded them.

At this moment, Jiang Yue sat over and said, "Si Ningning!"

Jiang Yue lowered her voice and shouted, and after shouting, her voice fell silent.

"What's wrong?" Si Ningning took the time to glance at Jiang Yue, then quickly lowered his head and continued folding clothes, "Do you have something to say?"

Jiang Yue is the type of person who never goes to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. She can start chatting from a long distance away. Once she gets close to her and seems to whisper, Si Ningning will know that she has something to do.

Jiang Yue hesitated for a while, then tentatively said, "I see you've been quite busy lately?"

There was something in these words. Si Ningning noticed something amiss, and she stopped folding clothes in her hands. She raised her head and looked straight at Jiang Yue with a pair of round, dark eyes, and asked in a serious and solemn tone: " Are we friends?"

Jiang Yue was stunned. Although she didn't understand what Si Ningning meant by suddenly asking, this did not affect her speed in answering the question, "Of course!"

“Since we are friends, we should understand one thing.”

 “Huh?” Jiang Yue was a little confused.

Si Ningning was silent for a while, feeling that the words "keep a reasonable distance" were a bit hurtful, so she sighed and changed her tone and said: "I know you are doing it for my own good, but some things can only be understood but not expressed. You know It’s good when you get there, if you have to say it, it will make us angry.”

Si Ningning knew what Jiang Yue was going to say, and it was nothing more than the close contact between her and Huo Lang.

Although she is clearly aware of Jiang Yue's good intentions, she is no longer a child. Based on her true age and experience, she is far ahead of Jiang Yue and everyone else in the Educated Youth Point by two or three years. She has the most basic ability to distinguish good from bad and right from wrong. Furthermore, Si Ningning felt that emotional matters were personal privacy, and it was inappropriate for anyone to get involved without asking for help. This was true for her and everyone else.

Si Ningning has a strong sense of boundaries and doesn’t like others to interfere with her privacy.

Jiang Yue heard what Si Ningning was saying and understood that this was Si Ningning's reminder and warning. Although it was a bit embarrassing, Jiang Yue still chose to accept it calmly, "Then I won't say it. You are more measured than us. I believe your choice will not go wrong.”

 The embarrassment only happened for a moment, and it was nothing to be honest. On the contrary, if she went into details, Jiang Yue felt that her relationship with Si Ningning was quite good.

 Be honest and say what you have to say, so that you don’t feel uncomfortable because of the other person’s words but don’t know what to say, which will lead to various estrangements in the subsequent interactions. That is the most uncomfortable thing.

"Yeah." Si Ningning smiled brightly, patted Jiang Yue's shoulder twice, folded the clothes and pushed them into the bed, "Get ready for dinner. I just came back and heard Shuhua said that she had fried eggs at night, one for each person."

"Wow! Really? So rich?" Jiang Yue was suddenly distracted by the fried eggs, and returned to her usual startled and silly look.

Si Ningning explained with a slight smile, "Because I have been saving on food rations recently and considering everyone's health, it is a rare luxury. The eggs ordered by other fans will probably have to be negotiated and received from the supply and marketing cooperative in a few days after everyone is on vacation. Go sell it and exchange it for some money to supplement your living expenses and make up for everyone’s shortfall in life.”

“This is a good idea, I support it!” Jiang Yue found the lunch box and raised her hand to show her support. After a while, she winked at Si Ningning and said, “Then it will be up to you to plan, Financial Master!”

 “Come on!” Si Ningning rolled her eyes at Jiang Yue.

As they were talking, they had already walked to the main room. Others heard their conversation and inevitably added a few words to tease Si Ningning. For a while, the entire educated youth spot was very noisy and lively.

After dinner, as Si Ningning expected, everyone really started discussing the topic of selling eggs for money, especially after knowing that Si Ningning was going to the town the next day. He even wanted to entrust her to take it to sell.

Si Ningning raised her hand silently, "I have a suggestion."

 “What’s your suggestion?” Everyone turned to look at her.

Si Ningning waved her hand and said, "You guys need to confirm whether you want to sell it or not. I'll tell you when I'm sure."

 The group of people didn’t even let Si Ningning wait, they all responded: “Yes!”

"It won't work if I don't sell it! If I don't think of a way to subsidize some daily needs, I can't survive on just that ration even if I tighten my belt." Li Lingyuan said with a bitter smile.

Si Ningning nodded knowingly and turned to the others. Seeing that everyone looked very determined, she coughed lightly and spoke her thoughts:

"There is a gap between rich and poor everywhere, so there is nothing wrong with saying this. Eggs are sold everywhere anyway, so why not ask your own people first? If your own people need it, you can pay it at whatever price you want, and you don't have to carry so many old people." Far."

 Sell to one’s own people…

Li Lingyuan and others were at a loss for a while, and then their eyes fell on Si Ningning, Mo Bei, Song Shuhan and others.

Si Ningning was just making suggestions, not advocating forced buying and selling, so he quickly stood up and explained: "The price charged by the supply and marketing cooperative and sold in the market is four cents each. If you want to eat eggs, you can buy them. If you don't want to eat them, don't want them. Specifically, It depends on your situation.”

As he said that, Si Ningning scratched his head in embarrassment, "I don't want it for the time being. The portion I keep for myself is enough for the time being."

There are a total of six chickens in the Educated Youth Point. Because of Wu Yong's transfer, the chicken that originally belonged to Wu Yong was stolen by Si Ningning. This means that Si Ningning can get two of the eggs obtained by the Educated Youth Point. She had one more portion than others and didn’t intend to sell it, so it was naturally enough to eat.

And this is an external statement, leaving aside the eggs of educated youth, there is still a chicken laying eggs in Si Ningning’s space!

 The second generation of chickens that were hatched later were almost ready to lay eggs.

Everyone could understand Si Ningning's explanation, so a group of people turned their attention to Mo Bei and Song Shuhan.

Si Ningning looked on from the side and almost wanted to talk a lot.

 It is obviously a suggestion, and it is said that it is not a forced purchase or sale, but why does this scene look like a forced purchase and sale, and it is impossible not to buy it?

Si Ningning was hesitant here, but Mo Bei had already given the answer, "I want it."

Song Shuhan thought about it for a moment, put up his glasses, smiled politely, and then said: "Then I want it too!"

 They are not very good at cooking. It would be good if they have enough eggs. From now on, they can just cook them when boiling water every morning. It is convenient, quick and nutritious.

As soon as the words fell, the matter was settled.

Xu Shuhua placed a kerosene lamp next to the table. Song Xiaoyun and Jiang Yue brought over a large pottery basin for eggs. After counting the eggs eaten today, there were exactly forty-two eggs left.

Based on the head count, there are six eggs per person, and Si Ningning gets two portions, which is twelve eggs. Everyone gets their own eggs first, and then "sells" them.

 Xu Shuhua, Jiang Yue, Song Xiaoyun and Li Lingyuan each held six eggs in their hands. The total was twenty-four, and Mo Bei and Song Shuhan each had twelve eggs.

A total of 96 cents was shared among Xu Shuhua and four people. In fact, each person could only get 24 cents.

Although twenty-four cents is not much, it should not be underestimated. You can buy a big bag of whole grain sweet potatoes, potatoes and other things from the members of the team, which can keep you full for several days. If you plan to save some money, Of course you can last longer if you eat.

When Mo Bei and the others went back to the house to get the washbasin to put the eggs in, Si Ningning had already vacated the bamboo basket on the bedside table to put his share of eggs, and had already invited Xu Shuhua and others, who were temporarily relieved, back to the house. Get water to wash up.

Things here at the Educated Youth Point have been settled, and then there is the matter of going to the town tomorrow. Si Ningning has a clear goal. The main purpose of going to the town this time is to return the keys and the full price of the pork, and to pick up some other bits and pieces. Just give the things to the monkey head to change hands.

Having already done a lot of work, the money in hand is enough for now, and Si Ningning does not plan to take the risk of producing more supplies to sell.

Although the thing was not taken from her, she was tied to the same boat as Heruchi, Gu Yang and the others. In other words, whether she or Gu Yang and the others were being targeted, for the follow-up Neither development nor cooperation is a good thing.

 So it’s better to temper your edge a little.

Si Ningning thought about it, and at night, while several people around him were asleep, he carefully entered the space to tidy up.

 (End of this chapter)

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