Chapter 273 Job Quota

The first thing to do is to solve the problem of feeding the livestock, and then to weigh out the twenty kilograms of pork promised to Fu Hongshu.

After finishing this work, she casually collected all the milk powder that had been packed in bags before being consumed. That was all for tomorrow.

That's how the abacus was calculated, but when she looked at the twenty or thirty packets of milk powder on the coffee table, Si Ningning weighed it and estimated that it wouldn't even fit in the bottom of her bamboo basket.

 Compared with those products in the past, the ones in front of me feel a bit uninteresting no matter how I look at them.

After thinking about it, Si Ningning went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife and a basin and went out to the vegetable patch to have a meal.

It's not a valuable thing, so I took it and gave it away, but it was a little comforting to be able to fill the basket before.

Si Ningning thought about it. After harvesting a large pot of beautiful and juicy vegetables, Si Ningning placed the pot next to the coffee table in the living room, ready for use when she goes to town tomorrow.

After a round of work, Si Ningning was almost busy. After washing her hands, Si Ningning was about to leave the room. Suddenly, she remembered something. She paused in her steps and turned towards the pile of supplies outside the door.

 After rummaging around and finding the packaging boxes for the stove and various barbecue charcoal and briquettes, Si Ningning took the lead in opening the box containing the stove, moving it around and tearing and pulling it for a long time before revealing the true appearance of the stove in the box.

When I first purchased it, there were many iron stoves on the Internet. They were the kind of stoves with a round hole in the middle that led from top to bottom. That was where the fire was made. Apart from the round hole, the stove itself was a container for water. In terms of meaning, if the stove is only used to boil water, it is undoubtedly practical.

But Si Ningning’s purpose of buying a stove is not only to boil water, but also to prevent the stove from being used for cooking if gas resources are no longer available one day.

Another thing is that once the water boils on the iron sheet stove, the temperature of the whole body is basically close to 100°. If one is not careful, even if he will not be scalded by the water, he will be burned by the iron sheet stove itself. Si Ningning thought it was too dangerous, so when he first selected I ruled it out directly, and instead chose another older and simpler stove.

From the outside, it looks like a stove with a round hole in the middle that goes from top to bottom, but it is the type where pots and kettles are placed on it.

The stove as a whole is like a round tube. The handle is made of thick iron, and the carrying area is decorated with wood. Because the barrel body is made of cement, the two ends of the iron handle are deeply embedded in the cement to fix it.

Si Ningning took the stove out of the box. It was quite heavy, weighing at least fifteen kilograms.

The overall quality of the stove is good, but because it is made of cement, perhaps for the sake of greater stability, a layer of iron is embedded in the outer layer of the cement.

It's okay to say that it is inlaid with iron sheets. There is such a thick cement layer in the middle, so you won't get burned. But the point is that there is a layer of paint sprayed on the iron sheets. It is the kind of bright and dazzling blue paint. , at first glance, it cannot be something from the 1970s.

Si Ningning had a bit of a sore tooth and swayed back and forth irritably. Finally, she went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife and knocked it on the furnace body with the back of the knife, only to find that the patent leather could be knocked off.

Without the cover of the patent leather, what is exposed is the bright silver iron sheet that has not been oxidized, or some other metal.

If you want to use this stove, you must not leave the blue patent leather on the surface, and it is not appropriate to take out the stove if it is too new.

Si Ningning's pupils swayed, her little mind was running rapidly, and suddenly an idea came to her mind. She sent the kitchen knife back to the kitchen, and brought over the steel wool and ox-headed axe.

The back of the bull-headed ax is used to knock large areas of patent leather, and the steel wool ball is used to rub small areas. Although the patent leather is not the type that will fall off as soon as it is touched, it is indeed many times faster than using a kitchen knife unilaterally.

 It was already forty minutes after the entire stove was cleaned. Si Ningning exerted force on her palms. When she put down the things, her hands were all red and she was sweating a lot.

 And this busy work not only removed the blue patent leather, but the metal skin wrapped around the stove also had a lot of pits and scratches. It was so perfect that even the process of making it old can be omitted.

At this point, Si Ningning was too lazy to clean up any more, so he left the steel wire **** and ax beside the pile of supplies. He took the stove and put it next to the coffee table in the hall of the villa, preparing to return it from the town tomorrow and take it back to the educated youth center. .

Having made up his mind, Si Ningning quickly took a shower in the space, then came out of the space and lay down carefully to rest.

The next morning at around six o'clock, almost seven o'clock, Si Ningning got up with a few girls around him who had gotten up early to prepare for work. After hastily washing up, he set off for the town carrying a huge bamboo basket in front of everyone.

Maybe it was because he had gone to town many times, and the road was already smooth. There was wind at Si Ningning's feet. It usually took nearly two hours to travel, but this time it was only time to go to town to clean up the space halfway. It took less than an hour and a half.

It was just nine o'clock in the morning. Si Ningning felt that it was a little early to go to the Heritou, so she went to the residential building behind the town health center and went to Fu Hongshu to return the key.

Unfortunately, when I came back this time, I met several people while walking in the alley. Si Ningning didn't find a chance to transfer the pork to the basket on his back. He was a little worried at first. Fortunately, there was no one in the corridor after entering the corridor.

Si Ningning transferred the pork to a basket on his back in the corridor, covered the basket hastily before going upstairs and knocking on the door of the Fu family.

Several muffled sounds of "knock, knock, knock" came from the corridor, and soon the sound of footsteps approaching from far away was heard in the room, and then Zhang Yuemei's voice came, "Come, come, who is it?"

There was a soft "creak", and the old wooden door with peeling paint was opened from the inside. Si Ningning raised her eyes and met Zhang Yuemei's eyes.

Si Ningning opened her lips with **** lipstick and before she could speak, Zhang Yuemei opened the door and winked at her a few times and said:

"Here comes Dongdong! Why are you carrying such a big basket on your back? Didn't I tell you last time? Your family only has a little private land, and it's not easy for your mother to grow vegetables. Just keep it for yourself. Don't worry about it every time. Send them all back here.”

Zhang Yuemei glanced sideways into the room calmly. Si Ningning immediately understood what was going on and said in a naive and affectionate tone: "Auntie, the food at home is enough to eat, otherwise I wouldn't be able to send it here. Come."

“You kid, come in quickly!”

Si Ningning reacted quickly. Zhang Yuemei glanced at her with satisfaction and approval. She pushed her way to the door with a smile, turned around and walked in front, "You came so early and you haven't had breakfast yet? You happened to be preparing for dinner at home, and your uncle was with someone. We’re talking about something, let’s just go ahead and go to the kitchen with my aunt to have something to eat.”

"Hey." Si Ningning responded and closed the door.

On the way to the kitchen with Zhang Yuemei through the small living room while carrying the basket, Si Ningning glanced up quietly. Fu Hongshu was sitting at the table with his back to her, and the person sitting opposite Fu Hongshu turned out to be a familiar face.

 “Dongdong, put your things here first.”

Before Si Ningning could look further, Zhang Yuemei's voice came from the kitchen. Si Ningning's slowed pace picked up again, and she quickened her pace while putting down the basket on her shoulder, "Auntie is here."

I originally thought that Zhang Yuemei's words of "eat something" were polite and cover-up. Unexpectedly, as soon as Si Ningning put down the basket and stood up, she bumped into the bowl handed over by Zhang Yuemei.

 It is porridge, the kind that is very thick.     should be posted on the bottom of the page.

Seeing that Si Ningning was only staring at the bowl and had no intention of borrowing it, Zhang Yuemei handed the bowl forward again and said as if she was looking at the smiling face of a junior member of the family: "Nothing else, just take it and drink it!" "

"Oh...thank you, aunt." Si Ningning responded dryly, took the bowl of "Gululu" and drank it.

 Actually, I had eaten on the way here, but I couldn't find a reason to refuse at the moment. Besides, there were people outside, and others might find out if I refused.

While thinking about it, Si Ningning remembered the twenty kilograms of pork in the basket on his back.

Although one yard equals one yard, and the twenty kilograms of meat are the reward promised to Fu Hongshu for borrowing her house, pork is not easy to get at this time, especially the quality of pork.

Si Ningning felt that based on this foundation, eating a bowl of rice porridge from the Fu family was nothing.

Just as he was thinking about it, half of the bowl of rice porridge had been eaten, and the remaining half was so thick that it took up a lot of space. Si Ningning couldn't **** it away. Zhang Yuemei laughed and took the chopsticks. It was at this time that someone came from the small living room. Fu Hongshu’s voice issued an eviction order:

"Comrade Zhou Limin, I sympathize with your experience, but there is really nothing we can do about this matter. This position was originally vacated for you by a favor. Now you want someone else to take over. If I agree, all the small and large workers in the workshop will What would comrades think of me, Fu Hongshu, if they knew?"

"Okay, there's no point in talking about this anymore, go back!"

“Hey Director Fu! Director Fu, please give me another chance, give me one more time…”

Perhaps he knew that Zhou Limin was difficult to deal with, so Fu Hongshu didn't give him a chance to entangle him. After speaking, he stood up. Regardless of Zhou Limin's pursuit, Fu Hongshu walked into the room and closed the door with a bang.

Zhang Yuemei left the kitchen at the right time and gave Zhou Limin a few words of advice. Zhou Limin frowned and touched his nose. Even if he was unwilling, he had no choice but to leave with the two bags of cakes he carried when he came.

Almost as soon as the door closed, the door to the room opened a crack, and Fu Hongshu poked his head out, "Leaving?"

 “Let’s go!” Zhang Yuemei said.

 Fu Hongshu walked quickly to the living room, "Quickly, let Dongdong come over and sit down and talk!"

Si Ningning didn't do any ink. When he heard the noise, he put the bowl on the stove and walked out with the basket.

Zhang Yuemei over there understood and quickly locked the door, still lying on the door listening to what was going on outside.

“Uncle, thank you this time. I have cleaned up everything over there. Here is the key.” Si Ningning took out the key and pushed it along the table to Fu Hongshu.

"Okay, okay." Fu Hongshu nodded repeatedly, rubbed his hands excitedly for a while, and stared blankly at the basket on Si Ningning's back.

The look in his eyes was very hot, and it wouldn't be called greedy, but the look of anticipation was very obvious.

Si Ningning didn’t have the habit of spoiling people’s mood, so she directly opened the black cloth at the mouth of the basket and took out the strips of white pork inside.

Twenty kilograms of pork is twenty strips, and the triangular buns are piled directly on the table.

Si Ningning shook the empty basket and said, "Uncle, while I'm still here, ask aunt to bring a scale and weigh it."

"What else is this called? You can't go wrong with the designation!" Fu Hongshu waved his hand with great determination.

 Just kidding, this is pork!

If Si Ningning intends to break the contract and simply not come, is there any need to lie about the weight?

Furthermore, since pork is so scarce, it doesn’t matter even if the weight is really lacking, he still makes a profit, right?

Fu Hongshu stared at the pork on the table with hot eyes. Various ways of curing and roasting meat took turns in his mind. The greedy saliva almost flowed out of his mouth. When he came to his senses, he found that Si Ningning had already put the basket on his back and was ready. Got to go.

Fu Hongshu wiped the unnecessary saliva from the corner of his mouth, stood up and pushed Si Ningning back to sit on the chair. As if after careful consideration, he frowned and said seriously: "Dongdong, don't leave in a hurry. I have something to tell you. "

Si Ningning nodded slightly and acted as if he was all ears.

"I don't know if you have any impression of the man just now. It was the first time you came here and I bumped into you. He brought his son to me at that time. You should have seen him once."

Si Ningning said "hmm" and nodded again.

 Zhou Limin and Si Ningning knew about it.

In addition to meeting Fu Hongshu once, Si Ningning also met Zhou Limin once during the previous incident where Mo Bei was injured by Wu Yong, and therefore knew that Zhou Limin was one of the production team captains under Zhougang Brigade.

Seeing that Si Ningning still had an impression of Zhou Limin, Fu Hongshu sighed quietly and continued: "He brought his son here because he wanted to get a job in the rubber factory from me. I originally disagreed, but he was After grinding for more than a month, he finally agreed and gave his son a job as a handyman. "

"Isn't this great? A handyman is a handyman. Even if the salary is not as good as that of a skilled worker, it is still a serious job." Si Ningning said calmly.

Fu Hongshu waved his hand, and an indescribable expression flashed across his face, "The truth is this, but the problem is that this person came over just after working for a month and said that something happened at home, he needed money urgently, and wanted to transfer his job to others, please. I agree."

"How could things be done like this? Even if he wanted to sell the job, he would just sell it to someone else and I wouldn't say anything. He came to me and asked me, can I agree? How can I agree?" Fu Hongshu had his hands on his knees. He patted the front and said, "Although the transfer of job quotas is not as bad as the black market transactions, it is indeed not something glorious and worthy of publicity. In the past, transfers were only allowed between family members. I have never seen anyone selling their jobs. To an outsider, he even came to ask the director if it was okay."

Fu Hongshu shook his head and sighed seriously: "It's hard to get along with people who are monkey spirits, and you can't get along with people who are too honest. Otherwise, if you are naive and stupid, you will get into trouble, and there will be no way to remedy it."

It’s not that he can’t understand Zhou Limin’s situation, but Fu Hongshu cannot help others at the risk of losing his own interests.

 (End of this chapter)

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