Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 274: Salted duck egg boy

Chapter 274 The salty duck egg boy

Who is not sad in this world?

Zhou Limin has children and a family to take care of and support. Isn’t he the same as Fu Hongshu?


After listening to Fu Hongshu's words, Si Ningning was also speechless by Zhou Limin's coquettish tactics.

After a moment of silence, Si Ningning asked Fu Hongshu, "Uncle, what do you mean now?"

Fu Hongshu drove Zhou Limin away, but kept her and said so many things...

It can’t be that he wants her to go to the rubber factory to replace the vacant handyman position, right?

I have to say that Si Ningning’s guess was right, and Fu Hongshu did indeed think so.

If you want to ask what the reason is, it is the intuitive feeling that Si Ningning brought back to Fu Hongshu after these few contacts. In Fu Hongshu's eyes, Si Ningning is not only smart, but also quick in thinking, honest, and the most important thing is to keep his promise. What is said is what is said.

 One sentence to get to the point, that is, people can handle it!

Fu Hongshu admired and was very optimistic about Si Ningning, so he didn't hide it, patted the table twice and went straight to the topic, "I don't know how much money you can make from working in the black market, but since you dare to take risks, it means that The water head inside is definitely not small, but..."

Fu Hongshu raised his chin in the direction of Zhang Yuemei at the door, "I heard your aunt said that you are married? Are you pregnant with your wife? You are still young and may not understand. People grow up in this life. If you have a wife and children, you are not yourself. It’s just a matter of one person having enough food and the whole family not being hungry. If we want to develop in the long term, we need to be stable and safe.”

Si Ningning’s pupils flickered and she nodded silently.

She had previously mentioned that she had a daughter-in-law and was about to give birth to a baby. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuemei took it to heart, and now Fu Hongshu led her out alone to remind her.

how to say?

 I feel quite strange.

Si Ningning was lost in thought, Fu Hongshu patted the table and continued: "There is a vacancy for a handyman in the rubber factory. Do you think you would like to go? You are a sensible person and know that although this is a handyman, it is also a formal job. Although the salary of this job is not as good as that of small and medium-sized workers, it still pays 14.5 yuan a month, and there are also coupons for subsidies.”

"I'm quite fond of you kid. I won't hide it from you. According to normal work conditions in the rubber factory, handymen in the factory can be promoted to small laborers after working for one year. The salary of a small laborer is eighteen a month. If you work for three years, you can be upgraded to a big job, and a big job can make this amount in one month.”

Fu Hongshu made a gesture, one two and one five, which means twenty-five yuan, "Of course, this is normal. You are smart. If it were you, I guess it wouldn't take long for you to be promoted to a junior worker. Later, Whether you have a good job or not depends on your learning ability.”

As long as you enter a state-owned factory, no matter whether you are a laborer or a handyman, you will be guaranteed an iron rice bowl. This is something that many people outside cannot ask for. Zhou Limin is a typical example.

Moreover, Fu Hongshu's words revealed that he appreciated her and would take care of her. It's not that Si Ningning couldn't hear it, but her identity was really embarrassing...

It’s not that educated youths who go to the countryside cannot participate in factory work. On the contrary, if they are self-reliant and can find an iron rice bowl job based on their own abilities, it is a very prestigious and glorious thing, and the salary is 14.5 yuan a month. This age is really not that low.

 Such a salary is even harder to find in rural areas even with a lantern.

 However, even though she knew that the job in front of her was hard to come by, Si Ningning still shook her head.

If she was really a man, she would have gone, but it's a pity that she is not.

Although she shook her head, Si Ningning did not refuse completely. She thought for a moment and looked up at Fu Hongshu seriously. When she spoke again, she slightly changed her address, "Uncle, I understand your kindness. I also do this job." I’m very excited, but I really can’t let go of the business right now.”

 Jobs in state-owned enterprises are very precious these days. If you say you don't want it or are not interested, it will only arouse people's suspicion. Si Ningning thought about it and pretended to be hesitant and said:

“If it’s possible, I’d like to ask if this can be done like this? Even if the job quota is still given to me, I’ll ask my relative’s younger brother to take my place for a while, and I’ll be replaced after a while when I’m done.”

In a sense, what Si Ningning said is similar to Zhou Liming's self-defeating thing before. However, the difference between them is that there is no direct interest relationship between Zhou Limin and Fu Hongshu, but Si Ningning and Fu Hongshu are not. have.

Sure enough, as Si Ningning expected, Fu Hongshu frowned tightly, but instead of giving her an expulsion order like he did to Zhou Limin before, he said:

"It's not impossible, but you have to bring the person over to me first to see. Someone who can cheat and cheat is definitely not allowed."

After the words fell, Fu Hongshu thought silently for a while, then sighed and said, "Dongdong, this is a good thing, don't make it difficult for me."

Si Ningning was confident and replied with a slight smile, "Don't worry, uncle."

Si Ningning was not surprised by Fu Hongshu’s answer.

She dared to say this because she already had a suitable candidate in her heart, and she was able to ensure the candidate's character in all aspects to a large extent.

But it’s a sure thing, it’s still a sure thing. You’ll have to do a lot of hard work when you find someone to do it. Don’t let people think that this job comes easily, and that someone doesn’t appreciate it afterwards.

In Fu Hongshu's eyes, Si Ningning has always been a person who handles things properly. After hearing her assurance, Fu Hongshu immediately stopped panicking and said "haha" with a smile, then looked at her and smiled, saying nothing. middle.

Coming out of Fu Hongshu's house, Si Ningning walked around casually. Seeing that the sun was almost 10 or 10:30, he turned around and went to the scrap station.

This time, I didn’t go through the main entrance, but took a side road from the alley behind the scrap station.

Standing in the alley facing the short and old back door of the scrap yard, Si Ningning raised his hand and knocked on it in three long and two short strokes. After about twelve or twenty seconds, the door opened with a "squeak" from the inside, and then he poked his head out. A shaved head with pits.


“…” Being called that way as soon as they met, Si Ningning subconsciously ducked back and almost fell down. Fortunately, Sheitou was quick and stretched out his hand to pull her directly into the scrapyard.

The monkey's head closed the back door and locked it with a "snap". While pulling Si Ningning to the small cubicle, he shouted slang into the front room: "Old Cheng, I'm hungry and I'm eating in the back room. You see what's new?" Is the kid here hungry? If he is, let him come over and eat together while we’re not busy right now!”

“Okay, you guys can eat, then come out and help me after a while!” Old man Cheng from outside responded with a smile.

As soon as Si Ningning stepped into the cubicle, she turned around and asked, "The new one? Who is it?"

 “Who else could it be…”

The monkey head grunted, but before he could finish his words, the half-open door of the compartment behind him was pushed open by someone, pushing him two steps forward. Si Ningning also saw clearly what the monkey head said: "Newcomer." Who is "boy"?

                                  是 Gu Xihe.

Gu Xihe's slightly green and handsome face grinned widely, and he shouted enthusiastically: "Brother Dong!" Si Ningning was shocked by the title, but she quickly calmed down, "Why did you come here all of a sudden? Are you here? "

"It's not 'suddenly'... I've been squatting here for five or six days." The monkey head pursed his lips and explained as if to make up for it.

Gu Xihe didn't know how to write the word "embarrassed", so he smiled cheerfully and said: "I heard from Brother Hericium before that you usually come once every half month. I calculated the time to come over in the first few days, but I didn't see you, so I come here early every morning these days and wait.”

“Hahaha, Brother Monkey Head is feeling uneasy. He has been waiting here for the past few days. I always run here. He is probably annoyed by me.”

Gu Xihe is honest and upright with a bit of innocence. Even if he knows that he is being disliked, it doesn't matter, he still happily follows behind the monkey head and calls out the monkey head brother and the monkey head brother.

His energetic and enthusiastic temperament cannot be resisted by the monkey head. He cannot coax people away, so he can only accept him.

The monkey smiled bitterly, neither crying nor laughing, and said helplessly: "I don't dare to dislike you. You, please don't talk to me for a while when you take a nap at noon, so that I can take a peaceful nap." Thank God!”

Si Ningning saw the interaction between the two of them, and smiled softly with her eyes bent. She clapped her hands for a while and reminded: "Okay, let's get down to business first."

 Houtou and Gu Xihe became serious inside.

This is probably because the cubicle has now become a gathering place for the black market team. It has obviously been tidied up inside. The dusty floor has been swept, messy newspapers and other items have been discarded, and there are a few more straws on the ground. A futon for people to sit around during meetings.

In addition to these, under the wall facing the vent, there is also a bed and bedside table made of wooden boards, which should be used in case of confusion.

Hou Tou pulled out the futon from under the bed and let Si Ningning and Gu Xihe do it first. He then moved the bedside table, lifted up a few bricks that had been pried from the ground underneath, and took out a bulging Black cloth bag.

"It's all here!" The monkey head threw the bag up and finally handed it to Si Ningning.

Gu Xihe cooperated and took out the account book and handed it to Si Ningning.

Si Ningning was holding the money bag in one hand and the account book in the other. As he glanced around, he felt that the scene was a bit funny.

Si Ningning opened the account book first and started reading it. During this period, Hou Tou and Gu Xihe were assisting in explaining and chatting:

“We killed that pig ourselves, bled it and removed the internal organs. There is still 230 kilograms of pork. It’s really fat!”

“Yes, our production team will hand over the task pig at the end of the year. The whole pig weighs only 160 kilograms. The production team next door has raised 180 kilograms of pigs and was highly praised by the commune.”

"Brother Dong, how did you raise this pig? My brother didn't let me go that night, but I heard from Brother Achao that castrated boars are bigger and fatter. Is that true?" Gu Xihe's eyes lit up. asked.

Si Ningning raised her ears. Although she heard it, she chose to filter out the question, so she focused on looking at the account book and did not answer.

 When he didn't get an answer, Gu Xihe wasn't upset and started talking to himself like he was pouring beans into a bamboo tube:

"Our production team has gradually become busier these days. My brother and Brother Achao are being watched and cannot come out for the time being. When I came here, my brother asked me to bring salted duck eggs, saying it was to thank Brother Dong for sending those pigs. Dirty...the duck eggs are made by my sister-in-law and my fourth mother-in-law. I’m not going to lie to you, they are always delicious.”

Si Ningning paused while flipping through the account book, then turned her head to look at Gu Xihe, and saw Gu Xihe grinning with his teeth bared, unable to hide his **** for salted duck eggs.

Seeing her looking over, Gu Xihe straightened his back and emphasized emphatically: "Really, I'm not lying to you!"

Si Ningning shook his head. Instead of saying how the salted duck eggs were, he asked about another thing, "Your two brothers work in the black market. Do you still need to work in the production team?"

Gu Xihe was stunned for a moment when he was asked. He stopped smiling for a while, scratched his head and answered without any concealment: "Well... my family is quite special. Although I am not very popular, there is often a lot of tiring work to do, and it is not possible. Push back.”

Si Ningning nodded to express understanding.

Gu Xihe’s statement is quite euphemistic. To put it bluntly, the real situation is that the assigned tasks are painful and tiring, and no one else is willing to do them.

 After finishing the work, the Gu family was assigned to work, but because of family problems, they could only get half of the work points.

 The unfortunate thing about this is that Gu Chao and Gu Yang are both young men, strong enough to persevere, and... very tolerant.

 Perhaps this is something that has no choice but to do something under the background of the general environment.

Si Ningning sighed slightly, closed the ledger, and opened the black bag without reading any more and started counting the money.

Hou Tou didn’t know how to read, so he didn’t know that Si Ningning hadn’t finished reading, so he subconsciously asked: “Is this the end?”

Si Ningning shook his head, "Don't look at it. The pork after removing the pig water is 230 kilograms. Then calculate it as 230 kilograms. The price I will give you is one yuan and ninety-five cents per kilogram. Two hundred and thirty kilograms." It’s four hundred and forty-eight yuan. Is there any calculation at the scrap station?”

Houtou was stunned for a moment and nodded hastily. He stood up and was about to get the abacus, but was held down by Gu Xihe, "That's right."

 Gu Xihe took the account book from Si Ningning's knees, turned to the page where the text ended, pointed to the bottom row of text and said, "Here."


Si Ningning nodded, it was unmistakable.

 The net weight of pork should be more than 230 kilograms, and she calculated it as 230 kilograms.

 There were mostly two-cent cents in front of a bag, with a few big unity bills. It took Si Ningning half an hour to count the money.

She did not take all the money, only 450 yuan, leaving a pile of cents totaling about 6 yuan. Si Ningning pushed the money and the bag directly in front of the monkey head.

 Houtou was confused, "What are you doing? We already divided it before you came here. Why do you still give me money?"

"It's not for free." Si Ningning's eyes were cold and she said calmly, "Do you have any foreign exchange coupons? Find a way to get two for me. In addition, I need a small pot, preferably an old one. "

Houtou was a little embarrassed to see that he had misunderstood. After hearing what Si Ningning wanted for a while, he nodded seriously, "I have a ready-made foreign exchange certificate in my hand. If you want it, I will give it to you first. As for the pot... maybe I’ll have to wait for a while and see if I can find it.”

“It’s not urgent. Anyway, I’ll have to wait until half a month before I come back next time.” Si Ningning took the foreign exchange coupon handed over by Houtou and asked, “How do you charge the market price for this coupon?”

 (End of this chapter)

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