Chapter 276 Cleaning up

 It turns out that hidden one-way feelings are not so reliable...

  When you see the moon taking a picture of another person, you still can't help but feel jealous and jealous.

Mo Bei's eyebrows were furrowed, his lips opened and closed and he pursed his lips uncontrollably. Finally, he turned sideways, with his big hands under his long eyelashes, and quickly and accurately grabbed the closest cluster of cotton to his side.

At the same time, there was constant laughter above the mountain road.

"Why do you suddenly think of buying a stove? Is the basket heavy? I'll get it."

"There's nothing in the basket, I can just carry it on my own." Si Ningning answered with a smile, "Educated youths now eat a big pot of rice. For some reasons, sometimes the rice is not so easy to cook, so I just think about the whole stove and look back. You can eat whatever you want and when you want to eat as much as you want.”

"And didn't you also say that it's very cold in the south in the winter, and the houses in the educated youth spots are so big, it must be very cold in the empty winter. Now that there is a stove, I can make a pot of hot tea on it and drink some from time to time. It can also be warmer in the charcoal fire house... Don’t you think this arrangement is good? "

"That's very good." Huo Lang responded with a slight smile, and then added: "Then when we go back to the county later, I will get you some briquettes."

“It’s okay, but you don’t need too much. If you are an educated youth, you can save some charcoal for cooking and burning firewood.”

Although charcoal is not as burned as honeycomb briquettes, it can still work well.

Another one, Si Ningning actually has prepared "carbon" resources in the space. He asked Huo Lang to get some briquettes for cover, and the rest can be taken out bit by bit when the time comes.

Si Ningning was making a lot of calculations in her mind. When she thought of beauty, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Holang glanced at her sideways, "What's a good thing? Are you so happy?"

“It’s nothing special. I just feel that I am happy to collect and buy things bit by bit and live a good and stable life.”

“You can make enough food and clothing by yourself.” Huo Lang nodded noncommittally, “That’s all it takes for a small person to live and work in peace and contentment.”

  "Can you take me to the entrance of the village? I can just take it back myself."

“Let’s take you to the educated youth center. I just got the key from Uncle Hong Bing. I’ll go over and vacate your side room.”

"That's okay." Si Ningning nodded lightly, "By the way, are there any changes in tomorrow's travel plan? I lost my small basket, should I carry this big basket tomorrow?"

Si Ningning turned around and pursed her lips.

Huo Lang glanced at it calmly and said in a low voice: "No, I will just carry the big basket tomorrow. The small basket has been woven for you."

Si Ningning’s eyes flashed with surprise, “So fast?”

Si Ningning has been busy with Huo Lang recently. She knows exactly what kind of work Huo Lang does. She has never seen Huo Lang splitting bamboo strips or anything like that.

 In other words, the bamboo basket in Huo Lang's mouth was driven out today when she was away!

As Si Ningning expected, Huo Lang's next words confirmed her suspicion, "You said yesterday that you were going out today and would not go to my place. After I nailed the rabbit cage, I split some bamboo strips and started weaving them last night. , you can use it tomorrow if you have compiled one, and you can finish the other half if you go back today."

Si Ningning nodded with understanding and smiled sweetly, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard work, I just work casually. If I work hard and work hard, I can make up four or five in one night." Huo Lang's answer was very straightforward, which is in line with the current concept of "ability is a bonus" .

Si Ningning was amused by his words and couldn't help laughing. She looked at Huo Lang sideways with her deer eyes, "One or two are enough. Why do you want to make up so many? You really think of yourself." The cow is doing its job, your body is not tired at night, and your eyes are not tired?"

Huo Lang was not annoyed by Si Ningning's scolding and nagging. Instead, he curved his thin lips and smiled teasingly, enjoying it, "I'm tired of doing other things, but I won't be tired if I make it up for you."

“Even if I’m not tired, it doesn’t take that much!”

Si Ningning spread his hands helplessly, and the two of them chatted about each other's words. Unknowingly, they had reached the door of the educated youth spot.

 At this point, no one else has finished work, and there are only two people in the educated youth spot, Si Ningning and Huo Lang.

Si Ningning pulled the rope from the door, turned to Huo Lang and said, "You unlock the door first and watch the work. I'll get you a glass of water, feed the rabbit and then I'll help you."

“It’s not a big deal, I finished it in two takes.” Huo Lang put down his things and responded calmly, then asked: “Why is there no lock on the door?”


Si Ningning was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what Huo Lang was talking about. She poured water for Huo Lang, picked up the rabbit cage against the wall of the hall, and walked out.

  Seeing her busy work, Huo Lang hurriedly stepped forward and opened the bow left and right, and took out the two rabbit cages one by one.

Si Ningning followed behind with a "hehe" smile, "I used to say that I had to match him, because he had to work and had to go to the town every half a month, so he was delayed and forgot about it."

"After two days when you are free, I will bring it back to you." Huo Lang said calmly.

Si Ningning shook her head indifferently, pursed her lips and smiled, "No, the educated youth will have a holiday in the next few days at the end of the month. I'll just mention it to everyone later."

Huo Lang thought that this would be fine, so he nodded, and finally said: "Not only should the door be equipped with a lock, but the house where you girls live should also be equipped with one. The back of the door can be locked, and the door should be locked when sleeping at night. "

It was rare for Huo Lang to talk so much. Si Ningning thought it was very refreshing to hear it, so she nodded with a "Yeah, yeah, yeah" and said, "I will mention these things together in the evening. When the time comes, Let’s make a decision based on everyone’s opinions.”

  Holang nodded, "Yeah."

After that, the two of them split up to work. Si Ningning went to pick old radish leaves in the private plot next to the house, while Huo Lang opened the brass lock on the spare room of the female educated youth's house and began to tidy it up.

Even though there weren't many things in the house at first glance, Huo Lang moved out large and small pieces. After moving for more than an hour, there was still a large backlog on the floor of the house. He raised his arm and shook it up and down twice, and his bones "cracked." "Click, click, click" sound.

After moving his elbows, Huo Lang bent down and lifted up a piece of wood. He inadvertently disturbed a few rats living underneath and ran around wildly. Huo Lang stamped his feet to step on them, but before he could step out, there was a sudden "knock, knock, knock, knock" knock on the wooden door behind him. The sound of the door.

Si Ningning's voice came, "Huo Lang, how much is left in there? I'm done with the outside stuff. Let me help you move some small things."

"Move some small things..." Huo Lang murmured, his deep peach blossom eyes unconsciously glanced at the chopstick-long rat that jumped half a meter high in the corner, and his arched eyebrows suddenly condensed.

In just a short moment, the wooden door behind him was pushed half open with a "squeak". Soon after, Huo Lang turned around and closed the door again with a "clang", "You don't need it." "

With no way to escape, the mouse jumped up crazily along the corner of the wall. Holang put one foot against the door, bent down and picked up a thick wooden stick, and waved his hands twice at the right time. The mouse jumped up as if it had been hit. The baseball that hit the ball was blown away and hit the wall with two "bang bang" sounds, and then slowly slid down, leaving only two dark red marks on the wall. Moyo spent another ten minutes until he had eliminated several mice in the house and packed the old basket together with the wood residue on the ground. Huo Lang dragged the basket outside and then opened the door.

At that time, Si Ningning was sitting on the big table in the main room, holding her chin with both hands and facing the door of the unused room.

Looking at her expression, Huo Lang didn't say she was resentful or happy, and he didn't know what it was. He felt his eyelids jump suddenly, and he immediately dragged the basket and obediently let her out of the door, "Okay now, you can come in."

 “I won’t come in, you can do your own work!”

 Who does she think she is when she is let in for a while and not allowed in for a while?

Si Ningning rolled her eyes at Huo Lang. Although she said that, she still stood up sincerely, took the broom and dustpan behind the door and went into the house to help clean up.

After all the things in the unused room were cleared out, it was just in time for the educated youths to leave work, either carrying the tea jars they brought to the field at noon, or carrying towels to wipe the sweat on their foreheads. A group of people rushed back in a hurry, and saw the door When clearing out the accumulated things, you will inevitably have to ask a few questions.

Si Ningning didn't need to explain, Huo Lang spoke himself, "The captain heard that the rabbits in the educated youth area were about to give birth, so he said that he would make a few new rabbit cages and clean up the side room to accommodate the rabbit cages. Whatever you have unused can be put inside together, so as not to take up space outside.”

“That’s great!” Li Lingyuan responded with a chuckle, “Security Captain, tell me! If you need help, just ask, and we can all help together!”

Although they are nothing cumbersome or occupying space, who doesn’t like a more spacious and bright house?

The other educated youths responded, and Huo Lang smiled lightly and shook his head, "We are almost busy, but most of the wood here is too rotten to be used. I picked out the usable ones to make rabbit cages, and you all can watch and collect them for firewood. "

 As firewood!

The Zhiqingdian has not yet begun to buy firewood for autumn and winter. When everyone heard that there was such a thing that could save their leisure, they immediately looked at each other, and the next second they all responded in unison: "Okay!"

Xu Shuhua is one of the most thoughtful people in the group. When she realized that this was an advantage, she smiled heartily and gratefully at Huo Lang, "Security Captain, thank you very much for this!"

Holang was calm and serious, with a normal expression and nodded to everyone, "There is no need to be so unfamiliar with a brigade, just call him Huo Lang or Comrade."

"Eh! OK!" Everyone nodded, but what came out was "Comrade Huo" one after another. Huo Lang thought it was OK, and he could recognize that it was him, so he didn't say much.

There were not many intact pieces of wood, so it took Huo Lang only three or two minutes to pick them out. Then he found some hemp rope and tied them together a few times. He turned his head slightly and blinked at the man standing on the steps. His consciousness said: I'm leaving.

That pile of wood looked like a lot, and each one was so long and big. It probably weighed no less than 160 kilograms.

Si Ningning frowned slightly, feeling a little worried. However, before he could speak with his hand halfway out, he saw Huo Lang bowing and getting up again. A large bundle of wood that was difficult to move had already been put on his shoulder.

 In a moment, Huo Lang had already walked to the side of the house step by step.

“…” Si Ningning frowned slightly, and Jiang Yue beside her exclaimed in a low voice, “It’s really awesome, this labor force is so powerful, I have nothing to say.”

After saying that, Jiang Yue came close to Si Ningning, lightly touched Si Ningning's shoulder, and whispered: "If things really come true between you two, just with this strength, you just don't do anything. Don’t worry that he can’t support you.”

Si Ningning glanced at Jiang Yue and said, "I'm not ashamed of this, but I'm asking you, are you ashamed of saying this?"

Jiang Yue smiled and rubbed the tip of her nose, and said, "I'm not ashamed, it's not me you're talking about anyway."

"Leave far away!"

 “I don’t~~”

The pouty-mouthed monster and Jiang Yue were fussing for a while. Si Ningning went into the house and packed up Huo Lang's things in the main room one by one, and found a suitable place to put them away.

Jiang Yue had been following Si Ningning around happily, and at a glance she saw the stove that was covered with dirt to see if it was new or old. Suddenly, a loud voice suddenly sounded, "Ah! Where did the stove come from?" ? Si Ningning? Did you go to town to buy this? "

Si Ningning has carried the stove into the room. The male educated youths were cleaning it outside and only glanced back when they heard the noise. The female educated youths Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun heard the noise and ran into the room to look around.

Si Ningning raised her head helplessly and smiled bitterly at the three of them, "Please keep your voice down!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Yue covered her mouth and guessed the origin of the stove. She spread her fingers slightly and asked quietly: "Is it from the black market?"

Si Ningning blinked and didn't respond, but her expression said it all.

 Jiang Yue nodded seriously, "Absolute confidentiality!"

Song Xiaoyun and Xu Shuhua looked at each other, and finally nodded together.

 Although the girls have different personalities, they are surprisingly united.

Si Ningning smiled in understanding, and continued to pack his things, while smiling at the three of them: "It will be convenient to boil water in the future, and it will be convenient for everyone to drink water... There is nothing else to do now, so everyone should be busy with their own things first, right?"



Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun took out the basin from under the bed and took the dirty clothes to the well to wash. Si Ningning and Xu Shuhua were the only two people left in the room.

The room suddenly became empty. Si Ningning breathed a sigh of relief. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Xu Shuhua making the bed and folding clothes. Si Ningning's eyes flashed. She thought of something. She opened the mosquito net and took out a mosquito net from the side of the bed. Bulging and lightly wrapped.

"Shuhua." Si Ningning called Xu Shuhua, stretched out her hand and handed the package forward, "This is the cloth I saved from making clothes. Last time you asked me to pack it out... I don't know how many colors there are. Okay, just watch it, okay?"

"Okay." Xu Shuhua quickly took the bag, opened the elastic seal and took a look. Xu Shuhua was surprised: "You have saved so much!"

Si Ningning's eyes flickered and she scratched her head, "Well... I made some clothes myself, and some were from when I helped Mo Bei make clothes. I kept them for myself since Mo Bei didn't want them."

“Don’t worry, leave it all to me. You can make a pair of thick thousand-layer bottoms with these pieces of cloth.” Xu Shuhua nodded with a smile.


Grandpa passed away, and I have been busy with funeral arrangements in the past few days... The update may be a little more delayed than before...

 Let's all be considerate, hey...

 (End of this chapter)

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