Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 277: Compensation payments

Chapter 277 Compensation

Hands on her pocket, Xu Shuhua raised her head and looked at Si Ningning: "Bring me the shoes you usually wear in a moment, and I will check the soles of the shoes you wear to see how big they are."


Si Ningning didn't do any ink, so he probably just took out a pair of new cloth shoes from under the bed.

In addition to the outfits in the space, she also had two pairs of replacement shoes in the educated youth spot, which she had originally brought when she went to the countryside.

Whenever he goes back to the town or the county, Si Ningning always wears the same set of men's clothes and shoes in the space. Most of the shoes he brings are only worn in the production team. There are only a few steps to go anywhere in the team, and the shoes are There is not much wear and tear, and if it is slightly dirty, Si Ningning will wipe it clean with water.

At this time, the shoes were naturally clean when they were taken out, but Si Ningning still took the shoes and tapped them on the legs of the small table, knocking off any sticky tape before handing them to Xu Shuhua.

"Are your feet so small? They're only seven inches. My feet are one inch bigger than yours!" Xu Shuhua stretched her thumb and index finger on the soles of Si Ningning's shoes twice. After sitting on the edge of the bed for a long time, she crossed her legs and pulled the soles of Si Ningning's shoes. Sticking to the soles of her shoes, she looked up at Si Ningning and said with an expression that said, "Look, I'm right." "Look."

Si Ningning took a quick look and found that the size of their shoes was obviously different.

 “My feet are big and I can walk steadily.” Si Ningning said casually.

Xu Shuhua smiled and glared at Si Ningning, "You are the best at talking."

After finishing her words, Xu Shuhua put the shoes back under Si Ningning's bed and laughed happily again, "Okay, I know the size. When I do it later, I will loosen my little finger for you. When late autumn and winter come, put on the socks. No matter if you put on shoes, your feet won’t be squeezed.”

Si Ningning nodded slightly and curved her lips, "There is no rush in this matter. Take your time. You can do it at any time."

Xu Shuhua waved her hands angrily, "I won't say polite words to you. I plan my own time. Don't take this matter to your heart. We should be busy with whatever we usually have to do. Just keep busy. "

When Xu Shuhua said this, she had already stood up, put her hands on Si Ningning's shoulders and pushed Si Ningning out. The moment her voice fell, Si Ningning was pushed out the door.

Xu Shuhua said this, but Si Ningning was not polite to her, and nodded calmly and said directly, "Okay."

Male educated youths were still collecting wood of varying degrees of decay at the door. The thin ones were trampled directly into sections of ten or twenty centimeters, and the thicker ones were chopped twice at will with axes, so that they could be burned later.

Si Ningning stood on the steps with his hands on his hips and looked at it for a long time. Then he turned around and went into the house to take the old bamboo basket from the educated youth spot to the private plot on the side.

When I was picking radish leaves just now, I found that there were cracks on the ground in many places in the field. I tried to pull out a radish, but it was still heavy.

There were a lot of radishes planted back then, and now it's time to put them on the table. Si Ningning thought, it's too much to eat every day, and I'll have to hollow out the radishes when I get old, so why not pull some out now? You can make it into something else and save it for later eating.

 What can be accomplished?

All Si Ning can think of are some side dishes, such as pickled diced sour radish, diced sour and sweet radish, and dried radish. These can be stored for a long time as long as the prerequisites are met.

"I plan to pull some radishes and make dried radish, just like the dried mushrooms before. It can be eaten for a long time. I will plant some other vegetables in the free space. What do you think? Can you make any tricks with the radishes in your hometown? "

Si Ningning pulled up two radishes, shook off the excess soil and threw them into the basket, "Let's see which of you can do it. Let's make a few more variations so that we can eat it with different flavors later without getting tired of it."

"I think it will work. We have shredded radish there. It seems that we cut the radish into thin strips and dry them in the sun before stuffing them into a jar and pressing them tightly to seal." Song Shuhan wiped his sweat, pushed up his glasses and continued with a smooth movement: "When you want to eat it, grab some, add a few drops of oil to the pan and fry it. To be honest, it tastes really good, and it's fun to chew it."

Si Ningning nodded. Song Shuhan's statement was quite pertinent. The method was the same as the method of dried radish she learned about. The only difference was that one was "dried" and the other was "silk".

When it comes to food, Si Ningning and Song Shuhan took the lead to speak, and the others started talking, "There doesn't seem to be anything special here, just pickled radishes?"

"It's the same over here. I heard my mother say about sweet potatoes, saying that when they were young, they ground them into pulp to make starch or something? I haven't heard much about how to make radish."

The group of people were chatting at random, but Jiang Yue seemed to be a cat that smelled the fishy smell. After washing and drying the clothes, she quietly came close to Si Ningning and squatted down to help pull out several large radishes.

Looking at the bamboo basket filled with radishes, Si Ningning turned sideways and pressed Jiang Yue's hand, which was still busy pulling out, "What are you doing?"

 “Steal your master!”


 An honest and upright steal?

 Are there any thieves who steal like this?

Si Ningning was speechless for a while, then pushed Jiang Yue's hand away, took the lead in picking up the basket and walked ahead to the well, "Look at the places with big cracks and pull out more. I'll come over and install it later."

 “Okay!” Jiang Yue laughed so hard that her eyes narrowed.

Si Ningning poured the radishes into the pond beside the well, and filled three more baskets before finally calling out, "This is enough. I'll get the kitchen knife. You can pick the old leaves first, and then go back and dry them." Leave it to dry and make food for rabbits.”

“Okay, pick off the old leaves, what to do with the young ones?”

“Wash the young radish leaves first and keep them aside. Doesn’t Shuhua know how to make pickles? I’ll ask her later to see if she can do it.”


Si Ningning went into the house to get a kitchen knife, and asked Xu Shuhua during the process. When Xu Shuhua heard her thoughts, she said nothing. She rolled up her sleeves and went to the well to help, "Do it, I must do it! What a good radish tassel? How can I think of a way?" You have to do something, otherwise it will be eaten by rabbits, what a pity!”

 “There’s just one more thing.”

“Is there anything else?” Si Ningning and Jiang Yue asked simultaneously.

 Xu Shuhua neatly gathered together the radish leaves that Jiang Yue had picked, and said: "There don't seem to be many jars for pickling in our educated youth area."

Si Ningning neatly cut off the top of the radish with a "thump, thump, thump" and pushed the leaves towards Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua. The smooth radish let go and slipped into the pool. After thinking for a while, she said:

"It should be enough. We have two jars at our educated youth site, plus the three jars that my team and I exchanged before. Didn't one of them pickle cucumbers some time ago? I've been eating them intermittently for a while, and I guess there aren't many left. I'll pour it out and put it on the plate in a while to free up the jar."

Xu Shuhua nodded, took the time to tuck her hair behind her ears, and looked at Si Ningning with a pair of bright eyes, "Three jars are definitely enough, but aren't you planning to do it too? You are good at your craftsmanship, I I’m thinking about you first.”

Upon hearing this, Si Ningning glared at Xu Shuhua pretending to be resentful, "What did you say? I only need one jar, how can I hold three in one go?"

Xu Shuhua chuckled, blinked and said a joke, "I don't have anything else to say, but to tell you the truth, you are good at anything you do. Not only do I like it, but everyone also likes it!"

Although Jiang Yue didn't speak, her head kept clicking like garlic, which showed that she agreed with Xu Shuhua's words. Si Ningning burst into laughter and was about to joke back when he suddenly heard a noise coming from the side of the house. He looked through the gap in the shadow of the tree and saw Huo Lang approaching slowly with a rabbit cage in each hand.

“Oh, the cage is here. I’ll go over and take it. I’ll be back in a minute.” Si Ningning put down the kitchen knife and stood up in a hurry.

 “Okay, go ahead!”

Si Ningning said she went over to help carry the rabbit cage, but could Huo Lang let her carry it?

 Would you like to let her carry it?

That must not be possible.

Holang raised his arms and took half a step to one side. "We're already at the door. It's only two or three steps. Why do we need to change hands?"

The rabbit cage passed directly over Si Ningning's head. Huo Lang stepped onto the steps, then turned around and asked, "Where to put it? In the room that was just cleaned up?"

"No, don't put it there yet!" Si Ningning shook her head quickly and took a few steps closer to take the cage from Huo Lang's hand. Remembering what Huo Lang said just now, she took her hand back, turned around and pointed at the door. On the steps on one side, "Let's put it here first. The room inside is very dusty. I need to sprinkle some water on it and give it a good sweep soon."

 Huo Lang nodded and stacked the two cages up and down. He hastily wiped the sweat with his arm and looked at Si Ningning calmly for a long time. It was not until Si Ningning winked at him playfully that he spoke in a low voice:

“I’ll send you two first. The ones we just moved back should be able to build six cages.”

Thinking of something, Holang paused and said, "Those pieces of wood need to be repaired in sections, so the cage won't be ready too quickly. It has to wait."

 “Yes, I understand.” Si Ningning nodded.

Huo Lang looked at her with his peach blossom eyes. He was silent and then whispered: "Then I'm back?"

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded, looked around calmly, opened his lips, and silently uttered a few words: See you tomorrow.

Huo Lang nodded knowingly, turned around neatly, and gave Si Ningning a back vest that was soaked with sweat and walked away.

Si Ningning stood on tiptoe and watched for two seconds, then looked back at the rabbit cage on the side of the door.

The nailed wooden frame is matched with the thick bamboo, which looks much more formal and refined than the previous bamboo strips.

 Speaking of which, Huo Lang's carpentry skills are really good. He can get the ideas every time Si Ningning puts forward his opinions.

Thinking about this, Si Ningning smiled knowingly, thinking about making it more difficult for Huo Lang next time, to see if he could create a slide and a sliding cage door.

Si Ningning shook her head, rolled up her sleeves, and was about to go to the well again when another loud, broken gong sounded from the side of the house:

 “Ouch! Alang came here just now, he must have brought the cage!”

Si Ningning was shocked. She was not the only one who shivered. Everyone who was working outside was startled by the sudden loud voice.

When he turned around and looked over, he saw Zhao Hongbing walking towards the side of the house carrying an old hen.

"team leader."

"team leader!"

 Thinking that Zhao Hongbing came here because he had something to say, everyone put down what they were doing after saying hello.

Zhao Hongbing waved his hand, laughed dryly twice, then waved his hand again and said: "If you are busy, I will come over and find Si Zhiqing and Mo Zhiqing!"

 Looking for her and Mo Bei?

Si Ningning glanced at the chicken in Zhao Hongbing's hand and roughly guessed what it was about. When he turned around to search for Mo Bei, he saw Mo Bei walking towards Zhao Hongbing.

Si Ningning quickly followed up.

"team leader."

"Hey!" Zhao Hongbing responded, tilted his elbow to one side, and took Si Ningning and Mo Bei a few more steps away from the door before speaking out about what happened this time, "Previously Didn’t Zhougang Brigade promise compensation? Here, I sent it to you two. "

Zhao Hongbing handed the chicken forward. The chicken was still alive, and it started struggling and squealing "whirring".

Si Ningning had already stretched out his hand, but when he saw the chicken claws that were kicking and grabbing, his hands were trembling and he was frightened back.

Mo Bei saw Si Ningning's small movements with his peripheral vision, and took the initiative to reach out and use Zhao Hongbing's hand to grab the two wings of the chicken from behind.

 The chickens are out, and the next thing is money.

Zhao Hongbing turned his head and glanced at the gate of the Educated Youth Point. When he saw no one was looking towards them, he put his hand into his pocket, groped for a long time and took out a small package of washed white red cloth and opened it in front of the two of them:

"The twenty yuan promised by the Zhougang Brigade was originally supposed to be taken by the Zhougang Brigade, but because Captain Hu was dismissed, he can no longer take charge of matters in the brigade. The current captain of the original brigade does not recognize the promised compensation. , the money was given to me by the production team leader at Zhougang Brigade."

Mo Bei looked puzzled, "Production captain?"

“Is that Captain Zhou?” Si Ningning asked.

 Captain Zhou is talking about Zhou Liming.

Twenty yuan is not a small amount. Although he doesn't quite understand why Zhou Limin is willing to pay this amount, but recalling that he learned from Fu Hongshu about Zhou Limin selling his job, Si Ningning felt that the person Zhao Hongbing was talking about was definitely Zhou Limin. No.

"You still remember him." As Si Ningning confirmed, Zhao Hongbing nodded simply and without concealment, "Wu Yong was assigned to his team before. He is willing to pay the money, and he is probably afraid of being like Hu Qiang. If someone pulls your hat off, you will be criticized for the rest of your life and you won’t be able to hold your head up.”

"This is the only place in the countryside. This is what people live for..." Zhao Hongbing patted his face.

A person has a face, and a tree has a bark. Only with face can one have the confidence to accomplish things.

  If you lose your face, let alone succeed in doing things, you will be like a tree without its bark, and you will not want to live for a long time.

"I almost forgot about the business... Let's put the rest aside and talk about the business first." Zhao Hongbing patted his forehead and the topic was brought back again, "This Mo Zhiqing, the medical expenses during the few days you were hospitalized previously added a lot of money." The food in the cafeteria cost a total of six yuan and forty cents. Now, after deducting the six yuan and forty cents, there is still thirteen yuan and sixty cents left."

 (End of this chapter)

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