Chapter 279 Hidden…

The chicken was not stewed very much, and only half a can of water was added. Si Ningning was afraid that the soup would be salty, so he only added a little salt.

If Mo Bei feels the taste is bland after eating it, while the soup is still piping hot, add some salt and stir it up.

 When the earthenware pot was simmering in the stove, you could smell the rich aroma of chicken soup. Now that you put it in front of you, the smell is naturally even worse.

Mo Bei carefully looked at the chicken soup in front of him. There were only three pieces of chicken in the bowl, and the soup was more than half a bowl. Under the dim light of the kerosene lamp, the chicken was tender and tender yellow. There was a slight dazzling oily sheen on the chicken skin and the surface of the soup. You could vaguely see floating Tangled **** and green onion.

I can’t tell if there are any special seasonings, but it smells like something I’ve eaten at home.

 It’s a familiar scent that’s addictive and makes people miss it.

"Yeah." Mo Bei responded softly. He picked up the chopsticks with his slender bamboo-like fingers and poked the chicken like a small gesture. He blew lightly before lowering his head and taking a sip.

 The hot taste smelled very similar to what he had eaten at home, but once he entered his mouth, Mo Bei could still taste the difference.

 The chicken soup I drink at home is either too oily or the chicken is loose and chewy and makes people feel bad when chewed. But this one made by Si Ningning doesn’t feel that way at all.

The chicken soup is silky and not greasy in the mouth, and the taste is very fresh and sweet. The chicken is also very firm. If you are an older person eating chicken, you may find it difficult to chew.

Ke Mobei is young, so eating like this feels right.

After eating half the bowl of soup in two mouthfuls, and then drying out a piece of firm meaty wing, Mo Bei raised his head and looked up at Si Ningning, who was standing at the corner of the table. His two three-dimensional, oily lips opened and closed twice, "The saltiness is just right. tastes good."

Under the flickering kerosene lamp, Mo Bei's face and facial features became harder and deeper. Si Ningning looked at his bright starry eyes that reflected the flame of the kerosene lamp, and then moved her eyes upward to notice his broken right eyebrow. For a moment, Si Ningning felt slightly shaken.

It is undeniable that Mo Bei’s origin, appearance, and cold temperament can eliminate him from the queue of ordinary people, whether from the front or the side, but...

The scar caused by the accident on Mo Bei's face seemed to match his facial features unexpectedly.

The originally cold and handsome face suddenly changed the atmosphere around Mo Bei because of the scar that caused the broken eyebrow. At first glance, people could no longer feel the unique youthful spirit and youthfulness in him, and then it was reflected again. What he has is the decisiveness and perseverance that a man should have, and a light melancholy mixed with burden that is between a teenager and an adult.

  In other words, is it melancholy caused by some special event?

Si Ningning could feel it, and even thought funny in her heart: She seemed to be witnessing the growth and transformation of Mo Bei and everyone in the educated youth spot as a person who had been through it.

Although the two intertwined auras in Mo Bei are very different and contradictory, aren't people, human nature, and the human heart so complex and changeable?

 With all the comparisons before and after, Mo Bei is more vivid and unique than before, isn't he?

 Speaking of which, this era seems to be rich in handsome men and beauties?

Mo Bei is quite handsome, and so is Huo Lang.

Thinking about the other people around her, Song Xiaoyun is very beautiful among girls.

 Sanya, the youngest daughter of the Zhao Hongbing family on the team, has a pointed face, big dark eyes, and small and delicate lips. She is also very beautiful. When she opens up a bit, she will probably become a little beauty.

In addition to these people, looking further away, the three brothers of the Gu family who work together in the black market business are all tall and strong men, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and they are also very handsome and distinctive.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was true. Si Ningning was amused by his own thoughts, and she unconsciously raised her eyebrows and smiled softly.

After a while, Si Ningning came back to her senses and looked into Mo Bei's eyes looking at her. Only then did Si Ningning belatedly remember the current situation. She quickly put her fist to her lips and coughed lightly to cover up her distracted embarrassment, "As long as it tastes good, there's still some left in the jar. You drink slowly and wash out the jars and bowls after you finish. I'll go do other things first."

"Okay." Mo Bei nodded. Seeing that Si Ningning was about to leave, he reached out with his left hand as if to pull Si Ningning away. Then he pulled back when he thought of something and called out to Si Ningning, "Si Ningning!"


Mo Bei's eyes flickered, he wanted to talk to Si Ningning, but he stopped him but didn't know what to say.

I am very worried that Si Ningning will notice his hidden thoughts through a casual remark, and will become disgusted with him and avoid him...

Si Ningning saw that Mo Bei was only looking at her and said nothing for a long time. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he felt a little confused and confused, "What's wrong?"

"'s okay." Mo Bei shook his head calmly, calmed down for a moment, and finally suppressed his emotion, and said in a cold and calm tone, "Si Zhiqing, I probably need to trouble you for the remaining chicken."

Si Ningning was briefly stunned by Mo Bei's sudden change of unfamiliar title, but Si Ningning didn't pay much attention to it. She smiled slightly and nodded: "Don't worry, everything has been arranged. I will be responsible for this matter to the end."

Mo Bei felt his heart skip a beat at these words, but when he realized that the words did not mean what he thought, the slight smile on his lips fell back unconsciously.

Si Ningning was not aware of his mental activities over there. After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment. Seeing that he didn't speak again, he said, "Then I'll get busy first?"

"Yeah." Mo Bei smiled bitterly and nodded, "You go ahead, I'll take care of it later."

 “Okay~” Si Ningning smiled happily, turned around and went about her business.

  I pulled a lot of radishes in the evening, so I will definitely not be able to sleep early tonight.

Two lamps were lit in the house, one in the kitchen and one in the main room. In the kitchen, Xu Shuhua was making pickles, and the radish tassels she picked had to be scalded with hot water before they could be put into the altar.

In the main room, Si Ningning brought a chopping board to cut the radishes into slices so that they could be dried tomorrow. Both Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun were clamoring to learn how to make dried radishes from her, but they heard It was a job like slicing radish that didn't require so high a technical level, and both of them were rushing to do it.

Si Ningning raised her eyebrows slightly, put the kitchen knife on the chopping board, smiled with curved lips, "Don't try to steal from either of you, there are such a big pile of radishes!"

Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun turned their heads and saw that it was true.

  I immediately let go of my hand holding the kitchen knife, "Then you come first."

"You first…"

The two pushed and pulled each other for a while, and finally agreed that each person would have half. This "half" was very strict. How strict was it?

 It means two people standing around a pile of radishes, one by one and one by one.

Si Ningning laughed at Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun's childish play. She didn't have time to spare either. She brought the lotus seeds that had been almost dried a few days ago into the house. She used small scissors to hold one end of the lotus seeds and rotate them half a circle, and easily removed them. Lotus seed skin.

Just removing the outer bark was not enough, so Si Ningning groped outside the door again and broke off a dry bamboo side branch.

After getting some water to wash the short bamboo side branches, Si Ningning sat back at the table and removed the skin of the lotus seeds while using the side branches to push out the green core in the center of the lotus seeds.

 Under normal circumstances, the outer skin and lotus core should be removed when picked from the lake, and then dried afterwards.

This time something happened. Si Ningning was not there when it was drying, which led to the current situation. It’s hard to leave but it’s hard to go back. Fortunately, things are saved.

Si Ningning kept her temper and worked hard while guiding Jiang Yue and the others:

“Don’t cut it too thin or too thick, just cut it into a finger width.”

Jiang Yue asked, "Isn't one finger's width too thick?"

Si Ningning shook his head, "It looks thick now. When I take it out to bask in the sun tomorrow, the overall compression will not be even one-third of what it is now."

 “Oh! That’s okay!”

Originally thought he had to cut very thinly, Jiang Yue could not improve his speed. Now he cut it to a width of one finger, and suddenly he felt like he had relaxed his requirements. Suddenly, his speed increased rapidly.

 Jiang Yue was busy with her hands and her mouth was not idle: "Am I becoming more and more capable?"

She smiled strangely at Si Ningning and Song Xiaoyun and blinked, "How about it, is it no worse than model workers?"

Song Xiaoyun smiled harmlessly and nodded, while Si Ningning laughed and said, "Yes."

Jiang Yue's mouth split open, and before she could laugh out loud, Si Ningning joked again: "Others are a model worker, and you are a model worker."

  【Laoren: Generally used to describe children who are naughty and mischievous and difficult to discipline. 】

As soon as Jiang Yue heard this, she immediately straightened her face and glared: "You are just jealous of me!"

 “Yes, yes, you are the best, I’m so jealous!”

The lotus seeds were almost done, so Si Ningning took the lotus seeds aside with a bamboo basket, preparing to take them out to dry again tomorrow. At the same time, she responded to Jiang Yue with a funny smile and rolled her eyes.

Jiang Yue knew that Si Ningning was joking, so she didn't care about Si Ningning's aura. Instead, she made fists with her hands on her hips, raised her chin high, and had a smug "I knew it" expression on her face.

Si Ningning was amused by her. After cleaning up the lotus seed peels scattered on the floor, she started chatting and went to the kitchen.

"What's left unfinished?" Si Ningning rolled up his sleeves, "I'm here to help."

Xu Shuhua was squatting on the ground working. When she heard the voice, she looked up and saw it was Si Ningning. Xu Shuhua said cheerfully: "You can't do this. I have to come."

Xu Shuhua placed a basin beside her, containing watered radish tassels. Xu Shuhua slightly balled up a complete radish tassel and put it into the jar.

Si Ningning was so curious by Xu Shuhua's words that she squatted beside Xu Shuhua and looked at her, asking, "Why can't I do it?"

"I'm not looking down on you." Xu Shuhua explained with a smile on her face, "This job does not require any skills, it only requires strength. If the jar is not broken, it must be pressed to death. The tighter the pressure, the better."

 Many types of pickles are often tabooed only about the presence of oil in the jar, such as pickling radish tassels. It is not only taboo about whether there is oil in the jar during pickling, but also taboos about the presence of air and bubbles between the leaves of radish tassels.

Si Ningning Moyue understood some of the principles, and saw that Xu Shuhua would press very hard every time she put a ball of radish leaves into the jar, her face turned red and she was still pressing, so she did not say anything to help.

She can still try other jobs that do not require skills, but in terms of strength, she is indeed not as good as Xu Shuhua.

The work of pickling radish leaves was not of much help, so Si Ningning helped clean up the stove and put everything back to their respective places. After everything was done, the pile of radishes in the main room was all cut to the bottom. .

Si Ningning took Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun to put the radish slices into basins. They filled three large basins. After filling, they sprinkled salt and mixed well. Si Ningning clapped her hands and walked out, "Okay, let's do this for today. Let’s let the salt drain out the water at night, then take it out and rinse it with water before taking it out to dry.”

 “Okay, got it~”

 Then it’s time to fetch water and wash up.

Si Ningning had been running outside for most of the day and had sweated a lot. However, before returning to the production team, she had already taken a shower and washed her hair when she entered the space to change into men's clothes halfway. She did not do any sweaty physical work after she came back. So I just took a bath with water and soaked my feet.

In the past, it was always too hot to sleep, but now it is chilly in the morning and evening this season. It is necessary to put a small quilt on the body to sleep at night. Si Ningning felt that the temperature was just right, so after pouring the water, she went back to the house and went to bed, put up the mosquito net and lay down.

In addition to the comfortable temperature, there is another reason why Si Ningning went to bed so early.

  Every time she went up the mountain, she would get up in the middle of the night and go into the space to prepare all the food for the next day.

But this time is different. The ready-to-eat food she made in the space a while ago has not been eaten yet. She just needs to take some time to wrap it in oil paper before setting off tomorrow. She does not need to hold it until everyone is asleep before entering the space.

 As soon as there are less things to do, people will feel free and relaxed.

 When people are idle, they just want to be lazy and comfortable.

Si Ningning rolled up the small blanket and rolled around on the bed twice. She had nothing to do, and she straightened her body and stretched her legs comfortably. She was thinking about how to feel comfortable, but it seemed that she was pulling too hard all of a sudden. Which tendon caused cramps in the soles of the feet. Si Ningning shivered and screamed "Oh!"

After several sounds, the three girls in the adjacent beds all looked over and said, "What's going on? What's going on?"


Can you tell the truth about this stupid thing?

 Absolutely not.

Si Ningning was speechless for a moment and explained dryly: "It's okay... I just had a cramp in my leg and it hurt a bit."

When the girls heard that everything was okay, they sat back on their beds one by one, but they chatted a few more words about the cramps:

“Camps really hurt. The last time I had a calf cramp, it was so painful that I lost all strength in my hands and couldn’t even hold anything! Fortunately, the things I was holding were not afraid of falling, otherwise I would have been very distressed if I had broken them!”

 “I heard that there are many explanations for cramps!”

  “What’s the saying?”

“Some people say the cramps are caused by a lack of nutrition in the body, while others say the cramps are caused by cold. Which of the two is correct?”

“I don’t think anything is right! We all do the same work, and we all eat the same food, so why do some people never get cramps?”

“That’s not necessarily true. If someone eats something good, he must eat it in hiding at home, and he can also bring it out for you to see. Can’t it be arranged by others afterwards?”

"Forget it, stop arguing, no matter what the reason is, go to sleep!" Jiang Yue interrupted Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun who were arguing fiercely, yawned, and continued: "Work hard tomorrow, and you can rest the day after tomorrow. "

 (End of this chapter)

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