Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 280: You are the best

Chapter 280 You are the best

 It is indeed getting late.

Hearing the steady breathing coming from Si Ningning's side, Xu Shuhua and Song Xiaoyun immediately relaxed their movements, turned around and quickly cleaned up the messy bed, turned on the lamp, went to bed and put on their clothes to sleep.

Time passed quickly, and the night passed quickly. All the educated youths got up one after another at early seven o'clock in the morning to start work. Si Ningning slowly got up after eight o'clock, when the dew on the path had almost faded.

After cleaning up and washing up, eating breakfast slowly, and packing the lunch rations in oil paper, Si Ningning put on her kettle and straw hat and went out.

Not long after he went out, he met Huo Lang at the literacy class.

At that time, Huo Lang was leaning at the door of the literacy class. Under his rolled-up sleeves, two arms with obvious muscles were crossed around his shoulders. The cool morning breeze ruffled the hem of his clothes, and his whole body was filled with a rare feeling. The laziness and leisurely energy.

But the shadows under the tree were like an isolation line, enveloping him in another world. Inexplicably, Si Ningning felt that the distance between her and him suddenly became so far away...

You can see the handsome face with a clear outline. At this time, he raised his chin slightly and looked at her. Si Ningning felt that everything was the illusion of sleeping in the morning.

Shaking his head to get rid of the strange thoughts, Si Ningning bent her beautiful eyebrows and trotted closer to her, "How long have you been waiting? Why didn't you say you were coming here to wait for me yesterday? If I had known, I would have come out long ago."

“I just came.” Huo Lang responded lightly, lifted the blunderbuss in the bamboo basket on the side of his leg and put it on his shoulder, then lifted the bamboo basket and tilted the mouth of the basket towards Si Ningning, “Put the things in.”

Si Ningning obediently put the two oil paper parcels in his hands into the bottom of the basket, but quickly took out the small bamboo basket in the basket, "Is this newly knitted for me?"

Si Ningning held the bamboo basket and looked around, and quickly discovered the difference between the one in his hand and the one he used before.

 The two bamboo baskets at the front and back are of average size, but the current one is obviously much more delicate than the previous one.

The middle of the bamboo basket is in the shape of a gourd with a thin waist. Not only is a three-dimensional circle of small goldfish woven around the waist, but also around the edges.

Si Ningning blinked and asked Huo Lang, pretending to be at a loss, "Have you noticed that this one is different from the previous one? It looks better than the previous one?"

"..." Huo Lang raised his eyebrows slightly, coughed slightly and pretended not to hear Si Ningning's joke. He nodded and said, "It's the same. You remembered it wrong."

As if he was afraid that Si Ningning would continue talking, Huo Langxu hugged Si Ningning's shoulders and took her out, "Okay, the dew in the mountains has almost faded. Let's set off first and walk as we go. explain."

Si Ningning put her fist to her lips and laughed out loud, but did not continue to look at Huo Lang.

She and Huo Lang walked along the field path to the foot of the south mountain. Along the way, they glanced at the shelves where mushrooms were grown. A batch of bacterial strains had just been nailed to the shelves in the past few days. Although it hadn't rained in the past few days, it was better than the temperature. Moderately moist and moistened by dew, the young mushroom plants grew to ages, each one plump and fleshy with a gray-white hat on their head. At first glance, they looked like an army, and they were regularly distributed over a large area.

“How many kilograms of mushrooms can you harvest from this batch?” Si Ningning asked.

Holang thought about it for a moment and asked: "How many pounds did it weigh last time?"

Without waiting for Si Ningning to answer, he almost said: "There are 150 pounds, right? This time, it should be there."

Si Ningning nodded, lowered her long eyelashes for a while, and revealed her true feelings to Huo Lang with a sigh, "I never thought about how much the mushroom production could be increased. It would be good to keep the current quantity stable."

Si Ningning was actually quite conflicted.

 It is true that she wants to help this small mountain village get rid of poverty, but she is worried that once the interests become large, it will cause other disputes.

But if you only look at the present, and only intend to stabilize a state of being able to eat without starving to death, all the research and thinking seem to have lost their original significance, and what is presented is day after day, repetitive and endless boring. and boring.

Huo Lang's deep peach blossom eyes swayed, and she could see Si Ningning's hesitation. She held Si Ningning's little hand and led him to step onto the hillside path and continue walking:

"If you regard studying as fun, then follow your heart and do it boldly. Afterwards, the people on the team learned the technology, whether it is a side job or other things, they are all running it themselves, good or bad. Something went wrong. It’s also controlled by Uncle Hong Bing, so don’t think too much about it, eh?”

Si Ningning nodded hesitantly, and after being led by Huo Lang for a while, she asked seriously, "Am I being too pushy?"

“This is not an attempt to get into trouble.” Huo Lang thought for a moment, looked back at Si Ningning and said calmly and resolutely: “It’s just a collision of ambition and goodwill, an accidental disagreement.”

“They are your high-quality character and shining points. You must believe that even if you have a conflict of ideas and opinions by chance, they will always be precious and beautiful things. There is no doubt about this.”

Si Ningning was originally in a melancholy mood, but when she heard these words, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Holang paused, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

“I’m not smiling at all.” Si Ningning winked playfully, her eyes quickly turning into small crescents, “I just didn’t expect you to be able to pour chicken soup for people’s souls.”

 “What chicken soup?”

 “Chicken Soup for the Soul!”

Huo Lang was silent for a while, and after thinking for a long time, he still felt unfamiliar with the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" that Si Ningning said, so he asked again: "What does Chicken Soup for the Soul mean?"

"Hmm..." Si Ningning didn't expect that "chicken soup for the soul" would attract Huo Lang's attention. However, seeing Huo Lang's curiosity, she considered it and explained: "Chicken soup for the soul means something that can soothe the mind and spirit." Words of encouragement.”

There was another moment of silence. Just when Si Ningning thought that Huo Lang couldn't get the key point, Huo Lang suddenly stopped with her in his hand, turned around and looked at her and said seriously and sincerely: "I just told the truth, not to encourage you."

"Uh..." Si Ningning's pupils flickered, her crescent eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then slowly relaxed. During this period, Huo Lang's lingering voice kept coming: "Of course, it would be better if I could encourage and motivate you."

"You are good at everything, but one thing is that you like to think blindly." Huo Lang sighed softly, holding Si Ningning's hand and continuing to move forward. His tone was doting and helpless, "You are obviously very good, but you are always worried. You are worried about this, tell me, if others knew what you were thinking, would they still be alive? "

Si Ningning blushed, stamped her feet and asked sternly, "It's not as serious as you said?!"

"Don't just refute, look at your feet." Huo Lang looked ahead and warned while giving examples: "You can cook, right? Can you raise rabbits? You researched mushrooms, right? You are neither a doctor nor a nurse. You were helping out in the outpatient department at the hospital a while ago, right? You were the one who helped Hegu get through it, right?"

“Not to mention far away, among the people in our production team, among those I just mentioned, which one knows two of them?”

Huo Lang turned his head to look at Si Ningning and sighed silently: "Isn't this considered competent? What do you always question yourself for?"

"I don't question myself, I just feel emotional occasionally..." Si Ningning pursed her lips and muttered in a low voice, "When you say this, it seems like I have no shortcomings at all."

Huo Lang was silent for a long time. He did not look at Si Ningning, but his voice suddenly became hoarse and magnetic, "Perhaps beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In my eyes, you are the best." These words seemed like words of love, but they were also It weighs a thousand pounds.

The words were pounded into Si Ningning's ears one by one, making her ears feel numb and her head became dizzy.

It is not the dizziness caused by a few sweet words of love, but the dizziness caused by the ultimate joy of being recognized by others.

Huo Lang's words seemed to have magic power. For a brief moment, Si Ningning recognized his statement and subconsciously felt that she was excellent and the best...

The two of them held hands and walked silently in the mountains for more than a few minutes. It was not until a large area of ​​sunlight was blocked and the cool mountain breeze blew in their faces that Si Ningning's distracted and distant consciousness was gradually awakened.

At this time, unfortunately, Si Ningning tripped over a raised tree root and almost fell down. Fortunately, Huo Lang quickly picked her back up like a chicken.

 Huo Lang sighed softly and bowed, pulling down Si Ningning's trouser leg that was caught by the fork of a tree root, and for the first time, his tone was helpless with a hint of rebuke: "You are so stunned, when will you really grow up?"

Si Ningning's pink lips opened and closed slightly, and for once, she didn't arrogantly refute Huo Lang's words.

After walking with Ho Lang for more than an hour, I took a break in the middle of the way. Si Ningning sat in a dry place and drank water, and wiped it involuntarily.

 The temperature in the mountains is suitable and the environment is quiet. Since autumn has already begun for more than a month, the leaves of many trees are showing signs of yellowing and falling. In the next few days, the leaf falling should be more obvious.

Si Ningning thought about it. After drinking the water, she screwed on the bottle cap and put her hands on her sides. Just as she was trying to loosen her back muscles, she felt something hit her palms. She took her hands back and patted away the dust on her palms. , while looking at the mark separated from the palm.

 A shallow pit that is slightly sunk in, and it still hurts...

Si Ningning folded her hands and rubbed the small hole and took it out. She moved her head left and right to look for the thing she had just picked up.

It doesn't matter if you don't look for it. When you look for it, Si Ningning's eyes widen with joy, "Huo Lang! Huo Lang! Look!"

This place was already some distance away from the safe area. Huo Lang grabbed the gun **** his shoulder with his big hand and looked around with alert eyes. Hearing the noise, he thought something had happened. He walked towards Si Ningning in a few steps and saw Si Ningning. Bai was holding a small stone in his palm and was smiling happily.

 “A small stone…”

Originally, he wanted to say, "What's so rare about a pebble?", but when the words came to an end, Huo Lang swallowed back the rest of his words.

Those small round particles do look like pebbles from a distance, but not up close.

Horang was in Dongsan Gaoguan University when he was a child. Although he had never been to the mountains there, he often went to the foot of the mountains, so he naturally recognized what the small round grains were.

"You want this?" Huo Lang pinched the nut with a small helmet from Si Ningning's hand, "This is not like melon seeds. It's troublesome to eat, and it doesn't taste good."

 To be precise, it tastes very bitter.

 “If you like nuts, you should be able to find another one here.”

"Another one?" Si Ningning's eyes flickered and he asked tentatively, "Hazelnut?"

 What Si Ningning discovered was acorns. To eat acorns, they need to be pre-processed, otherwise they will not only taste bitter, but may also be poisonous.

 Because when Huo Lang said that acorns taste bad, Si Ningning was more understanding.

"Yes." Huo Lang nodded in agreement, stretched out his hand to pick up Si Ningning, then observed the ground and led Si Ningning forward, occasionally raising his head to look above his head.

Si Ningning followed his gaze and glanced up from time to time.

Moyo walked in a winding way for another ten minutes. Huo Lang slowed down and looked around with his head lowered.

Si Ningning had a confused look on her face. Before she could react, she saw Huo Lang bending down and reaching out to grab it twice. When he stood up again, he handed over two plump hazelnuts.

  ()! ?

 “How did you find the hazelnuts here?”

Si Ningning had an exclamation mark and a question mark on her face. She looked up and her neck felt sore. She didn't even see the hazelnuts on the tree.

Huo Lang walked slowly behind Si Ningning, and gently lifted up Si Ningning's chin from behind with his big palm, pulling Si Ningning to look up, "Look at the back of the leaves on the treetop over there, do you see it?"

 “Hmm…that’s the hazelnut?”

To be honest, Si Ningning has not seen a hazelnut tree, so he is not very sure.

"Yes, the clusters on the back of the leaves are all hazelnuts, and there are usually four or five in each cluster." Huo Lang nodded slightly, and his slightly hot breath hit the side of Si Ningning's ear. Si Ningning tilted her head uncomfortably and pulled away. Huo Lang's restraint fled to the side:

“Okay, I know! I, I’ll go look for it and see if there’s anything else on the ground nearby!”

With his heart pounding, Si Ningning ran away a few steps away from Huo Lang and crouched down to search randomly.

To be honest, whether talking to each other or holding hands, Si Ningning had no other big or obvious feeling other than that Huo Lang made her feel at ease and at ease.

But once he goes one step further or engages in an overly intimate act, Si Ningning's heart will always beat faster, and she will feel embarrassed when she reacts afterwards.

Si Ningning has read a lot of love stories in novels and movies, but this is the first time she has experienced it herself. She is actually quite confused and doesn't know if the current situation is normal.

 Is everyone like this, or is it just her who is too nervous?

If her sudden behavior was of an unusual kind, would Holang think too much about it?

Horang, what should I do if I really think too much?

Si Ningning's mind was in a mess. She squatted down and picked up pebbles for a long time. She was struggling and didn't know what was going on. Suddenly she remembered what Huo Lang said to her at that time:

 “In my eyes, you are the best.”

The ringing and lingering voice seemed to echo in the ears, and Si Ningning's restless and struggling heart gradually calmed down.


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 (End of this chapter)

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