Chapter 281 Expectations

Due to her childhood experiences, Si Ningning has always been passive emotionally. Not only will her attitude become cautious inadvertently, but in many places she simply chooses to skip and escape out of fear.

 But now is no longer the time to be locked in a room and forcibly confined.

 She has grown up.

 You can't keep avoiding what you want just because you're afraid...

 Her, we must fight for it!

 To defend! Hold on tight to what she wants!

With a firm idea in her mind, Si Ningning's pretty face suddenly became serious and tense. She turned sideways and looked at Huo Lang seriously, her tone as serious as her face: "Comrade Huo Lang, I have something to tell you!"


  The sudden alienating address instantly raised countless question marks on Huo Lang’s forehead.

It can be seen that Si Ningning's expression is serious, and Huo Lang can't help but become more serious.

Taking two steps closer, Huo Lang squatted down with one knee on the ground beside Si Ningning, pretending to be listening, "What's wrong?"

Si Ningning's deer eyes flashed and she glanced around nervously to make sure that no third person could hear or see their conversation. Then she pursed her lips and slowly approached Huo Lang's side face by his ear.

The distance was getting closer and closer, so close that Huo Lang could clearly feel Si Ningning's warm breath and unique fragrance. Just when Huo Lang thought Si Ningning was about to speak, he suddenly "pop" and his side face was covered by two The piece was soft and lightly touched.

As if being electrocuted, Huo Lang covered his face with his big hands and quickly turned around.

Si Ningning’s cheeks were hot and her throat was rolled up. She widened her eyes and said with a fierce look, pretending to be calm:

“Why are you looking at me with those big eyes! Have you never seen someone talk like this?”

Huo Lang opened his peach blossom eyes wide, nodded first, then shook his head, then nodded again after shaking his head.

Slowly, Huo Lang recovered from the extreme surprise and shock, and his voice became low and hoarse, "I have seen it now, but I just didn't understand what you just said. Can you say it again?"




Si Ningning stood up suddenly and walked back and forth a few steps randomly. From the corner of his eye, he saw Huo Lang looking up at her, pretending to be obedient and waiting for the bride.

At that moment, whether it was shame or anger, Si Ningning just felt a surge of energy and blood.

I don’t know what she was thinking. Anyway, when she reacted, the gourd-waisted bamboo basket she was carrying had already been placed on Huo Lang’s head.

 “Make you immoral!”

Si Ningning stamped her feet and ran away.

Huo Lang took off the bamboo basket on his head and calmly grabbed two handfuls of hair.

If you annoy the little girl, you have to coax yourself in the end.

Si Ningning sat on the big stone and glared angrily at Huo Lang who walked in with a basket.

On the other hand, Huo Lang, with a faint expression and a hint of smile, put the bamboo basket back to Si Ningning's legs. He squatted down and sat next to Si Ningning, "Are you really angry?"

Si Ningning was angry with him for being immoral, and for a moment she was too lazy to pay attention to him, and turned away with a slight "hum".

Huo Lang was not in a hurry. He put his big hands into the pockets of his coat, fumbled around and said coaxingly: "Don't be angry, I have something to give you."

Thinking that Huo Lang had thought of some new way to trick her, Si Ningning not only remained unmoved, but instead let out another sonorous "Humph" and raised her chin to one side in annoyance, showing off her pride and arrogance. Will give Horan another chance to trick her.

 “Aren’t you curious about what it is?”

 “Really angry?”

 “Comrade Si Ningning!?”

 “Hey, Si Ningning?”

Whichever way Si Ningning turned, Huo Lang followed him. After twisting and turning for several rounds, Si Ningning was the first to lose his strength and was turning around. He held out his hand to Huo Lang with a bulging mouth and frown: "Oh, what the hell?" What is it?”

Si Ningning wasn’t really angry, or maybe she wasn’t angry with Huo Lang.

She was angry with herself, even the prude like Holang couldn't get around it.

She was clearly the one who took the lead, but in the end, she was tricked by Huo Lang in going around and around.

 Just thinking about it makes me angry.

Thinking about this, Si Ningning pursed her pink lips and glared at Huo Lang again unwillingly.

She let her stare, but Huo Lang, who was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, was not afraid of her glare. On the contrary, he really enjoyed Si Ningning's delicate and trembling appearance, which he always found so cute.

Seeing that Si Ningning's attitude softened, Huo Lang smiled hoarsely, and instead of handing the things directly to Si Ningning, he bent his knees and sat next to Si Ningning.

Huo Lang glanced at Si Ningning's angry little face with a smile, and gently took Si Ningning's hand.

Originally, he wanted to lift up Si Ningning's wrist sleeves, and then put the prepared gift on top of it to give Si Ningning a surprise. However, as soon as he touched Si Ningning's wrist, Huo Lang vaguely noticed the slightest hint of something. Something is wrong.

The gentle smile on his face suddenly faded, and Huo Lang's arched eyebrows were raised in suspicion. He opened Si Ningning's sleeves and took a look. Sure enough, there was already a watch on that slender, white wrist.

 Meihua brand watch.

The one he brought was exactly the same as the one he brought.

"When did you buy the watch?" Huo Lang frowned and asked Si Ningning, "Why didn't you tell me when you bought the watch?"


Si Ningning was slightly startled. She took a look at Huo Lang's big hand and realized what was going on when she saw another plum blossom watch that was exactly the same.

"Bought for me?" Si Ningning felt happy at first, took out the watch from Huo Lang's hand and played with it for a while. After calming down, she explained to Huo Lang in a coquettish manner: "I gave you the pocket watch. If you don’t have anything to tell the time, of course you have to buy one.”

“If you want a watch to tell the time, I’ll just buy it. Why do you want to buy it yourself? It’s a waste of money.”

Si Ningning glanced at Huo Lang in confusion and asked, "Wouldn't it be the same for you and me? It's all the same price, how can we say it's a waste of money?"

"This is different." Huo Lang choked at Si Ningning's words, frowned deeply, and took Si Ningning's hand like a child having a tantrum to take off the watch from her wrist, "Take this Return it and wear what I bought for you."

Si Ningning squirmed to avoid it, "I've been wearing it for a while, how bad would it be to take it back? And they definitely won't take it back!"

"She will definitely not retreat if you go. If I go, she will retreat." Huo Lang said stubbornly.

Seeing that Huo Lang was really serious, Si Ningning felt a little shaken. She unconsciously held Huo Lang's arm with both hands and coquettishly said, "Oh, stop it, Huo Lang!"

Holang stopped moving and frowned as he looked at her blankly.

Si Ningning pursed her lips and looked back at Huo Lang with the same seriousness in her watery deer eyes, "I know they will give you a refund if you go, but you have a special status and your privileges should not be used for this kind of thing." "Is this okay?" Si Ningning took off his watch twice and put his slender wrist, which still had slight watch marks, closer to Huo Lang. "I'll put away the one I bought. I'll wear the one you bought for me in the future." Let’s not withdraw this one, okay?”

Huo Lang lowered his brows and remained silent for a while before nodding.

He nodded softly, put on the watch for Si Ningning reverently, and said solemnly: "I should buy this."

“Not only watches, bicycles, sewing machines, and radios, I should buy all these things.”

Si Ningning was slightly stunned. From Huo Lang's words, he could vaguely discern the reason why Huo Lang was unhappy just now.

 Watches, bicycles, sewing machines, and radios. In this era, these things are usually what the woman asks the man to buy during marriage. It is commonly known as "three turns and one ring".

She originally thought it was just a problem with a watch, but she didn't expect that Huo Lang had thought so far ahead.

  And what should I say?

Horang Is this machismo or a strong sense of responsibility?

 Do you think it is the man’s obligation or responsibility, so there is no need to distinguish any special circumstances and it must be borne by him alone?

Si Ningning’s slender brows furrowed briefly.

 Although I don’t really care about this, I don’t agree with this view either.

 “What are you thinking about?”

Huo Lang stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Si Ningning.

"Huh?" Si Ningning suddenly came to his senses, "Did you say something just now?"

"Yes." Huo Lang nodded, his deep and handsome face filled with a gentle and light smile like the spring breeze, "I said that the place here is small and we can't buy anything decent. In two years, Hegu and the others will When the situation stabilizes, I will take you back to the capital."

“It’s more prosperous there than here. You can buy TV sets, electric fans, and four-wheel cars if you ask around.”

“When the summer heats up, you can just blow the electric fan at home, and I’ll give you two big watermelons, and you can eat them while watching TV.”

"It's getting cold. If you want to stay in the house, keep watch over the stove. If you don't want to stay in the house, I'll buy a soft lounge chair in the yard. You can go out and lie down, sit, and bask in the sun from time to time. Bask in the sun.”

Horang’s voice is low and smooth, creating the illusion that an imaginative future is right in front of you.

Si Ningning's heart fluctuated for a while, and her throat rolled for a while. Her deer eyes curled up with a smile and she asked meekly: "You have arranged me so well? What about you?"

"Me?" Huo Lang leaned back, resting his hands on the big stone under him, looking up at the treetops swaying in the breeze and continued: "I support the family, usually take care of the work, and wait until the holidays. Take you out for a walk."

As he spoke, Huo Lang tilted his head and looked at Si Ningning with a smile, "You are an educated youth from Beijing. You must have been to various memorial halls and the Temple of Heaven Park, but your experience of going there by yourself is definitely different from going with me."

“We will go to Jingshan Park and Temple of Heaven Park together then. You are lively and like new things, and you must also like to watch movies. I will take you to watch them together.”

Holang may have a machismo tendency in his words and deeds, but he is different from others.

His starting point is always Si Ningning. He hopes that with his own abilities, he can not only meet Si Ningning's needs in life, but also hopes that Si Ningning can live a stable and comfortable life without having to worry about trivial matters.

Si Ningning is also aware of this. Although the two of them have not yet reached the stage of marriage, it does not affect her and Huo Lang's expectations for the future.

“I’ve been thinking about making clothes recently. If that day comes, I’ll make clothes for you!”

 “Say something unlucky? Of course there will be a day.”


  Holang added silently in his mind.

After sitting with Si Ningning for a while, Huo Lang stood up and picked up the basket on his back, "Just sit here while I pick up the hazelnuts."

 “Hmm.” Si Ningning nodded.

Watching Huo Lang walk out a few steps, he squatted down, reached out to pick up the hazelnuts one by one and threw them into the basket. Si Ningning unscrewed the bottle cap and took a few sips of water to replenish body moisture. After a while, she tightened the bottle cap and put the water bottle on her back. Holding a small bamboo basket, I also joined the queue of picking hazelnuts.

Hazelnut is also called mountain chestnut. The wild tree is usually three to seven meters tall. Because the fruit usually grows on the back of the leaves and is wrapped by smaller leaves, it is more difficult for ordinary people to spot the hazelnuts if they don’t know the hazelnut tree.

 The most obvious example is Si Ningning.

But having said that, although Si Ningning is not good at finding hazelnuts on trees, she can definitely find hazelnuts that fall on the ground.

According to Holang, there are many similar nut trees in the mountains, such as hazelnuts, acorns, pecans, etc. The ripening seasons of several types of nuts are similar, so when picking hazelnuts on the ground, Si Ningning can occasionally Picked up a few acorns and pecans.

The hazelnut fruit is larger. Si Ningning opened it with his teeth and ate a few raw. The kernels inside were also plumper than the other two types.

The shell of pecans is the most difficult to remove. After removing the outermost coating and then cracking open the shell, the kernel inside will be lost.

Si Ningning originally didn’t want to pick up pecans, but then she thought that they should be quite resistant to burning, and they were not big, so they would be suitable for burning in the stove at night when the weather gets cold.

Si Ningning told Huo Lang his thoughts, and Huo Lang nodded immediately, "Then take it with you. You can save unnecessary expenses. Use the money saved to buy what you want, which is more practical."


 “Want to pick up acorns?” Holang asked.

Although acorns don’t taste very good, they seem to be good if they can be used as firewood for a stove.

“If there is any, just pick it up along the way. It needs to be processed before eating... I have eaten acorn jelly before, and it is quite delicious. It has a unique fragrance.”

Si Ningning nodded, described acorn jelly to Huo Lang, and briefly described how to make it.

When Huo Lang heard that acorn kernels could be ground into powder for food, he immediately refused to let go of hazelnuts, acorns, pecans, anything like that. Whenever he found them, he threw them all into the basket he was dragging on his back.

In two hours, Si Ningning and Huo Lang worked together to pick up most of the basket of nuts, which weighed at least thirty kilograms.

Haunted Huo Lang to go to a shady place for lunch. Si Ningning opened the oil paper package and asked curiously: "There are so many nuts in the mountains, and no one in the team comes to pick them up?"

"Not many people know about it, and even if they do, they can't spare any time." Huo Lang shook his head, "The children are free, but this place is hidden in danger. Who dares to let children go up the mountain?"

Si Ningning nodded and said "Oh", thinking so.

Thought of something for a while, he rolled his eyes and smiled and joked: "Isn't that going to be advantageous for us?"

  Looking at her cunning and playful appearance, Huo Lang couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly, "Where are we now? Go deeper and more..."

At this point, Huo Lang stopped and looked at Si Ningning, as if he knew Si Ningning's little thoughts. His tone was serious and there was no room for negotiation: "If you want to go back, I will help you, but you can only come here, not go Deeper in the mountains.”

 (End of this chapter)

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