Chapter 282 Busiest

Si Ningning straightened her neck in dissatisfaction, "I haven't said anything yet!"

"Needless to say, I know what you are thinking." He glanced lazily at Si Ningning, then opened and closed his thin lips and uttered two words, "No,"


Si Ningning let out an angry "hum" and angrily ate the bun in her hand.

 It’s not actually a small piece of bread. It was made by Si Ningning in the space before.

Originally, I planned to bake small bread, but the dough didn't rise well. The baked product was brown in color and looked good, but the inside was as tight and hard as a dead-noodle bun.

Si Ningning took two dry bites and chewed it for a long time before swallowing it. She almost choked herself in the process.

Ignoring his anger, Si Ningning turned her head and looked at Huo Lang, who was eating at a steady pace, "Will it taste terrible?"

Si Ningning asked this question incorrectly. If she had asked someone else, they might have responded with something like, "Well, it's a bit dry." But she was asking Huo Lang.

 Who is Holang?

As a person who can swallow tree bark calmly, when eating such serious food into his mouth, he will naturally not say the word "unpalatable".

"No, it's quite delicious." Huo Lang shook his head calmly, then lowered his head and picked up the old military kettle hanging in front of him, raising his neck and "gu dong gu dong" with two mouthfuls.


Si Ningning was speechless for a while, and she vaguely understood something in her heart.

After lunch, Huo Lang originally wanted to take Si Ningning around, but to his surprise, Si Ningning couldn't bear to part with the nuts all over the floor. "It's just that I didn't know there was this thing. It's right in front of me now. It would be a pity not to pick it up." ?”

Even if you don’t read the words “wild and pure”, Si Ningning feels like you’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t buy more of it just because of its rich quality.

Horang didn’t have many ideas.

The purpose of taking Si Ningning into the mountains was to make her happy and relax her. Since picking up nuts can make Si Ningning happy, why should she hesitate?

 Just pick it up and that’s it.

 Two people, one taking off the basket and the other carrying the basket, scattered to pick up nuts. During the period, they inevitably chatted:

 “There are also wild persimmon trees in the mountains.”

 “Wild persimmon tree? Where is it?”

“It’s not ripe yet, and the taste is very astringent. It will take a while to frost before the sweetness develops. I’ll take you to see it then.”


Si Ningning let out a soft "hmm" breath, his voice lazily filled with soft compromise.

Horang then chatted with her about something else:

“We’re going to get busy soon, and we have to harvest the soybean field from before. Do you want to come with me then?”

“It’s really hard for me to say this right now. When team 7 comes back, the literacy class will probably start. I don’t know if I’ll be free by then.”

“Then let’s take a look first and then we’ll talk about it. Anyway, everything depends on your arrangements.”


"You have to use a millstone to grind acorn powder. Is there one at the Educated Youth Point?"

"I didn't pay close attention to these. I'll look for them when I go back. Maybe there are some." Si Ningning said seriously.

Yes, that means no.

A millstone is not a small thing. If you really want one, you can find it anywhere.

Huo Lang's heart was clear, but he didn't know what Si Ningning was thinking at this time.

Since there is a wall breaker in the space, it doesn’t matter whether there is a grindstone or not.

Even if it does exist, Si Ningning doesn’t know how to use it. It’s tiring and troublesome.

"I'll be free tomorrow. I'll look around to see if there's any suitable stone. I'll chisel a small one for you then." Huo Lang said, standing up and putting his hands together to draw a stone with the same diameter as a plate. Circle comes.

Si Ningning shook her head. She originally wanted to say no, but then she thought that if there was no millstone in the educated youth spot, she would really need something to cover her, so she nodded: "Okay."

Moyo picked up nuts for more than two hours, until the big basket in Huo Lang's hand was filled to the brim. Si Ningning finally wiped the sweat from his forehead, waved his hand with mercy and called Huo Lang home:

 “Okay, let’s go home! I can’t fit it anymore!”

"Okay." Huo Lang nodded in response, took the small bamboo basket from Si Ningning's hand, poured all the nuts in it into the big basket, and returned the bamboo basket to Si Ningning. Then he bent down, carried the big basket, and held the basket. Follow Si Ningning and walk back.

At the corresponding season, there are everything in the mountains, including flowers, wild fruits, nuts, etc. The further in, the more you will find.

Si Ningning and Huo Lang picked up a large basket full of nuts in the mountains. On their way home, they found many orange-yellow ripe golden cherry blossoms among the thorn bushes.

In the words of Si Ningning, that is, you must never take advantage of being immoral. You must never let go of something like this that has no owner in the mountains and is given to you for free.

Especially a few months ago, when I spent a long time picking around the thorn bushes and picking more than ten or twenty golden cherry blossoms, when I came across a large area of ​​orange-yellow ripe golden cherry blossoms in front of me, Si Ningning was really excited. I couldn't bear to leave.

Making a decision, Si Ningning pulled Huo Lang to his feet and said, "Sit down and rest for a while. Wait for me. My backpack is still empty. Let's pick some more!"

  After saying that, he let go of Huo Lang's hand, holding the bamboo basket and bending forward to throw the golden cherry blossoms into the basket one by one.

Most of the water content of the ripe cherry blossoms has faded, and the small thorns on the surface that were still a little prickly are not worth mentioning at all. When Si Ningning picked the golden cherry seeds, a piece of the small thorns on the surface was crushed as soon as she pinched them with her fingers.

  Not to mention it hurts my hand because of the prick, it doesn’t even itch.

Hourang put the basket aside, and after making sure it wouldn't tip over and spill out, he stood up and followed Si Ningning to help pick it together, "What are you picking this for?"

 The golden cherry blossoms here in Team 3 are called prickly pears. They are sweet and can be eaten. When the ripe season comes, many girls and boys rummage around in front of and behind their houses and on the ridges of the fields to pick and eat them.

Huo Lang knew that prickly pears could be eaten, and he knew that Si Ningning must also know that prickly pears could be eaten. However, based on his understanding of Si Ningning, if Si Ningning was so keen on picking prickly pears, there should be other ways to eat them or usage.

I have to say that Holang’s guess was right.

On the way to pick golden cherry blossoms, Si Ningning smiled sweetly at him and began to conduct detailed science popularization:

"Golden cherry tree is a good thing. It is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. It has many functions." "It can be used to stop diarrhea, treat spleen deficiency, **** men can nourish the kidneys, and lesbians can nourish qi and blood."

Huo Lang nodded knowingly, and then asked the question inadvertently, which made Si Ningning temporarily confused:

“Do you know much about Chinese herbal medicine? I see that you have always paid close attention to this aspect.”

Not only in the field of Chinese herbal medicine, but also in dyeing cloth, breeding, etc., Si Ningning seems to be really omnipotent. He can study everything and know everything.

"I don't know much about it..." Si Ningning scratched his forehead and considered it for a moment, then raised his lips and raised a bright smile, "It's just that the book is quite complicated, and some things have been seen in the book, and you remember the last time you went there Is it about having a banquet with a comrade?”

  Holang nodded, "Yeah."

Si Ningning continued: "I visited Academician Liang very frequently in those days, probably because I became familiar with him. Academician Liang gave me a notebook, which contained a lot of knowledge about agriculture. I read it when I came back. The content is very interesting, and I’m still thinking about practicing it one by one when I have some free time.”

 There is a lot of knowledge related to agriculture, not just livestock, seeds and seedlings.

Huo Lang knew about Si Ningning's visit to Liang Qinghong and had made arrangements in advance.

Moreover, when he came back from Beijing and rushed over to find Si Ningning, Si Ningning had just come out of Liang Qinghong's place, but she was holding a notebook with an old cover in her arms.

Of course, Huo Lang would not doubt it, and immediately nodded and promised, "Okay, you can arrange the time later, call me at any time, and I will bring you over again."


There were a lot of golden cherry blossoms along the roadside. Si Ningning and Huo Lang picked them together, and soon a whole basket was filled.

Si Ningning turned the bamboo basket to her waist, took Huo Lang's hand, and the two set off home again.

 I was chattering along the way, and when I got back to the educated youth spot, it happened to be four o'clock in the afternoon.

While the past two days haven't gotten busy yet, Huo Lang has to catch up on the progress of the rabbit cage, so he can't stay long.

Si Ningning knew this, so he removed the tether from the door. After entering the house, he quickly found a big basket and replaced the basket on Huo Lang's back. "I can do the rest myself. You can go back!"

Huo Lang wiped his sweat and stood at the door with an empty basket in his hand. He looked at Si Ningning with a casual look and said, "I will come over to patrol later."

 “I know!” Si Ningning bent her eyes and smiled.

 After Huo Lang left, Si Ningning slowly stopped smiling. Even so, she was in a good mood, so her pretty little face still had a gentle and gentle smile.

  Going to the kitchen to check the chicken that had been cooked last night, and finding that it had not changed in flavor, Si Ningning brought two more buckets of cool well water into the house to replace the water in the basin and bucket.

Then he put the chicken up and saw that the sunlight outside the house had shifted to the field ridge in the distance and the light at the door was much darker. Si Ningning took the basket and sieve for drying radish slices outside the door.

Last night, I used salt to remove most of the water from the radish slices, and after drying them in the sun during the day, the radish slices are ready to be put into the jar.

Si Ningning moved out the jar and just compacted a layer into the jar when she suddenly thought of Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun saying they wanted to learn how to pickle radish slices. She paused, thought for a long time and finally moved the jar, basket and sieve aside. He planned to wait until Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun came back later before continuing with the next steps.

Si Ningning dragged the basket of nuts to a brightly lit area at the door, took a large bowl, dug out an old hatchet from the educated youth spot, and sat at the door, slowly knocking and smashing it.

However, before she could break out a few nuts, she remembered another thing.

With a "clang" sound, Si Ningning put down the hatchet and ran into the kitchen to work for a while.

He boiled water over a fire to blanch the chicken. After frying, the water was put into a jar, and the jar was pushed onto the stove to simmer with the sparks in the stove.

Although the temperature is not high in this season, Si Ningning still sweated a lot after all this work.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Si Ningning washed his hands, then sat outside the door and continued cracking nuts.

During this period, Si Ningning thought funnyly: According to the work assignment, she should have been the most leisurely person in the entire educated youth camp, but now that she is busy with various tasks every day, she has become the busiest person in the educated youth camp.

Thinking about it, Si Ningning laughed helplessly. Si Ningning comforted herself silently: "Hard work makes people rich!"

 Then there was another dense "ding-dong-dang".

It gets dark early, and the sky has darkened around six o'clock. By that time, Si Ningning has already knocked out a bowl full of nuts, and Xu Shuhua and his party are coming back one after another.

Si Ningning inserted the hatchet into the large basket of nuts, stood up with the sea bowl and passed it forward, "These nuts haven't been completely dehydrated yet, so they are considered fresh nuts. I don't know if you are used to eating them. Try some." Taste it.”

Xu Shuhua and the others grabbed a few grains each, threw them into their mouths and chewed them, "It's crunchy, tastes good, and it's fun to chew."

"Hey Ningning, where did you get this?" Song Xiaoyun went into the room and hung the hat on the wall, then turned around and asked Si Ningning.

"Picked up in the mountains." Si Ningning answered truthfully. She was afraid that some girls would be led astray by her words and run into the mountains unaware of the danger. She added in hindsight, "You have to be taken with you when you go to the mountains. The mountains here are so big that it only takes a few more steps to get lost, but you won’t encounter any wild beasts.”

Let her speak clearly. If Xu Shuhua and the others also want to go to the mountains, they will probably remember her words and will definitely find a guide before setting off.

The people who can guide the way are all native-born members of the team. They know very well which places can and cannot go in the mountains, and there is no need to worry that Xu Shuhua and the others will encounter danger when they enter the mountains.

 “Hey! I remembered it.” Song Xiaoyun responded with a smile.

While speaking, Jiang Yue lay on the table and began to stretch her hand towards Si Ningning again, "It tastes really good, give me some more~"

Si Ningning slapped Jiang Yue's hand mercilessly, took two steps back with the bowl in hand, raised her chin towards the big basket at the door, and said: "There are a lot of nuts, go over there to eat them." Knock it out yourself, the hatchet is in the basket."

 Jiang Yue puffed her lips, "Stingy!"

“Cracking nuts is a laborious task. Look at my hands. Can you bear it?” Si Ningning freed up a hand to show Jiang Yue.

  There were two crystal-clear blisters bulging in the area between the tiger's mouth and the corresponding index finger of Si Ningning's palm. Just by looking at it, Jiang Yue knew how much pain it was.

Jiang Yue shuddered and walked toward the door with a pout, "You are so skinny! Don't you know you won't do the job that you can't do?"

"How about you ask someone to help you?" Jiang Yue squatted at the door to take over the work that Si Ningning had just done, and started knocking.

She heard no movement in the main room, so she turned around with a "tsk" sound, "What are you doing? You don't have any eyesight at all. Are you getting a bowl?"

Si Ningning brought the nuts into the room, turned around and took another small bowl and put it at Jiang Yue's feet.

She squatted beside Jiang Yue, folded her hands on her knees and looked at Jiang Yue with bright eyes, "What are you doing? Do you want to knock it for me?"

Jiang Yue glanced at her awkwardly, turned away and cracked the nuts "duangduangduang", while saying firmly: "You are overthinking, I am knocking them for myself, don't you know? I like to eat nuts in big chunks. Eat it in big gulps! Once the bowl is full, I’ll grab it and eat it!

 (End of this chapter)

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