Chapter 283 Notes

Si Ningning didn't want to expose her. He smiled so hard that he said "Okay" with crooked eyes. After a while, he looked at Jiang Yue and said seriously: "When I have time in the future, I will use these nuts to make something delicious. Be the first to share it with you.”

Under Jiang Yue's drooped head, her lips were slightly raised. After a while, she raised her head and looked at Si Ningning with feigned disgust, "I hate the person who draws big cakes the most. Don't just draw cakes for me. You Put it into practice!”

Si Ningning waved her hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry~"

Hearing this, the duplicitous Jiang Hanhan couldn't hold back any longer. He buried his head in his business while snickering "hum hum", as happy as a mouse falling into a rice vat.

 Dinner was still a big pot of rice, but everyone ate their own meals, such as chicken noodle soup from Mo Bei, steamed potatoes from Xu Shuhua, and boiled sweet potatoes from Song Xiaoyun, Li Lingyuan and others.

There is also Si Ningning who doesn’t want to eat sweet potatoes, potatoes and other whole grains, but wants to make it easier to boil eggs.

 Boiled eggs can be eaten as soon as you peel them, and you don’t have to wash the dishes or anything after eating. For Si Ningning, it frees up your hands for a short time.

After eating and washing up, Si Ningning filled half a basin of hot water with two ladles of cold water and brought it into the room. He scrubbed his body hastily, then took the used water outside the house, and rinsed his feet before entering the house.

The hot water in the kitchen pot is limited, and there are several girls sharing it, so it is not enough to share. Moreover, even if the hot water is unlimited, there is only a small washbasin. Si Ningning feels that she cannot wash off the dirt on her body even after changing several basins of water. Sweat stains, not to mention the smell.

 So I just wash up and wipe it off right now, and look for an opportunity to go into the space and wash it again later.

Si Ningning moved the jars that she had packed up in the evening, as well as the basket and sieve for dried radishes into the room. She lit the kerosene lamp and called Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun together. She demonstrated step by step in laying two layers of bedding into the jar, and then Jiang Yue and the others wanted to try it themselves, but Si Ningning gave up their position.

Si Ningning looked at it and roughly estimated the number of half-dried dried radishes. Then he said to Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun: "Take it as compact as possible. Cut more dried radishes, otherwise you will have to save a lot."

"Then it shouldn't be wasted?" Song Xiaoyun sat beside the bed and alternately stuffed dried radishes into the jar with Jiang Yue. After hearing that there was a lot left, for fear of wasting it, she hurriedly stood up and urged, "Jiang Yue, please use more force." Put some more in there!"

With that impatient look, she wanted to push Jiang Yue aside and do it herself.

Si Ningning smiled hoarsely, patted Song Xiaoyun's arm and comforted: "Don't be so anxious. It can be stored longer if you put it in a jar. If you really can't stuff it in, it won't be wasted. There are other ways to eat it."

 “Other ways to eat it?”

This sentence successfully aroused the curiosity of Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun.

"Yeah." Si Ningning nodded, raised his chin towards the dried radish in the basket, and elaborated on how to make it, "Find something to put the rest in, or you can dry it in the sun before putting it in it. You'll eat it later. When the time comes, just grab some and soak it. Add a little when stewing bone soup, or soak it and mix it with vinegar and chili. There are many ways to eat it. "

"I've never seen you do it before?" Jiang Yue wiped the corner of her mouth and looked at Si Ningning with bright eyes like a puppy, "When will you do it next time? I want to learn it too!"

“The radishes didn’t grow before!” Si Ningning spread her hands helplessly, put her fist to her lips and laughed twice, “Don’t worry, I will call you next time when I want to make something.”

"Yeah!" Jiang Yue nodded vigorously, and Song Xiaoyun on the other side quickly followed suit, "I want it too!"

 “Okay~Teach me all!”

The dried radishes were all taken care of, and the small table next to Si Ningning's bed was empty again. Before going to bed, Xu Shuhua pieced together fabric to cover the soles of her shoes under the kerosene lamp. Si Ningning noticed that the light was not good, so she lit both kerosene lamps. .

Jiang Yue and Song Xiaoyun moved chairs around to read. Si Ningning couldn't help but pull out the golden cherry blossoms that had been dried before. She sat on the edge of the bed and cut open the bellies with small scissors to remove the small velvet and seeds inside.

She lowered her head and was busy, her long eyelashes forming a silhouette on her eyelids. She looked very focused and serious.

Xu Shuhua put together a layer of soles, raised her head and twisted her neck to relieve fatigue. When she saw this scene, she couldn't help but ask, "I saw you showing off these little thorn **** before. What are they? What's their use?"

Si Ningning repeated what he had explained to Mo Bei and Huo Lang before, and said with a smile: "I picked a lot more today. This one was picked earlier. I will process these and free up the small sieve." Drying the newly picked ones.”

“You just have a lot of ideas. If it were us, we wouldn’t think of putting it into practice even if we read about it in a book.” Xu Shuhua shook her head and sighed.

Song Xiaoyun echoed: "I think so too! There are some things that I feel I know when I read them, but when I put them into practice, my hands and my mind are completely different things."

Si Ningning's lips curled up into a smile, "Just thinking about it! You just watched me doing things, didn't you come here step by step? I am also a restless person."

Jiang Yue stared at the book and calmly turned a page, "There is nothing wrong with this."


"Ha ha ha ha!"

It wasn't a lot of fun, but the girls in the room couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Putting the cleaned golden cherry blossoms separately, Si Ningning poured the newly picked golden cherry blossoms into the sieve, preparing to take them out and smash them when she got up tomorrow. When she climbed into bed and closed her eyes to fall asleep, she said "Ah" He yawned and said:

"I got a notebook from Academician Liang a while ago. It contains a lot of knowledge about feeding, Chinese herbal medicine, and planting that are convenient for agriculture. There are a lot of interesting things. I want to try them out when I have free time."

“Are those notes so magical? Have they memorized so much extensive knowledge?” Jiang Yue asked.

Si Ningning lazily replied: "Although they are all educated, there is still a big difference between academicians and ordinary educated young people."

Jiang Yue suddenly stood up from the bed, held the edge of the bed with both hands, looked at the mosquito net on Si Ningning's bed and asked, "Can you lend me this note? Si Ningning, can you?"

"Yes." Si Ningning turned sideways, looked at Jiang Yue's blurry body outline across the mosquito net and smiled lightly, "But not now, it will take a while. The notes brought back are too old, and the bound notebook Most of them are gone. I’ll show you the new ones after I finish copying them.”

“Okay!” Jiang Yue agreed with a proud expression. If she had a tail, her tail would probably be raised to the sky at this moment.

 “Go to sleep! I’ll crack nuts for you when I go back tomorrow!”


Si Ningning didn’t mention that notebook for no reason, she had a certain purpose.

 First of all, there are indeed a lot of things recorded in that notebook, and secondly, she doesn’t want to do anything in the future, so she has to find ready-made excuses when asked.

Si Ningning also thought about it herself and decided to copy and reproduce Academician Liang’s notes while incorporating the knowledge she knew and adding some tips to make life easier. Let’s take an example that is closer to life, such as some things that can be obtained locally, such as pine and cypress, mugwort, soap locust and other plants, which can be used.

If you can make mosquito-repellent incense, make mosquito-repellent incense. If you can make it into detergent, make it into detergent. Use everything that can be used.

Writing these things in the notes can not only serve as a cover-up, but if Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua are really interested and want to see them afterwards, it will be a good thing to learn something from them to alleviate their life dilemma.

The girls turned on the lamps and went to bed one after another. The educated youth spot suddenly became quiet, and even the sound of frogs outside the window faded away.

  Time passed, and soon it was late at night. The shadows of the trees outside the house were swaying, and the bright moon was in the sky.

Noticing the long breathing and light snoring coming from the surroundings, and confirming that all the girls were fast asleep, Si Ningning slowly opened his eyes, pulled the thin blanket over his head and silently entered the space.

I originally thought that by feeding the pigs and chickens briefly, I could get straight to the point. But after feeding the pigs, I turned around to feed the chickens, and found some white scattered irregularly near the chicken pen. When I got closer, I realized they were eggs. From the looks of it, there are no fewer than twenty of them scattered all over the place.

Si Ningning went into the house and got a basin, counting them as he picked them up. There were twenty-six eggs in total!

In other words, the batch of chickens that were hatched previously have basically started laying eggs, and based on the number of chickens and the number of days, many of them have already started laying their second and third eggs.

In this way, you can basically harvest fresh eggs every day when you enter the space, and the quantity is very considerable. This is not just about achieving egg freedom, it is simply too much freedom!

Eggs every day and every meal are endless!

Si Ningning has both joys and worries. What he is happy about is harvesting eggs. If you can sell these eggs, you can sell them. It doesn’t matter if you can’t sell them. Anyway, the space has a preservation function, so you don’t have to worry about damaging them.

 She was worried because the chicken laid eggs, which reminded her of another thing.

 That means according to time calculation, the two sows in the space will also give birth to piglets.

The speed of the space is too fast, the livestock grows quickly, and the channels for external sales are limited. Large orders such as whole pigs are not suitable for selling too frequently.

But if you can’t take action and go out, you can’t keep it in space.

I really can’t afford it…

 The food rations are easy to talk about, but the hard part is to take care of them.

At present, the three pigs alone are enough to keep Si Ningning busy for a while every time they enter the space, let alone a few more pigs...

Si Ningning clicked her tongue, frowned and moved the egg basin back to the kitchen. She took off her clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower while thinking about making plans for the future.

There was no way to turn to Huo Lang for help, so she had to find a solution on her own.

Since Si Ningning personally didn’t want to do things that were too conspicuous, the options available to solve this matter became very limited.

 Either wait until the piglets are weaned, and then look for opportunities to slaughter the existing large pigs one after another.

 Either kill the big pig, keep two little pigs, and make the rest into roasted suckling pig.

If everything is focused on money, this method may not be the best, but if you want to save trouble and be safe, it is quite safe.

Si Ningning thought about it, and planned to wait until the piglets came down. Then the specific arrangements could be adjusted according to the number of piglets. During the waiting period, she could also inquire to see if there were any others. A solid person to work with.

 After taking a shower, drying her hair and changing into a clean sports vest, Si Ningning put on her clothes and walked towards the kitchen.

In the evening, when she was cracking nuts, she put some of them into the space. She found the nuts and weighed them in the kitchen, weighing 430 grams, which was 70 grams short of a pound.

 Si Ningning found a baking sheet to put the nuts in, then pushed the nuts into the oven and baked them at a temperature of 100 degrees for 10 minutes. The purpose was to remove the excess moisture and bring out the unique aroma of the nuts.

While the oven was running, Si Ningning estimated that the weight of the nut kernels would be reduced to about 300 to 320 grams after dehydration. Referring to this weight, she rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find flour and other ingredients and began to mix the dough.

  275g all-purpose flour,

  180g butter cube,

  90g powdered sugar,

  60g white sugar,

  5 grams of salt,

 4 fresh whole eggs.

First pour the flour and powdered sugar into a container and mix well, then add the sugar, salt, and butter together, and knead evenly with your hands until it resembles loose sand when kneaded, and can form agglomeration when kneaded hard. Even if it is completely mixed.

 After completing this step, pour the beaten egg liquid into it. No need to add water, and knead the dough until it is semi-wet. At this time, there will be a "ding" sound, and the nuts are baked.

Si Ningning scraped off the excess noodles with his hands, turned around and took out the tray with tongs, poured the nuts into the nuts to let them cool down a little, then weighed them on the scale. It was 315 grams, which was about the same as expected.

Si Ningning picked up one and tasted it. The nuts were as crispy as before, but they lacked the sweetness of fresh nuts and had a more mellow aroma of nuts.

Si Ningning poured the nuts onto the chopping board and pressed them with the side of the kitchen knife. The roasted nuts were very crisp, and they turned into crushed nuts with just a little pressure.

Si Ningning added the nut kernels to the pre-kneaded dough and continued to knead until the nuts were evenly crushed. Then he kneaded the entire dough into a long strip as thick as his wrist, wrapped it in plastic wrap, and carefully transferred it to the freezer layer of the refrigerator to freeze for ten seconds. Minutes to cure.

Si Ningning prepared the baking tray. After ten minutes, he took out the long, slightly solidified dough, removed the plastic wrap, and sliced ​​it into 0.5 cm thick slices.

Si Ningning did not cut all the dough, but left one third of the dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap and put it to one side. Turn your hand and place the cut slices neatly on the tray, push it into the oven and bake at a high temperature of 160 degrees for 20 minutes.

Different from the buns that failed to be baked before, the cookies are similar to this one. Si Ningning had time in private home economics classes before and received praise from the teacher, so this time she was very happy with the nut cookies. confident.

After tidying up the cooking table and putting all the utensils back to their original places, Si Ningning washed his hands, took out two pieces of absorbent paper to dry his hands, crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can. Listen to the "ding~" sound to remind the oven to complete the operation in 20 minutes.

Si Ningning turned around in response, took the clamp and eagerly opened the oven door.

Si Ningning was not afraid at all when the hot breath hit his face. He quickly picked out the tray and transferred it to the marble table twice to dissipate the heat.

Babies who have an oven can practice it



 (End of this chapter)

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